Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 253: Hou Tu is no longer a witch, decisive battle

The situation in the prehistoric period was turbulent, and the whole world fell into a certain kind of calm, but under this calm, a greater war was brewing.

Everyone in Honghuang understands that the war between the Zi Mansion and the Wu Clan is about to begin. This war is about the future of Honghuang, and a war that determines who will rule Honghuang is about to begin.

During this period of time, all the great powers from all sides in the prehistoric times closed their doors tightly, unwilling to participate in this war. Even the Three Qing Dynasties closed the Kunlun Mountains, focusing on breaking through the Quasi-Sage and Hunyuan, and cataloging their own scriptures and morals. Devote yourself wholeheartedly to your path.

Jie Yin Zhunti even sealed the entire west. The continent was covered by some kind of golden light, and the sound of Sanskrit resounded throughout the continent, and the Sanskrit sound was filled with their Tao.

After Chang Xi escaped from the starry sky, she didn't know where to go for a while and could only travel around the ancient continent.

Even the power of calamity between heaven and earth has fallen into some indescribable state. It seems to be at its peak, and yet it seems to be slowly fading away.

In fact, the power of calamity measurement is indeed fading. This situation started with the fall of Taiyi and the death of Shen Ni. However, the power of calamity measurement before was extremely strong, so it didn't seem obvious.

Chang Xi went to the east, south, and north. Although there were various battles in the east and south under the rule of the Zi Mansion, they were at least within control. In addition, the Zi Mansion had recently mobilized its army frequently.

Some people and ethnic groups with ulterior motives tried their best to restrain themselves, not wanting anything to happen at this time, which would trigger a crusade from the Zi Mansion.

However, the unruly northern continent was full of killings and fights, because all the people from the demon clan ran to the northern continent and started various battles with the indigenous groups there.

But thinking about it, the power of the demon clan is so huge, with billions of living beings, only a few of them surrendered to Zifu and Bai Ze took them away.

Therefore, these demon clans can only escape everywhere and occupy the mountain as kings. Most of them are in the realm of spiritual immortals and true immortals, and the rest are Jinxian and Taiyi.

Most of the Daluo Demon Gods were taken away by Bai Ze, and a small number surrendered to Zi Mansion.

In order to avoid the Wu Clan and the Zi Mansion, some demon clans even fled to the west and took refuge in Jieyin Zhunti.

Some of them were actually subdued by Nuwa. In fact, it cannot be said that they were subdued, because most of these monsters were Nuwa's subordinates before, but now they have just returned.

But no matter what, the demon tribe has been scattered, and there is no longer the cohesion before. Each one fights and claims kings and saints.

In fact, this is something that all the great powers in the ancient world would like to see. After all, "demon" is too broad, and all living beings can become demons.

Therefore, as long as there is a person like Dijun Taiyi, the demon clan can instantly return to its previous state. This is something that no one wants to see.

In fact, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, or it is impossible for such a person to appear.

Now the most likely ones are Fuxi, Kunpeng, and Nuwa.

Nuwa has become a saint, and it is impossible for her to unify the demon clan and become the demon emperor. As for Fuxi, who has taken refuge in the Zi Mansion, it is impossible for him to do such a thing, although he is the most likely.

The last Kunpeng is nothing to worry about!

Since the last battle at Wanshou Mountain, he had been frightened by Donghua and did not dare to do such a thing.

In fact, this is also the reason why Donghua let go of the remaining demon clan forces.

Since we can't kill all the monsters, it's better not to kill them, divide them into groups, and use them to govern them.

What's more, as the emperor of heaven, he has the intention to encompass the whole world and annex the eight wastelands. As the largest force in the world, how can the demon clan let it go?

Chang Xi finally went to Mount Tai, where she had her home, but she never saw Hou Yi again.

But thinking about it, now that the Wu Clan and Zi Mansion are about to go to war, as a great witch, how can he still be here.

After all, the two of them are not the same person!

"Miss Chang'e, you are back!"

Just after Chang Xi arrived home, someone came to her door, who was also her former neighbor.

The man thought to himself and said: "It's a pity Hou Yi. After you disappeared, he tried his best to find you. I heard that he was injured by the monster tribe and is still in a coma."

Chang Xi asked in shock: "What did you say? Did you say that Yi was injured? Or was he injured by the demon clan?"

The man said doubtfully: "Don't you know? After you left one day, Hou Yi went to find you. I heard that he was injured by the demon Taiyi and is still in a coma."

Hearing this, Chang Xi couldn't stay any longer, so she got up and flew directly to Mount Tai, and entered the Netherworld from Mount Buqi, where she also met Hou Yi.

Hou Yi's body was still majestic, but the soul collapsed and the avenue collapsed, leaving only the powerful power of his true body. The whole person was still in a coma, and was sealed in the netherworld by Hou Tu using the power of reincarnation.

