Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 201 Since Taiyi was born, why was Donghua born?

This scene on the sky shocked everyone. They looked at it in disbelief, as if they were dazzled or too excited.

"Taiyi and Donghua actually sat and talked about Taoism?"

"Shouldn't they fight to the death?"

"Are Zifu and the demon clan going to join forces?"

"Will Taiyi not avenge Di Jun?"

One question after another kept appearing in everyone's mind.

But whether they believe it or not, this scene has really happened, and it is right in front of them!

On the sky, Donghua finally dropped the first white piece, as if it was a casual drop.

As this chess piece fell, the two of them went back and forth, and a large number of chess pieces appeared on the chessboard in an instant.

As time went on, the speed of the two people's drop finally slowed down. They had to think for a long time before dropping a chess piece.

On the chessboard, various avenues appeared, fighting each other, and a few chess pieces would disappear if they were not careful.

At this time, the chess pieces that Donghua had dropped casually before began to play a role, and various chess pieces were connected into one piece, as if the avenues were blending with each other.

Endless power of rules connected into a world, and began to surround and kill Taiyi's chess pieces, nibbling away step by step.

Taiyi closed his eyes slightly, and a chess piece fell, instantly turning into a square seal, rushing straight away. Where the seal stood, Donghua's chess pieces instantly turned into nothingness.

The two of them went back and forth, neither giving in!

Others' chess pieces were getting more and more, while these two people's chess pieces were getting fewer and fewer!

The original game of wits has now completely turned into a game of courage. This is a confrontation between the two people's avenues, even more intense than direct action.

Until a certain moment, Donghua's chess piece fell, and instantly formed three thousand white chess pieces.

The white chess pieces intertwined and transformed into three thousand avenues, and began to surround and kill Taiyi's black chess pieces again.

As time passed, it was unknown how long this game of chess was played, until in the end Taiyi's chess piece was only one, and Donghua's chess pieces almost occupied the entire board.

Seeing this, Taiyi gathered the power of the Great Dao and condensed it into a black chess piece that fell on the chessboard, moving in parallel with the last chess piece.

In an instant, most of Donghua's chess pieces were killed, but they finally fell down and turned into nothingness.

At this moment, there were no more black chess pieces on the chessboard!

Taiyi lost!

"What a powerful Three Thousand Great Daos, what a brilliant power of rules, I lost!"

Taiyi was very straightforward and admitted defeat directly.

Seeing this, Donghua just smiled, removed the chessboard casually, and poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

Taiyi took a sip of tea and said slowly:

"If I have a choice, I want to die in your hands, or I want to kill you with my own hands!"

"Sometimes think carefully, is there something wrong with the Tao? We two gave birth to one more person, and there should be only one in this prehistoric world."

"Since Taiyi was born, why was Donghua born!"

"One of Dongwang and Donghuang is enough!"

"The other is too redundant!"

Donghua nodded and said: "I agree with what you said. Sometimes I really envy you. You are the natural master of the sun star, born with an innate treasure in your arms, with the Tao by your side, and extraordinary talent."

"It's a pity that you followed the wrong person. You are the demon clan, and you are also the demon clan. You, Taiyi, should be an unrestrained existence, not restricted by anyone or anything!"

Hearing this, Taiyi looked straight at Donghua and said nothing for a long time.

"Perhaps you are the only one in the world who understands me best, even better than my brother!"

"I lost this fight, I will not stop you from absorbing your original power, next time we meet, it will be a life-and-death battle."

After Taiyi finished speaking, he stood up and left, returning to the heaven.

Donghua sat on the white lotus, looking at the figure of Taiyi going away, and sighed deeply.

There are many things in this sigh of life, which cannot be explained, and even Donghua himself does not know what he is sighing about.

Maybe it is regret!

The confrontation in the sky ended like a drama, but it seemed that it should be so. After all, the identities of the two people are extremely special, but they have never talked once.

Taiyi looked generous in the end, but in fact he was powerless to stop it. The cultivation of the two people in the realm of Taoism was revealed in one game, and Taiyi was completely defeated.

So just based on the cultivation of Taoism, Donghua won this game absolutely, and in terms of combat power, it is hard to say who is stronger. Both of them are at the peak of quasi-saints, and each has their own means. Who can know without a real fight?

Donghua returned to Mount Tai. At this time, 9981 years had passed since Taiyi appeared, which means that this game of chess had been played for 81 years.

The incarnation of the God on Mount Tai had cultivated half of the heavens. Donghua once again absorbed the power of the heavens and merged it into the incarnation.

