"Everyone in the tribe is so strong, what about Wu Wudi?"

Gonggong said expectantly.

"It seems that the martial arts created by this kid are really quite good. So what are we waiting for? Let's go and see how unbearable this kid is."The hot-tempered Zhu Rong immediately shouted that he wanted to see the true face of Wu Wudi.

"Haha, now you believe what I just said, right?"

At this time, Kuafu was laughing the most happily.

He even didn't feel the pain from the few kicks he had just received.

"If this boy really has such ability, he is indeed the most suitable person to be the leader of our Wu Clan."

Di Jiang now also agrees with what Kuafu said.

Since Wu Wudi can bring about a big change in the Four Wildernesses, if he is in charge of the Wu Clan, wouldn't it be!!!

Thinking of the Wu Clan's unreasonable power surge, Di Jiang's heart surged.

With a finger, the scene in the mirror changed.

Soon, he appeared in a dilapidated cave, and a man appeared in the mirror.

Unlike the normal Wu Clan's big and strong, this man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a calm demeanor.

In addition to being extremely handsome, he does not have the Wu Clan's irritable appearance at all.

"Who? ? ?"

Just as the Wu clan leaders were carefully looking at Wu Wudi,

Wu Wudi suddenly raised his head, and his eyes burst out with infinite power.


Under this look, the magic mirror of the Dijiang Zuwu was instantly shattered.

"Good boy, you have some ability"

"But I want to see how tall you are."

The witches are good at fighting and love fighting.

Even the ancestor of the Emperor Jiang is the same.

Facing the mysterious younger generation, there is no embarrassment at all.

In a word, seeing the prey makes you happy, and you do it at will.


Emperor Jiang tapped the void with his finger.

The picture of Wu Wudi in the cave appeared again. Of course, since the ancestor of the Emperor Jiang was going to fight, how could he hold back?

In the eyes of the witches, at the same time as the mirror appeared, a figure exactly like Wu Wudi jumped out of the mirror.

The witches were shocked.

This is the mirror fighting skill of the ancestor of the Emperor Jiang. It is so powerful that it can completely copy the opponent's strength one to one.

"Tsk tsk, Emperor Jiang Zuwu is getting serious, this kid is doomed"

"Mirror image technique, I've been beaten by this skill before."

"Haha, now we have something interesting to watch."

All the great witches have been trained by the ancestor witch Dijiang. Now, looking at this scene, they feel unusually 'warm'.

This is the loving education of the ancestor witch Dijiang, and every great witch has received it.

And in the witch clan, being able to accept the teachings of the ancestor witch Dijiang means being recognized by the ancestor witch Dijiang.

This recognition is not a relationship between clan members, but a recognition of strength.

There are billions of witches in the entire witch clan, and only the seven innate great witches can be recognized by the ancestor witch Dijiang.

At the same time, it also indicates that from today onwards.

There will be one more great witch recognized by the ancestor witch Dijiang.


Just when everyone was expecting the ancestor witch Dijiang to use the mirror image technique to deal with Wu Wudi, the mirror image Wu Wudi didn't even take a single move, and was blown up by Wu Wudi with a bang.


Kuafu jumped up excitedly.

"He defeated the mirror image technique of Emperor Jiang Zuwu in one move. Even I can’t do it now!!"

Xing Tian looked at Wu Wudi with fiery eyes.

"It seems that this new great wizard is also a ruthless person. Facing the mirror image technique of the ancestor wizard Dijiang, he just attacked without hesitation.

The remaining great wizards looked at each other and could not help but see shock in their eyes.

"Although we are not good at using magic, how could the mirroring magic you formed by borrowing the laws of space be so easily destroyed?"

"Big brother, did you let him go?"

The ancestor witches looked at Dijiang with curiosity.

But the next action made them realize that

Dijiang did not let him go.

"Damn, what does Dijiang Zuwu want to do? ? ?"

"We Wu clan rely on our physical bodies, so we must fight with our physical bodies to show our true fighting power."

"But Wu Wudi is one of us. Isn’t it too much that the Ancestral Witch Dijiang has stretched both hands into the space?"

"Too much? You know nothing, this is the love of our Dijiang Zuwu."

As soon as these words came out, all the great witches burst into laughter.

And in the mirror, two huge fists suddenly appeared.

The camera returned to Wu Wudi in the cave.

The Second War between Liches and Wizards lasted for tens of thousands of years, and Wu Wudi was also writing novels crazily during this period.

Over the past ten thousand years, he has written countless popular classic novels.

Unfortunately, since he reached the realm of the great witch, the speed of his realm growth has been getting slower and slower.

Even though there are witches from the four wildernesses, practicing the martial arts in the novels day and night.

But a great witch is a great witch, even if it is synchronized, it is only better than nothing..

It’s just because the witches in the four wildernesses are too weak. Even if the current golden witches are synchronized, it won’t increase Wu Wudi much.

And there are not many Taiyi golden witches in the four wildernesses.

As for the bonus of the novels written, it is getting smaller and smaller.

Wu Wudi also wants to try to write works by great masters such as Tianbang, Baijin, and Wireless.

But the Hongmeng novel system still gave a warning.

Wu Wudi didn’t feel surprised, but thought it was normal.

After all, the world view and martial arts of Mr. Jin’s fourteen representative works are not that damn strong. At most It is between low-level martial arts and medium-level martial arts, but under the blessing of the Hongmeng novel system, it has shown such terrifying power.

If it were those fantasy novels, there would be no martial arts that could suppress luck, and any of them might not be something that he could bear at his current level.

As the saying goes, the end of a person who is unworthy of his position is death.

However, after thousands of years, Wu Wudi did not gain nothing.

At least he wrote countless novels, and at the same time, his realm was pushed to the peak of the middle stage of the Great Wizard.

But when he was working tirelessly on writing, he found that someone was spying on him.

Of course The method was not very clever, he only needed to use the sword technique in the blink of an eye to break the spying method.

When Wu Wudi was about to use the Wuji magic to deduce who it was, a mirror appeared in the void, and a wizard who looked exactly like himself walked out of it.

This made Wu Wudi unhappy, and he used the Wind and Thunder Palm and blew up the opponent in an instant.

He thought the opponent would be quiet for a while.

But he didn't expect that two arms stretched out from the mirror and grabbed him directly.

Unlike the previous two times, this arm looked ordinary, but it contained extremely terrifying power.

""Turning Heaven Palm!!"

Wu Wudi did not hesitate, and overlapped his hands, showing a kind of heaven-shaking goodwill.

Seeing this, the palm also hurriedly clenched into a fist.

Under the roar of the void, the two fists collided and unexpectedly ended in a draw.

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