Chapter 275

“Xuanyuan has a bright future!”

Xuannv had also heard about Xuanyuan’s crusade against He Bo, and she admired Xuanyuan’s deeds very much.

Especially when she was hiding in the dark with Jin Ling just now, seeing Xuanyuan facing Heaven Court without being timid at all, and still not irrational, she was convinced that Ruzi could be taught.

Kang Jinlong was already sweating all over his body at this time, and his face was gloomy as water.

Fortunately, I didn’t act impulsively, otherwise if I killed this Xuanyuan at will, it would be tantamount to provoke two Sages at the same time.

Thinking of this, Kang Jinlong smiled:

“He Bo died, and the sin deserved it. Xuanyuan was doing it for the sake of fame. Although there was a small mistake, it was enough to pay off. This matter will be reported to the Heavenly Emperor. I believe that the Heavenly Emperor has his own decision.”

After all, Kang Jinlong hurriedly bid farewell, and returned with a group of heavenly soldiers and generals in grief.

When the attendant Dahong saw this, he couldn’t help but stunned, as if he had met Xuanyuan on the first day, he took a closer look.

Even if the matter is over?

He had never expected that Xuanyuan’s energy was so huge that the people sent by Heaven Court would have just returned.

On the other hand, Lei Zu was smiling, and seemed to be very informative about Xuanyuan.

In fact, just now Xuanyuan seemed reckless, but in fact he moved out of the name of the Holy Father of the Human Race, and as expected, Kang Jinlong was suppressed.

As for the emergence of Jiejiao, this was unexpected.

“Xuanyuan, I am here this time not only to teach you Taoism and lead you to practice, but also to help you rule the human race and become a king!”

Xuannv looked at Xuanyuan carefully and said in a loud voice.

“I have traveled through human races and looked at countless talents. Either they are lack of courage, or lack of resourcefulness and lack of virtue. You are the only one who has both wisdom and courage. What is even more commendable is that you have a heart of benevolence and righteousness.”

Hearing that, Xuanyuan was a little shy on the contrary.

Lei Zu and Dahong were overjoyed. They were able to get the approval of Xuannv, and supported by the Holy Father and Tongtian Hierarch, Xuanyuan had a great chance of becoming King of People.

But Xuannv frowned slightly and said: “I once asked the Holy Father and learned that the Human Race might have a great catastrophe, and it will be a test for you, Xuanyuan. For this, you must keep a low profile and be prepared for your life!”

“Master, please give me some advice!”

Xuanyuan’s heart shuddered, and he humbly asked for advice.

“Goodness.” Xuannv smiled slightly, “In the past, my son Shennong left the “Hundred Grass Scriptures” for the human race, which is indeed a blessing to the world. However, in this world, there has not been a real genius doctor for a long time.”

Hearing this, Xuanyuan also sighed slightly. Speaking of which, he has a bear tribe and few healers, especially the flood of He Bo, which even damaged several talents.

Leaving aside the entire human race, now he has a bear tribe, and ordinary people want to ask for medical treatment, and it is even more difficult.

“The medical skills are inadequate, and when the human race robbery comes, it will be a waste of life. Now, let me go to the Huoyun Cave, please invite my son Shennong, or there may be a way to crack it.”

Hearing what Xuannv said, Xuanyuan couldn’t help but lift up his spirits.

Huoyun Cave, that is the place of retreat for the humane Sage of the past generations, and ordinary human races have no chance to approach at all. I didn’t expect that in my lifetime, I would have the opportunity to visit.

Not long after, Xuanyuan visited Huoyun Cave with Xuannv.

After calling for a few times, he saw that the door of Huoyun Palace was closed, and no one responded.

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment and then said, “Holy Father has set the rules. After Humane Sage returns to Huoyun Cave, he must not ask about world affairs. Could it be that the rules exist, so Emperor Yan dare not see me and wait?”

After hearing this, Emei frowned slightly and stomped:

“Jiang Yan, after being sanctified, you won’t even be able to see your biological mother!”

