Flaming Mountain

"Gather all the demon troops immediately. I want to crush all the witch tribes in the Northern Wilderness."

The Red Flame Demon Ape gave the order as soon as he came back.

This battle was the most frustrating one in his life.

He felt that he was going to win, but he always fell short at the critical moment.

Damn the witch tribe.

Damn the formation. Damn the subordinates.

He had fought for ten years, but not a single subordinate came to support him.

So when he came back and saw his subordinates, he just couldn't stand them.

"My king, what happened?"

"Yes, my king, the Heavenly Court has not yet issued a war between wizards and liches....Is this considered a head start?!"

"What if the Emperor of Heaven blames me?"The strong prey on the weak is the nature of the demons, but they are also cunning and suspicious.


The demon who just spoke was crushed by the red flame demon ape.

Blood spilled all over the ground, and the demons shuddered.

"Now...Are there any more questions?"

The Red Flame Demon Ape looked at the other monster leaders. If they dared to say no, the Red Flame Demon Ape would kill them without hesitation.

"I will obey the king's orders."

Six years passed in the blink of an eye while the demon soldiers were being assembled.

"Kill the invincible tribe and eat them all!!"

Chi Yan looked at the dark mass of the Northern Wilderness demon army in front of him. Just when he was full of confidence, the sky roared.


The sound of the Chaos Bell rang out, and everyone was shocked and bowed their heads.

Just at this moment, twelve figures covering the sky and the sun appeared.

The Fearless Bell, with its powerful posture, punched a huge hole in the Heavenly Palace.

""My men, kill!"

Di Jiang was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. With his roar, billions of Wu clans rushed forward, like a piece of black cloth, completely covering the sunlight.

Under the sky, the phenomenon of day and night appeared.

"Dare to challenge the Heavenly Court, Wu Clan, you are seeking death!!"

Inside the cave, Donghuang Taiyi carried the Chaos Bell and rushed towards the Twelve Ancestral Witches with an indomitable momentum.

Behind him, all the powerful monsters of the demon clan followed closely.


The heavenly secrets were in disorder, and even time and space were obscured.

Under the prehistoric times, ordinary people could no longer grasp the situation in the Heavenly Court.

Only by watching the corpses falling like raindrops, could they know how bloody this battle was.

Invincible tribe.

The art of fighting with both hands allowed Wu Wudi to write novels while practicing Xiantian Gong.

"Against the grain, the bloodline has reached 50% of the ancestral"

""Great wizard realm, break it for me!!!"

I don't know if it's because of the improvement of my realm, but I wrote Mr. Jin's novel much faster.

Seven years passed in a flash, and when Wu Wudi completed the Divine Condor Taoist Companion, his own realm, synchronized with the billions of wizards, also reached the peak of the late Taiyi Golden Wizard.

At this time, he used Xiantian Gong to reverse his bloodline to 50%.

Without the billions of wizards, he had the Xiantian Gong.

The time had come, and Wu Wudi did not hesitate to break through.

The previously solid barrier, now with the bloodline reversed by 50%, collapsed very smoothly.

"Is this the realm of the Great Wizard? ? ?"

Feeling the current realm, Wu Wudi looked calm.

The Great Wizard realm is also called the Golden Immortal. If the Golden Immortal is immortal, then the Great Wizard is immortal.

In time and space, he is immortal and indestructible, and time can no longer erode him.

Of course, except for the quantitative calamity.

Among countless eons, the most terrifying is the quantitative calamity. Those below the saints have to return to heaven and earth when facing the quantitative calamity.

""Chief, the Red Flame Demon Ape is coming with hundreds of billions of demon soldiers!!!"

Just as Wu Wudi was carefully feeling the power of the Great Witch in his body, Wu Kong walked in calmly.

Because of the Xiantian Gong, in just seven years, Wu Kong also reached the realm of the initial stage of Taiyi Golden Witch.

Among the many witches who read novels in the Northern Wilderness, only Wu Kong has been closely following Wu Wudi's footsteps.

Other witches, such as Wu Fan, Chai Zhi, Chai Wan, Ni You, and Ni Huo, have become weak after reaching the Golden Witch.

So when facing the hundreds of billions of demon soldiers of the Red Flame Demon Ape, Wu Kong also responded calmly.

"He is so anxious to come and die, so I will help him."

Wu Wudi stood up, with an air of looking down on the world.

""Brother, you have broken through to the Great Wizard!!!"

Feeling the Great Wizard realm, Wu Kong looked at Wu Wudi with surprise.

"Come on, let's go meet this idiot!!!"

Wu Wudi smiled calmly, just a great wizard!!

"My fellow men, from today on, you can have as much fun as you want from the Northern Wilderness Witch Clan."

The Red Flame Demon Ape brought with him a hundred billion demon army, which was so dark that it blocked out the sun and sky. There was no end in sight.

As the Red Flame Demon Ape spoke, the hundred billion demon army echoed him.

The voices rolled like waves.

The momentum was surging. The timid ones were now scared to death. Even the brave ones were now scared to death.

Unfortunately, the Witch Clan was not afraid at all. Instead, they looked at the hundred billion demon army with interest.

Ten years ago, a hundred million Witch Clan members could defeat three billion demon army members.

It was a ratio of one to thirty, but now it is one to ten.

What's more, the hundred billion Witch Clan members obtained Wu Wudi's novel skills, which improved their strength.

So when facing the hundred billion demon army, they were naturally not afraid at all.

Instead, they were eager to try. Unfortunately, Wu Wudi had not given the order yet, so they could only stare blankly.

"Chiyan, you are here again!!!"

Wu Wudi stepped on the void and couldn't help laughing at the Chiyan Demon Ape who came to send him warmth.

He could successfully break through the Great Wizard, and he had to thank him for the seven years he bought for himself.

"Seven years ago, I had no help, so you saved my life."

"Now I have brought with me a hundred billion demon troops from the Northern Wasteland. I have soldiers and horses, and I also have battle formations."

"What can you use to fight me now!!!"

The Red Flame Demon Ape was ready to attack, looking at Wu Wudi with confidence.

"Quite confident"

"certainly..."Woo woo!!"

The Red Flame Demon Ape was about to humiliate Wu Wudi, but the next second his neck was grabbed by a pair of large iron hands.

"Now, are you still confident?"

"Great Witch Realm....You are not Wu Wudi!!"

The Red Flame Demon Ape was crazy.

In just seven years, the other party had reached the Great Wizard realm.

You have to know that seven years ago, the other party was only in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even without the formation of the witch clan, he would have been abused by himself.

Now, after seven years, he has transformed into a Great Wizard.

It doesn't make sense.

He must have been possessed by someone, or there must be a Great Wizard of the Wu clan pretending to be him.

After all, the Wu clan cultivates the flesh, so the art of transformation is not easy for them.

"You stupid idiot, seven years ago my leader deliberately showed weakness to you."

"Otherwise, with your ability, why do you always feel like you're just a little bit off?"

"It's ridiculous. Seven years have passed and you still don't know."

"This is so funny!!"

Wu Kong followed Wu Wudi's footsteps and stood beside him. The terrifying aura he exuded made the 100 billion demon soldiers behind him dare not approach.

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