Waiting for the final opportunity to resurrect!

Chang Xi tremblingly touched Hou Yi's face, and a feeling of heartache filled her heart.

"Yi, why are you so stupid? I am Chang'e and I am Chang Xi. You killed the Eight Golden Crows for me, and we were destined not to be together at that time. Why didn't you listen to me!"

At this time, Chang Xi's heart was filled with regret. If she had known that things would be like this, she would not have returned to heaven.

But now that things were like this, there was nothing she could do about it. She had seen Hou Yi's injuries, and it was simply beyond human power to treat him.

Chang Xi stayed in Netherworld, a world filled with people from the witch clan, to accompany Hou Yi.

The people of the Wu clan also assumed that Chang Xi did not exist and automatically ignored the existence of this person.

On Buzhou Mountain, everything was over. It seemed as if nothing had changed, and yet it seemed as if a huge change had taken place.

Di Jiang looked at the tired Hou Tu, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Little sister, the matter here is over, you go back to Mount Tai, and you don't want to participate in the next thing."

Hou Tu frowned and said angrily: "Brother, now is the moment of life and death for the Wu clan. How could I abandon you? Even if we die, we will go together. If we really fail, then we will go together." Repent beside God the Father!”

"No need!" Di Jiang directly rejected Hou Tu's proposal, and then used the Witch Clan's Seal of Luck.

With the urging of Dijiang, the power of luck permeated the seal, and finally the practice revealed a Pangu shadow.

"In the name of the Great Emperor of the Witch Court, I deprive Houtu of his identity as a witch and expel the witch clan. From now on, there will be no witches in this land. Father God Pangu will learn from this and Heaven will learn from it!"

Di Jiang's emotionless voice echoed in Buzhou Mountain.

As the words fell, the power of luck on the seal rushed toward Hou Tu, like a black hole, stripping away the power of luck from Hou Tu.

Hou Tu looked at Di Jiang in disbelief. Although she knew that he was protecting her by doing this, she didn't expect that Di Jiang would be so ruthless and directly deprive her of her witch identity.

However, Di Jiang still did not stop. At a certain moment, as Pangu's shadow rose into the sky, all the luck belonging to the witch court was deprived of Hou Tu.

Then Hou Tu's body shape no longer looked like that of the ancestral witch, but returned to his previous demon god state, the demon god Hou Tu.

"You can leave. From now on, the Witch Court has nothing to do with you. Hou Tu is Hou Tu, and the Wu Clan is the Wu Clan!"

Di Jiang glanced decisively at Hou Tu. He had to do this. He must leave a real master for the Wu clan, otherwise if he loses, the clan will really be wiped out.

Hou Tu didn't say anything, his eyes stayed on the brothers around him, and finally took a reluctant look at Bu Zhou Shan before leaving.

Looking at Hou Tu going away, Zhu Jiuyin sighed and said to Di Jiang: "Brother, is it necessary to do this?"

Di Jiang put his hands behind his back, looked towards the east and said slowly: "My little sister must not get involved in this matter. She is our hope. Let us do this kind of thing that destroys the world."

Several people fell silent. Gonggong looked at the same Buzhou Mountain outside as before. In fact, it had been hollowed out inside, and the real power of the great avenue had been extracted.

Buzhou Mountain is no longer a Tianzhu, it is just an ordinary mountain range.

Zhu Rong bent down, touched Buzhou Mountain with his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Do we still deserve to be called witches? Wherever there is such a witch, I feel like I am a devil!"

Di Jiang glanced at the brothers and said calmly: "As long as we win this battle, we will return Pangu Palace to Buzhou Mountain and continue to suppress the ancient land. There will be no problems in all this."

"If we lose,..."

Having said this, Di Jiang did not say any more, and the scene became quiet, but everyone understood the consequences of losing. It would be a huge karma for the Wu Clan, enough to make the Wu Clan never turn around. The power is just like the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn back then.

Children and grandchildren are all repaying the karma of heaven and earth. Even those who are just born have the karma of heaven and earth added to them.

And the Witch Clan will do the same!

"We will not fail!"

Di Jiang left these words and flew back to heaven.

The few ancestral witches who stayed behind looked at each other and then left Buzhou Mountain.

Since the last meeting, all the forces in the Zi Mansion have been mobilized, and troops and generals are being deployed everywhere. Even Wanbao Pavilion led by Ran Deng has also taken action.

Everyone knows the importance of this battle, so no one dares to be careless.

In just one hundred years, Zi Mansion gathered tens of millions of troops and marched toward the center from all directions.

The first to set off was actually the army led by Southern Zhulong, who set foot on the central land from the south for the first time.

Subsequently, several other armies also entered the central land of the wilderness.

