"You have gone deep into the calamity, and now you have been blinded by the calamity."

"If I don’t come out, who will? ?"

Hongjun came to the front of the saints with a fairy spirit.

With his appearance, the saints’ eyes lit up and no longer felt the hostility.

""Greetings, Teacher!!"

Seeing this, the saints did not dare to be careless, but hurriedly bowed.

They were all saints, and they thought the gap between them would become smaller and smaller.

But when they saw Hongjun eliminating the calamity casually, they felt that the gap was not a little bit.

"What about you? ?"

Hongjun looked at the Saint Taiqing

"I wonder what important things the teacher has come here to tell you?"

Sage Taiqing frowned. This seemed to be different from what he expected.

He shouldn't have come here.

"Without you, I would never have come down here."

Hongjun said with a clear meaning.

"We are the ones who disturbed the teacher's meditation. Please forgive us."

"Teacher, the witch clan is abominable. They are already in the state of calamity, but now there is no way to eliminate the calamity."

"Could you please tell us the method, teacher? ?"

Since Hongjun could clear the calamity on them, the saints wanted to ask if there was any way to clear the Wu clan.

"The wilderness is broken, and the river of heaven is flowing backwards."

"You guys have caused such a big mess, but instead of thinking about how to make up for it, you are still worried about the Wu Clan?"

Hongjun said with a hint of meaning.

"Teacher, we know our sins!!"

The two saints from the West seemed to have seen through the trick and admitted their mistakes in front of Hongjun.

Nuwa looked normal, but her heart was in turmoil.

"Now, I obey the command of Heaven, you all should quickly descend to the lower world."

"To pacify the four seas, to stabilize the mountains and rivers, to repair the dragon veins, to fill the holes in the sky"

"As for the matter of the Heavenly Palace, I have my own conclusion!!"

Hongjun spoke, as if reading an imperial edict.

The saints' souls were placed on the Heavenly Dao, and they inexplicably felt a sense of worship.

With Hongjun's decree, even if the saints were now seriously injured and not fully recovered, they had to go down to the world to repair the world.

Of course, they would not go there in person now, but directly sent their disciples to do it.

The saints left, and the Taiqing Saint Laozi also returned to his Taiji Palace.

Now the embarrassing thing is that his only disciple, the Xuandu Master, is gone.

What's left is a green ox and two boys.

The green ox is fine, it's his mount.

Two boys?

Looking at the golden horn and silver horn who were dozing off and drooling at the corners of their mouths.

Asking them to cultivate the world, isn't that a joke?

I regret not having enough knowledge when I need it. Now that I can't do it myself, I find that there is no one under my command.

If it were in the past, the people of the human race would serve me at will.

But now?

"Since you helped me understand the Law of Five Hundred, why are you making me lose face now?"

Taiqing is quiet when he does nothing, but he has a fierce look on his face when he does everything.

Doing nothing means that he has nothing to fight for.

Now he does everything, but it just doesn't go his way.

Especially since Hongjun already knows about this, which makes him in an extremely awkward situation.

Helplessly, he can only split the Three Pure Ones again.

The other saints are different. After they all come back, they immediately go into seclusion.

As for the matter of repairing the world, their disciples will do it.

Even Nuwa has the likes of guardian envoys. Although the Western religion is poor, it has dispatched a lot of people at this time.

The Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuanshi are also emerging at this time.

And the immortals of the Jiejiao who are all connected to the sky are even more powerful. It

's not that Laozi can't accept disciples, but he doesn't want to accept disciples casually.

The prehistoric world is also very lively now, but the hell is even crazier.

Although not as good as the battle between saints, these great powers are completely crazy in hell.

What is a great power?

It refers to a person who is very powerful in a certain field or aspect.

Such as the King of the East and the Queen Mother of the West.

They are Xiantian Yang and Xiantian respectively. Yin Qi, to put it simply, is the product of the transformation of men and women in the form of opposition.

They can be said to be the leaders of all male and female immortals.

Of course, they dare not regard themselves as such in the prehistoric times. After all, there are five saints among male immortals, and where is Nuwa among female immortals.

Even without Nuwa, there are many quasi-saint-level masters.

Now the six reincarnations of hell are open, as the earliest creatures born between heaven and earth.

If you say they have no ambition, that's bullshit.

So they want to go further.

The road to heaven has been cut off, but the appearance of the tunnel has given them countless surprises.

So when the battle of saints ended, they had already rushed into hell.

However, there are not a few powerful people who plan to do the same as them.

When they meet, fighting is inevitable.

Hell is a place where ghosts are stored. Now in the battle of saints, the ghosts of hell have been killed.

When countless powerful people poured in, the number of ghosts in hell continued to increase.

"Let's kill the Eastern King and the Western Queen first, otherwise we will fight on our own and be killed by them sooner or later."

"I can't have it, and I won't let anyone else have it"

"The way of hell is compatible with my cultivation, so I am destined to get this tunnel."

The killing is going on. No matter how nice you talk, everything is false in front of absolute strength.

The King of the East and the Queen Mother of the West joined forces to kill everyone.

Of course, there are many powerful people like them, but there are very few who can create such an invincible effect.

But soon the battlefield was divided, and each side formed an absolutely powerful master.

There is no year in hell, and no one knows how many years it has been fighting.

Anyone who enters hell now is either dead or killed.

Fortunately, there are no saints here. Although the battle is fierce and fierce, the tunnel has not been broken yet.

And now the most relaxed ones are the nine ancestors of the human race.

They are sandwiched in the cracks of hell, but they control the six reincarnations.

In addition, the nine ancestors joined forces. Although they lack Xuandu, their strength is still the strongest.

So far, no force has gone to harass them.

Of course, there are many factors in this, and those who understand will understand

""Everyone, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still as elegant as ever!!!"

With the harvest of battlefields everywhere, there were only a few forces left in hell soon. They were Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of earthly immortals, who was dressed in Taoist robes and was tall and mighty.

There were also the three ancestors of dragon, phoenix and unicorn who survived the previous catastrophe.

The reason why they all dared to come here was because the battle of the saints broke their seals.

For example, Zulong was imprisoned in Longquan Cave in Kunlun Mountain. In the original setting, he would never be reborn.

The same was true for Yuanfeng and Shi Qilin.

They were one of the protagonists of the Longhan catastrophe. Logically speaking, although they would not be exterminated, as the patriarchs of one of the protagonists, they were sealed.

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