The battle in the chaos gradually subsided, only Jie Yin and Nuwa were still fighting, but the battle between the two also entered the final stage.

The Merit Golden Lotus and Jie Yin God Tower were sacrificed together, and the Three Thousand Avenues formed three thousand worlds. It seemed that there were three thousand Jie Yins fighting Nuwa.

The opposite Nuwa did the same, showing her true body, a human body with a snake tail, and using the Cauldron of Creation, the Lotus Lantern, and the Red Embroidered Knife.

Jie Yin was suppressed by Nuwa from the beginning of the battle between the two.

Originally, the two had the same strength, so this should not have happened, but Nuwa was too powerful.

In the case of the same realm, Nuwa had several top-level spiritual treasures and an innate treasure, which was also an innate treasure she refined herself, so she was naturally handy.

After Donghua broke the formation, he appeared in the chaos again. His ancient and majestic body made people awe and fear. This battle established the fact that Donghua was the Great Heavenly Venerable.

Because he was just self-proclaimed before, and after today, even if he did not self-proclaimed, he would be named the Great Heavenly Venerable.

"Junior Brother Jieyin, do you still want to fight?" Donghua looked at Jieyin who was fighting jokingly, as if he was going to attack the next moment.

In fact, as long as Jieyin continued to fight, Donghua was indeed ready to attack, and he and Nuwa would join forces to defeat Jieyin, and he would not be embarrassed at all.

Jieyin fought Nuwa with all his strength, and then stepped aside, dividing the battlefield.

Jieyin looked around at the battlefield around him, and when he saw the situation clearly, his face darkened instantly.

He did not contribute to this battle from beginning to end. He was first sealed by Donghua, and then dragged by Nuwa, and he had no sense of participation at all.

People who didn't know this situation thought that Jieyin was sent by Donghua.

"Brother Donghua, what a brilliant method. I, the West, admit defeat and voluntarily withdraw from the reincarnation battle, okay?" Jieyin put his hands together and looked at Donghua and said.

In fact, after fighting until now, they all knew that they had lost.

They thought that the five of them could fight Donghua and Nuwa together, but they didn't expect that they had already made preparations and had corresponding tactics.

As for the cooperation between Donghua and Nuwa, who would believe that they had not made arrangements in advance?

Donghua did not rush to make a decision, but glanced at Nuwa. He had thought about this battle a long time ago, especially that the two people in the West would betray their alliance with him.

So he had already discussed with Nuwa how to deal with it, and now that the battle is over and it is time to divide the fruits of victory, it is natural to mediate internal conflicts, so as to avoid conflicts breaking out inside before outsiders retreat.

Nuwa thought about it for a while, then nodded, agreeing with Jie Yin's statement.

Because both sides knew that everything had basically ended since the battle, and there would be no greater variables.

Especially since both sides are immortal Hunyuan saints and emperors, they will not fight to the death, or will not fight anymore, after all, both sides can afford to lose.

If they really want to fight to the death at this time, Donghua has nothing to fear with his strength at the peak of the third level of Hunyuan.

Moreover, if they really want to fight to the death, it will not be carried out in the chaos, but in the prehistoric world!

Because it is beneficial to both sides in the prehistoric world, it depends on who can laugh last!

Seeing Nuwa nod, Donghua stopped his eyes on Houtu, only to see that Houtu's shoulder was bleeding and her face was slightly pale. Obviously, Houtu was seriously injured in the battle with Zhunti.

However, it is understandable that although Houtu's realm is high, she has just achieved the Hunyuan Dao, and even the mana in her body has not been fully transformed into Hunyuan mana.

And now Houtu can defeat Zhunti, which is already very powerful. After all, sometimes the realm is not the only one.

Realm is realm, and combat power is combat power!

Houtu did not see Donghua looking over, she smiled lightly, and did not speak. Her mind was completely immersed in the avenue, and she was dealing with the causal power left on Zhunti's shoulder.

The main reason was that she did not care about the post-war benefits, because she knew that without Donghua and Nuwa, the power of reincarnation and the underworld would not fall into her hands.

The Three Pure Ones and the Two Saints of the West would directly kick him out, and then divide the power completely, and regard him as the mascot of the reincarnation and the underworld.

So the current ending is the best. After Donghua and his team win, they will definitely take the lion's share, but at least they will not kick him out.

Seeing that the two had no objection, Donghua looked at Jie Yin and said, "Since my junior brother has proposed such a condition, as a senior brother, I can't refuse it!"

