Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 355 Hongjun Realm, Hongmeng Purple Qi

Hongjun was the earliest innate saint born since the beginning of the world. He was unknown in his earliest days and was not as famous as Kun Wu and others.

But he is definitely the most talented saint in the history of the world. Yang Mei can create the divine way, which can only be successful if it is built on the shoulders of all saints.

After all, at the beginning of Suigu, all saints practiced Shinto and Taoist rules, and Yang Mei was just the master of them all.

However, Hongjun was able to create the Immortal Way based on the Shinto Way, thereby laying the foundation for Hunyuan and becoming the first Hunyuan Saint since the creation of the world.

After Hongjun attained enlightenment and became a saint, his cultivation became even more vigorous and diligent, and he spread his teaching throughout the world, making almost everyone in the world practice the immortal way.

Before Hongjun came together, he had 90% of the 100% luck in the prehistoric times. One word could determine the world's affairs, especially the identity of the leader of Donghua's male immortals, which was just a matter of words.

Later, Hongjun joined forces and distributed the spiritual treasures to everyone in the world. He also dispersed the luck between heaven and earth and returned it to everyone.

Therefore, Donghua's feelings for Hongjun are very complicated. As far as the master is concerned, Hongjun is very qualified.

As far as Daozu is concerned, Donghua is not qualified to comment.

In terms of talent and qualifications, he is even worse.

But the only thing that Donghua can't understand is Hongjun's pursuit.

No matter from which aspect, Hongjun seems to have no desires and pursuits, is selfless, and runs the way of heaven.

But Donghua knew very well in his heart that no one could really achieve this step. If he really had no desires and desires, he would not be a human being, but a Tao.

So what is Hongjun’s plan? What are you pursuing? What do you want?

In other words, what else does Hongjun want in today's prehistoric times?

In fact, Donghua had never thought about this problem before, because the level gap was too big, and it was useless to think about it.

What really made him start exploring this issue was the appearance of Yao Ji. The Heavenly Eye on Yao Ji's body was the Heavenly Eye formed from the fragments of the jade disk of creation, which carried part of the power of heaven.

From that moment on, Donghua began to study Hongjun in a real sense.

And the first step is to figure out his cultivation level!

Originally, Donghua thought that Hongjun would show up to look for him when he understood the Fifth Innate Master, or when the Demon of Time and Space appeared.

But after waiting and waiting, Hongjun never showed up, and this time he faced the world-destroying divine thunder.

He dared to do this, firstly, because he felt that Hongjun would definitely show up, and secondly, because he was confident that he could solve the world-destroying divine thunder.

Donghua has always been a person who is afraid of death, and he will never make fun of his own life.

Fortunately, his bet was right. Hongjun did appear and proposed a solution, which was no different from the one he expected.

The only difference is that Hongjun involved the Queen Mother of the West.

In addition, his biggest gain is to understand Hongjun's cultivation level. He has not yet broken through the eighth level of Hunyuan.

And that's enough!

Because this is his next motivation!

Now in the prehistoric period, neither Sanqing nor Nuwa can have any influence on him and pose no threat.

With this breakthrough in cultivation, the gap between him and others has completely widened, especially after he comprehended the Five Innate Masters, this was a qualitative change.

Hongjun looked at Donghua in front of him with complicated eyes. From the beginning, he believed that Donghua's greatest achievement was just reaching the pinnacle of a quasi-sage.

But later, he broke through his cognition every time. In the end, he defeated the two tribes of lich and established the supreme heaven, which governs the three realms and controls the three realms of heaven, earth and humans.

Now he is the first to break through the fifth level of Hunyuan!

Hongjun thinks that his vision is never wrong, but unexpected things happen to Donghua many times.

Hongjun is very smart. From what happened today, he can tell at a glance that this is Donghua's test of him.

He also knew that this was just the beginning, and there would be more and more temptations in the future.

This is not something that can be determined by feelings and status, but is the result of cultivation and path.

Anyone whose cultivation reaches Donghua's level must understand his purpose. No one wants to have an unknown existence above him.

Today is Donghua, and in the future there will be Nuwa, Houtu, the Second Sage of the West, and many others.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction!

Because of his own existence, he has blocked the way of many newcomers, and no one wants to have a "Top Emperor" above him.

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The world-destroying thunder cloud above the nine heavens gradually formed, and in the thunder, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment gradually took shape.

Seeing this scene, Hongjun sighed and took the lead to break the calm and said to Donghua: "If you want Taizhen to control the power of heavenly punishment for all living beings, then the World-Destroying Divine Thunder must be controlled, otherwise it will not have any impact on the Hunyuan Saint! "

"So the appearance of the World-Destroying Divine Thunder this time is also an opportunity for her. It depends on whether you can grasp it and turn danger into opportunity!"

Donghua heard Hongjun's gentle voice and knew that this time the temptation was over. Neither of them wanted to make it clear now.