The heavens continued to take shape!

While Donghua was constantly gathering the power of the heavens, he saw the entrance to the earth in the distance. His eyes moved and he said, "Borrow the power of the origin!"

Then he stretched out his hand, and the Three-Life Stone took action, directly leading to the netherworld, and as a medium, began to absorb the power of the earth.

Houtu, who was in the earth, seemed to have seen nothing, and did not care, and was immersed in the practice of the Great Dao.

At this time, Donghua had gathered the power of heaven and earth. As for the power of the human world, that is, the power of the prehistoric world, he did not need to absorb it deliberately.

Because he was in the prehistoric world, he was absorbing the power of the prehistoric world all the time, so why did he need to absorb it deliberately.

At this moment, the power of the three realms of heaven, earth and man was gathered, and the 108 gods of the God were finally formed.

"The fourth realm of the divine way, the realm of heaven and earth!"

Of course, ordinary practitioners of the Shinto path naturally do not need to practice the power of the heavens like Donghua, they only need to condense and evolve the inner world!

"The fifth realm of the Immortal Path is to cultivate the law, which is called the Golden Immortal Realm. Gold means immortality!"

"And the Shinto path cultivates rules and evolves the rules of heaven and earth, so the fifth realm of the Shinto path is the Rule Realm!"

The creation of the acquired Shinto path here is considered to have successfully completed a staged task. The Golden Immortal Realm is a watershed in cultivation, and only people in this realm are worthy of being called masters and strong men!

And the sixth realm, the Taiyi Realm, is the real free and easy. Taiyi is an absolute master in any period of the prehistoric world, because this is a realm that connects the upper and lower realms, and it is also a transitional realm.

And the sixth realm of the Shinto path is the most critical realm, because it is necessary to evolve the heaven and earth into a world and cultivate the kingdom of God in the body.

In the kingdom of God, I am the master!

"The sixth realm of the Shinto path, the world realm, the kingdom of God!"

Use the virtual to become real, use the real to become the virtual, combine the virtual and the real, and evolve the kingdom of God in the world.

The incarnation of the God of Taoism began to evolve the kingdom of God in the world within his body. The 108 heavens evolved into one world after another, totaling 1,000 worlds.

"The Great Dream is 3,000, one dream is one ancient time, one dream is one world. I can't do the 3,000 that guides, but I can still do the kingdom of God in my body."

At this moment, Donghua dreamed of eternity, and 1,000 worlds of the God of Taoism began to evolve continuously. All things were born, from things to people, living beings appeared, and faith was established!

In the kingdom of God, Donghua sat on the altar, telling the great way of the mind and the precious edict of the Emperor of Donghua, and the gods below stood respectfully on both sides, listening to the divine voice.

The sixth realm is completed!

"What is God?"

"God means rules and order!"

"The seventh realm of the immortal way is Daluo Jinxian. Da means wide, which means immeasurable, and Luo means net, which means inclusive. Daluo is immeasurable and contains everything, and it is also the end of the way."

Everything in the world has its own destiny, which is the so-called fate, and what the quasi-sage pursues is to break through the limitations of fate in order to transcend the other side and reach the realm of Hunyuan Ruyi.

In fact, Daluo Jinxian is the end of the way!

Because Quasi-sage is Daluo, Hunyuan is also Daluo. Don't you see that Hunyuan is called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian? Quasi-sage and Hunyuan are just different manifestations of Daluo.

It's just that Daluo is too vast, and people can't see the end, so there is the realm of Quasi-sage. In fact, Quasi-sage is still in the realm of Daluo, but it is Daluo Jinxian who has transcended the long river of time.

"So what is the seventh realm of the divine way? In ancient times, this realm was called the realm of the divine emperor. A sound of the emperor spoke of the wonder of this realm!"

"The divine way of Daluo cultivates the power of rules, evolves rules and order from the world, and the great way is the rule."

"This realm of the acquired divine way is the realm of rules and order, and can also be called the realm of Daluo!"

As Donghua's voice fell, the divine way incarnation began to cultivate the world, evolve the rules and order of heaven and earth, and the three thousand great ways became a chain of rules and order.

Then he stepped into the long river of time, traveled in the long river, quickly collected the past and present bodies, and with a slight sound, the incarnation broke through Daluo and reached the eighth realm.

And with this breakthrough, the incarnation began to gather towards Donghua, and finally merged into one.

At this moment, Donghua gathered the power of the three ways of immortals, gods, and demons. All three were quasi-saints, trinity, and an ancient and majestic power permeated over Mount Tai.