"I agree that you can go, but the premise is that the West will not be involved in reincarnation in the future, otherwise I will definitely cut off your Taoism and make Buddhism no longer exist in the prehistoric world!"

"Is it possible?"

Jie Yin's face showed a painful look. This result was what he least wanted to see, but he didn't expect it to happen, and it was the worst result.

Kicked out directly!

But now that things have come to this, it's useless for him to say anything, so he might as well accept it calmly.

What's more, aren't there the Three Pure Ones?

He didn't believe that Donghua and the other two could monopolize the reincarnation and the underworld. If so, what would the prehistoric world need saints for in the future?

But this is just a consolation in the heart. In any case, the underworld and the power of reincarnation have nothing to do with them in the West.

"Okay, since Senior Brother Donghua said so, I will agree. In the future, I in the West will not interfere with the power of reincarnation and the underworld!"

Donghua smiled and said, "Okay, Junior Brother Jieyin is also a straightforward person. In this case, please come!"

Donghua put away the chaos blocked by the Chaos Bell and made way.

There was no ink mark on Jie Yin. He stepped forward to help Zhunti up and left Chaos in a flash.

At this point, the Two Saints of the West have withdrawn from the fight, and the only ones left are the Three Pure Ones!

Donghua looked at Taishang, who was still recovering from his injuries, and said softly: "Brother Taishang, I wonder if you have any other advice today? If not, is it going to end like this?"

Donghua didn't have the arrogance of a winner. His voice was calm and there was no emotion in his words, as if he was talking to a wooden man.

The Supreme Master stopped healing his wounds, stood up in the Qiankun Cauldron, and then said slowly: "Junior Brother Donghua, we lost this battle, but do you have to monopolize the underworld and the power of reincarnation?"

Donghua put his hands behind his back and said, "Since senior brother admits that he lost, why do you still care about this? Could it be that senior brother can't afford to lose?"

Taishang lowered his head slightly and did not answer in a hurry. If you lose, you lose. He is not a person who cannot afford to lose. The main thing is that things are really difficult to solve!

At this time, Yuan Shi, who was sealed in the Xiantian Five Directions Flag, said: "Donghua, do you really think you can seal us? One hundred years? One thousand years? Ten thousand years? Yiyuanhui?"

"We, the Sanqings, are born in line with our father's soul and will never be insulted like this? If you want to fight, then fight, no need to talk nonsense!"

Hearing Yuan Shi's words, Donghua sneered and didn't rush back.

The main reason is that what Yuan Shi said is right. It is impossible for them to seal Taishang and Yuan Shi. It is only a matter of time before they break the seal.

Even if it could be sealed for a long time, Donghua would not do it, mainly because there was someone above them.

Master Hongjun!

Hongjun would not agree to seal the two saints at once.

As far as the public is concerned, this will make the prehistoric world lack two saints, which is not good for the development and promotion of the prehistoric world. It will also make the way of heaven lacking. After all, the way of heaven has no spirit, and the saints holding talismans on behalf of heaven are also part of the way of heaven!

Personally speaking, Sanqing is different from the Second Sage of the West. They are both Hongjun's direct disciples. This is a fratricide. If Hongjun is really angry, after the Conferred God, the saint will not appear in the prehistoric period, and will be subdued again. Meteor Holy Pill is terrible.

The main reason is that Donghua does not have the strength to resist Hongjun, and there is no need to resist Hongjun!

But no matter what, you can't be timid at this time.

Donghua snorted coldly and said nothing. He just glanced at Hou Tu calmly, then waved one hand, the power of time and space surged, and a time and space channel appeared between chaos and prehistoric times.

Donghua waved his hand and directly sent the Xiantian Five Directions Flag and Pure World White Lotus, together with the sealed Yuanshi, into the passage.

The place where the passage connects is officially the five reincarnations that have just been established.


With a soft sound, the sealed Yuanshi was placed in the five reincarnations.

Houtu then flew up, returned to the reincarnation, offered the reincarnation seal, blessed the five paths of reincarnation, and completely sealed all exits.

"Senior Brother Yuanshi, I know that it is only a matter of time before you hold the Pangu Flag and break out of the seal. However, I advise you that reincarnation has just been established, and the land has not yet completely stabilized reincarnation."

"If you forcefully break the seal, don't destroy reincarnation. Otherwise, you will be despised by heaven and earth, and your karma will add up. I'm afraid your status as a saint will not be guaranteed."

Hearing Donghua's words, not only Yuanshi fell silent, but even the sealed Taishang felt a chill instantly. He was afraid that Donghua would do the same to him.