Hearing that, Xuanyuan couldn’t help but show weirdness on the ground. In order for Yan Di to show up, this mysterious girl even called out the other party’s nickname.

In this whole world, apart from the mysterious girl who gave birth to the Emperor Yan, who would dare to call her nickname directly.

Sure enough, after Xuannv shouted like this, a gap was opened slightly in the door of the Huoyun Palace, and Shennong Sage, who was also the voice of Emperor Yan, was heard from it:

“Mother, don’t embarrass me. The rules laid down by the Holy Father are not bad. But I already knew what you came here. I left an external incarnation in Qishan, called Uncle Qi. You let Xuanyuan look for it. That’s it!”

After hearing this, Xuanyuan did not know whether to laugh or cry. The original powerful and mysterious humanity Sage also had troubles.

“Huh, if that’s the case, why didn’t you say it earlier?”

Xuannv raised her brows, and then her tone softened, “I haven’t seen you for thousands of years, so what if I, a mother, come to visit you?”

After a long silence, there was a voice from the Fire Cloud Palace:


Xuannv turned and looked at Xuanyuan, and then stepped into the Fire Cloud Palace alone.

As Yan Emperor’s biological mother, she is qualified to see it first, and this matter has nothing to do with it, so it is not a violation of Styx’s rules.

Not long after, Xuannv walked out of the Fire Cloud Palace again, her expression already calm.

She and Shennong are both Taoists now, even if they miss it, it is enough to be able to meet this side.

Just as Xuan Nu and Xuanyuan turned and left, they heard a different voice behind them:


Upon hearing this, Xuanyuan was stunned.

There are two humane Sages in this Huoyun Palace. The one who just spoke was Shennong, but the one who spoke now was the Emperor Feng Fuxi that day!

Only heard Fuxi’s voice continue:

“Xuanyuan, I have a volume of “Dragon and Tiger Scripture” in my hand, which talks about the emperor’s way. It was drafted before my sanctification, and now it is finally perfected. My human race should have this inheritance. You take it back!”

After all, there was actually a volume of scripture floating out of the Huoyun Palace.

Xuanyuan received the “Dragon and Tiger Scripture” and felt the aura of the emperor’s way coming from it, and he couldn’t help being overjoyed:

“Thank you, the emperor!”

After all, Xuanyuan left with Xuannv.

Along the way, Xuanyuan couldn’t wait to Insight’s “Dragon and Tiger Scripture” and found that it not only recorded the emperor’s way, but also recorded the most suitable Cultivation Technique “Nine Cycles Gold Core” and the practice of Nine Cycles Gold Core. System of the door.

It is said that this “Nine Cycles Gold Core tactic” is an orthodox inheritance of human education, but it can be practiced by mortals. It is said that this tactic is traced back to the origin, and it is also written by the Holy Father.

Fuxi even improved this formula and Nine Cycles Gold Core, combined with the Dragon and Tiger Sutra, created the Dragon and Tiger Gold Core formula, this cultivation technique tailored for the emperor of the human race, and the Nine Cycles Gold Core, It is also improved into Dragon Tiger Gold Core.

Immediately, Xuanyuan began to practice this kind of Cultivation Technique, and he felt like it was a hit, and he got the trick in a blink of an eye.

Coupled with the Xuannv’s guidance, the speed at which Xuanyuan mastered this Cultivation Technique was far beyond the imagination of ordinary cultivators.

Cultivation Technique belongs to Cultivation Technique, Xuanyuan also followed the Xuannv to the top of Mount Qi.

After searching for seven days and seven nights, I finally met Bo Qi in a small cottage deep in Qishan.

I saw that Uncle Qi looked like a human elder, but his vision was profound and he seemed to reveal extraordinary wisdom.

Xuanyuan didn’t dare to underestimate Uncle Qi, so he asked him for medical skills very sincerely, and begged him to come out to assist him and inherit medical skills.

Uncle Qi smiled slightly, just motioned to Xuanyuan and Xuannu to sit down, and asked Xuanyuan a few questions.

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