Chapter 73: Twenty-seven Heavenly Ordination of the Saint, Ready to Start Preaching! 【First order】.

Nine Hongmeng Purple Qi!

And it is also condensed from the authentic origin!

To be honest, when Yan Luo condensed Hongmeng Purple Qi for the first time, Yan Luo was also a little surprised! According to legend, the foundation of the Great Dao of Hongmeng Purple Qi is an indispensable thing for preaching sanctification! However, after Yan Luo saw it himself, he knew how serious the misinformation was!

The foundation of the Dao of Hongmeng Purple Qi also has the effect of helping the preacher to stabilize the Dao foundation, and can help the preacher become holy!

But the source of Hongmeng purple qi is slightly special, not as simple as the foundation of the avenue, but there are many kinds of Hongmeng purple qi, and it is also related to the three ways of heaven and earth!

The Hongmeng Purple Qi condensed from the origin of the Heavenly Dao is called the Heavenly Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi!

If the preacher fuses the Heavenly Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi, then he will become a Heavenly Dao Saint and be bound by the Heavenly Dao!

In the same way, if it is the Hongmeng purple qi condensed by fusing the origin of the tunnel, it will become an authentic saint and be bound by the tunnel! This is the truth of Hongmeng purple qi. Appearance!

It can be said that for the preacher, this is a double-edged sword!

It can indeed help preach, but it will become a fixed saint, a subordinate being!

“Although the side effects of Hongmeng Purple Qi are not small, this side effect is the best weapon for me!”

Yan Luo muttered, his eyes narrowed. A smile appears!

For ordinary saints, Hongmeng Purple Qi does have a lot of damage!

However, depending on the location, the angle from which the problem is considered will also change!

For Yan Luo, the authentic spokesperson, these nine authentic Hongmeng purple qi are the best treasures! If, Yan Luo gave these nine Hongmeng Purple Qi to the nine seekers!

In this way, if these seekers use the Authentic Hongmeng Purple Qi to preach sanctification! Then, in the future, these authentic saints will be bound by Yan Luo!

That’s what makes authentic spokespeople special!

After all, as an authentic spokesperson, Yan Luo holds part of the authentic authority! For these authentic saints, it is a god-like existence!

Thinking about it this way, these authentic Hongmeng purple qi seemed to be a top-level treasure to Yan Luo! Because of this, Yan Luo is so happy!

If you think about it, the ancestor of Hongjun in the original work, after becoming the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, also did such a thing. Give the Heavenly Dao Hongmeng Purple Qi to Sanqing and Nuwa and the others, creating six controllable Heavenly Dao Saints!

And now, Yan Luo is ready to do the same!

“But then again, in the original work, there seem to be only six Heavenly Dao Saints, which seems a bit strange?”

Yan Luo murmured, as if thinking of something!

To be honest, the number of Hongmeng purple qi of the three paths of heaven and earth is indeed limited! However, this amount is not six, but nine!

Nine is the ultimate!

Therefore, the three paths of heaven and earth should each have nine saints! In total, that’s twenty-seven saints!

In other words, the nine Hongmeng purple qi in Yan Luo’s hands could create nine authentic saints! In the same way, the Hongmeng Purple Qi on the side of the Heavenly Dao should also be able to create nine Heavenly Dao Saints! If this is the case, why are there only six Heavenly Dao Saints in the original work!

“Could it be….. With the strength of Hongjun Old Ancestor, he couldn’t completely control the nine Heavenly Dao Saints, so he only passed down six Hongmeng Purple Qi? ”

Yan Luo muttered, as if thinking of something! The only possibility is this one!

After all, for Heavenly Dao, the more Heavenly Dao saints, the stronger the strength of Heavenly Dao! Therefore, it is impossible for the Heavenly Dao to limit the number of Heavenly Dao Saints!

The only person who could possibly do this was Hongjun Laozu!

As a matter of fact, there are definitely more than six Heavenly Dao Saints!

You know, in the original work, Hongjun Laozu also took out the seventh Hongmeng purple qi and gave it to the Red Cloud Old Ancestor, which led to the later Red Cloud Calamity!

