"Urgent, why not?"

"These wet-born, hairy beasts with horns and fur are slaughtering our people every day."

"If I don't attack the Heaven Palace soon, I don't know how many of my people will die."

Kuafu looked angry, as if he couldn't wait to attack the Heaven Palace.

"Great witch, please listen to me"

"My leader said that there are four gates to heaven."

"If we get all of them now, we can advance straight into the future."

"If we don't take it now, it will be difficult when the Heavenly Court reacts in the future."

The Heavenly Court will set up four gates in the future to block the entrance to the Four Wastelands.

Wu Wudi didn't know when the four gates would appear, so he wanted to take the opportunity to seize the Four Wastelands.

"That makes sense, eh?"

"Your chief witch was seriously injured. You are a Taiyi Golden Witch. You will attack the remaining three wastelands."

"but me...We must attack the Heavenly Palace now!!"

Kuafu thought for a while and then told his idea.


Wu Kong heard this.

He couldn't help but admire his elder brother Wu Wudi even more.

He didn't expect the ending to be exactly the same as he imagined.

When he heard what his elder brother said, he was still a little unconvinced.

""Big brother, you are truly a god!"

Wu Kong sighed, and then he and Kuafu split into two groups.

Kuafu led tens of billions of witch soldiers to charge straight to the Heavenly Palace, while Wu Kong led the witch army of the Northern Wasteland to charge into the other three wastelands.

Although there were witches in the other three wastelands, they were no match for the Northern Wasteland in terms of strength.

With just one response, Wu Kong took control of the three wastelands.

He did not let them join the army to fight, but directly left tens of trillions of novels for them to read with peace of mind.

This made the witches in the other wastelands unable to deal with it, but they could not withstand Wu Kong's Wukong said: There are great opportunities in the book, and you can enjoy them endlessly.

This is what Taiyi Jinwu said. Even if they can't restrain their own desires, they will eventually be conquered by Wukong's force.

After suppressing the Three Wasteland Witch Clan, Wukong led the Northern Wasteland troops to attack the other Three Wasteland monster clan Huanglong.

The whole process was unstoppable. Even if there were Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals jumping out, they were quickly dealt with by Wukong.

There is no way, Wukong is too strong now.

Under the blessing of Xiantian Gong, his strength exploded like a gusher.

【Ding, I will help you by reading the secrets of the Condor Heroes....】

【Ding, Zhuming through reading the double-edged sword....】

【Ding, remember the dream by reading the Blood Sword...】

【Ding, Fuze read the common people's god...】


The fourteen masterpieces of Mr. Jin are known as the most powerful martial arts classic novels.

And this"The Taixuan Sutra of Baishou" is the ceiling of combat power among the fourteen masterpieces.

So when Wu Wudi finished writing"The Buyi Divine Elephant", he put"The Taixuan Sutra" on the agenda.

When he was concentrating on writing"The Taixuan Sutra", the Hongmeng Novel System sounded in his mind.

Wu Wudi, who had long been accustomed to it, did not care.

After all, he was good at multitasking. Although he had"The Taixuan Sutra" written in his hand, he was also counting his gains in his mind at the same time.

It would have been better if he hadn't read it. After all, Wu Wudi was ecstatic after reading it.

"Wuji Divine Art, haha, it's Wuji Divine Art!!"

Although he could do two things at once, Wu Wudi stopped writing at this moment.

Since he came here, except for a few battles that required him to participate, he never stopped writing.

Now that he has obtained Wuji Divine Art, it is enough to show how excited he is.

The prehistoric catastrophe is nothing more than you plotting against me and I plotting against you.

If he had obtained Wuji Divine Art now, he would be able to squeeze in and not fall into the passive position like the previous ancestor witch.

"With the support of the Hongmeng novel system, has the Thirteen Wuji Method become so powerful? ? ?"

After Wu Wudi completely absorbed the Wuji Magic, he was extremely excited.

It was because the Thirteen Wuji Method was too invincible.

He knew astronomy, geography, and harmony among people. He knew yin and yang, the Eight Diagrams, the Qimen, and the Dunjia.

He defied fate and calculated the great way. Good and bad fortune depended on me, not on God!!!

Three sentences.

One more arrogant than the other.

One more arrogant than the other.

One more domineering than the other.

In order to verify the Thirteen Wuji Method, Wu Wudi immediately began to deduce.

When will the second war between the witches and the liches end?

The vast witch power in his body quickly disappeared under the Wuji Method.

But he soon got the answer.

"Will the fight last this long? ? ?"

Wu Wudi frowned, but changed his mind.

That's fine.

The longer the Second War between the Lich and the Wizard drags on, the more novels he can write.

After finishing writing the Taixuan Sutra, he will try to write a more powerful martial arts novel.

At this moment, an extremely dangerous aura descended.

Wu Wudi reflexively used all his martial arts to conceal his aura.

The withering Zen of Tianlong Temple instantly restrained all his vitality like a dead tree.

But this was far from enough, Wu Wudi continued to use his concealing martial arts.

The acupoint-closing technique of Jueqing Valley concealed all the acupoints in his body, and no aura was seen anymore.

The Wudang Turtle Breathing Technique was like an old turtle sitting in meditation, motionless, smellless, and not rising.....

As dozens of concealment techniques were used, the terrifying aura slowly receded.

"No wonder they say those who try to spy on the secrets of heaven will not have a good end. This thing is really a bit scary."

"The way of heaven cannot be desecrated, but hiding is not a solution."

At the same time, Wu Wudi had a deeper understanding of the Wuji Divine Art. He used violence to spy on the way of heaven and saw the result.

This technique can only be described as awesome.

Of course, Wu Wudi was also thinking about how to solve the problem of being held accountable by the way of heaven.

Wu Wudi did not believe that there was only one way to resist. If so, how would other people who leaked the secrets of heaven survive.

Now that he knew the time when the war between witches and liches would end, Wu Wudi calmed down and continued to write novels.

The war between witches and liches continued to ferment, and this war lasted longer than the first one.

As the saying goes, all lives are lost and the land is filled with grief. Many practitioners were involved in it for no reason and ended up dying with their eyes open. In the entire prehistoric world, except for the disciples of the saints, almost no force was spared.

Even if there was, it was outside the battlefield.

The sweeping momentum of this war is quite uncontrollable.

Especially the twelve witch ancestors and the demon kings, they have completely Killing with bloodshot eyes.

Throwing all the prohibitions of heaven and Hongjun behind his back.

When the sky is murderous, the stars will move and the earth will be overturned. When the earth is murderous, dragons and snakes will rise from the land. When people are murderous, the world will turn upside down.

There are no people here, but there are witches and demons who are more terrifying than humans.

The vast prehistoric world cannot withstand the torment of witches and demons.

Now the prehistoric world is devastated, the plates are split, and the ground veins are shifted.

If the fight continues, perhaps the prehistoric world will not be blown up.

But it will make the prehistoric world restless and full of resentment. Even if the catastrophe is eliminated, the consequences will still need to be borne.

So after fighting for nearly ten thousand years, Hongjun came forward to stop the two tribes from continuing to fight.

And ordered the two tribes not to fight again within the Yuanhui.

In order to stop the two tribes, Hongjun Daozu even took action personally. He set up four gates for the heavenly court, and closed the contact with the ground from then on.

In order to pacify the witch clan, the four wastelands were also handed over to the witch clan for management.

Thus, the situation of the demons controlling the sky and the witches controlling the earth was completely achieved.

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