Hong Huang: I am the king of men, and I will overthrow all the saints in the heavens.

Chapter 107 The Three Emperors are stupid, they believe in the saints but not the human king

The plain voice echoed through the Fire Cloud Cave.

After hearing this, the three emperors were so angry that they vomited blood instantly.

"Human King, you...you bastard."

"Human King, you are a sinner of the human race, you are such an obstacle——"

"Human King, you have done wrong to the human race. You are in vain to be the human king."

There were constant angry roars coming from the Fire Cloud Cave.

The whole sky turned into darkness.

There were bursts of thunder.

At this moment, the prehistoric human race felt depressed in their hearts.

The three emperors were angry and heartbroken, implicating the entire human race.

Although it can't be a scene where the human king is angry.

But those are also the three emperors of the human race.

When the saints in the heavens saw this scene, they knew that they had won the bet.

I thought Di Xin would explain it, but I never thought that Di Xin would directly admit it.

Just right.

"Human King, the matter has come to this, what else do you have to say? And the three emperors of the human race, now you have heard that what we and the saints say is true."

Saint Taiqing added insult to injury and wanted to cut off the last ties.

Yuanshi Tianzun also said:

"Three emperors of the human race, it is really hard for you to guard the fate of the human race. We and the saints can see it. The human race is the protagonist of the prehistoric era. However, how can such a foolish king like the human king appear? We and the saints really can't stand it. However, this is the human race. For what is within the scope of duty, we can only launch the Conferring God Calamity, carry out King Wu's defeat of Zhou, overthrow the tyranny, and restore peace and prosperity to the human race. "

Jie Yin Zhunti also said:

"Three emperors of the human race, it is not the wish of the saints like us to let the human race suffer. However, the king of humanity is so cruel and cruel that we, the saints, really can't stand it any longer. I hope the three emperors will consider it carefully."

"Yes, we and other saints have worked hard for the human race sincerely. Nuwa created humans and gave life to the human race. Saint Taiqing came to the human race in person to teach the human race. Yuanshi Tianzun also established religions for the human race, explained the secrets of heaven, and guided the great prosperity of the human race. There are also I, the Second Saint of the West, have also worked hard and made great achievements. However, the human king is tyrannical and has made the human race suffer. Now I am helpless. "

All the saints, your words and my words resounded in the hearts of the three emperors.

The Three Emperors were so angry that Di Xin was the sinner of the human race.

These words also resounded in Di Xin's heart.

"That's enough, please shut up."

With a cry of anger, the hatred in Di Xin's heart reached its limit.

"Isn't it the work of you and other saints to do such a thing to me? Didn't it be you who bewitched me when I offered incense to Nuwa's palace? The so-called concubine is just a nine-tail sent by Nuwa. The demon fox descended to disturb the Yin Shang Dynasty, otherwise how could Gu do such a thing? "

Di Xin was furious, what a face.

Looking at it coldly, he remembered all this scene in his heart, and then explained:

"Three emperors of the human race, although I did the truth, I was deceived by the saints. I hope you can distinguish right from wrong."

"Human King, shut up."

The Three Emperors were angry and shouted:

"You are a human king, how can the saints deceive you? What is your intention?"


A certain string in Di Xin's heart was touched. The three emperors didn't believe in Gu?

Would you rather believe in these hypocritical saints than believe in Gu?

Di Xin was exhausted mentally and sadly, and had no intention of refuting.

It seems that placing hope on the Three Emperors is a mistake.

If the Three Emperors do not come out, the human race will not be able to survive this disaster.

There is still hope for humanity to fully awaken, but now is not the time to fully awaken.

Otherwise, it will be forcibly controlled by the law of heaven, which will take time.

However, at this time, Di Xin didn't know if he could still withstand it.

"Human King, get out of here."

Suddenly, the angry roar of the Three Emperors came from the Fire Cloud Cave.

"That's right, today I and the Third Emperor will clean up the house with my own hands."

Anger and hatred burst out at this moment.

All the saints in the heavens are waiting for this sentence.

The human king has a special status. All the saints dare not kill him, only Ji Fa can kill him.

But Ji Fa is not strong enough now.

There is no other way except for the Three Emperors to activate the destiny of the human race to destroy the human king.

"Hahaha, well, you are worthy of being the Three Emperors. Well, you will also kill Gu. Well done. You would rather believe in these hypocritical saints than Gu. Gu is the king of humans and the king of the human race."

Di Xin's voice trembled, and he experienced unprecedented frustration at this moment.

Two lines of blood and tears were shed, and Di Xin gave up.

Abandoned the Three Emperors.

"Human King, stop talking nonsense, why don't you come in and accept punishment?"

"Human King, today we and the Three Emperors are going to exercise the rights of the Three Emperors and deprive you of your title of Human King. Come in -"

The sound was like thunder, resounding among the saints.

Di Xin's heart ached when he heard it, it hurt a lot, he was the king of humans, the king of the human race.

But he never thought that the Three Emperors would depose him.

All he saw was that Di Xin's eyes were red, and an evil spirit was rising into the sky.

"Come in? Haha, what a big tone, three emperors of the human race? Are you even worthy of it? Who in the ancient world can dethrone the title of Solitary King? Not Hongjun, not all the saints, and even more not you three emperors."

The last shout came out directly.

All living beings exploded on the spot.

The saints vaguely felt that Di Xin was going crazy.

Everyone began to be on guard. Di Xin's words were indeed true. Who dared to dethrone the human king in the wild world?

Ji Fa? Count a ball.

"You human king, you are still stubborn, why don't you come in?"

"Hahaha, hahaha."

The Human King laughed wildly, and the saints immediately retreated. They knew that Di Xin was going to go crazy.

"Come in? Are you worthy? Now that the human race is in danger, the saints bewitched Gu and confused Gu's mind, leading to the destruction of Yin and Shang Dynasties that Gu almost harmed. Now that Gu has awakened, who else dares to order Gu? King Ji of Xiqi Wu Fa, knelt down to the saint, and was willing to call himself the emperor. The backbone of the human race was bent by him, and the dignity of the human race was trampled under his feet. Gu finally straightened his bent spine again. Now Gu Guzhang Nanming needs help, but he never thought about it. The emperor doesn’t believe in Gu, and now he wants to kill Gu.”

The more Di Xin talked, the more excited he became, but it frightened the saints.

I secretly thought that it was not good. Once the Three Emperors learned the truth, it would be difficult to deal with it.

"Human King, you are so brave. Even now you still want to distort the facts."

"Human King, you are the human king, blessed by the power of the human king. When will we and the saints be able to deceive you? Don't confuse the public with your evil words here."

The saints were anxious and scared, but Di Xin burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, what? Are you all the saints afraid? Are you afraid that Gu will tell the truth and your plans will be in vain? It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous. The saints are hypocritical and the three emperors are stupid. As expected, the human race still has to rely on itself, ha. Ha ha."

Di Xin laughed crazily, and then shouted loudly:

"What a good Three Emperors of the human race. Since you are not willing to help, and I will not force myself to do anything, when the human race collapses, you should not regret it. And you and all the saints in the heavens, you are just afraid that I will have a way out. So I am so lonely. Let me tell you today, even if the human race fights to the death, Gu will fight back crazily before dying, and Gu will not retreat. "

Di Xin's determination frightened the saints, and they sensed the human king's will to die.

"Di Xin, you bastard, you will plunge the entire human race into a place of eternal disaster. You will bring disaster to the human race."

"Di Xin, you, a sinner of the human race, do you really want to trick the human race to death so that you can feel at ease?"

Whether it is the saints of the heavens or the three emperors.

I was scared at this moment.

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