“In the name of Yan Luo, the Lord of Reincarnation, I have opened eighteen layers of hell under reincarnation!”

“Eighteen levels of hell, the first level of tongue-pulling hell, all those who are alive, sow discord, slander and harm others, slip their tongues, speak cleverly, lie and deceive others. After death, he was beaten into the hell of tongue pulling, and the imp broke open the mouth of the person, clamped the tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive, not at once, but elongated, slowly dragged …”

“Second layer scissors hell ……. The third layer of Iron Tree Hell……. The fourth layer of evil mirror hell……. Fifth Tier Steamer Hell……. The sixth layer of copper pillar hell…”

“Seventh layer Dao Mountain Hell……. The eighth layer of iceberg hell……. Ninth layer of oil pan hell……. Tenth Tier Bull Pit Hell……. The eleventh layer of stone pressing hell……. The twelfth layer of hell…”

“The thirteenth layer of the blood pool hell……. The fourteenth layer of hell in vain……. The fifteenth layer of hell……. Sixteenth Tier Volcano Hell……. The seventeenth layer of stone grinding hell……. The eighteenth layer of knife saw hell…”

Yan Luo Chrysostom Jade Yan, creating eighteen layers of hell!

What’s more, even the specific situation of the eighteen-layer hell, Yan Luo also made corresponding regulations!

What degree of sin to commit and what level of hell to go to, these are all clearly stipulated!

Only in this way can you better use the eighteen layers of hell!

The whole process is very complicated, but for Yan Luo, it is not a difficult task!

With the memories of his past life, it was still easy for him to establish a perfect eighteen-layer hell system, and he could directly put on the framework of his past life memory.

Soon, when Yan Luo completed the plan, the eighteen layers of hell were also completely formed!

Since then, the various facilities of Yin Cao Di Mansion have basically been born!

“In the name of Yan Luo, the Lord of Reincarnation, I set the mechanism for the operation of reincarnation.”

“The revenant enters the ghost gate pass, passes through Huangquan Road, steps across the Naihe Bridge, enters the Yin Cao Di Mansion, and also needs to pass through the priest of the prefecture to judge the meritorious sins of his previous life and determine the place where the revenant goes.”

“If you want to maintain the operation mechanism of reincarnation, you must have a corresponding priest!”

“In the name of Yan Luo, the Lord of Reincarnation, I have established the Yin Cao Di Mansion Divine Official System!”

“In the Yin Cao Di Mansion, there should be a great emperor godhead, named the Northern Yin Emperor!”

“The Great Emperor of the Northern Yin Dynasty is in charge of the Yin Cao Di Mansion, ruling the Netherworld, ruling all evils, in charge of the Book of Life and Death of the Underworld Book and the Thousand Autumn Judge’s Pen, and is the Yin Cao Di Mansion’s Yin Heavenly Son!”

“Under the Great Emperor of the Yudu, there should be five ghost emperors and other divine officials to assist the Great Emperor of the Yudu and rule the Netherworld Mansion!”

“Therefore, in the name of Yan Luo, the lord of reincarnation, I set up the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, Luo Yu for six days, Yan Luo of the Ten Halls, and other divine officials!”

“Under the command of the Ten Temples Yan King, there are also god positions such as the judge mansion, black and white impermanence, bull head and horse face…”

In the same way as the establishment of the eighteen-layer hell system, Yan Luo is well aware of the divine order of the Yin Cao Di Mansion, and it is set according to the framework of the previous life!

Of course, in terms of some details, Yan Luo did not completely apply the framework of his previous life.

After all, the current Yin Cao Di Mansion is to help Yan Luo better control and run reincarnation.

Therefore, the set regulatory system is set according to Yan Luo’s interests!

On the other hand, in Yan Luo’s divine position setting, only the Great Emperor of the Capital, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, the Six Heavens of Luo Luo, and the Ten Temples of Yan Luo are the only divine thrones with uniqueness!

As for the judge mansion below, black and white impermanence, bull head and horse face, Yan Luo did not set uniqueness!

It’s a given!

As Yan Luo said before, the flood world is too big, and the creatures that fall every day are a very huge number, which is difficult to calculate!

If the judge’s mansion, black and white impermanence, and minotaur and horse face each have only one, they can’t handle so many positions.

Therefore, the judge’s mansion, black and white impermanence, and bull head and horse face and other divine positions all need a large number of staff!

Of course, Yan Luo also set up a god position of the general management type among these special divine positions.

For example, the chief judge, the general mansion, the great black impermanence, the great white impermanence, etc., to facilitate the dispatch jurisdiction of the ten temples of Yan Luo!

After these things are completed, the setting of the Yin Cao Di Mansion is basically completely completed!

After the setting of the divine position is completed, the Yin Cao Di Mansion can be regarded as completely mature!

Since then, Yin Cao Di Mansion was officially born!


At the moment when Yin Cao Di Mansion was born, above the firmament, a huge golden cloud of merit appeared again!

“Establishing the Yin Cao Di Mansion can also obtain merit?”

Yan Luo was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that only by creating reincarnation could he obtain meritorious golden clouds!

As a result, he did not expect that by establishing the Yin Cao Di Mansion, he could also gain a lot of merit!

But then again, although this matter exceeded Yan Luo’s expectations.

But for Yan Luo, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing!

After all, this is a merit obtained for nothing, how could he not want it!


Just as Yan Luo was thinking about this matter, the meritorious golden cloud above the firmament had been fully formed and landed directly!

As it was when reincarnation was created before, the meritorious golden cloud was divided into ten.

The two points of merit are integrated into the Yin Cao Di Mansion, so that the Yin Cao Di Mansion has the authentic divinity and becomes an orthodox institution recognized by the tunnel!

At this point, it is like the meaning of the unborn Heavenly Court to the Heavenly Dao!

The other two points of merit are integrated into the Book of Life and Death and the Pen of the Thousand Autumn Judge!

Because these two special treasures of the Book of the Underworld are indispensable treasures for the operation of the Yin Cao Di Mansion, they can obtain some merit!

The last six points of merit flew towards Yan Luo!


ps: The flowers have exceeded two thousand, and the author will do what he says, and he will definitely add more today (the chapter will be added in the evening, and it will be added after today’s normal update is completed).

ps: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for comments, all kinds of requests, thank you ~~

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