Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 55 Emperor Gou Chen? (First order required)

Donghua was flying in the wilderness, constantly calculating information in his mind, deducing the location of Shouyang Mountain, and headed straight to Shouyang in the East.

That's right, what Donghua has to do is to go to Shouyang Mountain to find the most precious Kongtong Seal.

The Kongtong Seal is an innate treasure of luck, acquired by the Supreme Being. Because the Supreme Being has an innate treasure, the Tai Chi Diagram, and an acquired merit treasure, the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the supreme treasure of heaven and earth, the Kongtong Seal is used to suppress the luck of the human race and become the luck of the human race. treasure.

The Supreme Master used this treasure to suppress the fate of the human race and control its development, so that the human race would no longer have the situation of three innate races and two lich races.

Donghua didn't know whether Taishang did this for the development of the ancient world, or whether he was worried that the luck of the human race he had gained would be damaged.

You must know that when a race reaches its peak, its luck will increase greatly, everyone will be like a dragon, and their cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

A natural emperor will also be born to lead a clan. This is the inevitable trend of the development of destiny, and no one can stop it.

Donghua has never seen whether the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race are the result of manipulation or natural development, so it is difficult to infer.

But in the end, the three emperors of the human race couldn't get out of the Fire Cloud Cave, so they must have planned it, otherwise there would be no need for the three emperors to suppress any luck.

At the level of the Three Emperors, you still can't refine a fortune treasure to suppress the fate of the human race?

It's obviously impossible.

But no matter what the situation is, there is no doubt that the Kongtong Seal is a treasure of luck.

Now that the Feng Clan has taken refuge, the Zifu's luck has been lost. If they can get the Kongtong Seal, it will definitely be a big help to Donghua.

Especially this time for Zixiao Palace and his party, although Tianting didn't do anything to him, he could feel that they were brewing something, and everyone looked worried.

After traveling in the wilderness for a long time, Donghua understands one thing. Sometimes misfortune and fortune are really unpredictable. It is not just that you can stay at home and be safe.

If you don’t believe it, please refer to the Black Sea Turtle, how innocent it is!

Shouyang Mountain was once the headquarters of the Qilin Clan and the birthplace of Jade Qilin. Later, the three clans fought and Shouyang Mountain was completely destroyed.

Nowadays, after countless Yuanhui events in the past, this place has been completely restored, with sufficient spiritual energy and flowing Taoist charm.

Donghua stood at the foot of Shouyang Mountain, looking up at the mountains, and saw:

The narrow rong is inserted into the sky, and the dragon's light is gloomy and covered with clouds.

Late at night, you can look down at the white Tianchi Lake, and at dawn, you can see the red sea and the sun.

It is indeed worthy of being a famous mountain in ancient times. It is indeed not bad for future emperors to establish a monastery here.

When a saint builds a Taoist temple, actually the spiritual energy, Taoist rhyme, etc. are not important. What is more important is the Qi of the mountain. The breath of the saint is the infinite spiritual energy, and the place of the saint is the rhythm of the Tao.

Donghua didn't waste any time and used his great supernatural power to see through the wall. Suddenly, Shouyang Mountain's luck leaped into Donghua's eyes like a circling dragon. He spotted the dragon's head and headed straight for it.

The place where the Luck Dragon Head is located is the ancestral vein of a mountain. If the Kongtong Seal is really in Shouyang Mountain, it must be here.

When Donghua arrived at the place where the dragon head was, he found that there were actually people living here.

"This is actually a cave?"

The cave is surrounded by a large formation, and mysterious divine light sometimes shines through.

Not long after Donghua arrived, the door to the cave world opened, and a young man wearing a white brocade robe walked out, holding a halberd in his hand and pointing at Donghua.

"Who are you? If you dare to break into my cave, please leave quickly!"

Donghua took a look and saw that this man was a Taiyi Golden Immortal and had a lot of luck on his head. He should be a strange beast from heaven and earth.

"I'm a poor Taowei, this is the land of the Qilin tribe, when did it become your cave?"

The young man in white robe thought for a moment and shouted: "Too Wei? Never heard of it. Where did the little Mao God come from? Leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Hearing this, Donghua shouted sharply: "How dare you, the little Taiyi Golden Immortal, to call yourself Young Master in front of me."

