After Shennong succeeded to the throne, he vigorously developed people's livelihood politics, issued various policies and laws, and made human life more orderly.

Since material desires have been solved, the construction of the spiritual world can begin, and it is under this premise that we can start to feel full and warm.

A hundred schools of thought were born!

First, the saint sect came down the mountain to preach, and sparks of various ideas collided in the ancient world. After that, major forces and people with great supernatural powers also began to go down the mountain to preach, and one after another Taoism was established in the human world.

The time of three Yuanhui has passed!

In this Sanyuanhui, Shennong's cultivation level is at the peak of Taiyi, and he has successfully walked out of his own way. The human emperor's way is extremely powerful.

"Third brother, with your current level of cultivation, you could have broken through Daluo a long time ago. Why haven't you broken through yet?"

On this day, in private, Xuan Ming finally asked the doubts in his heart.

"I don't know either!" Shennong casually spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

Xuan Ming's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "How could you not know? It's you who practice, not me."

Shennong said: "As early as when brother Fuxi's merits and virtues were perfect, I could break through Daluo, but someone told me not to break through for the time being, but to accumulate and walk out of my own way again."

"Who is it?"

Shennong hesitated and said, "I'm not sure, it should be your father."

"My dad?" Xuan Ming only felt a headache. Isn't this cheating his son? If Shennong doesn't break through for a day, he won't be able to break through.

Because the Qi of the two people is connected at this time, they will be completely separated only after Shennong breaks through Daluo and awakens the previous life, and the two lives become one.

Xuan Ming really wanted to fly to heaven and asked Donghua, could he really not see his breakthrough?

In the end, I could only sigh helplessly!

Among the starry sky, Ziweixing is located in Sanyuan, shining on the endless starry sky, and Donghua, who Xuanming said cheated his son, is on it.

"Brother, will Luo Hu really take action?"

The Queen Mother of the West wears a golden Taoist robe. On the Taoist robe are the manifested creatures of all plagues, which is a symbol of her being the Lord of all plagues.

Donghua put his hands behind his back and stared at the chaotic land beyond the starry sky and said: "He will. This is his last chance. Unless he is willing to be ordinary or leave the prehistoric world, he will definitely take action."

Queen Mother Xi thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. Everything in the world could defeat the three, but only a few. Luo Hu had died twice and had two chances.

This is already the third time. If it fails again this time, it means that there is really no chance, and the luck favored by the ancients will disappear.

By that time, Luo Hu will no longer be so scary. He is just a founder of the demonic path. If he is disobedient, there is nothing wrong with him even if he is allowed to perish and be reincarnated.

"If I knew tomorrow that you were using them as bait to lure Luo Hu into action, I would probably be pissed to death."

Donghua smiled helplessly and said: "Luo Hu is not an ordinary person. If there is not enough benefit, he will not make plans this time."

"As for the contemporary Human Emperor and my son, these two identities are enough for Luo Hu to take a risk and make a plan, and it is even possible that his true body will come to the wilderness. Even if he is not his true body, I can lock his position in the chaos."

"Now that I am preparing for the war in heaven, I must not leave any hidden dangers behind. Luo Hu is one, and so are the immortal gods who are about to return."

"Even if Luo Hu doesn't take action this time, he will definitely take action when he becomes a god, so I want to catch them all."

The Queen Mother of the West stared at the ancient land, her eyes always staying on Xuan Ming, she was afraid that Luo Hu would take action.

"I hope so!"

At this time, in a world in the chaos, Luo Hu and Emperor Shitian stared at the prehistoric world.

"Teacher, do you really want to snipe Hongyun? I always feel something fishy about this matter."

Luo Hu said meaningfully: "I know that there is Donghua's plan in this, but this is also our last chance, not to mention that you are about to become enlightened."

"If we miss this opportunity, it will be really difficult for us to find such an opportunity. Another great age is coming. We, the devil, must come to the wilderness and leave behind the orthodoxy."

Emperor Shitian was thoughtful and finally said: "Teacher, what should we do?"

Luo Hu smiled softly, his eyes flashed, and a picture appeared in front of him. There was the Chenduren Palace, and a little girl was playing in front of the palace gate.

"This is the daughter of the Human Emperor Shennong. Her nickname is Nvwa."

Then Luo Hu pointed out again, and the picture above the East China Sea appeared, and a real dragon appeared.

"He is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Candle Dragon!"

"The war between the three innate clans back then was not only for the sake of enlightenment, but also because of my promotion. Now I want to promote the battle between the dragon clan and the human clan, and even the battle between the human clan and the heaven."

Emperor Shitian frowned and said: "Teacher, today's prehistoric times are no better than before. It is difficult for these two powerful forces to fight to the death with these methods, especially dragging Heaven into it."

Luo Hu smiled softly and said: "I know, even they know, even the three innate tribes back then also knew."

"But they have no choice but to continue even if they are wrong. This is the helplessness of the big family."

"This time the devil comes, I chose Shennong and Zhulong. As long as we drag them two into the devil, we will win, not to mention his help."

"Donghua's talent is indeed extraordinary, but he is just a hypocritical villain, just like Hongjun back then, which is disgusting."

Emperor Shitian always felt that Luohou took it for granted. Today's prehistoric times are no longer the ancient times, but Luohou's thinking is still stuck in that era, so he felt that this plan would be difficult to succeed.

But then again, even if this plan failed, he would succeed, and he would definitely have a place in the prehistoric world.

On this day, the Human Emperor Shennong inspected the four seas and sat on the throne, with tens of thousands of human armies following him.

"Ao Guang pays homage to His Majesty the Human Emperor!"

Ao Guang, the Emperor of Heaven and the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan, led the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas to entertain the Human Emperor Shennong in the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea.

With Ao Guang being named the Emperor of Heaven, he enjoyed the luck of the four seas and the luck of Heaven. His cultivation had already broken through the Quasi-Sage, and he could be said to be a veritable Emperor.

But then again, Ao Guang was really a lucky man. With the fall of Zhulong, all the merits and treatments that he should have enjoyed were bestowed on Ao Guang.

With such resources, even a pig can become a quasi-saint, not to mention that Ao Guang is also a genius of his generation. At the conference held by Zifu, Ao Guang was also in the top ten in the Taiyi realm.

"Thank you, Emperor. This inspection of the four seas is for the sudden movement of the four seas' eyes. I wonder if the emperor has any idea?"

Shennong's sudden visit to the East China Sea is definitely not a simple inspection, but some time ago, the East China Sea's eye suddenly rioted, causing countless tsunamis, and the water of the four seas penetrated into the prehistoric world, creating a huge evil.


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