In the time array, the hour is wrapped by the rolling chaotic airflow, and the immeasurable chaotic air flow is absorbed and refined by the hour.

Finally, after I don’t know how much time had passed, the chaotic air flow was suddenly repelled, and the entire time burst into flames.

Shichen opened his eyes, he had broken through to the early stage of the Chaos Realm, and after reaching the Chaos Realm, Shichen felt that his mana was endless, inexhaustible, and inexhaustible.

“Is this the power of the Chaos Realm? Sure enough, it is not the same as the Heavenly Dao Realm, and I don’t know how strong the Dao Realm will be. Shichen said silently to himself.

Shichen feels that his time road has been completely mastered, and he is the time road itself, which can deprive all things of time with a single thought.

However, Shichen also understood that this was just an illusion to improve his strength, and now he did not fully control the Avenue of Time.

I am afraid that only when you reach the Chaos Realm can you truly and thoroughly comprehend the Time Avenue, and the Half Avenue Realm may be able to control the Time Avenue.

As for the Great Dao Realm, it is necessary to transcend the Great Avenue of Time and achieve the true Dao.

What three thousand avenues, are all divided in the Dao, there is only one true Dao, only the Dao realm can master the true Dao, eternal and immortal.

“The three thousand avenues are all diverged from the Dao, if you can control the Three Thousand Avenues, is it easier to break through to the Dao Realm?” Shichen thought secretly.

You must try, the hour is not afraid of lack of time, and some are time to see the three thousand avenues.

Of course, this is not now, the main purpose of Shichen now, or to comprehend the Avenue of Time, and when the Avenue of Time is completely controlled, then comprehend other Avenues.

Although I really want to comprehend other avenues, Shichen also knows that greed is not enough to chew, so first thoroughly control the avenue of time before talking about others.

“Your Lord.”

With blood at the corner of his mouth, Xi Feng walked towards Shichen.

The movement of the breakthrough just now was too great, because just broke through, the momentum did not contain, causing Xifeng to be injured.

“Xifeng is sorry.” Shichen said apologetically, and at the same time helped Xifeng recover from his injuries.

“Venerable does not need to apologize, congratulations on Venerable Breakthrough, this is the Dao text snatched by Xi Feng.” Xi Feng handed over the snatched Daowen and the Great Mill of Annihilation to Shichen.

With the Chaos Supreme Treasure of the Great Mill of Annihilation, it is easy for Xi Feng to snatch Daowen, not to mention that Xi Feng’s current cultivation in Chaos is not weak.

Put away the Daowen, now Shichen has two thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven Daowen in his hand, and there are still three Daowen left.

The other three Daowen are one in Xifeng’s place, which can also be regarded as in Shichen’s hands, and the other two are Yin Yang Daowen and Creation Daowen.

Shichen did not give Xifeng the positions of the Yin Yang Demon God and the Creation Demon God, so Xifeng did not get these two Daowen.

The main ones are the Yin Yang Demon God and the Creation Demon God, both of which are one of the ten supreme demon gods, and Shichen is afraid that Xifeng is not an opponent.

“It seems that my retreat is not short.” Shichen couldn’t help but say.

It is also very time-consuming for Xifeng to collect Daowen, and now that Xifeng has almost collected everything, Shichen has only gone out of the customs.

“Xi Feng, you cultivate first, this is my Dao Perception, you can refer to it.”

Shichen stretched out his hand and pointed at Xi Feng, and the Dao Perception was transmitted to Xi Feng’s mind.

Xifeng was grateful, this was the realization of the hour to break through the chaos realm, and the effect on her was self-evident.

With a slight movement of his fingers, a more exquisite time array appeared, and the previous formation had been shattered by the momentum of the breakthrough of the hour.

If it weren’t for the barrier of the Great Time Array, chaos would erupt into a lot of movement, but if it broke through to the Chaos Realm, Chaos would vibrate.

