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Emperor Xin already knew that after the Conferred God, the prehistoric world would collapse.

Otherwise, in the original story line, why did Hongjun only appear after the prehistoric world was broken?

Wasn't it to eliminate all unfavorable factors.

At the same time, divide the luck of the earthly immortals?

In this way, the entire prehistoric world has completely become a plaything in the palm of his hand.

The prehistoric world fell into peace for a short time.

But all living beings know that behind the peace, it foreshadows a great war.

Therefore, every living being is practicing madly.

In the land of Xiqi, the method of practicing the way of enlightenment is practiced.

The land of the Shang Dynasty is practicing the human way of cultivation madly.

For a while, the luck of the entire prehistoric world rose.

Bajing Palace.

Ji Fa sat here, and in front of him was the Taiqing Saint.

Now Ji Fa has become the second disciple of the Taiqing Saint, and Taiqing Yanming taught him personally.

Now the Human Religion has absorbed the Xiqi human race, making the Human Religion's luck become lively.

Now that Jifa has become a disciple, the luck of Xiqi has been eaten up by the Saint Taiqing.

"Jifa, since you are the second disciple of this Saint, you should practice well. I will do everything I can to help you improve your cultivation in the shortest time and then kill the Human King."

"Master, I know."

The Saint Taiqing nodded, opened one hand, and saw only a golden pill emerging.

"Take this pill, it can help you cleanse your marrow, remove the dross, and make your practice more effective."

Looking at the round golden pill, King Wu Jifa's eyes were straightened instantly.

This scene made Taiqing smile slightly.

As long as there is greed, it will be easier to control.

After getting Taiqing's permission, Jifa swallowed it in one gulp.

It immediately turned into a majestic and gentle force that swept through his body.

A comfortable moan came from the heart, making people feel like ascending to heaven.

Then a large amount of black impurities overflowed.

The whole Bajing Palace was filled with a foul smell.

However, the Saint Taiqing smiled slightly, and the stench instantly dissipated.

In a moment, Jifa felt a sense of relief all over his body.

And his cultivation had improved.

"Thank you, Master."

He was happy that his strength had improved, and when he met the Human King again, he would.

Jifa believed that he could kill him with one sword.

"Well, not bad."

The Saint Taiqing nodded, and then said:

"Jifa, now you have cleansed your essence and marrow, and your potential has been brought to the limit. In time, it is not a problem to become a quasi-saint. When the time comes, the master will prepare a magic treasure for you and let you cut the corpse."

Hearing this, Jifa knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times excitedly.

Seeing this, Taiqing laughed, but he knew in his heart that Jifa had been sold and was still helping to count the money.

"Very good, very good."

With a single hand, a long sword appeared in Taiqing's hand.

"Jifa, this sword was refined for me. It has the luck of the human race. It can be your sword. Please keep it."

Jifa excitedly took the sword and looked at it. It was crystal clear and shining.

The moment he grabbed the hilt, it was as if heaven and man were one.

"Good sword, good sword. From now on, I will call you Wu Wang Sword. Thank you, Master."

After the words fell, Wu Wang Sword made a faint sound.

This made Jifa even more excited.

"The sword is spiritual, the sword is spiritual. Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

Jifa kowtowed hurriedly. This is a good sword.

"Disciple, there is no need to be polite. This is what a master should do. This sword is a treasure acquired after birth. As long as it is used properly, it can help you overcome all obstacles and unify the human race in the prehistoric world."

Wu Wang was very excited.

But this is not over yet.

"Disciple, you are the King of Xiqi Wu, and you will be the leader of the human race in the future. Now I will start to teach you the skills and help you practice."

The Taiqing Saint pointed with one hand, and a lot of information went straight to the King of Wu's mind, and then said:

"Disciple, remember, practice quickly. Now the King of Humanity has the protection of the Great Dao, and we are not convenient to take action. Once the King of Humanity starts practicing, the speed will not be slower than you, and the human way of practice has been popularized. Although the prehistoric world is quiet now, it will soon be a great war. You have to speed up."

As he said, the figure of the Taiqing Saint disappeared, but a voice still came.

"The master will watch you practice. If you don't understand, the master will answer you."

"Thank you, Master."

The King of Wu kowtowed again and then began to practice.

On the other side, other saints also got some human beings to join the religion.

The luck has also improved a lot.

After Nuwa founded the Creation Religion, a large number of demons in the prehistoric world joined the Creation Religion.

This doubled Nuwa's strength and luck.

But the hatred for the King of Man was not low.

And Yuanshi Tianzun, whenever he saw the current state of the Chan Sect, he wanted to vomit in his heart.

Although some of the human race was obtained, the vast majority were still the demon race.

How could Yuanshi Tianzun accept this?

For a moment, not only did his hatred for the King of Man deepen again, but he also hated Taiqing.

He hated Nuwa even more.

If Taiqing hadn't been clever and taken the lead in recruiting disciples in Xiqi.

How could the Chan Sect be like this now?

Now that the demon race has been accepted into the Chan Sect, they will all pay tribute to Nuwa, which is not what Yuanshi Tianzun wants to see.

But the matter has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

He can only bury endless hatred in his heart.

However, the two saints in the West breathed a sigh of relief.

A large number of demons entered Western Buddhism, which filled some gaps.

And compared with the past, the number of Buddhist disciples has almost doubled.

In addition, the human race in Xiqi entered Buddhism.

This laid the foundation for the future prosperity of Buddhism.

In this way, the luck of the saints is slowly improving.

The endless creatures in the prehistoric world are starting to practice.

The luck of Xiqi is also slowly increasing, which makes the saints nod their heads.

However, when they looked at the Yin Shang land, their faces turned black.

Endless creatures practiced human skills, and all the luck was gathered to the king of man.

From a little bit at the beginning, to more and more later.

Finally, it turned into a surging river.

The luck of Yin Shang also slowly improved from the beginning, and finally turned into boiling, and began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All of a sudden, the saints couldn't sit still.

They had to find a way to stop it, otherwise the saints would die.

"You all should hurry to Zixiao Palace."

Instantly, the voice of Hongjun of Zixiao Palace resounded throughout the prehistoric world.

It seems that Hongjun is also anxious.

The endless creatures of the prehistoric world stopped practicing and looked up.

"Is the war going to start again?"

"Damn you saints of the heavens, it's rare for the prehistoric world to be peaceful, and we finally have time to practice, why are you making trouble?"

The endless creatures cursed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

After all, that was Hongjun, and those were the saints of the heavens.

Only a few streams of light were seen heading straight for Zixiao Palace.

Similarly, Emperor Xin also heard this voice.

"Haha, you finally can't sit still? It seems that I have to start planning too."

Turning around, he went straight to the main hall.

"Where is Wen Zhong?"

"Your Majesty, I am here."

"I will be away for a while. You are in charge of all matters concerning the Shang Dynasty."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

I only saw Emperor Xin transform into his true body of killing, rushing out of Chaoge City quickly and heading straight for the Fire Cloud Cave.

After seeing this scene, Master Tongtian also stopped what he was doing.

He looked up and saw the Human King Emperor Xin driving the Killing Dragon straight to the Fire Cloud Cave.

"Human King, is it going to start again?"

Tightly holding the Qingping Sword, Master Tongtian burst into fighting spirit.

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