Hong Huang: I am the king of men, and I will overthrow all the saints in the heavens.

Chapter 109 Do you know you are wrong? No, you know you are afraid.

At this moment, Emperor Xin burned everything crazily.

Burning the luck of the human race, burning the profound meaning of the human orthodoxy, and burning his own blood of the human king.

Even more so, burning his own life span.

Emperor Xin knew that if the Three Emperors did not come out, the human race would be defeated.

He was just an ordinary person, how could he fight against the saints in the heavens?

Only by using his own life could he drag down the saints to be buried with him.

Only by dying in the battle of the saints could he change the situation and let the chaos repeat in the prehistoric world.

"Human King, you are crazy, what are you going to do?"

"Damn it, the human king is desperate, and this human king wants to use our hands to commit suicide."

"What? Human King, you are so cruel, you are going to let the whole prehistoric world be buried with you."

The saints panicked, and the Three Emperors were also terrified.

Is this still the incompetent and lawless human king?

Is he really wrong?

Only the voice of the human king Emperor Xin resounded.

"The human race would rather be destroyed than become your pawns. The human race would rather bury everything than let your conspiracy succeed. Let the entire prehistoric world be buried with the human race."

Emperor Xin attacked with a suicidal attack.

The saints were scared.

I remembered what the human king Emperor Xin said when he broke through the situation in Chaoge City.

Is the human race without the human king still the human race? Is the prehistoric world without the human race still the prehistoric world?

In this case, let the prehistoric world be destroyed.

At this moment, the saints were scared again.

I didn't expect that this was Emperor Xin's last trump card.

"Human King, you bastard——, you are the sinner of the prehistoric world——."

"Hahaha, so what if you are a sinner? The prehistoric human race would rather die than let you succeed. All the saints in the heavens, go to hell."


In an instant, the terrifying power of the human king broke out.

The terrifying energy around Emperor Xin was raging wildly.

The whole body expanded wildly.

"No, Emperor Xin is going to self-destruct."

"What? Stop him quickly, otherwise Emperor Xin's soul will be destroyed and the prehistoric world will be doomed."

The Tai Chi diagram and Pangu Banner attacked quickly, trying to stop Emperor Xin.

"Hahaha, I can't stop it, you can't stop it, the power of the human king is going backwards, there is no way to save the situation, hahaha."

The saints were frightened and pale.

"No, no, human king, please stop, we will retreat immediately."

"That's right, human king, you can't self-destruct, you bastard."

"We know we are wrong, stop quickly--."

The saints were very anxious, and they were really scared at this moment.

"Haha, you know you are wrong? No, you are afraid, you are afraid of the destruction of the prehistoric world, you are afraid that all your plans will go to waste, hahaha."

Emperor Xin laughed wildly, and his body swelled but still couldn't be stopped.

The saints were really anxious, and Hongjun of Zixiao Palace couldn't sit still.

"Damn it, Human King, you damn bastard."

The power of the Human King is going backwards, and even Hongjun can't stop it. When the time comes, one of the three paths of heaven, earth and man is missing, and the situation of the prehistoric world will change.

"Human King, what will it take for you to stop?"

"Hehe, I won't stop. I said that the human race without the Human King is no longer the human race, and the prehistoric world without the human race is no longer the prehistoric world. I said that I will use the blood of the Human King to awaken the prehistoric creatures. I will use the life of the Human King to tell all living beings that the human race cannot be bullied, even if the prehistoric world is destroyed, the prehistoric human race is still not bullied--."

It's over

This is the only thought in the hearts of the saints.

They know that this is Emperor Xin using his last life to defend the dignity of the human race.

At this moment, they are really scared.

"Three emperors of the human race, can't you see it now? Don't come out to help the Human King, otherwise the Human King will be destroyed and the human race will be destroyed."

Suddenly a roar came.

The next moment, Tongtian Sect Master came.

"I am the Heavenly Saint Master Tongtian, the Three Emperors of the Human Race. If you don't come out of the Fire Cloud Cave for the Human Race, what are you waiting for?"

As he spoke, the terrifying holy power spread throughout the prehistoric world.

He went straight to the Fire Cloud Cave.

At this moment, no one stopped him, and no one wanted the prehistoric world to be destroyed.


The Fire Cloud Cave trembled.