And the power of calamity between heaven and earth also began to gather, from the other continents all converging on Buzhou in the center, and finally hanging high on Buzhou Mountain.

Wherever the Zifu army passed, they encountered no real resistance, only resistance from some small tribes, but they were all destroyed by the Zifu army, as if the Wu clan had given up on the entire central land.

After five hundred years of marching and attacking, the six armies of Zifu finally assembled in Buzhou Mountain and surrounded the entire Buzhou Mountain from all sides.

And here, the ten ancestral witches of the Wu Clan gathered together, thousands of great witches led tens of millions of Wu Clan warriors, waiting in formation, the turbid air of the earth surged and rolled, the powerful fighting spirit soared into the sky, and the murderous aura filled the entire Buzhou Mountain.

The Zifu army also formed an array to surround!

Tai Chi yin and yang, three talents and four images, five elements and six combinations, seven stars and eight trigrams, nine palaces and ten directions, and many other major formations.

Ten Thousand Immortals Array!

Yes, the grand formation set up by Zi Mansion is the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, but it is no longer the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation set up by Donghua before. It is a bit like the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation of later generations.

Team up, team up, team up!

Rather than the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation that Donghua put up to transform from the Great Dao, the main reason was that the previous Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was too useless, and the damage to the person who set it up was simply immeasurable.

That’s why Donghua stopped the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!

Later, he and Fuxi jointly developed the current Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, which is a combination of formations. The power of the Ten Thousand Immortals is no longer concentrated in one person, but on the formation itself.

In this way, the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is naturally weakened a lot, but the advantage is that there is no damage.

In fact, this is the formation. All the current formations in the prehistoric world are like this. As for the four innate killing formations, they are the real super-standard formations, and they can't even be said to be formations.

Whether it is Dutian or Xingdou, they all rely on the power of the origin of the prehistoric world, not the power of the great way of heaven and earth, and even the Zhuxian formation is no exception.

Although the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation does not rely on the power of the origin of heaven and earth, it consumes manpower. The ten thousand immortals who set up the formation last time have not recovered yet.

This recovery means that they have not broken through to the next realm and are still stuck in the original realm.

It was because the formation hurt their own origin at that time. Even if Donghua used the resources of the Purple Mansion, he has not yet completed the compensation for the ten thousand immortals.

In fact, this is also the reason why Donghua has not launched the final decisive battle.

What he feared was that he won, but Zifu lost the duel with the witches.

Such a victory was equivalent to a defeat for him, because his goal was not to destroy the witches, but to become the Emperor of Heaven, so as to prove the Dao of Hunyuan.

But how could there be a lonely Emperor of Heaven?

This was not a battle between him and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, but a duel between two forces.

And don't underestimate the Twelve Ancestral Witches. How could a person who could deal with the monsters in their prime really have no means?

Moreover, Donghua was really a little afraid that these thieves would self-destruct. The Twelve Ancestral Witches were born with the power of the rules of the avenue, and their self-destruction was the self-destruction carrying the power of the rules of the avenue.

Imagine that a great way exploded directly around you, how terrible it would be!

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter in the end and perish with these guys.

Just like the two tribes of witches and liches at the beginning, everyone thought they were the final winners, but in the end everyone was a loser.

Donghua stood on the warship, wearing a battle armor, with the power of the Great Dao all around him, looking at the witch formation in front of him.

Then he flew down and rode his mount Gou Chen to the front of the formation.

"Fellow Daoists, long time no see!"

"Fellow Daoist Donghua, long time no see!"

Whether it was Donghua or the ten great witch ancestors, neither side had a sense of tension, as if the two sides were not in a decisive battle, but a meeting.

But it was also true that there was no real deep hatred between the two sides, it was just a dispute of Dao.

The fight between the witches and liches was different, there was real hatred, and it was a deep hatred.

Donghua's eyes stayed on Dijiang, and he said earnestly:

"Daoyou Dijiang, the prehistoric world has experienced countless battles since its creation. From the fierce beast calamity after the opening of the sky, the destruction of the Kunwu Divine Dynasty, the death of countless innate gods, and the weeping of blood in the world."

"Then the three tribes' war later led to the recurrence of earth, fire, water and wind in the world, and the infinite calamity almost came. Even the prehistoric world almost returned to chaos. Fortunately, Zulong and others woke up in time and re-suppressed the earth, water, fire and wind between heaven and earth."

"Then the immortals and demons' war later, countless innate gods were slaughtered by Luohou, including your Wu clan and my Zifu, the Starry Sky Ziwei Emperor fell, and the powerful ancestors such as Yin Yang Qiankun died in battle. It can be said that the damage was heavy."

"Then the demon clan rose up and conquered the prehistoric world. All the races were lonely, and your Wu clan took advantage of the situation to rise, and the witches and demons fought for hegemony, and now we are fighting three ways."

