A hundred years, for the prehistoric creatures, is just a blink of an eye.

But for the seven innate witches, it is a race against time.

In a hundred years, the seven of them have traveled through the four poles of the prehistoric world and the four seas of the prehistoric world.

The seeds of the innate skill entrusted by Wu Wudi were spread throughout the blood of all the witches.

In Wu Wudi's words, they are called the seeds of the first generation of innate skills.

Because he used the martial arts rules and the witch bloodline as a link, he temporarily replaced the heavenly way.

Even if their generation of witches cannot practice the innate skill to purify the witch bloodline.

As long as they have offspring, they will continue to purify.

This is a bit like rolling a snowball, as long as they have the blood of the witches.

Even if their qualifications are poor, as long as 100 million years, 1 billion years, 1 trillion years, or a Yuanhui have passed.

Their bloodline will definitely be purified to the level of the innate great witch, but if they want to break through the ancestor witch, they need more opportunities.

Of course, the premise of all this is that their incense has not been broken, the bloodline has been passed on, and every generation will practice.

This is the horror of Wu Wudi's Tao heart planting demon.

Unfortunately, Wu Wudi has little time left now. He has to destroy the demon clan within a hundred years.

Or to say, defeat the demon clan within a hundred years, at least make it impossible for them to use the Zhoutian Star Array.

This formation is comparable to the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Array, and its strength is equivalent to Pangu's physical body.

Of course, whether the physical body is virtual or real, Wu Wudi has never seen it.

However, many saints and Hongjun are so nervous, so it must not be too bad.

With his current strength, although he is not worried, what about the Wu clan? ?

Moreover, he has not placed his trust in the heavenly way of this prehistoric world, although there are various secret methods to revive.

But once he falls into a disadvantage, if the prehistoric saints notice it, how can they tolerate the Wu clan having one more Wu Saint?

"How come it has been ninety years and you haven't left the Wu Clan's territory yet? ?"

After ninety years of hiding, Little Golden Crow has long been dissatisfied.

"Little Golden Crow, you better bear with it for a while. In a few years, we will be able to completely get out of Buzhou Mountain."

Bai Gua was helpless.

Time is just a number for them, even after he was resurrected.

As long as they can get out of the Wu Clan, not to mention ninety years, even nine hundred years is worth it, Bai Gua thinks.

Unfortunately, Little Golden Crow's patience seems to have run out.

In the first ten years, he could still be patient.

After twenty years, he started to complain.

Especially in recent years, he has been losing his temper at every turn.

If he had not been one of the ten great demon commanders of the demon clan, he might not have been able to calm this Little Golden Crow.

"Uncle, I'm not saying you"

"You are one of the ten great demon commanders after all, and now we are at the edge of Mount Buzhou."

"With my current Golden Crow Transformation Technique, I can reach home in no time."

"Why should we suffer this punishment, like thieves every day?"

"You must know that this world will belong to us demons sooner or later."

"If other demon tribes find out about this, where will our dignity be?"

Little Golden Crow kept scolding Bai Gua, showing his rebelliousness to the fullest.

"Whatever, here...I guess there's no problem."

"However, I still have to contact Chang Xi. You have to listen to my orders and don't mess around."

These years, Bai Gua himself has also felt aggrieved.

But he is a hundred times more patient than Xiao Jinwu, and he only loosened up when he was about to reach the edge of Buzhou Mountain.

""Uncle, I listen to you!!"

Although Xiao Jinwu said this, he was reluctant in his heart.

But he couldn't stop it.

It was because Chang Xi's physical body had died ninety years ago.

Today's chaos, even if Wu Wudi has broken through to the wizard saint, he can't find any news about the monsters. The power of the abandoned by the heaven is not to be underestimated.

In the past hundred years, except for the monster gods who practiced in the Zhoutian Star Array, other monsters have suffered extremely heavy casualties.

The monsters with low cultivation died without even knowing what happened.

Some powerful monsters felt even more puzzled. He just glanced in an unknown direction and then died.

In order to avoid such things from happening, many monsters took the initiative to retreat, but it was still Unfortunately, he died in the cave.

This phenomenon has become so normal in the demon clan in the past ninety years that it could not be more abnormal. Especially the Lingxiao Palace, which was destroyed by the seven great innate witches, and is now as dilapidated as a ruin.

And the Demon Court is now in name only.

After all, the demons who went out to drink water died inexplicably.

In such a panic, even the demon gods hiding in the Zhoutian Star Array have no way to deal with it.

And Di Jun even wanted to use the demon flag to order all the demons to hide first.

But if so, the demon clan seems to be doomed to fail.

After thinking it over, he could only secretly summon some powerful demons.

Unfortunately, the harvest was minimal. Those who should die still died, and those who should not die still died.

"Damn Wu clan, after this time of being abandoned by Heaven, I will kill you without a trace."

Emperor Jun roared helplessly.

"Instead of complaining about the heavens and blaming others, Di Jun might as well do something practical."

For ninety years, Donghuang hid in the Sun Star.

One was to repair his Tao heart, and the other was to refine the Zhoutian Star Array.

However, the demon master Kunpeng was extremely active during these ninety years.

He even had a great reputation in the current Zhoutian Star Array.

"Oh, I wonder what tricks the demon master has?"

Di Jun looked at Kunpeng.

This wild thing that is neither land nor sea wants to compete with my brother for the demon clan's power.

Let you jump around first.

"Witch-killing Sword!!!"

""Witch-killing Sword?"

Emperor Jun looked at him in surprise!

"Yes, I want to collect the blood of hundreds of millions of people, gather the five most lethal stones in the world, and refine the witch-killing sword that can break the flesh."

"As long as this sword is completed, it will be the death of these barbarians who don't understand the spirit and don't know how to use magic weapons."

Kunpeng smiled complacently.

"You actually have this method to refine magic weapons? ? ?"

After hearing what Kunpeng said, Di Jun was finally moved.

The demon clan has a shortcoming, that is the demon flag.

However, this flag was controlled by Nuwa, and later for Di Jun's demon court, she gave this demon to him.

But the mark is Nuwa's. As one of the six saints, who dares to touch the demon flag?

So this shortcoming is no longer a shortcoming.

The witch clan also has a shortcoming, that is the legendary witch-killing sword.

This sword is specifically aimed at the flesh of the witch clan. Even the witch clan at the level of the twelve ancestor witches cannot withstand the power of this sword.

It's a pity that this sword has never been used, and the demon court cannot find it.

Even if Di Jun uses the River Map and Luoshu, he can't deduce the whereabouts of this sword.

Now I never thought that it was in Kunpeng's hands.

"As long as Tianqi passes, we can immediately capture the human race in the next world to refine this sword."

Kunpeng's face was ruddy, he knew that his chance to rise had come.

As long as he refined the Tuwu Sword, he would have a place to compete with Donghuang.

"That's great, thank you, Demon Master."

Emperor Jun nodded, agreeing to this decision.

But at this moment, a beam of light from the Moon shone down directly.

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