Chapter 259: The anger of the Terrans, igniting the power of the firmament!!

In the inn.

The Hong Desolate Immortal Gods were also helpless in their hearts.

They heard the powerless words of those mortals in the black mythological world, and they felt the same at this moment.

Not to mention their mortals, why not these immortals who are regarded as big guys and are high in the eyes of outsiders?

Who in this world is truly free?

Although the immortal gods are powerful and have boundless mana, they can pick stars and catch the moon, move mountains and seas, and enjoy immortal life.

In the eyes of mortals, all this may have been equated with great freedom and great escape.

But only they themselves know that on their heads, there are still saints, and Dao ancestors, and heaven!

They can’t do whatever they want, they have to worry that their creation will be taken away by stronger people, they have to worry ~ provoke karma.

Since they began to cultivate immortals, they have experienced countless hardships, three calamities, nine calamities and seventy-two difficulties, and if they are not careful, they will be the five declines of heaven and man, and their bodies will die together.

Those who can stand here now are all nine dead and one living, and they are qualified to ascend.

But they also understand that their strength is far from free.

Not to mention them, even saints, they must also be constrained by the Heavenly Dao, and the higher the strength of the hand, the more they can see those invisible law restrictions!

They can only hope that in the world of black mythology, those mortals can finally win and realize the freedom in their eyes…

Black Myth World.

Di Xin spoke: “I am born free, who is qualified to be high!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the entire people suddenly looked excited and impassioned.

“Yes! We are all free! No one is qualified to guide our lives! ”

“Let’s stop being the cattle and sheep of those false gods! We must resist, even if we give our lives, we must let the gods know that we were born free, that they are not nobler than us, that we are our own masters! ”

“Down with those false gods! Long live the Terrans! The Terrans are self-improving! ”

People were ignited by the faith of the emperor and awakened the will to resist fate.

The indomitable hearts of hundreds of millions of people suddenly resounded in the sky, and their voices spread throughout the nine skies, echoing in the nine heavens and ten lands!

However, this seems to have completely angered the supreme will of this world… Terrans, provoked the Heavenly Dao!

Followed by.

In the nine skies, a bone-chilling chill began to permeate instantly…

This is not a drop in temperature, but a murderous intention from some supreme will, a supreme killing qi that has enveloped this world!

In an instant, all the sentient beings in the entire world felt this strange atmosphere that made their scalps numb and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Their sweat hairs have risen upside down, their heartbeats have accelerated, and the flow of blood has begun to slow down…

The killing intent of the Heavenly Dao!

That’s right, this is exactly the consequence after they completely angered the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao is now ready to move, because the gods are no longer able to deal with them, so the killing intent of the Heavenly Dao has almost materialized.

The power of the Heavenly Dao represents the most powerful upper limit in a world.

Therefore, the wrath of the Heavenly Dao made countless strong people feel suffocated.

At this moment, they could feel that in the surrounding void, countless spaces had begun to condense, becoming viscous and solid, and it seemed that they had begun to be blocked by the murderous aura of the Heavenly Dao, making it impossible for everyone to escape.

Jiuxiao and the mortal world were also filled with an icy aura at this moment.

The powerhouses gasped, they felt like a mortal suddenly appeared on the top of the coldest snowy mountain, and their whole bodies were about to freeze!

They had already exhaled white qi from their mouths, and their whole bodies began to tremble slightly, and the true qi was already about to solidify in their bodies, and they couldn’t be mobilized for a while.

At this moment, the speed of True Qi is only less than three percent of the usual!

In other words, their strength can only exert the usual thirty percent, or even less, because this suppressive force is rising sharply.

They were horrified in their hearts, but there was no way, because they were creatures in this world, they were suppressed by the power of the Heavenly Dao, they were born under the Heavenly Dao, and all sentient beings were destined to be restricted by the Heavenly Dao.

Unless someone has the ability to crush the Heavenly Dao and destroy the Heavenly Dao, but this is absolutely foolish and impossible!

It’s just that they are sad in their hearts.

Heavenly Dao, this is the dominant will in this world! The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of heaven is righteous.

The reason why heaven and earth can be long and long, because they do not give birth to themselves, they can live forever…

Shouldn’t the Heavenly Dao treat the Nether the same from time to time, and be absolutely fair to the Nether?

Why does even Cang Tian give birth to selfishness? Even the Heavenly Dao had to suppress these weak Nether creatures for no reason!

If heaven cannot decide for them, why let them be born?

Were they born to bow down to the gods and submit to them?

Were they born to be slaves of those in power? Anyone is at your mercy.

By what!

Since the heavens are not unfair, why do all sentient beings need to recognize the heavens as the superior!? Rumble!!!

Under this atmosphere of intolerable injustice, the indomitable heart in the hearts of all living beings has finally been completely ignited.

