Now I need the power of the saints to make up for my current deficit, but I didn't expect that Zhunti is even more difficult to deal with than Nuwa.

That's right.

Nuwa was beaten into the time and space reverse by the seven saints, and her life and death are at the point of despair.

And Zhunti?

Although there is the death threat of Kuafu, compared with the seven saints, she is much worse.

"You are the Way of Heaven, born with consciousness, how do you preside over justice between Heaven and Earth!!"

"You are against human ethics and against the Heavenly Gang, and you will never be tolerated by the heaven and earth."

The branches of the Heavenly Dao whipped down, and countless sparks burst out from Zhunti's saintly soul.

Especially the consciousness, which became more and more blurred.

This whipping was not a target, it was simply a soul attack!!

"Humph, I have raised you for so long, don’t you have to repay me? ?"

Tian Dao's voice was full of coldness and indifference.

"You should not exist in this world, your existence is intolerable to heaven!!"

Zunti is a saint, so he naturally knows.

If heaven has consciousness, how can there be justice in heaven?

As the saying goes, justice is in the heart of man, but that is bullshit.

Real justice is a scale. There is only the boundary between right and wrong, good and bad.

As for feelings, they are purely redundant.

Just because once there is consciousness, there will be selfishness.

Selfishness represents desire, which is selfishness.

If heaven is unfair, the laws of the world will not function properly.

In the future, heaven and earth will completely submit to heaven.

Yin and yang are reversed, black and white are not distinguished, and a deer is called a horse.

Whatever heaven says, people in the world must admit it.

"I have planned for several calamities, how can I allow your appearance to ruin my plan!!"

Tian Dao snorted coldly.

Zhunti's soul burst like a bubble.

Then, it was completely absorbed by Tian Dao.

"Nuwa, Zhunti, the next one is Jie Yin!!"

Just when Tian Dao was calculating, the giant formed by the 108 great arhats had already beaten Jie Yin without any resistance.

"Why is the formation formed by these ancient witches more powerful than the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation?"

The most famous formation among the witches is the Twelve Gods and Demons Formation. Although Jie Yin has never seen it or experienced it, he felt like vomiting blood when facing the formation performed by this towering giant.

Every time a stick fell, it was all the power of the law.

When did the law become so easy to integrate, and integrated without any gaps? Even a saint like me can't do it!!

And how come the current witch clan is more terrifying than the prehistoric period.

After all, with the opening of the catastrophe, this power is destined to weaken more and more.

As early as the last Yuanhui, Master Hongjun had already planned the thirty-three heavens.

It is composed of countless small worlds and is also the place where future saints will retreat.

But now the witch clan is so powerful that it is unstoppable.

Without the saint coming, a formation would suppress him and he could only escape.

The saint escaped.

And the target was not a saint, but just a formation.

"You can be arrogant for a while, I wonder how long you can maintain this formation?"

Jie Yin is a saint, although he can't beat the 108 Arhats.

But facing this golden bald man, he also saw his flaws.

Although they are fused together, they are consuming the essence and blood of these ancient witches every moment.

As long as he can delay for a while, he will definitely drag him to death.

You must know that the witch clan cultivates the flesh and blood.

When all the laws are integrated into the blood and qi in the body, the consumption of blood and qi also means the disappearance of the laws.

"Jie Yin, you are a saint, but you are so shameless to run away? ? ?"

The ancestor witches in the 108 Arhat formation laughed loudly. They didn't care about the consumption of their bodies at all.

They were enjoying the process of fighting with the saint at the moment. As for the aftermath,....They didn't even think about what would happen next. They could be beaten in the morning and killed in the evening!!

And it was still unknown who would win.

"Let's see how long you can hold out? ?"

Although the opponent's formation is strong, its ability is also single.

I am now using the supreme Buddhist Dharma and the Mahayana Buddhist Dharma to evolve the infinite world.

Even if they are unstoppable, it is impossible for them to catch me for a while.


But just when the Buddha Kingdom in his palm was evolving, a huge fist completely blocked his retreat.

Without him knowing it, this punch completely knocked him back.

"Kuafu? ? ?"

The punch didn't hit the vital point, but it also left Jie Yin with no way to retreat.

When he saw the person coming, his expression became solemn.

He was sucked into the depths of chaos by the Great Arhat Formation. At that time, he saw with his own eyes that Zhunti's opponent was Kuafu.

Now Kuafu has found him, what about Zhunti?

As two saints whose lives are connected, Jie Yin first ruled out Zhunti's escape.

Then there is only the second possibility, that he was trapped by other means.

"Yes, your grandfather"

"Zhunti is dead, are you ready to go?"

Kuafu exuded violent power and approached Jieyin in one step.

But at the critical moment, he was blocked by Jieyin's twelve-grade golden lotus.

"It's a pity that I don't have a 36-grade golden lotus, otherwise you wouldn't have to worry about it!!"

Jie Yin sighed.

He used all the power of the Western Buddhist Kingdom to cultivate this 12-grade golden lotus.

And now it's not stolen by the mosquito Taoist in the future. If it was a 10-grade golden lotus, how could it withstand Kuafu's punch?


"Zhunti is dead, impossible, you must want to disturb my Buddha heart!!"

Jie Yin reacted and looked at Kuafu angrily.

He and Zhunti depended on each other for life. To put it another way, they were as close as brothers.

They were the kind of people who could entrust their lives to each other.

There were benefits, as well as the friendship they had cultivated over many years. There was also the Buddha heart of mutual respect and the road of common struggle.

Now that he heard Kuafu say that Zhunti was dead, Jie Yin exploded directly.

Buddha light rolled around him, and mantras flew up and down.

Countless Buddhist instruments accompanied him up and down, and his combat power soared.

Even the current Kuafu, with a strong body, was beaten back by Jie Yin.

"Jieyin, you are actually burning your own potential!!!"

Seeing this, Kuafu was not afraid but became more excited.

He was not afraid of his opponent being too strong, but was afraid of his opponent being too timid.

Now Jieyin's strong outbreak made Kuafu's eyes shine.

Various unique skills and martial arts were also used in turn.

The Taixuan Sutra, which was a soul attack in the previous second, turned into a yin and yang mill in the next second.

Even at Kuafu's signal, the 108 great arhats stood aside to sweep the formation.

"The Buddha's teachings are boundless!!"

Jie Yin spread his hands, and the infinite laws turned into an ocean and rushed towards Kua Fu.

""Devil Heart Heavenly Sword!!"

Kuafu, who had combined several sword techniques, suddenly chopped down with all his might.

One was the pure law of the great way of the saints, and the other was the power of the law of the flesh.

The two voids fought hard, but countless law sparks were produced.

These sparks were scattered in the void, either swallowed by the chaos or fell into the mortal world.

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