At this point, Donghua sighed and stopped, as if thinking about something.

"I had no intention of becoming the supreme ruler of heaven and earth. I just wanted to guard my Zifu, live in seclusion, and yearn for the great way. However, the heavens did not fulfill my wishes. I eventually entered the catastrophe and embarked on this road of hegemony."

Di Jiang snorted coldly and said, "It doesn't matter whether you have the intention to fight for hegemony or not. What matters is that you have the strength. With such a huge force as Zifu, how can we feel at ease? Moreover, Daozu has named you the head of male immortals. All the immortal cultivators in the world need to pay homage to you, the head of male immortals. How can we ignore you?"

"So, what do you mean by saying so much?"

Donghua did not deny these, because Di Jiang was right. Although he would not die if he did not commit suicide, as long as Zifu existed, it would be feared by the two tribes of witches and liches.

"Fellow Daoist Dijiang, although the prehistoric world is more perfect now, after so many wars, the whole world has been overloaded and urgently needs real governance. You are the people who are transformed by the blood of the Father God, and you are the legitimate sons of the Father God. This is a problem you cannot escape."

"Now both sides have gathered tens of millions of troops to fight here. This battle is more intense than the original three-tribe war. If you are not careful, it is really possible to destroy the prehistoric world."

"And I, Donghua, think I am a broad-minded person. As long as you are willing to surrender, we can rule the prehistoric world together. , I will manage the Honghuang Yiyuanhui, and you will manage the Yiyuanhui. We can discuss everything. "

"As long as both of us put our hearts into one, we will definitely make Honghuang better and stronger. The outside world is huge, and the chaos is huge. We don't know that there are other worlds besides the Western God Realm."

"We should look further and should not be limited to Honghuang."

"So, fellow Daoist Dijiang, for the sake of Honghuang, are you willing to stop fighting, shake hands and make peace, and you Dijiang and I Donghua will jointly govern Honghuang in the future, how about it?"

Donghua's words were completely spoken from the moral high ground, which was moral kidnapping.

But this was also his true words, although he knew that Dijiang would never submit to him.

But he still said it, in order to gain the last glimmer of opportunity, and also the last fight to the death to attack the witch clan.

In fact, Donghua really didn't mind governing the prehistoric world with Dijiang, because his goal was to prove the truth and build the prehistoric world.

As for the so-called power struggle, it didn't exist at all. At their level, they just spoke with fists, and there was no power struggle at all.

As for the luck struggle after jointly governing the prehistoric world, it depends on their own means.

Besides, when it really comes to that time, he has a thousand ways to kill Dijiang and make him willingly call out the luck in his hand.

After all, when it comes to building the prehistoric world, how could Dijiang, a member of the witch clan, beat him!


As expected, facing Donghua's proposal, Dijiang directly refused.

But Donghua's proposal still moved some people from the Wu Clan, and that was enough.

Dijiang said slowly: "It is impossible for us to coexist. What the Wu Clan wants is to dominate the prehistoric world. This is our way, because we are born in accordance with the rules of the Great Dao, and the rules are everything to us."

"But there are only so many divine positions in the world. Do you want us from the Wu Clan to take the position, or do you want your subordinates to take the position?"

Donghua cursed in his heart. His plan to attack the heart succeeded, but also failed, and he was even counterattacked.

He didn't expect that Dijiang, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would have such thoughts. It really is true that you can't judge a person by his appearance.

Donghua smiled and said calmly: "It doesn't matter who sits, we can discuss it. What's more, the prehistoric world will become stronger in the future, and there will naturally be more divine positions. Everything can be arranged, everything can be arranged!"

"Daoyou Dijiang, don't you think so?"

Dijiang laughed loudly after hearing this, and then exclaimed: "Donghua, Donghua, I didn't expect that you are not only powerful, but also thick-skinned. Don't use such tricks."

"Since our armies are already lined up, let's fight!"

Dijiang knew that he couldn't talk Donghua, so he might as well take action directly.

"Hey, I want to negotiate peace, but you, Dijiang, want countless men to work for you for your own selfish desires. What can I do, what can I do!"

Donghua said loudly, and then rode Gou Chen slowly away from the front of the formation.

The conversation between the two was also heard by the armies of both sides. As for what they thought after listening, it is estimated that only the person himself knows.

Dijiang returned to the formation with a gloomy face. He didn't expect that he would be tricked by Donghua in the end. This man is really hateful!

As Donghua and Dijiang returned to their positions, the armies of both sides began to mobilize, and the formations of all parties started to operate rapidly. The fairy light and the turbid air of the earth filled the sky.

The fighting spirit rushed straight to the sky!


ps: Please give me some monthly tickets!

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