"Demon Ancestor... Luohou..."

Fire Cloud Cave.

Fuxi looked at the distant battlefield in cold eyes, his eyes were extremely cold.

Regarding the current war of the human race.

Win or lose!

He actually doesn't care much.

The human race has already established its trend, and its rise is a foregone conclusion.

In this case, he will naturally not intervene in the human race.

Whether it is a war of external expansion or a war of foreign invasion, in Fuxi's view, it is just a whetstone for sharpening the human race and making the human race stand on the top of the prehistoric world.

But this time...

It is beyond the scope of sharpening.

Fuxi looked at the Luohou demon shadow confronting Laozi on the battlefield with cold eyes.

When he heard Luohou's words that this was just a declaration of return and greeting.

He laughed!

He was so angry that he laughed!

Returning to the prehistoric world, saying hello, and then finding another human race.

Among the hundreds of millions of cultivators who went out to fight this time, nearly 30% were infected by the devil's energy, and another 30% died in the sneak attack of the 30% of humans who were infected by the devil's energy.

Such casualties, just a greeting?

Do you really think that our human race is easy to bully?


Even without caring about the saint Laozi who had already taken action, Fuxi's voice with deep anger suddenly resounded throughout the prehistoric world.

Directly wiped out the shadows in the hearts of the prehistoric creatures, and the traces of devil's energy that fell in the dark were directly cut off from it.

"Who is it? How dare you ruin the good deeds of the ancestor..."

In the air, Luohou's demon shadow, who noticed that his means were blocked, was furious and roared.

"It's this emperor!"

Beside Laozi, the shadow of Fuxi quietly emerged.

"Daoist Laozi! Fuxi came uninvited, please forgive me." Fuxi bowed to Laozi.

"Daoyou Fuxi, you are joking. This demon is a great enemy of the prehistoric world. I am very grateful that you can help me." Laozi shook his head slightly and said softly.

"Who do I think it is? Fuxi! Fuxi, the Holy Emperor of the Human Race... Hehe. What a great name."

Looking at Fuxi's figure, Luohou Demon Shadow immediately laughed strangely.

As a demon who left the prehistoric world during the Taoist-Demon War, Luohou knew the name of Fuxi.

Obviously, he did not just return to the prehistoric world, but had been lurking in the prehistoric world for a while.

"A poor creature who betrayed the demon race, became a human, and was imprisoned in the Fire Cloud Cave, unable to return, dared to ruin the good deeds of the ancestor."

The strange demon sound that seemed to be superimposed by billions of lives pierced his ears. Even with the saint Laozi guarding the hearts of all living beings, the living beings around who heard it still frowned.

"Poor creature?" Fuxi turned and looked at Luohou Demon Shadow, with a flash of contempt on his face.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I am happy to call you the Demon Ancestor. I am not happy..." Fuxi said coldly with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You are just a bunch of garbage put together!"

Fuxi's undisguised disdain made Luohou furious.

"You... deserve to die!" Luohou's hoarse voice echoed across the world, and his scarlet eyes stared at Fuxi.

As the Demon Ancestor, Luohou never lacked all the qualities that a bad guy must have, such as cunning, insidiousness, hypocrisy, forbearance, etc.

When needed, let alone Fuxi's words at this time, even if they were thousands of times more vicious, they could be regarded as spring breeze for him and he would not care.

But similarly, when not needed, he was also overbearing, arrogant, and vindictive.

At this time, for Luohou, there is no doubt that it is not...

While Luohou was still thinking about how to take revenge on Fuxi, he saw...

In front of Fuxi's shadow, eight strange symbols slowly emerged in the void.

Luohou recognized these eight strange symbols, or in other words, there are almost no cultivators in the prehistoric world who do not recognize these eight symbols.

The innate Bagua!

The law that laid the foundation for the growth of the human race.

But what attracted Luohou's attention was not the Bagua symbol.

But in the Bagua symbol, there were dark demonic energy that appeared out of thin air.

Feeling the weak induction from the dark demonic energy, Luohou's scarlet eyes shrank immediately, and then he roared in an extremely incredible way.

"Impossible, how could you possibly...even old Hongjun didn't find me, how could you possibly find me..."

Luo Hou's demon shadow no longer had the calm look of a man who had won the victory before. He was like a madman, madly attacking the Tai Chi diagram, trying to rush towards Fuxi.

"I was able to succeed before because I didn't notice you. Do you really think your secret method of hiding is so profound? Ridiculous..." Fuxi sneered.

That's it.

Who gave him the courage to claim that Hongjun didn't find it?


In front of Fuxi, one after another black air was transferred from all over the prehistoric world.

Among them, the human race, the demon race, the immortals, the casual cultivators, the prehistoric races, some ordinary creatures and plants on the prehistoric land, the fish and shrimp in the four seas, and various strange marine creatures in the deep sea.

Even some rocks and river sands without life intelligence have demonic energy floating out.

And its distribution range is all over the prehistoric world, the four seas and the sky, and the universe.

Even some dangerous places, the dojo of the powerful, and the ordinary mountains and forests, all have demonic energy emerging and then disappearing.

Even under the horrified eyes of some quasi-saints, their disciples, from the earthly immortals to the Daluo, all emit demonic energy.

Especially those Daluo Jinxian, all looked at the black air floating out of their bodies with ugly faces.

As the demonic energy suppressed in the Bagua in front of Fuxi's phantom became more and more, Luohou, who was not far away, became more and more crazy.

And this scene also moved Laozi, who had always been indifferent.

At the beginning, he ignored Luohou's demonic shadow, and later he did not deliberately stop Luohou's voice from spreading throughout the prehistoric world.

Of course, it was because he saw Luohou's current state.

At the beginning, Luohou's ambition to transform into the demon world was not just talk.

