"The three religions once said that the human race will be the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao."

"Before that, there was a series of plans."

"One of them is the Master of the Human Emperor."

Xuan Du said quickly

"The teacher of the emperor?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Xuandu, please explain clearly.

Although the ancestors of the crowd now possess the power of the peak of quasi-saints, that was also given by the earth.

They lacked a process, so there are many secrets of heaven and earth that they don’t know at all.

In other words, as long as they are given time, they will know.

Unfortunately, what they lack most now is time.

"The protagonist of heaven and earth, blessed by heaven, is also the main direction of heaven's energy."

"Once you wait, everything will be easy, even gods and ghosts can't stop you"

"Even a saint...You have to retreat three steps!!"

"The Master of the Human Emperor is the one who guides the destiny of all human beings."

Xuan Du explained the meaning as simply as possible.

"Human Emperor?"

"But we don't have a human emperor."

"We don't have a human emperor, but we have the human race. How about the teacher of the human race?"

Qian Zu seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Xuan Du with his eyes sparkling.

"You can give it a try!!"

Xuan Du understood instantly.

"Xuandu, Qianzu, please stop playing dumb."

"Yes, what are you talking about? Come on, tell me."

Everyone was impatient.

Just because one more second wasted would be a huge burden for the tunnel.

"We don't have a human emperor, but our human race still exists."

"As long as we establish a human teacher to lead us out of the darkness, that will be our destiny."

"Since they want to use us, why can't we use them?"

When Qian Zu spoke, he pointed to the sky.

All of the human ancestors understood it instantly.

The Heavenly Dao wanted to use the human race to rule the prehistoric world, or to use the weak human race to control the human Dao.

But now, the human ancestors wanted to let nature take its course and borrow the power of the Heavenly Dao to help the Earthly Dao.

"Okay, well said."

"In this case, who do you think is the best teacher for the human race?"

"Needless to say, it is naturally the witch clan"

"Without the Wu clan, we would have been extinct now."

"He led us to the tunnel, and now he is fighting for us."

"That's Xingtian...Or the saint Kuafu?"

The ancestors of the group encountered a problem again.

Although the two saints of the Wu clan said that it was Kuafu who saved them and gave them the power of the earth directly, everyone in the Wu clan knew that Xingtian was the god of war.

"Xingtian and Kuafu are both saints of the Wu clan. They carry the luck of the Wu clan."

"If we accept them as teachers of the human race, it would be fine if there is no impact."

"If we let the Wu Clan fall, wouldn't we be ignorant of good and evil and forget our principles for the sake of profit?"

Ancestor Qian shook his head and directly denied the idea of the ancestor.

The Wu Clan was born with the luck of the great god Pangu, while the human race came from the way of heaven.

The two cannot be mentioned in the same breath, and naturally cannot be classified into the same category.

This is what the ancestor of the human race is taboo about.

"Why not, let's go with Xiangliu Zuwu!!"

Xuandu spoke.

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

Xiangliu is now a quasi-saint. Although he is a witch, he cannot determine the fate of the witch clan.

And now he is fighting with Minghe and Dizang. If he gets the fate of the human race's master, wouldn't he also be able to obtain the power of the earth?

In this way

, in the civil war of the earth, everyone is on the same level.

There is no such thing as death.


That's not a simple matter

"We are the ancestors of the human race. We feel the operation of the heavens and have appointed Xiang Liu as the teacher of our race."

Ancestor Qian spoke

"We are the ancestors of the human race. We feel the operation of the heavens and have appointed Xiang Liu as the teacher of our race."

Xuandu and the other eight ancestors also spoke up.

"We are the ancestors of the human race. We feel the operation of the heavenly way and specially appoint Xiang Liu as the teacher of our human race."

Then hundreds of millions of human races shouted in unison.

In hell, the sound soared into the sky.

The momentum was magnificent and the momentum was extremely huge.

Above the nine heavens, the heavenly way felt it.

It immediately issued a decree.


Tiandao did not make any sound, but his word"Yun" appeared in the minds of all the great powers in the prehistoric world.

"The Wu clan is awesome! They actually became the masters of the human race."

"The human race is about to be annihilated by the demon race, but unexpectedly, the last chance of survival appears in the witch race."

"As expected, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Is the demon clan reaping what they sow?"

This is the voice of ordinary powerful people discussing

"How dare he do that to the human race!!!"

Yuanshi was furious.

The teacher of the human race was destined to be his disciple of the Chan Sect.

But now he had a disciple, but not a teacher of the human race.

There was no way to talk about the fate of the Tiantian.

It was like a cooked duck that flew away directly.

No one could accept it, let alone the prehistoric overlord saint.

"The human race is courting death. They don't want to rely on the demon race, but go to the witch race."

Nuwa's expression was terribly gloomy.

She created the human race, but now her own son actually asked outsiders to beat her as a mother.

Moreover, the candidate for the emperor that she had already arranged has now kicked out her brother Fuxi in disguise.

Thinking of this, Nuwa no longer cared about the face of the saints. She rushed straight to hell.

I could pinch you into adults, but now I can pinch you into soil.

The two saints in the West who were dawdling naturally sensed Nuwa's movements at the first time. They looked at each other, and the smile in their eyes could not be concealed.

The Taiqing saint, the head of the Three Pure Ones, was in seclusion. Although Yuanshi also wanted to take action and completely kill the witch clan

, he endured it after all because of his face.

Tongtian, on the contrary, watched quietly, although he also wanted to take action.

But this action had nothing to do with any interests, it was purely an itch.

""My Sacred Heart Technique has taken effect!!!"

Xiangliu, who was fighting with Minghe and Dizang, suddenly felt a strange power of heaven and earth coming.

This was luck and merit.

However, unlike others who wanted to take it for themselves, Xiangliu took it as an opportunity to turn it into the nourishment of the Sacred Heart Technique. He did not absorb it or merge it.

Instead, he turned it into firewood and burned directly.

As Xiangliu practiced the technique, his body was like an egg breaking its shell.

He had already accumulated enough physical laws and completed the transformation in an instant.

"Xiangliu, you dare to interfere in the affairs of my demon race and human race, I will kill you first today!!"

Nuwa descended from the sky, carrying a monstrous holy power, and suddenly slapped Xiangliu with a palm.

Have you seen the palm method that fell from the sky?

Xiangliu has seen it.

It is now.

The opportunity that Lord Wu Wudi said!!!

Although Nuwa is not the strongest among the saints, she is the most special existence.

A saint who achieved enlightenment with the body of a demon race, and even created the human race.

In the original long river of history, this was the protagonist of heaven and earth.

It was such a special existence, but in the end it became a chess piece of Wu Wudi.


Countless deductions and calculations stopped all the actions in their hands.

Even Wu Wudi looked at the hell

"The time has come, if we don’t break through now, when will we break through!!"

As Wu Wudi spoke, it was as if his words had come true.

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