
"What do you mean, please explain it clearly?"

The Great Wizard Kuafu couldn't do anything to them, so he came to help them out of kindness.

Now they all look at him with resentment, wishing they could cut him into pieces.


"What do you mean, you still have the nerve to ask us now?"

"How can resonance be achieved so easily? We finally used the invincible boss's formation to calm our minds and spirits, and only then did we get the chance to obtain the technique again. But you are so good!!"

"That is, they attacked the Eighteen Bronze Men Formation, and it was so loud that it shook the peach forest apart and made all of us exit the state of enlightenment."

"Kuafu, Great Wizard, listen to me and thank you!!!"

When you have tried to practice to the speed of a rocket, who would want to walk again?

So at this moment, all the wizard geniuses looked at Kuafu with resentment on their faces.


"Are you saying that the novels you read are actually practicing cultivation? ? ?"

Kuafu was confused.

He had heard of people attaining enlightenment by watching the wonders of heaven and earth, by standing under a bodhi tree, and by listening to people preaching.

But he had never heard that reading novels could lead to enlightenment.

What are you doing???

"What else? ?"

The wizards of the wizard clan looked at the great wizard Kuafu as if he were a fool.

"We are the witch tribe. We do not cultivate the soul, nor do we talk about Taoism."

"You told me that reading novels can help me gain enlightenment?"

Kuafu's heart was full of gossip.

The Wu clan suppressed the evil spirits of the wildness and had extremely strong bodies.

The simplest way to practice was to fight.

Or use the evil spirits between heaven and earth to train the body to reach the level of breakthrough.

But now, someone actually told him that the Wu clan could gain enlightenment through novels.....Enlightenment

"Now, this is your fault."

"That's right, as a great innate wizard, he can't stand on the same front with Boss Wu Wudi"

"I now seriously doubt whether you have fulfilled your duties as a great wizard in the past hundred years."

A group of talented wizards accused the great wizard Kuafu.

At this time, the great wizard Kuafu was numb.

I am wrong?

I didn't fulfill my duties?

I didn't stand on the same front with Wu Wudi?

Why did I come here?

I was thinking about the wizard clan, and you said I didn't fulfill my duties.

If it weren't for the great wizard Kuafu's firm will, even he would think so.


"Bring me the novels."

The Great Wizard Kuafu took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

He wanted to check these novels to see if they were as magical as these young wizards said.

"No way, as a great witch, you have never read the novels of Boss Wudi?"

A group of talented witches looked at the great witch Kuafu in shock.

Ninety years ago, Wu Wudi inexplicably became the head of the witch clan, which caused a commotion among the witch clan.

Fortunately, the twelve ancestor witches came forward in person, and with the full support of the seven innate great witches, the situation was stabilized.

After Wu Wudi took office, the first order he issued was to let all the witches read novels.

The witch clan was rough by nature, and it was unknown how many witches resisted this order.

However, because of Wu Wudi's status, even if these witches had some complaints, they did not dare to act presumptuously.

But looking at those fellows who read novels, that realm was reached every day. A change.

The other members of the Wu clan couldn't sit still.

It would have been fine if they hadn't read it, but once they read it, they were shocked.

Within three years, the entire Wu clan was swept by the novel craze.

Fortunately, Wu Wudi had already obtained the clone technique in the Heroes series, and he could create millions of clones by himself, and wrote a novel called Wu Shou, which prevented them from fighting each other.

According to gossip, Wu Wudi is definitely at the level of a great witch.

But why didn't Kuafu, who is also a great witch, read the novel?

This made the geniuses of the Wu clan intrigued.

Because there is only one result for those who have not read the novel, and that is that they cannot gain martial arts from the novel.

"Stop talking nonsense, you, just you, bring the novel over here."

The Great Wizard Kuafu looked at the strange looks of the Wizard Clan geniuses, and he himself was very unhappy.

"Great Wizard Kuafu, I haven't yet fully comprehended this Heavenly Dragon Eight Steps, so please don't break it."

Miao Huo 'looked back every three steps' and reluctantly handed over the Heavenly Dragon Eight Steps in his hand.

""Okay, okay, if this novel can really help you improve your realm, I will return it to you later."

If it was a witch who said this, Kuafu might not believe it.

But seeing the changes in hundreds of witch geniuses, he couldn't help but believe it.

He even thought carefully about what he had just seen in the Kuafu tribe. It seemed that the aura of the witches in his tribe was indeed much stronger than before.

Just because he returned to the witch tribe, he found that all the witches were reading novels idly.

It directly made his gentle temper explode, and he didn't think much about other things.

Now, after being reminded by this group of talented witches, he even remembered the kid Ye Yang from his tribe.

At that time, he always felt why the kid's aura was so strange.

Now thinking back, it was him who broke through the realm.

But why didn't he tell me?

When I go back, I have to deal with him well.

Ye Yang in the Kuafu tribe couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and he didn't know what happened.

"What? ? ?"

With a lot of questions in his mind, Kuafu finished reading Tianlong Babu.

Just as he was thinking, this novel is really good.

The characters in the story are portrayed in great detail, especially Murong Fu, who was determined to restore his country.

It's a pity that he ended up with nothing in the end.

But novels are just novels, which can only waste a lifetime.

For enlightenment ,...It was useless.

Just when he wanted to teach the geniuses of the Wu clan again and lead them onto the right path, a martial art called Dou Zhuan Xing Yi appeared in his mind for no reason.

At the same time, his state of mind, which had not moved for tens of millions of years, actually loosened.

He, who was not evil, began to practice the martial art Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and an extremely terrifying force emerged crazily.

���Chen, under the power of Kuafu, changes accordingly

"Damn, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, it turned out to be Dou Zhuan Xing Yi's peerless martial arts"

"The great wizard Kuafu actually got this martial art, he really got the chance to ascend to heaven"

"I'm so jealous. I've been reading Tianlong Babu for so long, but I haven't even gotten the skills to suppress the luck in half of the novel."

Seeing this, the talented witches around him kept shouting"Awesome!"

"Is this not a dream? ? ?"

The Great Wizard Kuafu stopped practicing the martial art of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, looking dumbfounded.

Although he was at the Great Wizard level, his strength was indeed very impressive.

But when he practiced the martial art of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, he was more than ten times stronger than usual.


Really enlightenment!!

Our Wizard Clan can also achieve enlightenment!!!

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