The last trace of luck in their hearts has been shattered by groveling and promising for countless years.

What they are born of is the fury of vengeance!

Before they were oppressed by the gods and fished by the heavenly court, they did not have such great anger, because they only felt that they worshipped the wrong god and believed in the wrong faith.

But now that they felt the undisguised murderous intention brought to them by the Heavenly Dao, they were completely disappointed and completely indignant.

As the saying goes, the sky has eyes, and the sky is leisurely.

But now, their heaven is not on their side, and justice is not done for them, why should they care about this day?!

The fire of revenge of all living beings burned brightly.

Sun Wukong suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

The breath in his body suddenly received a powerful and incomparable power gain! The spark that had been stirring in his heart finally ignited the entire grassland!

He looked down with his delusional pupils, and the entire mortal world seemed to be in a sea of fire at this moment, and these flames were so hot, so warm, so dazzling, and it was these flames that gave him strength.

The birth of the Monkey King is the last cry of all living beings, the unyielding will of billions of living beings.

He was like a flame that would never be extinguished, always wanting to ignite the fire in the entire life, and for a moment, he did it!

The sparks of the stars have been suppressed for five hundred years without being extinguished, and now the fire of the entire burning plain has been ignited, and this fire has become a general trend, even the Heavenly Dao does not want to extinguish them!

The Bull Demon King and other rebel powerhouses in the air also instantly felt the heat of this flame.

Their origin also seemed to have been washed away in an instant!

The murderous aura of the Heavenly Dao turned the entire world into a cold Jedi, making them immobile.

And the unyielding fire of all sentient beings has completely become the hot energy of burning the sky and boiling the sea, allowing them to completely free themselves from the cold, and their breath and strength have risen to a higher level.

It was snowing again, but the ground was already burning with fire.

The flames suddenly scorched the entire world, causing the aura of the Heavenly Dao to gradually subside…

“I feel the power come back!”

“Me too, my body is like some domineering aura is swimming, making my whole body full of strength at the moment.”

“I feel it, this is fire, heat, light, this is the heavenly life contributing to us!”

The blood of the strong people is boiling at this moment.

At this moment, these forces belong to every indomitable soul, to all those who fight for the justice of life, to all heroes who sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

Today, all those who go retrograde to the sky and go against the current to the heavens are the heroes of all living beings.

Whether it was the Terrans, the Demon Race, or the Protoss Race, as long as they stood in the Cangsheng camp, they all felt this impassioned power.

Is this the power of life?

In just this instant, they have received such a big improvement, almost directly increasing the combat power of a realm!

No wonder the gods in the Supreme Heavenly Court before cared so much about the power of faith.

The power of Cangsheng has been deprived by the Heavenly Court for so long, countless years, how much Cangsheng power have they obtained? How much ill-gotten gains did they take?

However, these false gods did not shelter the heavenly life because of this, did not thank the faith gifts of billions of living beings, but took revenge and continued to suppress and exploit them with insatiable greed.

Just to obtain such a steady stream of powerful sentient beings… It’s outrageous!

Such a shameless body is also worthy of manifesting saints and claiming to be God?

And the Heavenly Dao turned out to be the same as them, and they were in the same stream!

So today, they are no longer walking for the heavenly path, but for the heavenly path.


The blood of the rebels was boiling in their hearts at this moment, and the fire of revenge burned in their eyes, and they raised their weapons and rushed into the army of the Heavenly Court without hesitation.

“For hundreds of millions of lives!”

“For those mortals who died in vain!”

“In order to return the world to a bright future!”

They rushed straight away.

There were only less than a thousand rebel troops, and they directly killed into the army of one million Heavenly Court

However, their strength is strong, and they have the strength of life, and under unity, they instantly broke out a huge gap in the rock-solid heavenly soldier lineup.


The powerful demon kings such as the Bull Demon King released a magnificent aura that instantly exploded among the heavenly soldiers.

The anger of hundreds of millions of living beings directly swept away tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers.

Their hands released powerful demon qi, and with one palm, they could slap dozens of heavenly soldiers into a blood mist!

The mixed iron rod in the Bull Demon King’s hand smashed into the surroundings, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of heavenly soldiers were beaten into meat foam, and the nine lion heads of the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint roared angrily! The shock of the Lion Roar Gong instantly shattered thousands of heavenly soldiers’ armor, shattered their flesh, and destroyed their forms.

The nine dragon heads of the nine-headed blood dropping worms stood proudly, releasing earth-shattering demon thunder from their mouths, and each demon thunder could penetrate hundreds of heavenly soldiers and split them into dust!

Ji Tuan turned into a blood Buddha at this moment, with a murderous look, and the Buddha beads in his hand turned into blood droplets, instantly causing thousands of heavenly soldiers around him to be beheaded.

Their whole body burned with anger, vowing to kill all the false gods!

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