The Three Emperors of the Human Race were also horrified. Is this the voice of Master Tongtian?

"If you don't come out, what are you waiting for——."

The terrifying holy power carried Pangu's original spirit and burned, and Master Tongtian's voice reached the depths of the Three Emperors' hearts.

An irresistible force came instantly.

The Three Emperors looked at each other.

"Come out."

Even if the human race's luck dissipated, what could it do? At least the human race could still survive.

If the Human King exploded and died, the human race would be directly destroyed.

In addition to the influence of Master Tongtian's original spirit Pangu, the Three Emperors moved instantly.


The Fire Cloud Cave exploded instantly.

"I am Suiren, the Heavenly Emperor of the Human Race."

"I am Shennong, the Earth Emperor of the Human Race."

"I am Fuxi, the Human Emperor of the Human Race."

The Fire Cloud Cave exploded, and the Three Emperors of the Human Race were born.

Tongtian Sect Master burned Pangu's original spirit and forced the Three Emperors to be born.

Who dares not to obey in front of Pangu?

At this moment, the fate of the human race suppressed by the Three Emperors began to escape.

"Not good, the fate of the human race began to dissipate."

The Three Emperors were horrified.

"The fate of the human race will not dissipate, so we should find ways to stop the Human King from self-destructing, otherwise the prehistoric human race will be destroyed on the spot."

The voice of Tongtian Sect Master was heard.

The Three Emperors of the Human Race reacted.

"Human King, don't stop."

"Get out——."

Emperor Xin thundered like thunder, and his angry voice burst out.

Just now, Emperor Xin had already disowned the Three Emperors of the Human Race.

Tongtian Sect Master was anxious.

"Human King, for the sake of the human race, listen to the advice of my leader and quickly cooperate with the three emperors to stabilize the power of the Human King."

Then he anxiously said to the Three Emperors:

"The will of the three emperors, hurry up——"

At this moment, the Three Emperors reacted.

Only the endless golden light burst out from the Three Emperors.

It seemed like I was back after the lich calamity.

Waves of simple and old atmosphere came over.


But still unable to do so, the three emperors jumped on the spot anxiously.

"Master Tongtian, what should we do?"

"Hey, the King of Humans is determined to die. Unless the King of Humans cooperates, no one can control the power of the King of Humans."


The Three Emperors regretted it. If they had known this, why were they so aggressive?

Now that they saw the scene in front of them, what didn't they understand?

The faces of the saints fell into their eyes at this moment.

As soon as they came out of the Fire Cloud Cave, they understood a lot of things.

Although I don’t know the details, I do know that the Human King has completely awakened and is no longer the foolish tyrant he once was.

But at this moment, there is no way to recover.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

The three emperors were afraid.

The saints were scared, and even Hongjun was extremely anxious.

They all understand that the King of Humans is determined to die unless the King of Humans cooperates.

Otherwise, no one in the wild world can interfere with the power of the human king.

Even if the way of heaven forcibly interferes, it will lead to the punishment of the great way.

Suddenly at this moment, in the six realms of reincarnation, the ancestral witch Houtu opened his eyes.

"Human King, no."

The terrifying ancestral witch's momentum exploded, but it didn't work at all.

Above the sea of ​​blood, a dharma image suddenly rose.

The six paths of reincarnation emerge.

The terrifying power of reincarnation exploded.

“King of men, don’t—.”

The sound came, and even the tunnel reincarnation came over, constantly soothing the angry heart of the human king.

But it doesn't work.

"It's over, what should we do?"

The saints are afraid, the three emperors are afraid, is it a certain death situation?

The leader of Tongtian Cult was furious.

"It's all caused by you. If you didn't do it for your own selfishness, especially the human kings? And you three emperors, you are the three emperors of the human race. You don't believe in your own human race, but you actually believe in this hypocritical saint. This It's your fault."

Hearing this, the Three Emperors lowered their heads in shame.

Only to see the leader of Tongtian Cult take a big breath, and the terrifying holy throne explodes and goes straight to Zixiao Palace.

"Hongjun, why don't you take action? Then let's let Chaos return to prehistoric times."

We can only place our hopes on Hongjun.

Suddenly a sigh came over me.

"Jie Yin Zhunti, get rid of your confusing words, let the creatures of the ancient world recover, and gather the endless power of the will of the creatures to appease the power of the human king."

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