A ray of pure Yang fairy light shot out, and the white-robed boy was knocked to the ground, knocking down several big trees, and started wailing on the ground.

With a slight tone, he said weakly: "I've never heard of it before. Taiwei is not a famous person. He just bullies me because of his high cultivation level. If you have the guts, let me practice for a few more years and see who is better." The method is clever.”

Donghua smiled helplessly: "You boy, you don't know the heights of the world, and you are so arrogant that you arranged this for me."

"You don't even know my name. Listen carefully, I am the Prince of the East, the Emperor of Donghua of the Purple Mansion."

The boy in white robe exclaimed, "You are Prince Dong, the leader of the male immortals!"

Then he muttered: "Then you didn't tell me earlier. I didn't even hear what you said was too trivial. How can you blame me?"

"Don't take your ignorance for granted. Taiwei is my Taoist name, Dongwanggong is my title, Donghua Emperor is my divine name, and Donghua is my Dharma name."

Having said this, Donghua also understood that Taiwei's name was indeed not as loud as Dongwanggong and Donghua Emperor.

It's not that "Taiwei" is not famous, it's that he doesn't have the ability to cultivate, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to know the Taoist name "Taiwei".

Just like Tongtian, Tongtian is his title, Shangqing is his name, Lingbao Tianzun is his god name, and Yuchen is his Taoist name, the name of Yuchen is indeed rarely known.

While Donghua was deep in thought, the boy in white robe reluctantly stood up.

"Emperor, I was discourteous just now. Please forgive me."

"Gou Chen? Is this your name or your identity?"

"To the emperor, Gouchen is both my name and my identity."

Gouchen is an ancient star, located in the west, and was born to give birth to the star god Gouchen.

It's just that the young boy Gou Chen in front of him has nothing to do with the stars, but is a prehistoric beast.

During the Longhan period, the dragon clan was powerful and ranked first among the three clans. The power here is not only in terms of high-end combat power, but also in terms of population.

Dragons are licentious by nature, mating with all kinds of clans and giving birth to all kinds of offspring. The nine sons of Zulong are even more famous. Gou Chen is a race produced by Huanglong and Qingniu.

The appearance of the Gou Chen clan is similar to that of Qilin, with a deer's body, a lion's head, and a dragon's tail. Its character is very fierce and ferocious, it likes to kill, and it is extremely powerful.

Someone once joked that this was a Qilin wearing a green hat on the dragon, otherwise why would the offspring of the dragon be similar to the Qilin.

Of course, this is just a joke, but it also reflects the dissatisfaction of the prehistoric creatures with the dragon clan at that time.

"Since you are Gou Chen, why are you here in Shouyang Mountain?"

Donghua teased: "Are you really the son of Qilin?"

Gou Chen suddenly got anxious and said: "I saw that there was no one living on this mountain, so I built a cave. How can the emperor, as a great man, humiliate me like this?"

Donghua wanted to tease him, but he didn't expect that this kid didn't know how to tease him, and he made himself embarrassed instead.

"This is my fault, I apologize to you."

Gou Chen hurriedly wanted to help Donghua, but after thinking about it, he felt it was inappropriate. He didn't know where to put his hands, so he hurriedly returned several greetings.

The voice trembled: "No, no, how can the emperor salute me."

Due to the large amplitude of the movement, the previous injury was triggered and he started coughing.

Donghua grabbed it casually and sucked out the pure Yang magic power that had been injected before.

"You are a boy who knows etiquette."

"Emperor Donghua is also a human being and can make mistakes. Since it is my fault, I will give you an apology in the right amount. Just accept it."

Thanks to the book friends "Sunny Boy Superman Adong", "I am such a cutie", "Jinying Boat Song", "Deer Seen in the Deep Trees", "The Sea is Bluer than the Sky", "1080", "Taihao Qionggao" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to the book friends "Sui Xing Sui Xin", "Pin Dao Xuan Chen Zi", "Jian Ting 001", "Mu Tan Cang", "Zhi Zhen Ban Humor" and many others for their recommendation votes!

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