"Jie Yin, when you got involved in the lich's affairs, this ending was already determined."

"We the Wu clan do not cause trouble, so we are not afraid of trouble either."

"You will settle the score later, but we can't bear it!!"

Kuafu was full of demonic energy, and his magic skills were very profound.

Especially the magic heart degree, even the magic heart degree was passed, even Luohou, who had been watching this battle, also felt pity for him.

"If Kuafu is willing to serve me, he will be the next demon lord.

This is how Luohou showed his approval of Kuafu. Unfortunately, Kuafu wanted to kill Jieyin.

After all, the current Liuhe Azure Dragon was already shaky under the threat of Pangu's primordial spirit. If he didn't get rid of Jieyin in time, it would be dangerous.

"Then come and die!!"

Jie Yin was furious.

The magic power in his body was boiling up, and the golden light in his body illuminated the four directions.

The magic weapon in his hand burst out with unprecedented power.

""What's the point of exploding magic weapons?"

Kuafu snorted coldly, and the Black Dragon God roared.

He opened his mouth wide and swallowed up the eight wastelands.

No matter what you attack, he will not retreat at all.

The Golden Light Arhat on the side also turned into a golden light, shuttling in the endless Buddha light, vowing to find a fatal blow to avenge the entrapment of pulling him into the turbulence of time and space.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

As soon as the seven words"kill" came out, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the sky and the earth changed color.

This is the anger of a saint, and also the murderous aura of a saint.

Zhunti can be possessed by the devil, and so can Jieyin.

The only difference is that Jieyin is more ambitious.

He wants to merge the two paths of Buddhism and devil.

His face, which was originally full of bitterness, suddenly turned half into a hideous face, and the other half into misery.

Now the contradictory image appeared in an instant.

And when this image appeared, the Mahayana Buddhism was divided in half.

One half is the paradise, and the other side is also the"paradise", but one side advocates no desire and no demands, while the other side has desires and demands.

Eating vegetarian food, chanting Buddhist scriptures, and indulging desires anytime and anywhere.

On one side, golden light overflows, and on the other side, demonic energy rolls.

Jieyin, as its name suggests, actually combines the two forces and finally guides them into one.

Both contradictory and harmonious

"Buddha is Buddha, demon is demon. Although the world is ever-changing, the principles remain the same, but the rules are different."

"I told you to cultivate Buddha, but you cultivated demons. Now Buddha is not Buddha, and demons are not demons."

"Although such behavior is of great talent, it is not as pure as Zhunti."

Luohou in the tunnel could not help but shake his head.

Kuafu was his second successor in the magic way, so Zhunti must be the third.

But now with the addition of Jie Yin, he had no idea at all.

Although the magic energy released by Jie Yin now was more intense than the previous two.

But it was so mottled and messy that it fell into the lower level.

Unless one day, Jie Yin can break and then establish, and completely turn the Buddha and the devil upside down. Otherwise, the achievements of this life will stop here.

Seeing this, Kuafu hurriedly used the power of his bloodline to let the Golden Light Arhat take action.

""Great Arhat Fist!!"

The Golden Light Arhat roared.

One hundred and eight laws turned into a punch that directly hit Jie Yin's chest.

""Buddhism and the devil's side!!" Jie

Yin saw this attack and snorted coldly. He blasted out with a palm.

Surrounded by golden light, the Buddhist sound of heaven and earth lingered.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is a black demonic energy rolling in Jie Yin's palm, and there is a demon head roaring to the sky.


The fists and palms collided.

The Golden Light Arhat shattered with a bang.

The 108 ancestor witches all fell into the chaos. When they were about to be swallowed by the chaos, a force surged out from the depths of the chaos, and then the chaos split, and the 108 ancestor witches all disappeared. Jie Yin did not pay attention to this scene, because he was now He looked at his chest with horror.

Although he had perfectly blocked the punch from Jin Guang Luohan just now, he was shocked that Kuafu was actually hidden in Jin Guang Luohan's fist.

Kuafu, who turned into a black dragon, went straight through Jie Yin's palm and crashed into his chest.

This scene was so similar to Zhunti's, I dare not say it was exactly the same, it was simply a perfect copy.

But Jie Yin was not Zhunti.

When Kuafu entered his body, he found that he had entered the wrong place.

A black lotus emitting golden light was now coiled in Jie Yin's body.

And Kuafu entered exactly into Jie Yin's black lotus body.

"Good boy, you actually took my black lotus shell? ?"

Luohou couldn't help but curse Jieyin at this time.

He fought with Hongjun, and the battle was really over.

Even countless black lotuses fell to the west. He thought they would disappear with the dragon veins in the west, but he didn't expect that they would be completely destroyed.

Now it has fallen into Jieyin's hands, and the other party actually raised it together with the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

It's against the sky!!!

Luohou couldn't help but curse Jieyin.

After all, this thing was a treasure before he became a Taoist, although he didn't care about it later.

But now it appears in Jieyin's hands, and together with the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

But what kind of cultivator is the demon ancestor Luohou? Even if the treasure fell, it is not so easy to deal with.

Over the years, Jieyin has been refining and suppressing this black lotus with the twelfth-grade golden lotus.

Sometimes, it even needs Zhunti to join forces to suppress this black lotus.

So that's it!!

In the future, the mosquito Taoist stole two of the twelve-grade golden lotus, but the black lotus erupted, and the two saints in the west used the pan-art

In addition, the golden lotus was suppressed by the black lotus, which caused a flaw and the mosquito Taoist stole two golden lotuses.

In fact, in other words, the two golden lotuses were broken by the black lotus, otherwise even a hundred mosquito Taoists would not be able to eat the golden lotuses.

"Jie Yin, you are going to use this thing against me? ?"

In the black lotus, the evil dragon transformed by Kuafu looked around recklessly.

In the endless void, there was an endless supply of demonic energy.

These demonic energies were not ordinary demonic energy, but were transformed by Luohou, the ancestor of all demons.

Although they were abandoned by him a long time ago, their power was still there.

Even Jie Yin and Zhunti had a hard time suppressing them.

Now Jie Yin wanted to get out, and the easiest way was to use this magic weapon to trap Kuafu.

And he himself flew to the Zixiao Palace outside the thirty-three heavens.

"Don’t look for me anymore, you won’t be able to find me!!"

But before Jie Yin flew to the outside of the thirty-three heavens, Hong Jun’s voice rang in his mind.

"Teacher, how is Zhunti?....Dead!!"

Jie Yin asked angrily

"Don't worry"

"How can I not worry? He is my beloved relative and my brother, how can he die? He cannot die!!"

"I told you not to worry, because you..."You will die!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, the primordial purple energy in Jieyin's body immediately turned against him.

The holy position collapsed.

The laws condensed in his body instantly fell apart.

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