Hong Huang: I am the king of men, and I will overthrow all the saints in the heavens.

Chapter 41 Emperor Xin's shocking plan, the vast Ancestral Witch Temple

As soon as these words came out, Ping Xin suddenly stood up, with holy power erupting around him, with a look of shock on his face.

"How to fight? But now the underworld has been plotted and there is no way to enter the wilderness."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•œ๐•’๐•Ÿ.๐•”๐• ๐•ž]

Di Xin did not reply, but looked at Ping Xin and said after a long time:

"It depends on whether you dare to take a gamble."

After that, continue drinking tea.

Of course Di Xin knew that the Conferred God Tribulation would never stop here.

It will not be limited to prehistoric killings.

Emperor Xin had a vague feeling that the prehistoric killing calamity would increase as the Conferred God Calamity continued.

In the end, it is very likely to turn into a massacre.

"Well, yes, it's a good tea, on par with Master Tongtian's spiritual tea."

Seeing Di Xin so calm and calm made Ping Xin uneasy.

"I wonder, does the Human King have any arrangements? It would be okay if the underworld could enter the ancient wilderness, but now that the tunnel has been plotted, it is impossible to reappear in the ancient wilderness."

"Why not?"

Of course Di Xin knew that the tunnel had been plotted, and so had the Wu clan.

Unless there is an immeasurable calamity, once you appear in the wilderness, you will be punished by God.

Ping Xin cannot bear this price, even if he is a saint, he cannot bear it.

Ping Xin understands this truth.

However, seeing Di Xin being so dull at this moment, Feng Chen's passion exploded at this moment.

There was no need to doubt that the Human King was taking pleasure in her.

Itโ€™s not that the King of Humans has no brains.

Otherwise, how could the King of Humans prevent Lutaiโ€™s self-immolation ending?

Otherwise, how could the human king defeat all the saints in the heavens and make them flee in embarrassment?

Otherwise, how can the human king start the great slaughter and force the great road to come out?

"Human King, please help me. The underworld is not willing to be plotted, and the Wu clan is not willing to withdraw from the wilderness."

Pingxin bowed suddenly.

"I would also like to ask the human king to give me some advice."

What Di Xin wants is a calm attitude.

Although he had taken action to kill the demon soul before, he stood by his side.

But this moment is no longer what it used to be, and there are so many things involved.

A little carelessness will lead to disaster.

"I can't talk about guidance, but to be honest, if you are completely on Gu's side, then you will face all the saints in the future, maybe Hongjun Taoist, more likely the prehistoric heaven. Once you fail, not only Itโ€™s your underworld, and even the remnants of the Wu clan will be wiped out.โ€

Looking at Ping Xin, Di Xin said word by word:

Do you still want to join forces with Gu? "

The Human King looked at Ping Xin and gave Ping Xin enough to think about.

After all, this is no small matter.

However, I never thought that Pingxin's answer would be very decisive.

"Joining hands, if the Six Paths of Reincarnation is being plotted all the time, it doesn't matter even if it collapses. There is still a Witch Clan left. If it continues to linger, it is better to die vigorously. Besides, the King of Humans is not afraid, so what else is there to be afraid of? "

Just die? Who is afraid of whom?

Anyway, after death, everything disappears. If you can be buried with him, it's not a loss.

"That's good. If that's the case, you and I will join forces and beat him to pieces. At worst, this world will be in chaos again."

As he spoke, Di Xin was full of fighting spirit.

Pingxin saw hope. The Wu clan was never afraid of challenges, nor was it afraid of death.

"Okay, it's just not enough for us to join forces."

Nowadays, no one can bring it to the table except myself.

Pingxin was trapped in the underworld, and if he wanted to be born, he needed a reasonable reason.

Otherwise it is death.

As for the leader of Tongtian?

There is only one chance left to take action.

Once he takes action, he will completely cut off his arm.

Di Xin needs to plan well.

"We still need to find some help."

After hearing this, Ping thought about it, but he couldn't find any help.

Suddenly Di Xin said:

"Honestly, after you become a saint, do you know where your drop of ancestral witch essence and blood will be? And where will the essence and blood of your other brothers and sisters be?"

Hearing this, Ping Xin was stunned.

"Human King, could it be that you want to recreate the ancestral witch style?"

"That's right, the Wu Clan is fighting in the world and needs them."

But how easy is this?