This is an interesting discovery for Yan Luo!

It seems that Yan Luo may be able to use this matter to make a little article! Yan Luo fell into deep thought!

But after a moment, Yan Luo let go of the matter!

Because this matter is still a little far away for Yan Luo now. Wait for the opportunity later, and then think slowly!

Then again, back to the authentic Hongmeng Purple Qi thing!

Old Ancestor Hongjun was worried that too many Heavenly Dao Saints would cause him to lose control!

However, Yan Luo has no such worries!

Because Yan Luo is not only an authentic spokesperson, but also Yan Luo’s own strength is also the strongest among the saints! After all, the preaching method used by Yan Luo is preaching with force!

In addition, Yan Luo also mastered the divine power of refining authentic instincts and mastered some authentic origins! Therefore, even if nine authentic saints were born, Yan Luo was confident that he could control it!

In this way, Yan Luo has nothing to worry about at all!

“However, I can learn Hongjun so much that there is no need to release all the Hongmeng Purple Qi at once!”

“After all, such a precious thing, if used well, can bring me great benefits!”

Yan Luo muttered, thinking about how to use Hongmeng Purple Qi!

After a while, Yan Luo already had some thoughts in his mind! At this time, Yan Luo let go of this matter!

“The matter of Hongmeng Purple Qi, I have an idea, next, I should go out!”

Yan Luo muttered.

Now the time for preaching is getting closer! Therefore, Yan Luo is also ready to go out!

With this in mind, Yan Luo walked directly out of the dojo.

As soon as he stepped out, Yan Luo appeared directly in the imperial palace of the Reincarnation Prefecture! At this time, Yan Luo’s past and present bodies were all in the imperial palace!

As soon as the divine mind moved, the past body and the present body disappeared directly into the same place and returned to Yan Luo’s body!

After a little digestion, Yan Luo already had a clear understanding of what happened during this time! The next moment, Yan Luo once again summoned the body and past body!

“In the past, all the reincarnation priests who went out will be recalled to the Yin Cao Di Mansion!”

“High-level priests can go to the Hall of Reincarnation to listen to the sermon, and low-level priests can stay in the Yin Cao Di Mansion to listen to the sermon.”

“Now body, continue to fuse the Three Immortal Islands into reincarnation…”

Yan Luo ordered, explain a few things! Yan Luo next, is about to start preaching!

The sage preached, this is also a huge opportunity for many priests of reincarnation, maybe there will be a lot of gains! For this reason, Yan Luo wanted to go over and summon all the priests, whether they were high-level priests or low-level priests!

However, Yan Luo only asked the high-level priests to go to the Hall of Reincarnation, and the low-level priests stayed in the Reincarnation Mansion! This is not to say that Yan Luo looks down on low-level priests or something!

You know, Yan Luo is the master of reincarnation, and the level of the position of the priest, for Yan Luo, there is no difference at all! The reason why there is such an order is purely because the number of low-level priests is too large, and the Hall of Reincarnation cannot accommodate it!

Yes, the low-level priests of the Reincarnation Prefecture are already more and more numerous!

This is an inevitable thing, after all, Yan Luo’s past body has the right to canonize low-level priests!

After so many years, the number of low-level priests has reached a very staggering number, even so much that the Hall of Reincarnation cannot accommodate it!

For this reason, there will be such an order!

As for what Yan Luo explained to his current body, it was related to the Three Immortal Island! No way, the fusion of the Three Immortal Islands is even more troublesome than Yan Luo expected!

In addition, when Yan Luo was halfway through, he also let himself be busy with the affairs of the Hall of Reincarnation now! Therefore, the integration of the Three Immortal Islands has not been completed until now!

For this reason, Yan Luo continued to hand over this matter to his current body!

“Yes, Buddha-figure!”

Past and present bodies, follow Yan Luo’s orders, and start busy!

At this time, Yan Luo let go of these things and prepared to go to the Hall of Reincarnation! ps: please subscribe, please support.

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