Before the vixen Lou Yong could get angry, Wu Fan had already rushed over.

This was a thousand-year hatred!!

If it wasn't for completing Wu Wudi's plan, he would have wanted to seek revenge on Lou Yong.

Now that the enemy was in front of him, his eyes were red.

All the power in his body burst out, and suddenly golden light overflowed.

""Powerful Vajra Palm!!"

Wu Fan roared wildly, and slapped the sky and the earth.

Faced with the sudden attack, even the fox spirit Lou Yong, who was at the earthly immortal level, was slightly shocked.

"Hey, is that you?"

"I didn't expect that after a thousand years, not only did you not die, but you also mastered this palm technique."

"What a pity, your realm is too low"

"If he were at the same level as me, I would have to retreat three steps in the face of this palm."

"but...You have no chance!!"

Faced with Wu Fan's sudden attack, the vixen Lou Yong was caught off guard and received a palm strike.

Fortunately, she was now in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the palm strike was indeed overbearing, but it did not kill her, and at most it only caused her some minor injuries.

But when she recovered, Wu Fan was in a miserable state.

She was directly blasted away for several miles by an energy ball that she spit out.

After knocking down countless mountains, she fell into a pile of ruins.


Wu Kong was very anxious when he saw this.

But the next second,

Chai Wan and Ni Huo beside him were attacked by the black shadow and were knocked to the ground in a moment of confrontation. Their lives were unknown.

At the same time, a huge pillar hit Wu Kong.

Without time to think, Wu Kong used all his strength to activate the Yijinjing and resist the realm suppression. After that,

Wu Kong dodged the attack of the huge pillar.

But the next second, a fox paw broke out from the ground.


Looking at the claws so close, Wu Kong's eyes widened.

Under the reaction of his nerves, he could only use the Yi Jin Jing to the limit.

His muscles exploded, and the blue veins roared like a dragon.


The claws passed through, and Wu Kong was thrown down

"It's over, it's over!!"

Inspired by Wu Fan and his son, the witches were fearless.

But the earthly realm is the earthly realm, and it took only a few moves to shatter everyone's confidence.

Just when Chai Zhi and Ni You thought they were going to be wiped out, a golden palm fell from the sky.


With a loud bang, the fox spirit that was a hundred meters tall was directly thrown out.

"This palm technique... looks so familiar? ?"

"It seems to be exactly the same as the palm technique used by Wu Fan."

Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other, not knowing who came to save them.


"Who on earth is so bold as to attack me?!"

Shaking his tail, the vixen Lou Yong looked around with vigilant eyes.

At the same time, he used his spiritual sense to the utmost, vowing to find the person who attacked him.


Standing in the air, Wu Wudi looked down at the vixen below him.

Wu Wudi had just finished writing the Flying Tiger Side Story when he noticed something was happening outside.

He used his five senses to sense something was wrong.

When he arrived, it was too late.

Facing the vixen that had injured Wu Fan and Wu Kong, Wu Wudi used his powerful Vajra Palm.

With one palm, the vixen didn't even have a chance to resist and was thrown out.

"A mere mid-stage Earth Wizard dares to be so arrogant"

"You will not have the chance to sneak attack me next time, just wait and see how I will torture you!!"

Looking up at Wu Wudi above him, the vixen Lou Yong immediately looked down upon him.

He was now a late earthly immortal, while the other party was only a mid-earthly immortal.

"Wudi, Brother Ni, he is actually Wu Fan’s son Wu Wudi.

At this moment, Chai Zhi finally saw clearly that Wu Wudi

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go and help him."

Seeing this, Ni You and Chai Zhi came to Wu Wudi in an instant.

"Invincible, this monster is invincible"

"As long as the green mountains remain, there will be no shortage of firewood. You should leave quickly. With your current realm, you are qualified to join the tribe. Remember to avenge us in the future."

Chai Zhi and Ni You blocked Wu Wudi behind them and gave him some instructions, hoping to buy time for Wu Wudi to escape.

"How could I take a little vixen seriously?"

"You two just stand behind me and watch how I cook this vixen."After stopping Chai Zhi and Ni You, Wu Wudi knew that it was time to show his true strength. He had originally thought of using his cheap father Wu Fan and cheap brother Wu Kong to pave the way for these witches to come to the cave to read novels, so that he could gain synchronized power.

But now all his wishful thinking was disrupted by the vixen in front of him.


Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other. They wanted to stop the fox spirit.

But Wu Wudi's strength was too overbearing. He blocked them and left them with no way out.

In desperation, the two witches could only exchange glances. They had a unified idea, that is, to sacrifice themselves to save Wu Wudi when he was no longer able to do anything.

"The witch clan is arrogant, it is indeed their nature"

"You are one realm lower than me, and you still dare to speak arrogantly. You are simply courting death."

The vixen Lou Yong roared, and a hurricane was set off with him as the center.

Wherever it passed, towering trees were broken in half, and towering mountains were flattened to the ground.

Facing this violent force, Chai Zhi and Ni You took a breath of cold air.

The two witches had a thought in their minds at the same time:

This force is irresistible!!

But when this hurricane appeared in front of Wu Wudi, it dissipated in an instant.

Seeing this, the two witches looked at each other in bewilderment.

Wu Fan and Wu Kong were already very outrageous, but when they saw Wu Wudi in front of them, they realized that Wu Fan and Wu Kong were still within their understanding.

But what about Wu Wudi???

This is simply beyond their cognition.

Could it be that!!

What Wu Fan and Wu Kong just said was actually true.

Wu Wudi was favored by the father god Pangu.���, and gained tremendous benefits

"Don't know how to live or die. I want to see who is the one who doesn't know how to live or die."

"A palm"

"I will beat you to death with one palm!!"

Wu Wudi said domineeringly.

Its appeal made Chai Zhi and Ni You who were standing by not only not think it was absurd, but actually believed it to be true.

Instead, it attracted the vixen Lou Yong to laugh at him.

"One palm?"

"Are you trying to eat shit or are you trying to say that you haven't woken up yet?"

"I am a late earthly immortal. Even if I stand here and hit you ten times, you can't kill me!!"

The witch clan has no soul, so there is no way to use magic tools and spiritual treasures.

You should know that in the prehistoric times, the bonus of weapons is very terrifying.

For example, Taiyi and Dijun of the demon clan, the strength of the two demons is actually similar to that of the ancestor witches Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

But Taiyi has the Chaos Bell and Dijun has the River Map and Luoshu.

With these two treasures, they fought the twelve ancestor witches to a draw.

The reason why the fox spirit Lou Yong dared to say this is that she knew the foundation of the witch clan.

And just now he took Wu Wudi's palm hard, although that palm did surprise her.

But she also had a trump card that she hadn't played yet, so she didn't take Wu Wudi's words to heart at all.

But just when she finished speaking, horror appeared in her pupils.

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