Hong Huang: I am the king of men, and I will overthrow all the saints in the heavens.

Chapter 61: The two saints of the West made another fifty great wishes and fell into a loan scam

Taiqing understood. Fortunately, he had the foresight to take the Kongtong Seal.

But I still felt a little confused.

"Teacher, Tongtian Jiejiao has existed in name only, and now he actually disobeys God and wants to restore Jiejiao. Why doesn't Teacher just slap him to death?"

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun was furious and said:

"That's right. Since he has been destroyed, why doesn't he accept his fate? How great would it be if Teacher Jie just destroyed Jie Jiao directly?"

However, Hongjun was a little unhappy:

"Stupid, Dao fifty, Tianyan forty-nine, escape to give all living beings a glimmer of life. The secret of interception is to intercept the vitality of heaven and earth. Now the leader of Tongtian has found the glimmer of vitality through the human king Di Xin, and he has become a teacher again How can it be destroyed? It goes against the law of heaven.”

Come on, all the saints felt uncomfortable instantly.

This damn Tongtian Cult Master, why do you seize every opportunity?

"Teacher, isn't there a way to completely eliminate Jie Jiao?"

Yuanshi Tianzun is worried. If the Jie Jiao is not extinguished, he will suffer disaster if he explains the Jiao.

"Since the beginning of the great slaughter and calamity, the king of men standing in the sky has already caught the escaping one. If he wants to destroy the Jiejiao, there is no other way until the Yin and Shang dynasties perish."

Hongjun did not dare to directly destroy all Jiejiao, otherwise he would be punished by heaven.

Hongjun couldn't bear it.

After the saints heard this, they felt the pressure increase.

Unexpectedly, the final key is to confer the gods and measure the calamity.

It turned out that Jiejiao existed in name only.

It turned out that Emperor Xin had set himself on fire in Lutai.

However, something unexpected happened, and Di Xin suddenly broke the fatal situation.

Instead, the saints in the heavens were disgraced.

It even collapsed the saints' monastery and even almost cut off the saints' orthodoxy.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun felt so powerless.

Every time I deal with the Human King, I end up defeated. If this goes on for a long time, what will happen?

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was originally full of confidence, began to worry at this moment.

"I dare to ask the teacher, just now the disciple and the Human King fought to the death, and the Human King was obviously dead, but he actually came back to life. Is it true that as long as the creatures of the ancient world are still there, the Human King is really immortal?"

After asking the doubts in his heart, Yuanshi Tianzun was afraid.

I only heard Hongjun say:

"The Human King started the prehistoric killing calamity, followed the Xuanyuan Road again, stopped killing with killing, and forcibly plundered the luck. During the killing calamity, whenever a living being dies, his luck will be attributed to the Human King. In a sense, The living being is immortal, and the king of men is immortal.”

Upon hearing this, the saints instantly collapsed.

How can he fight like this?

"But there's no need to worry."

Hongjun's words instantly ignited hope for all the saints.

"This has to have a premise. When the human king is about to die, the creatures in the ancient world must die. Otherwise, the human king has no luck to survive and will still die."

The saints understood.

Yuanshi Tianzun also reacted.

He and Di Xin had just fought to the death. The human king's luck had bottomed out, but the fighting energy was furious.

It caused the water of the Tianhe River to pour back, causing endless wind, water and fire to rage.

Caused the death of countless races in the wild.

In this way, the human king Di Xin received the blessing of luck.

In this way, the situation that was originally destined to die was forced to let the king survive.

In the end, he killed all the saints.

After figuring out the key, the angry Yuanshi Tianzun slapped himself hard several times.

He is just happy to help others.

During this dull period, something happened.

"Teacher, what should we do with our Western sect? The human king Di Xin has cut off the main artery of the Western sect. In a few days, the Western sect will be finished."

"Please ask the teacher to help."

Suddenly, Jieyin Zhunti burst into tears.

Hongjun suddenly looked unhappy.

I remember when Zixiao Palace heard the sermon, these two idiots were the ones crying and making noise to death.

Still coming now.

Angry Hongjun wanted to slap them to death.

But I finally endured it.

At the beginning, the Dao Demons fought against each other and fought with the Demon Ancestor Rahu in the Western World, destroying the Western Spiritual Veins.

