Chapter 356 Nothing, Ten Temples King Yama, I am familiar with Master

At this time, there are boundless seas, and a big ship is floating with the ups and downs of the waves.

While sitting on the boat, Lu Chen was staring at the corpse insects in his hands attentively, looking up at the water from time to time, as if he was in a certain position.

At this time, the corpse worm suddenly jumped, and then galloped away not far away, and then stopped at the beginning of the void and circled.

“That’s it!” Looking at the sea, Lu Chen’s face was surprised.

During this period of time, he tried more than a hundred methods of refining the demon master Kunpeng, but because of the huge gap in his own strength, it was even difficult to break through the demon master Kunpeng’s surface defense, let alone refine it.

After knowing that Kunpeng, the refining demon master, was not feasible, Lu Chen spent a lot of effort and escaped from Hangu Pass, decisively driving the ship and embarking on a journey of escape at sea.

After all, he didn’t dare to go to the land, where there was Zhang Guifang and Shura, no matter where he hid, he would be directly tied up with a cruel golden rope and dragged back to Hangu Pass.

Helpless Lu Chen planned to start the corpse search at sea this time, and waited for the strength to become stronger before going back.

Originally, his plan was to find an island where the strong might be buried, but when he passed by this boundless sea area, his corpse worm reacted.

Realizing that there was a strong body here, Lu Chen immediately prepared to go and explore.

Looking at the silly Da Zhou Wei Wei’s corpse next to him, Lu Chen opened his hand and scratched in the void, a black crack suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chen’s eyes.

“I remember the master gave me a water-repelling bead, where did it go??”

Lu Chen stretched out his hand and fumbled in the mustard space, and after a while, this was a light blue jade-like bead.

Sacrificing the water bead can open up a dry road in the great waves and walk in the water as if walking on a flat ground. You can get to the East China Sea even more, and you can enter the Dragon Palace. This is the legendary water bead.

According to legend, the inner alchemy of the aquatic clan and the eye of the dragon fish are the water bead.

After everything was ready, Lu Chen waved his hand to avoid the water drop, jumped into the water, and dived downward.

Although it is protected by water droplets, it has a radius of tens of feet, as if there is no doubt on the road, but the light is swaying like ripples in the water, and the line of sight is even darker.

This gave Lu Chen, who was constantly diving, the illusion that he was gradually digging into the mouth of the underwater giant beast.

The more you dive, the greater the water pressure, and the range of avoiding water droplets is also slowly shrinking.

At this time, Lu Chen is completely surrounded by darkness. In this environment, fear breeds. The shaking of the surrounding water will give Lu Chen the illusion that a giant water monster is swimming next to him. If it were not for the desire for the body of the strong and absolutely would not Assure of death, Lu Chen really didn’t dare to play like this.

With his unclear vision, Lu Chen offered something again, his fingers trembled, and there was a light in his palm, and there was a flame of about half a foot more in his palm.

However, the color of the flame is very green.

The name of this object is the magic lamp of the plague. All the creatures illuminated by the lamp of the plague will be dizzy and gloomy in the chest. Over time, the three souls gather and the seven souls are separated.

An aquamarine light illuminates the area of ​​about three feet in radius.

But at this moment, Lu Chen’s face suddenly turned pale.

Because not far from the light, a huge fisheye about three meters in diameter was watching him, and the blood lines in his eye sockets were clearly visible.

“Lying on the grass!” Lu Chen yelled, his heart pounding, and he almost fainted in shock.

However, this big fish didn’t even move at all, was disturbed by the strong light, flicked its tail, dived down quickly, and disappeared from Lu Chen’s sight in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the big fish leave, Lu Chen was still a little shocked.

He took out the corpse worm and saw it, and saw that the corpse tremor became more and more violent. It can be seen that the corpse on the bottom of the sea must be a peerless expert. For a while, he hesitated in his heart. He felt that even his master Lu Yue , I didn’t fight like this by myself. I dug the corpses into the sea. Does this count as business expansion?

“Anyway, I’m not afraid of death!” After gritting his teeth, Lu Chen began to dive down again.

Continuing to dive for about two hundred meters, a sense of pressure under the water appeared, making Lu Chen feel that his breathing was no longer smooth, but since he was already here, he naturally would not give up, and continued to go deeper, and behind him, big Zhou Xiaowei’s corpse also followed stupidly.

After continuing to dive for a while, a faint green light shone from the right side, shocking Lu Chen’s heart and turning his head to look.

A broken, decayed ship approached slowly from the right.

This ship seems to be old, and the hull is covered with a thick layer of green moss, but what makes Lu Chen feel weird is that there is a kerosene still emitting a green light on the broken mast of this ship. light.

With each sway of the kerosene lamp, the dark part of the hull’s interior appears from time to time, as if there are several black figures lurking, flaring their teeth and claws with each sway.

Such a weird scene made Lu Chen tremble.

“This is not The Underworld????”

“It’s okay, Master said that he is familiar with Yama of the Ten Temples of The Underworld, and it is no problem to get me out, no problem!” Lu Chen murmured a few words, cheering himself up.

As the seabed ship slowly approached, the corpse insects on Lu Chen’s body suddenly began to beat, violently beating, and even Lu Chen’s body began to tremble.

The body of the strong is in the ship? Lu Chen’s heart shuddered.

But the infiltrating ship in front of him made him hesitate inexplicably.

Looking at the ship about to row by, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and muttered in his heart, “Starve to death the coward, hold on to the courageous!”.

Then he reached out and grabbed the rotten wooden pole of the hull, and his figure slowly followed the ship forward.

After his stature stabilized, he slowly landed on the hull deck.

At this time, Lu Chen waved to the corpse of the Wei Wei, who was next to him.

Upon receiving the order, the corpse of Captain Zhou Wei immediately began to swim towards the inside of the hull, while Lu Chen slowly followed behind.

Being in the boundless darkness of the deep sea, the psychological pressure is undoubtedly tremendous. At this time, Lu Chen is in a horrible scene. This strange and terrifying atmosphere makes his spirit tense to the extreme.

“Huh~!” After taking a deep breath, Lu Chen began to swim towards the cabin after he eased his emotions.

As he went deeper, Lu Chen found that there were still small creatures living on moss in this decaying ship, but the internal space was very compact, all the objects had been corrupted, and they would disperse into a cloud of turbid debris when touched. .

The more he leaned inside, Lu Chen felt that the corpse worm on his body was shaking more.

When he came to a wooden door that had been corroded with several holes, Lu Chen stopped.

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