At that time, Luohou must have used some magical means to connect with the Supreme Chaos Avenue, so that he could transform into the demon world and escape from Hongjun.

What appeared in the prehistoric world at this time, in front of them, was just a bunch of garbage put together, just as Fuxi said before.

It was just a group of demonic energy with Luohou's consciousness and controlled by Luohou.

And the hiding ability of this demonic energy is extremely terrifying.

It can be hidden deep in the hearts of all living things in the prehistoric world, and even the rocks, soil, sand, metal and water of non-living things can be hidden in it.

This kind of hiding method.

Even if Laozi is a saint, it is difficult to find all the evil spirits of Luohou's soul, not to mention that Fuxi can find it easily.

The Bagua runes in Fuxi's hand kept evolving and calculating the evil spirits in various places in the prehistoric world, and captured them all.

Then, the Bagua in Fuxi's hand flashed, and he directly sent the evil spirit to the side of the Tai Chi diagram.

The Tai Chi diagram also took the evil spirit into it in a timely manner, together with Luohou, the yin and yang rotated and wiped it out.

In the Tai Chi diagram, the demon shadow of Luohou struggled frantically, but could not shake the Tai Chi diagram at all.

Being wiped out by the Tai Chi diagram has been destined to be the only ending of this demon.

"Thank you, Taoist Fuxi, for your help!" Laozi looked at the demonic energy that Fuxi had sent into the Tai Chi diagram, and smiled as he thanked her.

Although few people in the prehistoric world remember it now, Laozi has never forgotten the curse that Luohou had issued when he was defeated, "The Tao will disappear and the demon will grow, and the demon will grow and the Tao will disappear."

As Hongjun's eldest disciple.

The great leader of Xuanmen, Laozi is definitely the most vigilant against this saint Luohou.

"Laozi, Taoist, there is no need to do this. Luohou is already a great demon in the prehistoric world, not to mention that this guy has killed hundreds of millions of lives of my human race." Fuxi said, with a cold light in his eyes.

Although he cleared all the demonic energy that Luohou had released in the prehistoric world, Luohou did not enter the prehistoric world at all.

Fuxi's eyes narrowed slightly.

His eyes could not help but look towards the strange space outside the prehistoric world, but not belonging to the chaos.

That is where Luohou's demon world is.

At the same time, it is also a place he cannot reach.


Kunlun Mountain.

Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi looked at the scene on the prehistoric continent, his face was not very good.

Moreover, his ugly face at this time was not because of the demon ancestor Luohou, but because of Fuxi.

As a saint of heaven.

In Yuanshi's view, although the demon ancestor Luohou had competed with his teacher Hongjun Daozu, he was a loser who barely saved his life.

It seems that he dared to provoke the saint, but in fact he was just relying on hidden means to survive in the prehistoric world.

The boundless demonic energy has never floated out from his Kunlun Mountain and his disciples in Yuxu Palace, which is ironclad evidence.

On the contrary, it was the means displayed by Fuxi that made Yuanshi secretly a little frightened.

The other party's strange Bagua Dao can actually find the hidden Luohou one by one from the vast prehistoric world.

Such means are incredible.

In his heart, Yuanshi was also secretly wary of the Holy Emperor Fuxi, who had been in Huoyun Cave forever to suppress the human race after becoming a saint.

On Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea.

Tongtian also recalled what happened on the prehistoric continent with great solemnity.

Contrary to Yuanshi, Tongtian did not care about Fuxi as much as his senior brother, but was more concerned about the Demon Ancestor...

"Luo Hou."

Just by saying this name, Tongtian could feel his Zhuxian Sword Formation trembling faintly.

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Tongtian directly suppressed the trembling Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Tongtian didn't care too much about the changes in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, although the innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world were powerful.

But they only had the instincts of spiritual treasures, but not the thinking of living beings.

Such a reaction is not worth mentioning.


Tongtian stroked the Qingping Sword, the treasure of the Tao in his hand, and his eyes seemed to contain a world of swords, extremely sharp.

"Luo Hou... I don't know if it's worth it for me to use a sword!" Tongtian whispered in his heart.


Heaven beyond Heaven, Nuwa Palace.

Nuwa didn't care about Luo Hou at all.

What's good about an outdated antique.

From the beginning to the end, Nuwa's attention was all on Fuxi.

"My brother's Bagua Dao has improved so fast... How did Senior Changsheng do it?" Nuwa was secretly shocked, but also relieved.

She knew that her brother had become a disciple of Ao Changsheng. After all, Ao Changsheng did not mean to let Fuxi hide it.

Other saints may not know, but Nuwa definitely knew.

Nuwa did not dislike this at all. She was very supportive of Fuxi's becoming a disciple.

In fact, Nuwa always felt guilty about her brother Fuxi.

After all, it was Fuxi who gave up his fight for the sainthood in Zixiao Palace and pushed her up.

Although she successfully made Fuxi survive the war between witches and liches and became a saint after several calculations.

But unlike the saints of the Heavenly Dao, as saints who are in harmony with the Dao, and even as practitioners of the Hunyuan Daluo Dao.

Fuxi was destined to stay in seclusion in Huoyun Cave for several epochs.


Nuwa also knew some of the drawbacks of the Hedao Saint and Hunyuan Daluo Dao in this era.

So, when she learned that Fuxi became a disciple of Ao Changsheng, this mysterious and powerful being, Nuwa was naturally happy to see it happen.

And now that Fuxi has shown some style, Nuwa finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now my brother has embarked on the right track, and I don't need to interfere anymore." Nuwa murmured in her heart, looking at the vast wilderness below, her eyes narrowed slightly.

After a long time, she sighed quietly.

"Next, it's time to make plans for myself..."

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