It was because he had already finished writing the book"Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon" and had already gained something.

Even if he destroyed or burned the skin of the beast that had written the book, Wu Wudi would not feel any pain.

What's more, his younger brother was a pure-blooded acquired witch.

Whether it was his qualifications or his talent, they were all so bad that it was heartbreaking.

In addition, how could he understand the text on the blue planet?

Even if he was given the strongest martial arts of the witch clan, the Nine-Turn Pan Yuan Gong, he would not be able to practice it with his qualifications.

It was not that Wu Wudi looked down on his younger brother, but because it was a fact. It was because the witch clan had only one martial arts, which was the Nine-Turn Pan Yuan Gong, which was specifically used to refine the body and absorb evil spirits.

This skill was extremely mysterious and magical, and it was a martial arts method passed down in the blood of the ancestor witches.

It was rumored that this skill was the method of Pangu's physical body cultivation. As long as he kept practicing, he could comprehend the power of the law with his physical body.

For example, the twelve ancestor witches practiced the Nine-Turn Pan Yuan Gong to the eighth level and controlled the law with their physical bodies.

However, because each witch has a different personality, disposition and opportunity, even if they practice the same technique, the laws they cultivate are different.

Ignoring Wu Kong, Wu Wudi withdrew his thoughts and concentrated on writing"The Legend of the Flying Tiger".

As he wrote more and more stories, he vaguely felt that he was about to break through the peak of the witch soldier realm.

At this time, Wu Kong was in the same situation as Wu Wudi.

He was bored and wanted to see what his elder brother was doing.

"Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon? ?"

"What kind of writing is this? Why do I not recognize it, but I know what it means at a glance?"

Cang Jie had not yet created writing, but that does not mean that there was no writing in the prehistoric world.

All great masters would leave messages in a form similar to Morse code.

"Is this written by my elder brother?"

The author's name is under the title. When Wu Kong saw that it was written by Wu Wudi, he was shocked.

He had depended on his elder brother for hundreds of years, but he didn't even know that his elder brother had this ability?

Out of curiosity, Wu Kong immediately flipped through the book.

But it would have been better if he hadn't read it. Once he read it, he couldn't stop.

The story in the book attracted his mind and he couldn't stop.

He didn't know how long it took, but he finally finished reading the book.

Wu Kong sighed:

"You Tanzhi is also a pitiful person. He feels sorry for everyone except Ah Zi. Unfortunately, he still made a mistake."

"However, this person was very lucky and accidentally succeeded in practicing the Yijinjing."

"It's a pity that I took the wrong path, otherwise my future achievements would be limitless"

"If only I could have his luck, what a pity!!!"

Putting the animal skin scroll down, Wu Kong's face was full of emotion.

Just as he finished reading it and was inspired, a loud bang exploded in his mind.

"Yi Jin Jing, it's Yi Jin Jing!!"

Looking at the words in his mind, Wu Kong was shocked.

It was because this was a martial art from the novel he had just read. This martial art was the sect's magic skill.

It was said that it could change the physique, enhance talent, etc., and had infinite benefits.

Before he could think about it, Yi Jin Jing took the initiative to operate.

The realm of the middle stage of the mortal witch that had prevented him from breaking through for hundreds of years collapsed.

This is?

Yi Jin Jing? ? Wu

Kong, who broke through to the late stage of the mortal witch, was shocked.

He actually got such a magical martial art from the characters in his elder brother's novel.

Although he only broke through a small realm, he had just practiced it.

And Wu Kong knew: from now on, his talent and qualifications have quietly changed.

As long as he persisted in practicing Yi Jin If he continued to practice the Yi Jin Jing, his future achievements would definitely not be what he could imagine.

Take the Tianlong Eight Steps he just watched, for example, You Tanzhi's talent and aptitude were not much better.

But since he practiced the Yi Jin Jing, his martial arts improved by leaps and bounds, and in the end he could even wrestle with the God of War.

This was enough to show the horror of the Yi Jin Jing.

It was a peerless skill that could turn a waste into a genius.

When Wu Kong thought of his future achievements, he was full of energy and immediately immersed himself in practice.

At this time, Wu Wudi, who was writing furiously, suddenly paused.

He could feel that there was suddenly an extra force in his body.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the peak realm of the wizard soldier was directly pierced.


As if the shackles were broken, a muffled sound came from Wu Wudi's body.

The early stage of the earth wizard!!

"Something is wrong. Something is wrong."

"As soon as I started writing Flying Tiger Side Story, I knew it was not as good as Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon. Moreover, I had just started writing. Logically, I should have written one-third of it before I could break through to the peak of the wizard soldier."

"But this...What is the sudden power?"

At this moment, the prompting voice of the Hongmeng system sounded in Wu Wudi's mind.

【Ding, Wu Kong resonated with the character of You Tanzhi by reading your Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, and thus obtained the character's martial arts secret book: Yi Jin Jing!】

【Ding, Wu Kong broke through the realm by practicing Yi Jin Jing and reached the realm of the late stage of ordinary witch】

【Ding, all the martial arts learned from the host's novels, or the power improved by practicing martial arts, will be obtained by the host at the same time. 】

When the system voice fell, Wu Wudi could feel that a martial arts secret book called Yi Jin Jing appeared in his mind out of thin air.

And the power that just came inexplicably, actually came from Wu Kong.

He opened his eyes and looked at Wu Kong who was practicing Yi Jin Jing.

Wu Wudi did not disturb him, but tried Yi Jin Jing himself.

Suddenly, magical changes occurred in his limbs, bones, and internal organs.

Is this Yi Jin Jing?


Wu Wudi was a little shocked.

He thought that his Hongmeng Novel System could only allow him to gain power by writing novels.


, he could also gain synchronous benefits from others.

Doesn't it mean that the more novels he wrote, the more witches read them, and the more benefits he would get.

With the blessing of the Hongmeng Novel System, even martial arts secrets would not be worse than any martial arts in the prehistoric world.

"A copy of Yi Jin Jing can change Wu Kong's aptitude, what if he obtains Bei Ming Divine Art or the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

Wu Wudi was looking forward to it more and more.

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