All I saw was golden light flashing above the vast wilderness.

"Rebirth from the fire, broken and then established, using the dragon as a guide, using the endless acupoints as the source of power, and reborn, you can be a sage and invincible, and create a path for enlightenment and sainthood -"


It was like a bolt from the blue.

In an instant, Endless Honghuang felt the heat.

The power of the human king exploded crazily.

If there are no accidents, even if they only practice physical methods, human beings can achieve quasi-sage in the physical body.

Although not as good as the Twelve Ancestral Witches, under the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the human race is king.

But this is not the end.

If the technique created by the Human King was only this small, then so much luck would have been wasted.


On the thirty-third day of the palace, the Kongtong Seal erupted with thunderous sounds.

At the same time, the cracks were opening crazily.

The killing dragon is almost desperate to devour the luck of the human religion.

"Brother Taiqing, give up quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

"That's right, Senior Brother Taiqing, the King of Humans has already taught the physical skills, so it's too late to throw them away now. Otherwise, once the teaching is completed, where will there be room for us and others in this primitive world?"

The way of heaven is immortal, and the saints are immortal.

But that's just immortality. Once a large number of saints appear in the human race, will these heavenly saints still be considered a ball?

You can only behave with your tail between your legs.

But the human king has been offended so much that there is no room for turning around.

Once someone in the human race becomes a saint, they will be killed until they fall from the holy status and eventually be tortured to death alive.

"Taiqing, why are you still standing there? Why don't you give up?"

Hongjun was also anxious, and his voice was filled with anger.

How could the Taiqing Saint dare to be disobedient?

"Hey, that's all, time is destiny."

With a wave of one hand, the Kongtong Seal appeared directly above the wilderness.

"Human King, I will not let you succeed. I would rather collapse the Kongtong Seal than let you absorb the fate of the Human Sect."


In an instant, the Kongtong Seal exploded.


Human King Di Xin suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Taiqing, you bastard——."

The Kongtong Seal is the most precious treasure of the human race and was left behind by Pangu. Now that it has been destroyed by the Taiqing Dynasty, the Human King will certainly suffer backlash.

And the entire human race was punished.

Only a handful of human luck was seen dispersing at this moment.

Di Xin was furious.

The moment they saw the Kongtong Seal explode, a large number of people's luck collapsed.

"Slay the demon dragon and give it to Gu Tun."

I only saw that the fate of the human sect, which was about to collapse, rushed into the mouth of Di Xin's killing dragon.

"No, this is impossible. It has clearly collapsed, how can you still absorb it?"

Taiqing yelled crazily, thinking that he would rather ruin his luck than give someone to him.

"Hahaha, Taiqing, have you forgotten? Gu started the prehistoric catastrophe, and all the luck generated during the catastrophe belongs to Gu. Hahaha, Taiqing, thank you for your help -"


I heard a mouthful of old blood spitting out so clearly.

"Human King, you bastard, I will not spare you, I won't -"

He miscalculated, all the saints in the heavens miscalculated, and Hongjun also miscalculated.

"Damn it, it's so damned, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy, I actually forgot about this ancient killing calamity, King of Humans, you killed me today——"

Hongjun was furious, but Ren Wang's preaching could not be affected.

After Di Xin once again received terrible luck, he began to preach crazily again.

"Use yourself as the source of power, use the three hundred and sixty-five acupoints as the source of power, and use the endless cells of the body as the core of power to create endless power and extend a breath of immortality, endlessly -"

The sound penetrated the wilderness and resounded among all living beings.

Endless Life understands that this is the Qi Training Chapter of Humanity Kung Fu.


The sky exploded again, and only endless thunder roared crazily above the wild sky.

The shocked endless creatures opened their mouths.

"This is the jealousy of heaven. I am actually jealous of heaven."

"It's such a powerful Qigong practice that even Heaven is jealous. If the Human King hadn't interrupted him while he was preaching, I'm afraid Heaven wouldn't be able to help but kill the Human King."

Endless creatures were shocked, and I thought that becoming a saint in the physical body was already powerful.

But it was unimaginable that the current Qi training chapter would usher in Heavenly Jealousy.

After the Human King's explanation, they already knew the mysteries of the human body.

We also know what the cells of the human body are, and we also know that there are endless cells in the human body.

Life is endless, the battle is endless, the body is immortal, and the strength is immortal.

"Is this the human king's method of cultivating qi? Once the cultivation is completed, what is the use of this prehistoric spiritual energy?"

Leader Tongtian was shocked.

If you practice Taoism and Immortality yourself, how can you not know that the source of everything is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?

Even if they become saints, they can borrow the power of heaven.

But in the final analysis, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is still needed.

But he never thought that the Qi training method created by the King of Humans actually did not require the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


Suddenly, the vast wilderness trembled, and countless creatures became unstable.

"What's going on? Is there a big earthquake?"

"No, look at the sea of ​​blood."


The endless creatures looked around and saw the six paths of reincarnation slowly revealing themselves above the sea of ​​blood.

The living beings were shocked, and the saints in the heavens were even more shocked.

"Hingxin, you actually pulled out the Six Paths of Reincarnation. What on earth are you going to do?"

The saints are angry, do you want to help the evildoers in your right mind?

Tongtian Patriarch also looked over, his face changed greatly.

"Pingxin, why don't you send the Six Paths of Reincarnation back quickly? Once it affects the preaching of the Human King, you will be guilty of a great sin."

Hearing the voice of Tongtian Patriarch, Pingxin was also panicked.

"Patriarch, I didn't do that. The Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared by itself. I couldn't suppress it!"


Tongtian Patriarch was horrified.

"Could it be that the underground tunnel was also triggered? The underground tunnel is envious?"

In an instant, all the saints also reacted.

"Damn it, first the sky is jealous, then the underground tunnel is envious, Human King, you bastard."

"It's over, we are in danger."

The saints in the heavens regretted it very much at this moment. If they had known this, why did they suppress it?

If they had known this, why didn't they build a good relationship in advance?

Especially the two saints in the West, they regretted it so much at this moment.

Hongjun also regretted it.

The rise of humanity is unstoppable. If they had known this, what would be the harm in letting the Human King toss it?

Now, the King of Humans is forced into a desperate situation, and they have become enemies.

Only the voice of Emperor Xin can be heard everywhere in the prehistoric world:

"Use Qi to control the body, forge an invincible road, combine Qi and strength, and reach the limit of quasi-saints."

The Qi training chapter combined with the method of the physical body can reach the limit of quasi-saints.

Once the practice is completed, everyone can beat Xuandu, and everyone can be invincible under the saints.

I heard Tongtian Patriarch panting.

"Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, this is the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong? But why do I feel that the human Qi training method is even more terrifying than the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong?"

Faintly, Tongtian Patriarch felt that things were not over yet.

"Humans have three treasures, essence, energy and spirit, which is why essence and energy appear, and each one is more powerful than the other, so what about gods? What are gods?"

Tongtian Patriarch was scared and didn't dare to think about it, but there was a desire in his heart, and he wanted to know what gods were.

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