There are not only five reincarnations, the Eye of the Sea, the immortal volcano in the south of the sky, and Buzhou Mountain in a place like the prehistoric world.

And these places are all under Donghua's rule. If he suppresses himself in the immortal volcano, seals it, and lets Yuanfeng take care of it, he really doesn't dare to act rashly.

If it causes the immortal volcano to erupt, he absolutely dares to believe that Hongjun will pull out his skin, and even the law of heaven will not let him go easily. At that time, he will really become a public enemy in the wild.

When the onlookers heard Donghua's words, they all gasped.

Although Donghua's move is a bit shameless, it really works and is really cruel.

Too cruel!

If Donghua really does this, he might be able to seal Taishang and Yuanshi.

At this moment, everyone looked at Donghua with awe in their eyes.

If he was in awe of Donghua's strength and identity before, then at this moment, he is in awe of Donghua himself.

Donghua took in everyone's eyes and sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, if a person is not ruthless, he will not be able to stand firm. No matter at any time or anywhere, you must be ruthless as a person. Blind kindness and kindness will only be regarded as... Soft persimmon!”

Donghua stopped talking to everyone, but turned to look at the Supreme Master and asked: "Brother Taishang, can we have a good chat now?"

The Supreme Being was silent for a moment with his eyes slightly closed, and then said: "Okay, now that the matter has come to an end, I will no longer be ink. We only need 10% of the reincarnation authority, and 20% of the underworld authority. If you agree, the matter will be over. If not, If you agree, that poor Taoist will fight with you again even if he gives up his career!"

Decisive, decisive!

Donghua greatly appreciated Taishang's knowledge of current affairs and his approach. People are not afraid of losing, because no one wins all the time, and they will not win all the time. Losing will happen sooner or later.

Didn't even Hongjun lose before?

And he, Donghua, has lost a few times along the way? He even faced danger many times and almost died.

So losing is not scary!

The terrible thing is that you can’t afford to lose!

The terrible thing is that my heart has also lost!

When Donghua had just returned from reincarnation, although he had accepted all the strength from his original body, the reason why he could not fully utilize it was because he had no Taoist heart.

Without the heart of Tao and the heart of a strong man, even if you have the strength of a great man, defeat is a matter of time!

Donghua said seriously: "Since the Supreme Senior Brother said so, Donghua is not an unreasonable person. I can even give up 20% of the power of reincarnation, but the premise is that the three senior brothers must not interfere with the operation of reincarnation and the underworld without reason."

"Of course, if Donghua, Nuwa Daoist Fellow, and Hou Tu Daoist Fellow do anything wrong in the future, the three senior brothers can also point it out, and we will negotiate and solve it."

"Can I?"

The Supreme's face changed, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect Donghua to say that.

At this moment, he really admired Donghua.

Not only strength, but also character!

The Supreme said softly: "Okay, Junior Brother Donghua is happy, then I will accept it on behalf of the Three Pure Ones, and do as you say!"

The two made a verbal agreement without an oath, but this is better than any oath.

Saints, every word and action is Tao!

When words are spoken, the way of heaven will have its own response.

At this moment, the reincarnation matter has come to an end.

It can't be said to have come to an end, because the internal division has not been completed, and the solid fortress is often broken from the inside.

If the internal affairs are not handled well, the next battle will become Donghua facing the six saints alone.

At that time, unless Donghua has the strength to suppress everything, everything will be nonsense.

One against six, and they are all saints. If the realm cannot be absolutely suppressed, Donghua will definitely lose.

Seeing that all the things were solved, Nuwa took away the map of mountains and rivers and took back the seal of Qiankun Ding.

Taishang flew out and took back the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower and other spiritual treasures left in the chaos, and then turned to look at Tongtian.

At this time, Tongtian's face was pale, holy blood dripped, his breath was low, and there was still fierceness, evil spirits, and murderous spirits around him.

Obviously, the injuries on Tongtian were not only caused by Donghua, but also the backlash of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Taishang said nothing, took out a golden elixir and gave it to Tongtian, then used the Great Dao of Taiqing to inject it into Tongtian's body.

The Great Dao of Taiqing and the Great Dao of Shangqing combined to instantly remove the sword energy and evil spirit that permeated Tongtian's body.

Then the two left the chaos!

Yuanshi, who was exiled to the reincarnation, was also released by Houtu, and the innate five-sided flag and the twelve-grade pure white lotus were taken back by Donghua.

The battle of reincarnation is over!


ps: I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to catch the bus today and took the bus all day. I just finished writing it in the hotel.

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