This is what Hongjun owes them, otherwise why would Buddhism flourish after becoming a god?

This is the reason why Hongjun returned to them.


With a sigh, Hongjun said:

"The Western Orthodoxy has been cut off from its foundation by the King of Humans. If there is no way to repair it, the Western Orthodoxy is about to perish."

As soon as these words came out, Zhunti cried even louder.

"I hope the teacher can save my life. If the Western Orthodoxy disappears, how can we, our fellow apprentices, have the dignity to survive?"

"That's right, teacher. Once the Western Orthodoxy is destroyed, even if our senior brother explodes and dies, it won't be enough to make up for the mistake."

"This is asking us to die, wuwuwu..."

Suddenly, Zixiao Palace became a vegetable market.

"That's enough."

Suddenly Hongjun made a sound and then said:

"It's not that there is no solution. How can you cry and cry like this?"

"I hope the teacher can give me some advice."

Hongjun was helpless. He owed them this.

"Although the foundation has been destroyed, the Western saints are still there. With fifty more aspirations, the foundation of the Western sect can be restored."


Damn it?

After receiving the request, Zhunti fell to the ground in thunder.

Another fifty ambitions?

Are they treating them like animals?

"Teacher, is there no other way?"

"Yes, find the Human King and return the foundation of the Taoism to you."

"Well, forget it, let's make our ambitions bigger."

The two saints of the West are in trouble, and they are looking for the King of Man? Isn't that courting death?

Even if the King of Man is willing, are all the saints willing?

Are Hongjun willing?

Didn't you see the cannibalistic look in the Eastern saints' eyes at this time?

It's safer to make a great wish.

It's just hard for Jie Yin Zhunti.

None of the previous fifty great wishes were completed, and now there are fifty more great wishes.

This is really trapped in the interest-compounding loan scam.

But what else can be done? You can only accept your fate.

(PS: The two saints of the West are completely finished.)

The prehistoric land, the creatures are lively.

Although Hongjun cut off most of the luck of Jiejiao.

But Jiejiao finally survived.

Many creatures joined Jiejiao, although it also brought an improvement in the luck of Jiejiao.

However, because of Hongjun's move, countless creatures were timid.

Tongtian Jiaozhu was so angry that he cursed.

But he was generally happy in his heart.

Although it is not back to the past days when thousands of immortals came to worship the Jie Religion.

But at least the Jie Religion is not in name only.

Jie Religion is not a Western sect that has been cut off from its orthodox foundation.

The orthodox doctrine of Jie Religion has always existed and is intact.

For a while, Jin'ao Island became lively.

"This leader swears that he will do his best to train the current Jie Religion disciples and will never let the Conferred God Calamity affect them."

Thinking of this, the voice of Tongtian Sect Master suddenly resounded through Jin'ao Island:

"Jie Religion, listen to my order. From now on, the mountains and islands will be closed. If you don't leave the Jie Religion Dojo, you can avoid the prehistoric killing calamity."

The voice resounded everywhere.

"I will obey the leader's order."

Countless disciples saluted and responded to Tongtian Sect Master.

They are eager to live on this Jin'ao Island. Why go out? They are looking for death.

The previous Jie Religion disciples are role models.

Tongtian Sect Master is happy, Jie Religion disciples are happy.

But some people are not happy.

In Xiqi, Emperor Xin and Yuanshi Tianzun fought.

Cracks appeared in the prehistoric world and space collapsed.

Water from the Tianhe River backflowed, and the earth, wind, water, and fire were ruthlessly slaughtered.

The original million-strong Xiqi army suffered heavy losses.

They had to retreat to the Qishan area.

The cause of defeating Zhou could only continue to be planned.

Chaoge City.

After Emperor Xin returned here, he also understood Hongjun's calculations.

"Well calculated, cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron, forcing me to establish the secrets of the humane orthodoxy, so that the humane skills I created before will be useless."

He looked up at the direction of Chaos.

"Hongjun, you are really shrewd, but do you really think you can defeat me? How can you understand my talent?"

Isn't it just to re-create the humane skills?

Then it comes.

I am not afraid.

"I want to retreat, and you must not disturb me."

"Yes, my king."

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