"Everyone, the fact that Wu Wudi is one of the Thirteen Ancestral Witches must be kept strictly confidential!!"

"After leaving Pangu Hall, everyone must keep their mouths shut."

"Yes, those guys are too good at calculating. If they figure it out, Wu Wudi will be in danger."

Wu Wudi didn't say anything, but the witch ancestors immediately started to think about Wu Wudi.

After all, the witch clan has entered a bottleneck period. If there is one more witch ancestor, they will be able to counterattack at the critical moment.

Especially now that they plan to practice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation, if they succeed, they will surely make the witch clan more powerful.

""I wonder what the ancestor witch wants from me?"

Although the great witches looked at Wu Wudi with curiosity, they readily agreed to the words of the ancestor witch Dijiang.

At this time, Wu Wudi looked at Dijiang and other ancestor witches curiously.

If it was before the second war between witches and liches, Wu Wudi would not have the qualifications to talk to them now.

But this war between witches and liches has brought his original accumulation to a higher level.

Not to mention that his strength has reached the peak of the middle stage of the great witch, just his bloodline is, as the ancestor witch Dijiang said, already the essence of Pangu level.

The rest depends on his own accumulation, and then push the realm to the ancestor witch.

Unlike other innate great witches, in fact, Wu Wudi at this time is already half an ancestor witch in the eyes of all the ancestor witches.

So Wu Wudi is naturally confident when facing a group of ancestor witches.

"Brother Wudi, we are about to go into seclusion to practice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation."

Di Jiang, as the eldest brother, has always been taciturn and only speaks when it comes to key decisions.

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin, as the second brother, takes on the role of housekeeper.

"The Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation?"

"This is a good thing, and it is indeed necessary to cultivate it as soon as possible."

The real reliance of the third war between the witches and liches is the great formation of the twelve gods and demons of heaven. As a person from later generations, Wu Wudi naturally knows this.

So before he obtains absolute power, he naturally wants the twelve witch ancestors to be as strong as possible.

"As expected of you, you are the invincible brother. I believe you should also know from the essence and blood of Father Pangu how terrifying this Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation is."

"Indeed, if this formation exists, our Wu clan is equivalent to having a saint as a guardian."

Zhu Jiuyin recognized Wu Wudi, so Wu Wudi naturally had to say a few words.


"Really, or fake? ?"

A group of innate great witches looked at Wu Wudi in disbelief.

"You don't have to doubt it, what Brother Wudi said is true"

"Do you think what I just said was just a rant?"

Destroy the demon race, drive away Hongjun, and destroy the Heavenly Dao. These words are not just random words from the ancient witches.

You should know that the formation of this prehistoric world all comes from Pangu.

If you can obtain Pangu's real body, these words are not false.

"It seems that Brother Wudi also knows the importance of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation, so I don't need to explain too much."

"I asked you to come here because I have something important to discuss with you. I just want to see if you agree or not.

At this time, Di Jiang took over the conversation.

"You don't want me to participate in the practice of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array, do you?"

Wu Wudi looked at the Twelve Ancestral Witches. Hou Tu didn't turn into the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Underworld. Aren't they all together now?

"Brother Wudi, you must be joking. For the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation to succeed, the Ancestral Witch realm is the most basic condition. You know this."

What Dijiang said, Wu Wudi really wanted to say, I really don't know

"That...What do you want me for?"

Wu Wudi looked at Dijiang. When did the Ancestral Witch start to speak in a roundabout way?

"We are practicing the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array in seclusion, and the Wu Clan will be leaderless."

The Emperor Jiang Zuwu said solemnly:"So I want you to take charge of the Wu Clan. After all, the blood of Pangu the Father flows in your body, and it is your responsibility to take charge of the Wu Clan."

"Aren't they?"

Wu Wudi looked at the seven innate great witches.


It would be fine if they were not mentioned, but Dijiang was filled with anger when he was mentioned.

The seven innate great witches, seeing Dijiang's appearance, stood up straight, but their hearts were empty.

"Brother Wudi, I know I have wronged you in the Northern Wilderness over the years, but the Wu Clan needs you now."

"Yes, we are all brothers, we can discuss anything."

"Of course, if you don't want to manage it, you can stop caring about it after Boss Dijiang has cultivated the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation."

Seeing Wu Wudi's expression, the witch ancestors thought that Wu Wudi didn't want to manage the witch clan, and immediately spoke to persuade him kindly.

"It is not impossible to manage the Wu Clan during your retreat."

At this time, Wu Wudi was already very happy.

Wu can help me!!!

What he lacks most now is top masters to read his novels. As long as there are thousands of Taiyi Golden Wus who can obtain the skills from his novels and then synchronize them with himself, there is no need to worry about reaching the peak of the late Great Wu realm.

I am afraid that even the Ancestral Wu realm may be reached.

However...Wu Wudi looked at the seven innate great wizards

"Brother Wudi, we Wu clan all have the same temper and don't like to manage these trivial matters."

"Yes, it is indeed difficult for you to manage such a large witch clan."

"Whatever you want or request, just tell us and we will definitely satisfy you."

All the witches, led by the Witch Emperor Jiang, said one thing after another, as if they were afraid that Wu Wudi would go back on his word.

"I can manage the Wu clan, but you have also seen"

"Because I awakened the essence of Father God too late, and now I am only in the middle stage of Great Wizard."

While Wu Wudi was speaking, he looked at the seven innate Great Wizards.

"What happened to you who are in the middle stage of the Great Wizard? You are in the middle stage of the Great Wizard, and the purest blood of the Father God is still flowing in your body."

"That's right, brother Wudi, you can rest assured that the Wu clan will obey your orders."

"As long as we don't go to war with the demons for the time being, you have the final say on everything else."

"Anyone who dares to disobey is equivalent to disobeying our orders."

The ancient witches said in unison, infinitely magnifying the power of Wu Wudi.

"Okay, what I want is unconditional and absolute obedience."

Wu Wudi was very satisfied with the answers of the ancient witches.

"Kuafu pays homage to Wu Wudi, the ancestor of the witch clan. As long as you manage the witch clan, I will definitely cooperate with you."

When he heard that Wu Wudi was willing to manage the witch clan, Kuafu saluted with a happy face.

"With the Wu Clan led by the Invincible Great Wu, there will be no problem."

Hou Yi was relieved. As long as he was not allowed to deal with these trivial matters, everything would be fine.

The remaining innate great witches also hurried forward to greet him.

"Everyone, I am still at the Great Wizard level."

"Then we can talk about our own affairs and call each other brothers."It

's just a title, which is nothing to the big and strong witches. The twelve witch ancestors had no objection, and the seven great innate witches readily agreed. At the same time, their good impression of Wu Wudi also rose sharply.

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