"We usually don't see Master Wu Wudi unless he wants to come out to find us."

The genius tribesmen shook their heads, saying they could do nothing to help.

"Is it so difficult to meet each other?"

"Why don't we just break the formation?!"

"like...It's not impossible."

What the innate great witches want to do is definitely the kind of thing that they will not stop until they achieve their goal.

"Hey, hey, we are here to apologize, what's the big deal about breaking the formation now?"

Kuafu immediately stopped the other five wizards from doing this.


At this moment, those genius tribesmen started to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

Xiang Liu glared, and boundless murderous aura surged out.

""Great Wizard Xiangliu, calm down. We are professionally trained. Normally, we won't laugh unless we can't help it."

One of the genius wizards explained seriously.

"What do you mean?"

Xiang Liu was on the verge of exploding.

If it weren't for Kuafu holding him back, he would have already attacked these younger generations.

"All the great witches, please come in!!"

The group of genius great witches looked at each other and immediately made a gesture of invitation to the innate great witches.

The innate great witches have always had a lofty status in the witch clan.

It can be said that below the ancestor witch, there are the seven innate great witches.

This is a pride that is as high as the sky. Although they talk about it, they also disdain to talk about it.

But the witch clan advocates combat power.

Now the former genius witches have now reached the same realm as the innate great witches.

The warlike blood in their hearts has long been aroused.

And they have tried the formation in front of them.

They can't break it.

So they also believe that these innate great witches can't break it.

Now this group of innate great witches have to break the formation first, and they also want to see the joke.

"My Bei Ming Divine Power can absorb all the energy between heaven and earth. Let me test this formation first."

Xiang Liu stood up without saying a word.

When he wanted to attack the peach forest formation, eighteen little golden men jumped out.

"This is the Eighteen Bronze Men Formation. I fought against them two hundred years ago."

"I didn't expect that after two hundred years, their strength has increased so much."

Kuafu looked at the eighteen little golden men, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

It was because the eighteen bronze men were only at the Golden Wizard level at the beginning, but now after two hundred years, they have all reached the Taiyi Golden Wizard level.

"What is so special about them?"

Hou Yi looked at the eighteen little golden men, each holding a golden stick and emitting a chilling aura.

"Indestructible, unrivaled strength"

""When they are separated, they are in order. When they are combined, they are incredible!!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Just as Kuafu was talking, Xiangliu had already started fighting with the Eighteen Bronze Men.

They were all witches, so they would naturally fight with real hands.

Xiangliu was not polite at all, and he immediately activated the Beiming Divine Art.

No matter how strong the Eighteen Bronze Men were, they were directly sucked dry by him.

Even the eighteen sticks were directly sucked into slag by him.

"That’s all, that’s all!!"

Xiang Liu laughed loudly and entered the peach forest alone.

"Kuafu, are you exaggerating?"

When the witches saw Xiangliu solve the Eighteen Bronze Men Formation in the blink of an eye, they also looked at Kuafu in surprise.

"That's not right. Two hundred years ago, I broke a lot of my limbs to break the Eighteen Bronze Men Formation."

"Now two hundred years have passed, they are stronger, but why do they feel weaker?"

Kuafu also felt puzzled.

At this time, Xiangliu had already entered the peach forest.

However, he had just stepped in when his back foot stopped.

The witches were surprised, but the next second, Xiangliu's body was like a black hole, emitting endless suction.

However, a strange force emanated from the peach forest, blocking this huge suction.

"What happened? Xiangliu went berserk after just taking half a step forward?"

"Hurry up and stop Xiangliu, otherwise the formation will not be broken, but he will explode instead."

""You go away, I'll come!"

Just as the witches stared with wide eyes, Xing Tian took a step forward and used the huge power of the Nine Suns to forcibly pull Xiang Liu out of the peach forest.


It was like the crisp sound of a bottle of red wine being opened.

"It's so fucking scary!!"

After Xiang Liu woke up, he said with lingering fear.

"The peach forest is still the same peach forest. Nothing happened. Why is it so scary?"

The innate witches looked at Xiang Liu puzzledly.

"You don't know...One step to heaven, one step to hell."

Xiang Liu looked at the harmless peach forest with some fear.

As soon as he stepped into it, he felt dizzy.

At the beginning, Xiang Liu felt nothing.

No matter what it is, it needs energy.

He only needs to use the Bei Ming Divine Art and breathe lightly, and the dizziness will disappear without a trace.

But Xiang Liu took it for granted. He just used the Bei Ming Divine Art, and although he broke this layer of dizziness

, he fell into an endless dizziness.

One layer after another, one layer after another, endlessly.

He was so angry that he wanted to use the most powerful Bei Ming Divine Art, but no matter how he exploded, the number of layers between heaven and earth increased.

He fell in and could never find a way out.

If Xing Tian hadn't pulled him out abruptly, he would probably have gone crazy now.


Is it really that scary?

"Why don't you try it?"

Xiang Liu's eyes turned and he had a bad idea.

"Just give it a try. I'll show you how powerful your brother Yi is."

Hou Yi walked straight to the peach forest without saying anything.

However, he was still quite rational. He controlled the distance like Xiang Liu and stepped half a foot into it.


The six-pulse sword energy on his six fingers, which was devastating, exploded without any reservation.

""Quick, Boss Xingtian, pull him out."

Everyone's hair stood on end, and they all looked at Xingtian.


Just like Xiangliu, Houyi was forcibly pulled out.

""Jiejie, how does Houyi feel?"

Xiangliu looked at Houyi with a sly smile.

""Fuck, this is so fucking terrifying!!!"

Ignoring Xiangliu's evil smile, Houyi looked at his fingers. He was still a little dizzy.

His Six Meridians Divine Sword had no effect on this formation?

""A formation has stopped us?"

The great witches looked at each other in bewilderment.

Before Wu Wudi appeared, they thought that the ancestor witch was first, and they were second.

The others were all garbage.

"Are you looking for me? ?"

Just as the witches were looking at each other, an elegant figure walked out from the depths of the peach forest.

When the witches saw him, their eyes went from dull to wide.

Wu Wudi was like a ray of light, deeply attracting the eyes of the witches.

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