I only saw Pingxin smile bitterly and say:

"My own drop of ancestral witch essence and blood is placed in the Yama Hall. As for the essence and blood of other brothers and sisters, they have been taken away by Hongjun, haha."

A tear fell, and Ping Xin understood that this was Hongjun's intention to completely cut off their witch clan.

Even if it reaches immeasurable calamities, as long as Hongjun does not release the essence and blood of the ancestral witches, the witch clan can only be wiped out.

After all, they are all chess pieces.

After hearing this, Di Xin instantly had an idea in his mind.

"Let's go and see that drop of blood."


The two came to the Yama Hall.

Before he got close, Di Xin felt the majestic momentum.

"The Hall of the King of Hell is indeed extraordinary, but it would be better to call it the Ancestral Witch Temple."

But Pingxin smiled bitterly:

"That's all the style of the past. Now we can only survive by curling up in this tunnel."

Yes, the Ancestral Witch Temple was transformed from Pangu's skull, and it was Pangu's remains.

(PS: There are different opinions about the Temple of the Ancestral Witches. I will only take one for a formality. There is no need to take it seriously.)

Even if Pangu's will dissipates, who would dare to take advantage of Pangu's remains?

Therefore, Hongjun made a plan to let the Ancestral Witch Temple follow Pingxin into reincarnation and become the Hall of the King of Hell.

Ping was helpless, but Di Xin saw hope.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Walking into the Yama Hall, I came to a pool of blood.

A huge heart is placed there, and below the heart is the drop of ancestral witch essence blood.

"That is the essence blood of the ancestral witch, and this is the heart of God the Father. It's just that after the Lich calamity, the will of God the Father dissipated, and the heart of God the Father stopped."

Although the beating stopped, Pangu's aura was still there.

It's just that the prehistoric times have changed drastically, and this momentum can no longer make waves.

Sad, sad!

After a long time, Di Xin said slowly:

"Happy, restart the ancestral witch essence and blood, right in this ancestral witch temple."

"Is this okay?"

Pingxin was excited. If it was really possible, I would love it.

"Of course you can, but you still need a primordial spirit, a pure ancestral witch primordial spirit."

However, as soon as these words came out, Pingxin shook his head:

"Where is the soul of the ancestral witches? When I was reincarnated, my soul of the witch race had changed and I could no longer return to this essence and blood."

After Houtu transformed into reincarnation and became a plaything of heaven, how could Hongjun let Pingxin Yuanshen go?

At first Hou Tu was kind and willing to reincarnate, but the moment he entered the six paths of reincarnation.

Only then did he react and was put in a position by Hongjun.

Although he became a saint, it was Hongjun's compensation for himself.

But only Pingxin understands that he has suffered a big loss.

It's just that what has happened is irreversible.

"Really? What if Gu could give you a soul?"


Di Xin looked at Ping Xin and said slowly:

"This soul is here alone to think of a solution, and what you have to do is not to let this secret be exposed, otherwise everything we do will end up in vain."

Di Xin knew that in the underworld, it seemed that Pingxin was at home, but in fact all the saints in the sky had chess pieces.

A little carelessness will lead to disaster.

"Okay, I will keep it a secret."

Pangu's will has disappeared, but after all, it was transformed from Pangu's remains.

How can all the saints look at it?

As long as this secret does not leave the Ancestral Witch Temple, no one will know it.

Otherwise, why would Hongjun want Pingxin to do his calculations to death?

However, Di Xin understood that a single ancestral witch could not change the situation of the war at that time.

Di Xin wanted to bring the entire Wu clan back to its primeval times.

"This is not enough, we still need help."

Di Xin murmured to himself, but was heard by Ping Xin:

"Human King, I don't know what else needs to be done?"

With a long sigh, Di Xin said:

"It won't be long before a great war will break out. At that time, we will fight against all the saints in the sky, but Ji Fa's army and the disciples of Chanjiao are unstoppable."

Di Xin understood that once the war started, he would have no time to care about anyone else.

Although the Yin and Shang dynasties had many powerful people joining them.

But the number of sentient beings who have been enlightened is countless.

Among them, the twelve golden immortals are considered a thorn in Emperor Xin's side and must be pulled out.

Jiejiao exists in name only and has no generals available. Once a war breaks out, how will the Yin and Shang dynasties resist Ji Fa's army?

Di Xin was forced to focus on the underworld.

"I need to restart the Twelve Great Witches to fight against the Twelve Golden Immortals."

Yes, this is another purpose of Di Xin coming to reincarnation.

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