Chapter 277 Four Great Concubines

The hidden danger that the Yu clan is aware of is that the tribesmen often have abdominal pain and diarrhea, which affects production and hunting.

She told the story to others, but they laughed:

“This is a serious matter. In the past, the Holy Father did not teach the human race. Our human race feeds on raw meat. At that time, almost everyone has this disease, and it is more or less serious. Now, it has been regarded as a lot of improvement.”

“Besides, since I have the current medical skills of the bear tribe, I can cure the illness after a few days. You must not worry about the Yuyu family!”

Hearing this, the Yu clan was not discouraged, but fell into deep thought.

Like Xuanyuan’s concubine Yuan concubine Leizu, who likes to eat fruit but doesn’t like meat, there is no such problem.

It’s just that men need physical strength to hunt and do heavy work. If they don’t eat meat, they are weak and weak.

As for a cultivator like Xuanyuan, he could already bigu long ago, but the human races who can truly cultivate to such a Realm are only a few after all, and there will always be tens of thousands of mortals.

After much deliberation, we still have to start with meat.

Under the urge of the Yu clan, he went to ask Uncle Qi.

After Uncle Qi heard this, he nodded involuntarily. He has superb medical skills. Anyone with diarrhea and abdominal pain can be cured very quickly after consultation and prescription, but he has never been like the Diaoyu family. He thought of solving it from the root cause.

After the defendant was told that there was a problem with the meat, Uncle Qi went to study meat together with the Yushi.

I saw Uncle Qi holding a piece of meat, looking at it repeatedly, and after eating and tasting, he muttered:

“My human race burns meat with fire, but the heat is difficult to control. If the fire is too strong, the meat will be burnt, and if the fire is too small, the meat will be raw. This is probably the root cause of the people’s abdominal pain and diarrhea. Say, I’m afraid there will be a big hidden danger!”

As he said, Uncle Qi suddenly remembered something, and hurried back to his residence, pulled out a file, and said excitedly:

“Several cases of serious or incurable diseases in the tribe are probably related to this burnt flesh!”

After listening to them, Mr. Yu hurriedly ordered an investigation. As expected, the patients mentioned by Bo Qi were all carnivorous, and they often scorched their meat.

“This is a big problem!”

After Xuanyuan learned of this time, he hurriedly ordered that the people of the tribe should never eat the charred part of the meat.

However, the root problem has not been solved, and it has also brought some troubles.

And knowing that meat is precious, ordinary people eat meat, and they are often reluctant to waste a little bit.

Nowadays Xuanyuan ordered the fast of burnt meat, and they were all heartbroken. Either they violated the yang and yin and ignored the prohibition, or they were afraid of scorching the meat and eating raw meat, which caused frequent abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In this regard, Xuanyuan had a headache.

After discovering these hidden dangers, Xiaoyu naturally made a great contribution, but now that the problem has been exposed and it is difficult to solve it, he is very embarrassed.

However, it didn’t take long for Yushi Xuan Yu to call Xuanyuan over with joy, telling that the matter has been resolved.

After Xuanyuan came, he saw the Xuan Yu clan order someone to raise the fire and bring a deer leg, which was to prepare for roasting meat.

However, the Yu clan did not directly place the deer legs on an open fire like other tribesmen did. Instead, he took a stone slab, put it on the open flame, and then placed the deer legs on the stone slab.


Seeing that the deer legs began to squeak and smoke and began to ripen, Xuanyuan was surprised.

When Xuan Yu clan turned the deer legs, Xuanyuan was overjoyed.

I saw that the deer legs burned in this way not only did not burn, but became very delicious and attractive.

Before long, a fragrant deer leg was ready.

Just when Xuanyuan was about to stretch out his hand to tear it, Yushi stopped him and immediately took out two thin branches.

“His Royal Highness, I have been observing for a long time. In order to eat meat, the clansmen often burn their fingers, or wait until the meat is cooled before eating, which affects the taste, and the cold can easily lead to diarrhea.”

With that said, Mr. Xiao Yu clamped the two branches in his hands, picked up a piece of rotten venison, blew it slightly to cool it, and sent it to Xuanyuan’s mouth.

Xuanyuan was greatly shocked. Before that, he had never imagined that the ordinary branches had such magical effects.

After eating this fragrant venison, Xuanyuan was overjoyed: “Okay! Clan Yu, you really are my concubine!”

Xuanyuan rewarded Liao Yushi and promoted this method of roasting meat and eating meat.

Not only meat can be used like this, but even five grains, fruits and vegetables can be used.

The wisdom of the human race is so powerful. After this method was promoted, some people improved it.

They find a fluted stone slab, pour water into it and boil it, then put the food in, it can be cooked, and its flavor is very different from grilling.

This method is even more used in medicine. Qi Bo used this method to cook medicinal materials and found that the medicinal soup boiled out was more effective and easier to take.

Some people also shred or chop the food, place it on a slate, and tumble it with branches, so that the heat is more uniform and the cooking speed is faster. This method is called “stir-fry.”

As a result, the situation of abdominal pain and diarrhea in the human race has really been greatly reduced, and even almost disappeared.

According to Qi Bo’s speculation, incurable diseases caused by eating burnt meat will rarely recur.

In addition to the Yu family, Fang Lei’s and his mother, these two concubines are also very virtuous. Although they did not make great achievements, they also helped Xuanyuan to govern the Xiong family in an orderly manner.

That year, Shao Dian passed on to Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan officially became the leader of the bear tribe.

The human world has hurried for several years, and for the mighty ones in the predicament, it is just a flick of a finger.

During this period, Chi You visited the former great witches who lived in seclusion in the wilderness one by one, and wanted to invite them to come back to help him grow Jiuli and unify the human race!

One of the most powerful witches in the past, Jiufeng, dismissed Chi You’s invitation, and even warned Chi You not to cause disaster to the rest of the ancestral witch compatriots, and the two broke up unhappy.

But to Chi You’s surprise, Hou Tu’s younger brother, Hou Qing, happened to visit Jiufeng. After hearing about Chi You’s ambitions, he became very interested. After Chi You left, he took the initiative to catch up, and even wanted to join Jiuli.

In the old days when the Lich Wars, the posthumous strength was still weak, and coupled with the protection of the Witch Clan, he was unknown, but after all, he is of the same origin. Now that thousands of years have passed, he is also a strong man. Great witch.

Moreover, the post-qin was worried about the fact that he was unable to participate in the war in the past, and he also believed that after the war, the Wu clan should not retreat. Instead, taking advantage of the defeat of the demon clan and the unsuccessful human clan, he should regroup and establish the position of the protagonist of the world!

The two hit it off, Chi You promised to be the posthumous general and let him lead an elite team in the future.

With the participation of the post secretary, the situation becomes more subtle.

You must know that Houqing is the younger brother of Hou Tu. Although the two have seldom contacted after Hou Tu became a holy, and even disagree with each other because of disagreement, the retired great witches did not know the inside story.

Just like the rain master and Feng Bo, if Chi You came alone to invite, these two would definitely hesitate.

But when I saw the Queen, both of them were settled in their hearts, and they readily agreed.

Who is the Houqing? Hou Qing is the younger brother of Hou Tu, that means Hou Tu Sage and the Nether Netherworld, and even the Styx behind him supports Chi You!

Thinking of this, Feng Bo and Rain Master, as well as some scattered forces of the Witch Clan, all joined Chi You’s camp.

It didn’t take long for Houqing to learn about Yin Lingzi’s magical powers. With a thought, he actually proposed the idea of ​​”borrowing people” to Chi You!

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