"I don't know if there is a chance, but what I want to tell you is that the Human Emperor is about to be established."

Xuandu looked at the Three Pure Ones with a serious face.

This was a mountain that he could not cross before, but now it stood in front of him.

The pressure can be imagined.

"You are a saint of humanity, your soul is placed in humanity"

"But you must know that humanity is weak now. As long as we, the Three Pure Ones, are willing, humanity can be annihilated from the world."

"Is this really the ending you wanted to see?"

"Why not take a step back and let others teach us the Three Pure Ones?"

"With the Three Pure Ones here, the future of humanity won't be too bad."

The Great Pure One spoke

"What's the difference?"

"In your hands, it's already very bad, it really can't be much worse."

"After all, when the slaves of the human race die, there may be another race."

Xuan Du sneered.

Since becoming a saint, Xuan Du's mentality has been very peaceful.

It is only because he has seen the great way that he can look down on many things.

But there is no way to look down on the human race.

Because this is his root, his race, and his bloodline.

If he is cold by nature, then what is the difference between him and these high and mighty saints?

"How dare you! Are you trying to drive yourself to death?"

The Saint Taiqing was furious.

"You don't need to be so merciful to me, because you don't deserve it!!"

Just as Xuan Du was speaking, the sky and the earth were surging.

The Three Pure Ones were furious when they heard this.

But before they could make a move, they saw that the Huai River was instantly covered by a black aura.

"Who? ?"

The black air was so thick that it swallowed up everything in an instant. Even Sanqing and Xuandu were unable to see what was happening there for a moment.

""Hurry up and do it!"

In the dark ghostly air, Minghe and Dizang appeared at the same time.

They were authentic saints, and with the two saintly positions, they isolated all the saints' senses in a short time. As soon as they came out, they rushed directly to Fuxi.

But just when they were about to take Fuxi down and throw him into the altar of humanity, a terrifying aura of destruction suddenly erupted from Fuxi's body.

"Nuwa, it's actually Nuwa!!"

The two authentic saints were frightened by this power, and for a moment they were terrified.

This power was too terrifying, full of destructive energy. If they were to encounter it, even their souls would be corroded.


"Who dares to touch my people!!"

Nuwa, who had been paying attention to the events in the Wahuang Palace, thought that the position of the emperor was stable, but something unexpected happened.

Because she applied her new law power on Fuxi, which was the power to rebel against the law of destruction.

Moreover, this power was hidden deep in Fuxi's soul. Unless he was killed or something unexpected happened, it would not appear.

But when she watched Fuxi become the emperor of mankind and completely dominate the human race and get involved in human nature, two saints came out of hell.

Nuwa was furious.

In one step, she crossed time and space and appeared directly in front of Dizang and Minghe.

""Nuwa, he is the one you arranged!!"

When he saw Nuwa, Minghe was shocked.

They were cultivators of the same era, but one of them obtained the Hongmeng Purple Qi and created the human race and became a saint, while the other hid in the sea of the underworld forever.

Now they met again, but it was a reunion of old friends, and their faces were full of murderous intent.

"Minghe, hold this woman back while I go to claim the throne of the Human Emperor first!!"

Di Zang knew that if he delayed for a while longer, by the time the Three Pure Ones reacted, it would be over for them.

So he turned around and turned into a streak of light and rushed directly towards Fuxi on the altar.

The altar had been set up long before Xuandu.

It was just waiting for the new Human Emperor to go up there and then announce it to the world.

So he wanted to turn Fuxi into a fierce ghost, or make him a part of him, and then the Human Emperor would be his.

""You want to touch Fuxi? You are courting death!"

Nuwa was furious.

She had been planning for countless years and finally waited for this opportunity. She had not expected to be prepared for anyone, but she had not expected these two evil ghosts rushing out from hell!

""Nuwa, let's have a good chat!!"

Minghe made a stroke with his hand, and suddenly a long blood-colored river appeared, blocking Nuwa outside.

This was his ability after becoming a saint, the blood river in the Asura Road.

Compared with the previous sea of blood, the power of this river was even greater.

Even if a saint fell into it, he would have to shed a layer of skin to get out.

""How dare you! If you stop me now, I will crush you to ashes!"

Nuwa was furious.

With a wave of her hand, the law of destruction was unleashed.

Even the Ashura Blood River could not stop the mighty force.

""It's impossible to get through now!"

Minghe was full of confidence.

Although he became a saint through the underground tunnel, he naturally had his own abilities after becoming a saint.

Especially since he had accumulated so much for many years, once he exploded, it would be quite amazing.

"Humph, I'll come back to deal with you later!!"

Nuwa snorted coldly, and her figure was swallowed up by the Ashura Blood River.

"wrong...Ksitigarbha, hurry up!!"

The Minghe reacted and immediately looked at Ksitigarbha.

I don't know when, Nuwa has appeared beside Fuxi.

The altar was opened, and Fuxi was about to become her puppet.

But Nuwa's appearance directly interrupted the altar and directly gave Ksitigarbha a palm.

""Human reincarnation!!!"

At the critical moment, Dizang circulated his holy power and transformed it into a force of hell in front of him.

The six paths of hell.

Those below the quasi-saint level could not touch the power of reincarnation at all, only the power of the six paths.

And who is Dizang? He is proficient in Buddhism and can transform himself into a Buddha. What is in his palm is not the Buddhaland, but the reincarnation of the human world.


With a palm strike, Dizang retreated three steps, but Nuwa had already firmly grasped Fuxi by her side.

"Dizang, Minghe, how dare you!!"

The arrival of Dizang and Minghe directly turned all the living beings present into ghosts.

Even Xuanyuan could not escape this disaster.

Xuanyuan's death directly made the Three Pure Ones lose the fight for the throne of the emperor.

Looking at the two saints of hell in front of them, the Three Pure Ones directly shifted their target and no longer entangled in Xuandu.

Instead, they rushed directly to Dizang and Minghe, just because Xuanyuan's ghost was still in the hands of the two saints.

As long as Xuanyuan was snatched back, with the means of the Three Pure Ones, there are many ways to revive him.

Of course, there is another key.

That is not to let Nuwa succeed, otherwise what are they doing?

"Quick, before the Three Pure Ones arrive, seize the altar!!"

The altar has been set up, and now we just need to confer the title of Emperor of Man.

This is why they waited until now to show up.

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, who would have thought that Nuwa had also planted a hidden card in it.

And after all, she and Fuxi were siblings, and she actually used the great magical power of soul transfer.

She actually crossed the Ashura Blood River of the Styx and directly prevented Dizang from seizing the opportunity of the Emperor of Man.

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