"When do we start?"

Yao Chi looked at Hao Tian.

Her eyes were no longer full of affection, but instead revealed an infinite and vast avenue.

You should know that Yao Chi had always been warm and affectionate to Hao Tian before.

But now, her eyes were indifferent.

"If he wants to seize the road, let him continue!!"

Haotian looked serious, and he was confident when he spoke.

"The world is becoming increasingly chaotic. How much chance do we have left?"

Yao Chi looked down at the lower world.

"If only 30%"

"What now?"


"Fifty percent?"

"Since Luo Hou has already started to test, if he takes action, then it will be 60%"

"What about the Wu clan???"

"Hard to say!!"


"That witch clan is too mysterious. Do I have reason to suspect that he is the remaining will of Pangu?"

"It's impossible. Pangu still has will?"

"The way of heaven has been revealed, what is impossible in this world?"

"So that's still 60%?"

"If Pangu of the Wu Clan takes action, we have a 70% chance"

"Why has it increased?"

"The chances of the Three Pure Ones really dying are 80%."

"are you crazy!!"

"The three books of heaven, earth and man are published at the same time, I am 90% sure"


Yao Chi was silent, completely silenced by Hao Tiangan in front of her.

How could there be more and more opportunities?

"I said I am 100% sure, do you believe me? ?"

Haotian looked at Yao Chi, but he smiled very happily.

"You say."

Yao Chi took a deep breath.

"The last ten percent is in the underground and human nature."

Haotian looked down at the lower world.

Now the Pangu Yuanshen, which was fused with the Three Pure Ones, directly crushed the Liuhe Qinglong.

"You are totally ignorant of what you are talking about if you want to fight me!!"

Pangu Yuanshen has the Xuanhuang Pagoda on his head, Pangu Banner in his left hand, Zhuxian Four Swords in his right hand, and Taiji Diagram under his feet.

Liuhe Azure Dragon transformed into the Eight Desolate Liuhe Azure Dragon Formation, using the violent Xuanhuang fighting method, and his body was covered with the blood of the witch saint.

But even so, he still couldn't break Pangu Yuanshen.

It was just because the opponent's configuration was too good, and it was simply showing the power of Pangu's Axe of Creation.

"Brothers, here I come!"

At this moment, Kuafu's body broke through the space and appeared in front of the witch saints.

"Kill him! 1"

When Pangu Yuanshen saw Kuafu appear, he pointed his finger.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian turned into four extinction swords. Wherever they passed, time and space were shattered and the laws were destroyed.

In Pangu Yuanshen's hands, the power of the Four Swords of Zhuxian was directly increased tenfold.

""The Seven-Section Formation of Zhenwu!"

Liuhe Azure Dragon roared, turned into a stream of light, and instantly appeared in front of Kuafu at a speed that surpassed the speed of Zhuxian's four swords.


The void was shattered, and time and space flowed backwards.

"Not dead!!"

Pangu Yuanshen looked at Kuafu in surprise.

Because of the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, Kuafu was saved.

"We don't care what you are. Today's battle is not about winning or losing, but life or death!!"

After the roar, a tall figure appeared in the smoke.

There was a black tortoise armor in front and a black snake entwined behind.

Countless laws lingered around his body, just like a peerless martial god descending to the world, and like a god from heaven.

At this time, the seven saints of the Wu clan merged into one with the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, and all the formations were added together.

You must know that every time you add one person to the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, the power can be doubled.

Now the seven people added together have increased the power by seven times.

Every member of the Wu clan is a Wu Saint, and the addition of seven is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The Zhenwu Dharma walked out of the void, and the void shattered in one step.

Looking at Pangu Yuanshen who was close at hand, there was no fear in his eyes, but full of fighting spirit.

"It's really worth watching. This group of witches is really too powerful!!"

Luo Hou in the tunnel looked at the scene.

He thought about it. If he fought with them, he didn't seem to have much chance of winning.

Even with the Six Paths Formation and the reincarnation method presided over by himself, the master of the tunnel

, it seemed that they were not good enough in front of the Zhenwu Dharma Image and Pangu Yuanshen.

Unless I!!!

But this method is used to deal with Hongjun. After all, that Yinbi is more calculating than anyone else.

If I am not sure of a complete victory, I must not act rashly.

Wu Clan.

Nanshan, Taolin

""Hongjun, where are you?"

Wu Wudi frowned.

It was because in his performance, he could not find any clues about Hongjun's whereabouts.

Especially in the long river of time and space, Wu Wudi also went there.

Hongjun was actually dead!! Wu

Wudi didn't believe this result.

But the war has come to this point, the four continents are crumbling, and the heaven and earth have not reacted at all.

The way of heaven, the way of earth, and the way of man are getting stronger and stronger.

Although three saints of the way of heaven have died now, Wu Wudi can feel that his breath is getting stronger and stronger, just like a bomb that will explode at any time.

And the way of man is getting stronger and stronger with his support.

Now in the century war, Wu Wudi But it made them hide in the Fire Cloud Cave.

The Four Saints of Humanity now formed the Four Symbols Formation to move the entire Fire Cloud Cave into the chaos.

And his own witch clan was moved to the peach forest of Nanshan when the war started.

Today's Nanshan is called a mountain, but it is actually a big world.

There are three thousand laws in it, and the heaven and earth operate normally.

As long as I am here, this is a smaller version of the prehistoric world.

If I can go one step further, it will not be difficult to turn Nanshan into a real prehistoric world.

Especially now that I have reached the peak of the saints.

The three thousand laws are clear in my mind, and the great way of heaven and earth is ready to move.

"Now we just have to wait for the twelve witch ancestors!!"

The foundation of the four continents is still the primitive land, and under that ground is still the source of all evil in the primitive land.

In the past, Pangu Palace was used to suppress it, but it no longer needs to be suppressed under the cleansing of the catastrophe.

But the source of all evil inside still exists. If the twelve witch ancestors can break through, they will definitely go one step further.

Even the Tao heart seed demon has spread throughout the witch clan. As long as they need it, they will get a steady stream of power.

In addition to the witches today, especially Tiandao Suiren, Dihuang Shennong, and Renhuang Cangjie.

They are all witch bloodlines, and they even have their own Tao heart seed demons in their bodies.

Even if the martial arts they practiced, except for this opportunity to become a saint, are all their own.

The witch clan has seven innate witch saints and the human race has three saints.

Ten saint powers.

In addition to the twelve witch ancestors.

They are different from other saints. If they can go one step further and break through the sainthood.

Once combined into the twelve heavenly gods and demons formation, the power will only be stronger than the Pangu Yuanshen formed by the Three Pure Ones.

"The Heavenly Dao is seizing the Dao, Luo Hou is preaching, and even the Heavenly Court has taken out the List of Gods."

"And the world still has to be decided by one person!!!"

Wu Wudi's eyes were dim. He had spent his entire life in the wilderness, and his success or failure depended on this one move.

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