"Fuck, the battle is over?"

"With just one palm strike, Chai Zhi and Ni Huo were defeated."

"Are Ni Huo and Chai Wan too weak, or is Wu Fan too strong?"

At this moment, Wu Fan was surrounded by golden light, and his power was extremely astonishing. The people around him could not help but be horrified.

"What kind of palm technique is this? Why is it so terrifying?"

"I can't see it, but it fits perfectly with our Wu clan's physical body, and it is a rare fighting skill."

Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other, and they saw shock in each other's eyes.

Although they were in the middle stage of Wu Bing, facing the palm just now, even they felt heavy pressure.

It was just because the power of this palm was too terrifying.

Although Wu Fan was only at the peak of the early stage of Wu Bing, the power of this palm also made them feel the taste of death.

"Everyone, who has any objection to my being number one? ?"

With his hands behind his back, Wu Fan looked calm at the witches around him, but in fact, his heart was filled with excitement.

How could he not be excited? ? ?

After being a waste for a thousand years, he was now proud and turned over.

This feeling...Cool! It

's so fucking cool.

I can't describe it in words. I can only put my hands behind my back and quietly enjoy the highlight moment at this moment.

"Captured the Black Ant King alive, and defeated the strongest Chai Wan and Ni Huo in one move. Who dares to object?"

"Too strong, how could Wu Fan become so strong? Has he been hiding his strength all these years?"

"It is possible. After all, he has been hiding in the cave for thousands of years and didn't even raise his own children. It is possible that he is practicing hard."

Everyone kept speculating.

On the other hand, Chai Wan and Ni Huo looked bitter, and the Black Ant King was also very happy at this time.

Half an hour ago, he was also treated like this.

"Good boy, you have been silent for a thousand years, it turns out you are planning to use your ultimate move?"

"I knew you were a cunning thief, but I didn't expect you to be so patient."

Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other and directly admitted that Wu Fan's hunting was the first

"I don't agree with this first."

At this time, a witch came from afar.

The witches looked over and saw that the witch shadow, who was just dozens of miles away, had arrived in front of the witches in the blink of an eye.

"Who is this witch and how could he have such a fast speed?"

"It's Wu Kong. Why is he here? And judging from his appearance, he is not happy that his father got first place."

"Look, what is hanging on his shoulders?"

"Lightning leopard, it turned out to be a lightning leopard known for its speed."

When Wu Kong stood in front of the witches, all the witches took a breath of cold air.

This was because this lightning leopard was not only fast, but also a monster in the middle stage of the human immortal realm.

Although the witches have strong bodies and are fearless in battle, lightning leopards are notoriously difficult to deal with, and at the middle stage of the human immortal realm, even Chai Zhi and Ni You have no confidence in taking it down. But

Wu Kong not only took it down, but also captured it alive and intact like his father.

Looking at the lightning emanating from the lightning leopard, and the pair of soul-eating eyes.

Monsters and witches are natural enemies, and they will fight to the death when they meet.

But looking at the well-behaved lightning leopard on Wu Kong's shoulder.

Everyone was stunned for a moment....No!

Are all monsters so easy to capture nowadays?

""You little bastard, I'm your father, how dare you snatch the first place from me?"

Wu Fan was furious.

"Hehe, Dad is Dad, and this first place is first place, it doesn't matter."

Wu Kong swung the Lightning Leopard in his hand, as if he was showing off.

""Rebellious son!!"

This is not suspicion at all, it's simply a slap in the face.

Wu Fan beat his chest and stamped his feet, looking full of resentment.

"Oh my god, is this true?"

"This is a lightning leopard. How can Wu Kong, a mortal wizard in the middle stage, take it down?"

"I also remain skeptical!!!"

The witches watched the performance of the father and son, and suddenly their eyes were filled with suspicion.

"You dare to doubt me? ?"

I got the skills from my elder brother's novels. After practicing for a while, my father broke through to the peak of the early stage of the wizard soldier, not to mention that I got the Yijinjing.

Now he is in the middle stage of the wizard soldier, naturally not inferior to anyone.

So when he spoke, he was full of confidence.

"Wu Kong, you are too arrogant. I don't believe that you can reach the level of a wizard soldier at just a few hundred years old."

They are not wizards in the tribe. The wizards in the Liuyang community are not very talented. It is nothing to break through to the wizard soldier level in a thousand years in the tribe.

But in the Liuyang community, it is considered a very good talent.

And Wu Fan is at least a peer and the former boss.

Losing is not shameful!!!

But if the juniors come to provoke him, Chai Wan will not do it.

After all, he has already lost to Ni Huo, and now there is another Wu Fan.

If there is another junior, he can't stand it.

After all, shit can be tolerated, how can shit be tolerated???

"You have something against me!!!"

But the next second, Wu Kong appeared in front of him.

The violent power of the middle stage of the wizard was not restrained at all, and it was released like a storm.

Chai Wan, who was close at hand, felt extremely uncomfortable and almost couldn't breathe.

Not to mention Chai Wan, even Ni Huo beside him swallowed hard.

The other wizards were frightened by Wu Kong's sudden outburst and collapsed to the ground.

"Damn, mid-stage wizard!!"

"We have another wizard in the middle stage of wizard soldier here."

Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other and saw ecstasy in each other's eyes.

‘Good boy, you said you were good at acting, but you are too deep into this play!! '

Looking at his son's majestic appearance, Wu Fan complained in his heart: The limelight he had worked so hard to accumulate was robbed just like this

"Haha, since everyone has no objection, then the first place is mine!!"

Seeing the reactions of the witches and his father's angry expression, Wu Kong smiled even more proudly.

Being the center of attention, this was his own highlight moment.

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