After all, the time is not yet ripe.

"Master, I can understand what you are saying, but with my current level of cultivation, there is no way I can protect my junior sister into the thunder."

Hongjun stretched out his hand a little, and the jade disk of good fortune appeared in front of Donghua's eyes, and then said: "The jade disk of good fortune was born from the way of heaven. With this treasure, you can protect Taizhen into the thunder cloud, and it can also increase your probability of success!"

Donghua successfully created the jade dish, and the joy in his eyes instantly appeared, and he quickly said to Hongjun: "Thank you Master, you are so kind to me, and I really can't repay you!"

Hongjun snorted coldly, glared at Donghua, and said unappreciatively: "You should stop causing trouble and improve your cultivation as soon as possible, which is the greatest reward for me."

Donghua laughed to cover up his embarrassment. It's true that old man Hongjun is really good to him. Every time he gets into trouble, he comes out to help him clean up his ass.

But Hongjun's words also surprised Donghua.

Every time he talked to the other party, Hongjun would always remind himself to practice hard, and the same was true for Sanqing and others.

"Does Hongjun's plan need our help? And the higher the cultivation, the better?"

Donghua had a question mark in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it at this time. The world-destroying thunder cloud was about to take shape, and there was not much time left for him.

Donghua quickly contacted Taizhen and then explained the truth of the matter.

"Junior sister, I originally wanted you to break through the Quasi-Saint realm later, increase your accumulation, and wait for the Heavenly Rules to be more perfect. Now it seems too late."

"The appearance of the World-Destroying Divine Thunder is also an opportunity for you. There is the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the thunder eye. I was originally going to enter it and smash it."

"Now it seems that you can use the Jade Disc of Creation to absorb part of the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao, cultivate the power of annihilation, and control the way of heavenly punishment, so as to break through the Quasi-Saint realm."

When the Queen Mother of the West heard what Donghua said, she also understood instantly that going at her own expense was an opportunity for her, but it was also very dangerous. If she was not careful, she would fall under the World-Destroying Divine Thunder.

But now with Donghua and the Jade Disc of Creation, her chance of success is indeed very high. This risk is worth taking!

Queen Mother of the West looked at the thunderclouds above the nine heavens and said firmly:

"Brother, don't worry. I won't hold you back this time. You always make plans for me. If I can't even do this, how can I be the Queen of Heaven? How can I control the female fairies in the world?"

"Brother, don't forget that I am the Queen Mother of the West, who is innately sacred, an ancient god, and the head of the female fairies!"

Donghua sighed. He did protect Queen Mother of the West too much and forgot her identity. As a Taoist partner, he should not only protect her, but also support her.

Queen Mother of the West has never been his vassal, but his Taoist partner. In the early days, she was his best partner.

Whether it was the ancient times or the later attack of the demon clan on Zifu, Queen Mother of the West firmly supported him and faced danger with him.

Later, he merged the forces of West Kunlun into Zifu. This support was worthy of the identity of a Taoist partner.


"Let's move forward together!"

After Donghua finished speaking, he sacrificed the Jade Disc of Creation to bless the Queen Mother of the West, and then pointed his finger out. The Emperor Sword cut through time and space like a sharp blade, and the power of the Emperor Dao crossed the sky and rushed straight to the nine heavens.

Wherever the sword light passed, it tore through the thunderclouds and opened up a path to connect to the Eye of Heavenly Punishment.

Donghua took the Queen Mother of the West's hand and flew directly into the Eye of Heavenly Punishment along the opened path.

As soon as the two entered the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, they were wrapped by the endless power of the Heavenly Dao, which turned into the power of the Heavenly Dao rules. The power of the rules formed golden chains that attacked the two people.

The attack of each chain reached the strength of the sixth level of the Hunyuan Heaven, and some were even the seventh level. If you are not careful, it will turn into foam.

At this time, Donghua made a full-strength attack, the power of the Hunyuan Tai Chi and the power of the Heavenly Dao, the two were mixed together, and then he could see if he could resist.

After the attack, Donghua directly sacrificed the Chaos Bell to protect the two.

"Junior sister, open your Eye of Heavenly Tribulation and find the source of the world-destroying divine thunder."

While Donghua urged the Chaos Bell to resist the attack, he also needed to protect the Queen Mother of the West. Even with the protection of the Jade Disc of Creation, it was not absolutely safe.

The Queen Mother of the West, who was covered by the Jade Disc of Creation, seized the opportunity and instantly mobilized the power of the Three Thousand Great Daos. The Eye of Heavenly Tribulation at the center of her eyebrows left her body and stood in the sky. The infinite power began to gather and instantly split into nine eyes.

"Nine Heavenly Tribulation Lights!"

Nine different Heavenly Tribulation powers were shot out, including the light of thunder tribulation, the light of fire tribulation, the light of wind tribulation, the light of water tribulation, and so on.