Xi Feng went to cultivate, and Shichen sat cross-kneeled on a piece of jade, which was a chaotic jade bred by the qi of chaos, the ultimate refining material.

He couldn’t use the hour, he didn’t need refining at all, and the supreme treasure in his hand couldn’t be used anymore.

Stretching out his hand, the Great Mill of Annihilation returned to his hand, and then took out the Chaos Supreme Treasure Space Scepter, raising his eyebrows of the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

To be honest, this cane was of little use to Shichen, Shichen thought about it, controlled this world-destroying mill, and endless destructive qi surged towards the space scepter.

Shichen wants to use the power of the Great Mill of Annihilation to grind the Space Scepter back to the origin of the Space Avenue, and then let his time wheel absorb the origin and become stronger.

The Space Scepter is of little use in the hands of Shichen, and it is better to use it to enhance his companion treasure Time Wheel.

Although it is a chaotic treasure, the stolen things are not distressed, and they will be destroyed if they are destroyed.

What’s more, after destroying it, it is better to strengthen your own companion treasure than to keep it moldy!

If he raised his eyebrows and knew that his Chaos Supreme Treasure was destroyed, he didn’t know if he would cry to death, but he still wanted to snatch it back later.

However, after all, it is a Chaos Supreme Treasure, which is not so easy to wear out as the origin, and I don’t know how long it will take.

“Now that I’ve reached the Chaos Realm, it’s time to plan for the future.” The eyes of the hour flickered.

The catastrophe will definitely be experienced, and it cannot be avoided.

As for the Dao before the Heavenly Tribulation? This is simply impossible, because preaching is the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

Pangu wanted to preach, which caused the Heaven-Opening Tribulation, and it was also the Tribulation of the Three Thousand Demon Gods.

And Shichen wants to preach before Pangu, it will only cause a catastrophe in advance, and then Shichen will be the protagonist of the catastrophe, and I am afraid that he will have to fight against the three thousand demon gods including Pangu.

Therefore, the Dao was blocked before the Heaven-Opening Tribulation, it was simply impossible, and among the Chaos Demon Gods, the first Demon God who wanted to realize the Dao appeared, that is, when the Tribulation came.

Pangu has a deep heritage, all of them are in the catastrophe, although Shichen thinks that he is better than Pangu, but he is not sure of surviving the catastrophe and realizing the avenue, so the protagonist of this catastrophe is undeserved.

If you want to preach, you can only successfully realize the Dao after surviving the great calamity and when it is unimpeded.

But how to survive the catastrophe is also a difficult problem.

Don’t look at the hour and beat Pangu, after the catastrophe begins, it is likely that he will be hanged.

Surviving the Kaitian Tribulation, this hour can guarantee that he can survive 100%.

But surviving does not mean that you can preach in the future, in case Pangu beats only the remnant soul and is forced to reincarnate in the flood, then don’t think about preaching.

According to the memories left by his previous life, after some deduction, Shichen found that his best result was also a trauma that was difficult to recover, and even the trauma that could not be recovered from the arrival of immeasurable robbery.

In this way, there is also no hope of preaching, and Shichen’s brows frowned.

In the blink of an eye, millions of thoughts flashed through my mind, constantly analyzing what could be done.

Shichen is a person with a plan, he does not want to wait for the future to take a step at a time, he wants to plan the exact path of preaching at this time.

To bet that he will pass perfectly in the opening catastrophe, this hour will not be done, he is not a person who likes to gamble, he wants to be perfect.

Even if half of the road to success is certain, the hour will not go, at least more than 80% certainty, the hour will choose to go on.

As for rushing out of a road without going forward, Shichen will definitely not do it, in Shichen’s eyes it is a reckless behavior, and it is not reckless to realize that the road is not reckless, so he will die faster.

You can have the belief to move forward, but you can’t rush forward.

Moving forward means not backing down when encountering difficulties, rather than knowing the dangers ahead, and rushing forward.

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