"Fellow Daoist, please don't be so ungrateful."

Hongjun shook his head.

There are seven saints in the tunnel, but the other party is not playing by the rules.

Although it is still the seven saints, it is not the tunnel.

If it weren't for the appearance of Luohou, my hidden back-up, all my plans would have been ruined.

I would not be here again.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Wu Wudi looked at Hongjun who was

"help me!!"

"Help you again?"

Wu Wudi rolled his eyes.

"Daoist friend, don't rush to refuse, just listen to me first."

Then Hongjun told his plan

"This again?"

Wu Wudi rolled his eyes and said,"Where are my benefits?"

""I will ensure that your witch clan will not be destroyed."

Hongjun said seriously.

"I want you to protect me now?"

Wu Wudi said bluntly:"Now you are begging me, this attitude is not okay, old man Hongjun"

"You must not underestimate the Heavenly Dao. He was able to kill Pangu and occupy his nest, so he naturally has countless other tricks."

Hongjun didn't care about Wu Wudi's recklessness at all, but patiently advised him.

"tell me the story!!"

"He is the Chaos God and Demon. If Luo Hou can be resurrected, what about the other three thousand gods and demons? ?"

Hongjun seemed to have said everything, but also seemed to have said nothing.

"What does this have to do with me?"

Wu Wudi waved his hands, indicating that it had nothing to do with me.

"What about your witchcraft, or martial arts?"

When Hongjun said this, it directly hit Wu Wudi's pain point.

Now it is the end of the prehistoric era, and the Conferred God Tribulation is coming.

But this is not the point. The point is that Wu Wudi has already felt the current realm. If he wants to go further, he must break the shackles of heaven and earth.

Heaven is the way of heaven, and earth is the way of earth.

As for the way of man!!!

That is the hub that maintains the operation of the two ways of heaven and earth.

"You have already met the conditions for becoming an immortal, and now you want to drag me down with you?"

Wu Wudi revealed Hongjun's purpose.

"I originally wanted to establish the way of immortality, but was plotted against by the way of heaven and became a"

"If you don't resist now, you will follow my old path in the future."

Hongjun changed his friendly look and looked at Wu Wudi with a serious face.

"You are so sure!!"

"This is the inevitable result"

"I can give you the corpse of Emperor Yi, but I want to see the merits of this Tian."

Wu Wudi looked at Hongjun with a clear expression.

"After the establishment of the four continents, the Heavenly Dao will construct the Three Realms"

"Through the rotation of the three realms, you can become an immortal or a ghost, and the cycle will continue forever."

Hongjun left after leaving the last sentence.

If the water is fixed, it will become a pool of stagnant water.

Now Hongjun wants to revive this pool of water, but it is definitely not possible to rely on his own strength.

The appearance of Wu Wudi allowed the Wu clan to escape the witch-demon catastrophe.

Now the demon clan can be said to be useless, but the Wu clan is thriving.

For this reason, the saints of the Heavenly Dao went to war, at the cost of destroying the prehistoric world, and killed countless lives to offset the catastrophe.

Although the Wu clan is still there, according to the operation of the Heavenly Dao, everything is still in his plan.

The only difference is that the earth has changed, and the human way has also changed.

There is an additional powerful Wu clan in the prehistoric world.

The old Hongjun left, and Wu Wudi waited for a while, but did not wait for the other two Hongjuns.

"It seems that the Heavenly Dao was more or less hurt in this battle between the saints, otherwise Hongjun would not be so arrogant and actually come with a corpse."

The journey of the three corpses back then was still vivid in the mind of Wu Wudi today.

While Wu Wudi was planning to take the corpse of Emperor Yi, in the endless time and space, the other two corpses of Hongjun were walking with difficulty.

"This Wu Wudi is really a variable. Even the Heavenly Dao cannot deduce his past and future."

The young Hongjun looked at the middle-aged Hongjun.

"Don't say that the Heavenly Dao can't see him. Even if we go to the past and the future, we can't see him."

The middle-aged Hongjun also shook his head.

It turned out that since the last time they met Wu Wudi, they separated.

One went deep into the Heavenly Dao, one went to the future, and one went to the past.

Unfortunately, the final result was nothing.

""My body, how is it now?"

When the three corpses of Hongjun met, they started to communicate.

Hongjun's three corpses are different from the three corpses of others. They are independent of each other.

This purpose is precisely because of the means left by the body before the fusion of the Dao.

Whether it is the body or any of the corpses are controlled by the Heavenly Dao, there is still a chance for the rest

"It was firmly sealed by the Heavenly Dao, but the recent emergence of the Earthly Dao and the Human Dao has loosened it a bit."

The three corpses are in endless time and space, they are not afraid of the erosion of time at all.


""Hongjun, Hongjun, I didn't expect that you spent so much effort, but in the end it was all in vain!!"

In the tunnel, Luohou looked up at the sky.

Where there was the way of heaven, there were his former enemies.

However, when he completely integrated the tunnel with the twelfth-grade black lotus of world destruction, he found that things were not so simple.

"The success of the Wu Clan shows that if the Heavenly Dao cannot digest the catastrophe, it will eventually collapse."

Luo Hou looked at the present prehistoric world, with infinite light in his eyes.

Huoyun Cave

"Is this really possible?"

Xuan Du looked at Xiang Liu with a puzzled look.

Artificial sun?

"This is your chance to become a saint and give back to humanity."

Xiang Liu nodded firmly.

Thousands of years have passed since the Saint War, and the human race is still reproducing very fast.

Especially after intermarriage with the witches, the master gave birth to human witches.

Some of these human witches can obtain the martial arts in Wu Wudi's novels, while some also see nothing.

Among them, there is a guy named Suiren.

His talent is so amazing that even Xingtian was shocked.

Just because he first saw Yitian, he obtained the Nine Yang Divine Art.

And this technique is extremely compatible with him, and practicing it is like taking a plane.

Over the past thousand years, he has risen all the way. He actually surpassed the nine ancestors of the human race and reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

It is only one step away from the Daluo realm.

Of course, there is only one genius like this in the human race.

However, in the combination of humans and witches, more and more Tianjiao human races have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

""Okay, let's get started!"

With the help of Xiangliu, Xuandu immediately summoned all the human race.

Then, with the power of the Human Dao Fire Cloud Cave as the core, he personally refined the corpse of Emperor Yi.

The human race had to artificially create a sun.

This was an opportunity for Wu Wudi to give Xuandu, or to give the human race, to the human Dao, to once again enter the prehistoric world.

As long as Xuandu succeeds, he can obtain the merits of the Heavenly Dao, and with the power of the Human Dao, he will definitely become a saint.

Of course, this also requires the cooperation of Suiren.


In the original book, he was the Suihuang of the human race, the Emperor of Heaven among the Three Emperors, and the inheritor of the fire of the human world.

As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire. As long as Suiren can ignite the first fire of the human race, the human race will never be extinguished.

This was also one of the means of controlling the human race in the original setting of the Heavenly Dao.

But now Wu Wudi wants to do the opposite, first create the human fire in the Fire Cloud Cave.

Then let the human fire control the heavenly fire, so that the Heavenly Dao can use the fire of the human way to illuminate the entire prehistoric world.

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