And so far, the divine way has been completed!

Don't ask how to practice in the realm of quasi-saints in the way of the gods. The answer is to practice the Great Dao only. The techniques are useless, and this is indeed the case.

No matter how you practice in various systems, they all end up in the same place.

With the fusion of the incarnation of the gods, Donghua quickly opened up 108 heavens in his body, and the power of the three ways of immortals, gods and demons was combined in his body according to the positions of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

"The gods of the gods responded to the power of the origin of the heavens, and they are the 108 heavens of the heavenly palace!"

"The three hundred and twenty-four gods of immortals, gods and demons, a total of three thousand realms, are called the purple and blue sky!"

Donghua closed his eyes slightly and began to practice the way of the gods. The Great Dao was running, and the three thousand great ways turned into the wheels of the gods, floating behind Donghua.


Time passed, and it was unknown how long it had been, and Donghua's cultivation of the gods also reached the peak of the quasi-saints. At this time, the three ways of immortals, gods and demons were all at the peak of the quasi-saints, reaching the perfect state.

Now all that is left is to break through the Hunyuan realm!

Donghua stood up, standing on the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus, looking up at the sky, and slowly said:

"Heaven is above, I Donghua today created the post-natal divine way practice system, divine means order and rules, all those who practice divine way take it as their responsibility to maintain the operation of heaven and earth and the order of the prehistoric world."

"The first realm of divine way practice is... So far, the post-natal divine way is complete, I hope heaven will witness it!"

At this moment, Donghua announced the emergence of the post-natal divine way to heaven, to the prehistoric world, and to all living beings.

The Eye of Heaven hangs high above Mount Tai, feeling the post-natal divine way created by Donghua, and carefully comprehending the realm of divine way. The divine way is special, as if it is identifying something.

Time passed bit by bit, and at a certain moment, the Eye of Heaven released infinite light, engraving the post-natal divine way practice system on the Heaven.

The Eye of Heaven dispersed, and the sky of Xuanhuang merits fell from the sky, divided into four, and Donghua alone occupied nine merits.

The remaining merit was divided into three parts, one went to heaven, one went to earth, and one disappeared in the prehistoric world.

The emergence of the acquired divine way shocked everyone in the world, because they found that practicing the divine way did not require passing through the tribulation, but only required taking on divine duties and maintaining the operation of heaven and earth.

So the two ways of immortals and gods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is unknown which one is good or bad, but just because the divine way does not require passing through the tribulation, it is destined that many people will practice the divine way.

Moreover, Shinto practice has relatively low requirements for talent and background, and even an acquired person can achieve great results.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the Supreme Being felt the acquired divine way flowing between heaven and earth, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Donghua is truly a genius. Although the divine way will surely come into being, this divine way is independent of the immortal way and yet interdependent. It is truly magical!"

Tongtian reached out and grabbed the power of the divine way between heaven and earth, put it in his hands to evolve his feelings, and then said:

"Brother, although this method is miraculous, it comes from the Immortal Way. It is not difficult to become a quasi-sage, but the path to Hunyuan is not clear. There is no feasible way to achieve enlightenment. To us, it is like useless!"

The Supreme Master laughed and said: "Third brother, third brother, how many people in the world can practice to our level. Nowadays, there are many people who are acquired, and the method of Shinto is also a blessing to them."

"However, Immortal Dao is precious, and Shinto still cannot shake the position of Immortal Dao. But as leaders of Xuanmen, we need to pay attention."

"Perhaps it's time for Xuanmen to be born. We need to spread the Taoism widely, spread the Taoist scriptures, and open the mountain gates, so that the immortal Taoism and Xuanmen can stand at the top of the world."

Tongtian nodded slowly and said: "Brother's words are reasonable. We have now walked out of our own Tao. We only need to write our own Tao scriptures and use them as Taoist lectures. In this way, we can expand Taoism."

The Supreme Being smiled softly and said rather ashamedly: "Third brother, I don't want to recruit more disciples. There may be one person, or there may not be one person. The real dissemination of Taoism depends on you and second brother."

"But I will also send out incarnations to preach throughout the world and recruit a few named disciples. Those who are destined can listen to my teachings!"

"Okay, according to what the eldest brother said, when the second brother comes back, when our Sanqing comes down the mountain to preach, whoever can compete with Xuanmen comes out, I will establish a great sect that will not lose to any force."

ps: Hehe, brothers, it’s two hundred chapters, it’s not easy, please give me some monthly votes!

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