With the blessing of the Jade Disc of Creation, the nine Tribulation Lights broke through the obstruction of the world-destroying divine thunder and directly bombarded the Eye of Heavenly Punishment. In an instant, endless thunder light burst out.

With the attack of the Queen Mother of the West, the sky was angry!

Countless world-destroying divine thunders attacked one after another.

Seeing this, Queen Mother of the West activated the power of the Great Dao and blessed the Kunlun Mirror, and a majestic power began to emanate.

The Kunlun Mirror radiated five-colored light, illuminating the heavens and the universe. At this moment, the sky was clear!

The power of time and space combined with the power of the heavenly tribulation to meet it again, and the eye of the heavenly tribulation between the eyebrows opened.

A ray of tribulation light cut through time and space.

The eye of the heavenly tribulation and the eye of heavenly punishment collided with each other.

Although the two are not of the same level, they have the same origin. At the moment of collision, the eye of heavenly punishment opened.

"The opportunity has come!"

Donghua was waiting for this moment. Only when the eye of heavenly punishment opened could he enter it and disintegrate from the inside, otherwise he would be in heavenly punishment forever.

Originally, his plan was to force it open, but now with the existence of Queen Mother of the West, he took a shortcut.


The Heavenly Emperor's true body, the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma image, the power of Hunyuan, the Dao of Taiji, the power of the Emperor Dao, the power of the Emperor Realm...

All the power burst out instantly, and a pitch-black spear appeared in Donghua's hand.

It was the God-killing Spear!

After the opening of the Xuanhuang Emperor Realm, the God-killing Spear served as the pillar of heaven, and also absorbed Donghua's Dao, and was nurtured and upgraded again.

Although it has not broken through to the ranks of the most precious treasures, its power is definitely stronger than before.

The infinite power condensed in Donghua's hands, and finally all gathered on the God-killing Spear.

Donghua soared into the sky with the gun!

At the moment when the Eye of Heavenly Punishment opened, he rushed into it.


The sky seemed to collapse!

At this moment, the entire prehistoric world fell into gray darkness.

Above the Nine Heavens, the gray power of destruction and the golden power of the emperor continued to clash.

The golden dragon appeared!

Thunder was mighty!

After the continuous confrontation, a roar came from the Nine Heavens.

After the sound, the prehistoric world gradually regained light!

Above the Nine Heavens, Donghua stood in the sky with a gun, and golden emperor blood kept dripping from the corners of his mouth.

The emperor's blood dripped into the prehistoric world, instantly evolving a world with endless creatures.

"Brother!" Queen Mother of the West quickly flew up and gently hugged Donghua.

Donghua wiped the blood from his mouth and held the hand of Queen Mother of the West tightly.

"I'm fine. I didn't expect that this world-destroying power is so strong. If it weren't for you this time, I might have really fallen."

Queen Mother of the West slapped Donghua and said angrily: "Brother, don't take such risks in the future. You are now the Emperor of Heaven, the father of Ming'er and Qiong'er, you should think more."

"Okay, okay, okay, listen to Junior Sister, I will never take risks in the future!"

Donghua quickly gave in. The danger this time was no less than the oppression brought by the Space-Time Demon.

I thought I could disintegrate the world-destroying power from the inside before, which is indeed true, but if I force the opening of the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, it would be really dangerous.

Donghua took out a ball of purple light, handed it to Queen Mother of the West and said: "Junior Sister, you absorb this power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao."

"What is this?" Queen Mother of the West asked in confusion after seeing the ball of light.

"This is the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao, or the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but this Hongmeng Purple Qi is the power of the origin of Heavenly Punishment, which is just right for you!"

Donghua explained that what he gave to Queen Mother Xi was indeed the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but it was the original form of the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

The Hongmeng Purple Qi that Hongjun gave them was after refining, and it was more difficult to absorb the Hongmeng Purple Qi in that state.

"Junior sister, you absorb this source of power, evolve your Eye of Heavenly Tribulation into the Eye of Heavenly Punishment, and further control the Purple Sky Divine Thunder and the World-Destroying Divine Thunder."

"This time, you are expected to break through the Quasi-Sage realm, but it is difficult to reach the Hunyuan realm, after all, you have not yet practiced your own way."

Queen Mother of the West asked: "Is my way the Heavenly Rule you mentioned?"

Donghua nodded and said: "Yes, you are right. Only when your Dao and the power of Heavenly Rule are combined to become the real Heavenly Punishment Heavenly Rule, can you break through Hunyuan in one fell swoop and achieve the status of a saint."

"But it's okay. After you break through the Quasi-Sage realm, you can accumulate more and break through the three heavens in one fell swoop!"

"Thank you, brother, you are so good to me!" Queen Mother of the West hugged the weak Donghua, her eyes full of touching.

After the two became Taoist partners, their own ways were clearly arranged by Donghua, and every step was the most suitable path for them.


ps: Brothers, I won't be a eunuch. Something happened. I am writing in my spare time.

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