"This is....Pure Yang Law!!"

As countless flames rose up, waves of dragon roars echoed in Xingtian's flesh and blood.

""The Law of the Ancient Dragon!"

Donghuang Taiyi was horrified.

The ancient times were between the time before the Great Desolation and after the Chaos.

This period also belonged to the Dragon and Han Great Disaster, and the so-called Ancient Dragon was an existence that surpassed the level of the Ancestral Dragon.

Such a thing had already died in the Dragon and Han Great Disaster.

Even the Ancestral Dragon could not inherit any of his power.

But it was unexpected that such power appeared in the body of a witch.


This was Donghuang Taiyi's first thought, because everything in the world has a destiny.

For example, their Jinwu clan was born with The companion of the sun.

When it is born, it is endowed with the energy of the sun.

The days ahead, or the final destination, is the law of the sun.

If one day a golden crow uses the law of ice, it would be a rebellion against the heavens, an incredible thing.

Unless that day, this golden crow is a saint.

But even he and his elder brother Di Jun were trapped at the peak of quasi-saint.

In Donghuang Taiyi's cognition, apart from the way of heaven and saints in the world, only his two brothers have talents in the world.

But what his two brothers can't do, how can this group of witches do it

""The law of dragon and elephant, the great power of heaven and earth!!!"

The next second, Donghuang Taiyi was stunned.

If everything before was against the way of heaven, then now it was truly unreasonable.

It was because at this moment, Xingtian suddenly showed a great power that shook the world.

It is said that among the three thousand great ways, only the great way of power transcends everything.

At the beginning, the great god Pangu cultivated the great way of power.

He cut all the other three thousand great ways under the axe, and then we had the current era.

"Brother Xingtian has broken through the realm of the Ancestral Witch!! 1"

"The Nine Suns Law, the Ancient Heavenly Dragon, and the Power of the Dragon and Elephant, these three powers are so perfectly integrated together."

"As expected of the leader among our innate wizards, I recognize his ambition!!!

The six innate wizards looked at each other. Although they had read the same novel, they could not comprehend any of the three techniques. This was because each of these three techniques was a unique skill to suppress one's luck. If one could successfully practice any of the three techniques, he would be a domineering figure.

"Taiyi, I have to thank you very much."

Xing Tian broke through the realm of the ancestor witch, and a surge of power came.

As he spoke, he punched forward.

Nine kinds of pure yang laws appeared, like nine sharp blades.

Wherever he passed, even the space frozen by the Chaos Bell was directly broken.

"What? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was not convinced and also punched out.

But the result was incredible. His punch formed by the law of the sun could not beat the opponent's nine pure yang laws.

Although the so-called law is not the complete and independent law of the saint.

Even the peak of the late quasi-saint is only one tenth of the law.

Therefore, this is the biggest gap between the quasi-saint and the saint.

The law is something that cannot be made up even with the innate treasure.

But Donghuang Taiyi is the companion spirit of the sun star. When it comes to the perception of the law of the sun, the whole prehistoric world is full of people. Apart from him and Di Jun, he dared to say that no one was stronger than him.

But what about Xing Tian? He used nine kinds of pure yang laws at once, and suppressed the overwhelming force.

Donghuang Taiyi wanted to vomit blood.

He was the son of the sun, but he couldn't beat a witch from the Wu clan?

No, it was a new ancestor witch.

You know, even Zhu Rong, who was known as the god of fire in the Wu clan, would be dwarfed in front of his sun law.

But this great witch who had just broken through the ancestor witch realm...



Very wrong!!

Didn't the innate great witch say that Pangu's blood was not good enough? Is it because of insufficient strength that he cannot become an ancestor witch?

Then what about this Xing Tian? ? ?

Countless questions appeared in Donghuang Taiyi's mind at once.

But at this moment, Xing Tian didn't care about so many things.

He had broken through the ancestor witch, and now he just wanted to have a good fight.

Jiuyang is not bad. What about the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? ? The

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was blasted out as his mind moved.

The dragon roared, breaking the void with force.

Donghuang Taiyi saw this and his eyes widened.

This palm blasted out, and there was actually a shadow of the law of force in it.

The power of the sun was poured into the Chaos Bell, and it immediately The Chaos Bell showed a flame pattern.

Donghuang Taiyi looked solemn, and suddenly threw the Chaos Bell at the eighteen flying dragons.


Xing Tian took a step back, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But at this time, his eyes were bright and his fighting spirit was terrifying.

Just because of this palm, it seemed that he took a step back, but in fact, Xing Tian won.

He had just broken through the realm of the Ancestral Witch, that is, the early stage of the Quasi-Sage.

But relying on the law of power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he instantly burst out with a force eighteen times stronger than his own.

This palm was hit, and even the Chaos Bell was blocked.

"I wonder what other tricks you have!!"

Donghuang Taiyi shook the Chaos Bell, and the wind, fire, thunder and lightning between heaven and earth were instantly suppressed.

On the contrary, Xingtian did not feel anything at all, but went up alone.

The sound of dragon and elephant came from his body.

"So strong, Brother Xingtian is so strong"

"The Nine Suns Law, the power to subdue the dragon, and now the dragon elephant is being used"

"If the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has eighteen times the power of the Heavenly Dragon, then the Dragon Elephant Prajna has the power of the ancient dragon and elephant."

As the witches were shocked, Xing Tian rushed into the chaotic time and space.

Facing the Chaos Bell that was like a mountain, he was not afraid at all and fought with it purely with his flesh and blood.


The fists and the Chaos Bell launched a violent roar, just like forging iron, and the sound became more and more urgent.

At the end, the Chaos Bell suddenly released a chaotic aura. Xing Tian

's dragon elephant body was shattered, and the whole body flew backwards until it crashed into tens of thousands of stars and stopped.

"Now, what can you fight me with?!!!"

Donghuang Taiyi held the Chaos Bell in his hand and looked indifferently at Xing Tian, who was lying on the ruined planet, his life or death unknown.

""Jie Jie!!!"

Just when Donghuang Taiyi thought that Xing Tian had been beaten half to death, Xing Tian on the broken planet laughed strangely.

"Cool, it's really cool."

"I like this kind of battle!!!"

His voice was filled with satisfaction.

"If you like it, then go and die!!"

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the remaining six innate great witches vigilantly. Seeing that they were unmoved, Donghuang Taiyi immediately took action.

A sound wave formed by the Chaos Bell suddenly descended from the void to the top of Xingtian's head.

As long as this sound wave hits, even Xingtian's body will not be able to resist it.

"Donghuang Taiyi, don't be impatient, let's play slowly!!"

Xing Tian spoke slowly, and the attack formed by the sound wave had already hit him.

How could the broken planet withstand this force?


The whole planet turned into ashes in an instant, and there was no trace of this star under the entire starry sky.

But at this time, Donghuang Taiyi was not happy at all.

Instead, he looked around with a serious face.

"Hey, I'm here!!"

Xing Tian's body was broken, like broken glass, but it did not affect his happiness at all.

""The Law of Space? ? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was confused.

How many laws did he have now?

Even the Pure Yang Law already accounted for nine, and there was also the Law of Force and the Dharma Body of Force.

Now there was also the Law of Space.

Could this Xingtian be the fusion of the twelve ancient witches? Could he be the twelve gods and demons of the heavens?

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