Chapter 140: The Ancient World? !

Zixiao Palace.

Immortal Qi is enveloping, and the holy Spiritual Qi envelops the entire Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun’s dojo is simply the best practice dojo in the world.

Hongjun leaned against Heavenly Dao, which is understandable.

But now, the prehistoric world has an extra dojo that is as same as Hongjun dojo, and that is Zhou Yuan’s Tianlong Mountain.

Tianlong Mountain is located in the prehistoric world for hundreds of millions of years. At the peak of the three tribes in ancient times, as the center of the East China Sea of ​​the dragon tribe, it was once famous.

Later, with the desolation of the dragon clan, Tianlong Mountain was hidden in the city and became an ordinary mountain range that no one cares about.

However, it is such a spiritual vein. Ever since the Azure Dragon prince of the East China Sea, Zhou Yuan appeared, he inherited the position of the Dragon Emperor, and the entire dragon clan rose strongly, and Tianlong Mountain became a unique treasure for Zhou Yuan.

Although the foundation is there, it won’t make Hongjun’s dojo lose its brilliance in front of it, right?

at this time.

Hongjun Daoist is standing on the top of Yujing Mountain, looking at the vast and desolate land.

Unexplainable feelings arose in my heart.

For Zhou Yuan, Hongjun admitted that from the very beginning, he held a friendly attitude.

At least back then, Zhou Yuan had given him some tips on dealing with the devil ancestor Luo Hu.

However, I didn’t expect that things would turn out to be like this.

The dragon clan constantly provoke Heavenly Dao, which has made Hongjun intolerable.

At this moment, Hongjun looked at the ethereal Tianlong Mountain, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

Hongjun explained to himself in the way of Tianlong Mountain before. After all, there are ten great Xiantian dragon roots on the other side’s mountain range. Under the nourishment of Spiritual Roots, Tianlong Mountain is so majestic and understandable.

But today, the appearance of the ancient gods list directly tore the own Fengshen list, turning the Fengshen platform into a useless god platform. Hongjun decided that he could no longer comfort himself.

Or it’s self-deception!

Over the years, he has deceived enough of himself.

If he continues to bear it, he doesn’t know what excessive things Zhou Yuan will do.

Now it’s the tribulation of the gods, and it has been shelved.

Next time there will be a Journey to the West. If you don’t make a move now, then Heavenly Dao’s will will not continue.

Even, Heavenly Dao’s right to control the prehistoric, I’m afraid it will change hands.

Hongjun no longer dared to think further.

The appearance of the ancient gods’ list may be a good thing, just to follow the ancient gods’ list to wipe out the malignant tumor behind it in one fell swoop, and no longer need to be controlled by others in the future.

Now in this wild world, to put it bluntly, the only thing that makes Hongjun upset is Zhou Yuan.

Hongjun stood with his hand in his hand, looking into the sky in the distance, the nebula flowed, the situation changed suddenly, Heavenly Dao must take measures.

Just when Hongjun was thinking like this.

There was a sound of rustling footsteps behind him.

“Master, so you are here, you can make disciples easy to find!”

Sanqing came together.

Hongjun still looked at the distant sky, and asked, “Have the two of Zhunti been here?”

“Back to Master, I haven’t come here yet, maybe on the way.”

daddy replied.

“Everyone knows, this is the end of the cute pet list! A few days later, Honghuang will open the strength list!”

“Anyone who has the strength to be on the list will be enshrined by the ancient gods! Those who are enshrined will be recognized by the ancient world!”

“As for what the ancient world is, please look forward to it!”

With the final reading of the god list, the ancient god list running through the heavens and the earth automatically pulled the scroll and slowly closed.

Thousands of golden light disappeared instantly.

Immediately, the ancient gods list hides directly in the void.

The last reading left, but once again set off a stormy sea in Honghuang.

Sanqing was dumbfounded.

He didn’t dare to say anything, his heart was already surging.

Everyone crackled in their hearts and started an abacus.

The ancient world?

What kind of world is it?

Could it be that it is a world stronger than the prehistoric world.

The primordial sentient beings are completely boiling at this moment.

Countless creatures began to think about the appearance of the ancient world.

The ancient gods list is so powerful, there is no doubt that the ancient world is definitely not simple.

“You said, where is this ancient world? In my limited knowledge, I only know that there is a prehistoric world.”

“Then you are ignorant! What is the prehistoric world! The world of our Life is just a Minor World under the universe.

Maybe that ancient world is just another huge world in Universe Xuanhuang! ”

“How do you know this?”

“I’ve only heard of these. I heard what Elder in our clan said. As for whether it is true or not, it is not known!”

“However, looking at the ability of the ancient god list, it is not difficult to infer that the ancient world is definitely not ordinary!”

“There really is such a world? I don’t believe it.”

“Before you didn’t believe in the ancient gods list, but didn’t others cash out the rewards one by one?”

“Is it true? I’ll know at that time! Anyway, next is the strength list. According to your strength, 80% of you will not have a chance to be on the list. Just watch the excitement!”

This kind of voice resounded in every corner of the entire prehistoric land.

Countless creatures talked about the ancient world endlessly.

Tianlong Mountain.

Nuwa looked puzzled, “Ancient world? Why can’t I figure out a little bit of news about this world?”

“Husband, do you know?”

Zhou Yuan shook his head.

To be honest, Zhou Yuan is also passive now.

He only knew that this ancient god list was created by the system.

Although at that time, I had done my best to create this sacred list.

But now he himself has no way of knowing everything about this god list.

“It seems that this wild world is finally going to change!” Zhou Yuan whispered in his heart.

He didn’t expect that the god list he accidentally created at the beginning would actually involve a new world.

This new world is what is missing in my mind from the information about the historical records.

As for this ancient world, he, a person who has traveled through modern times, is also unheard of.

When a whole new world appears, maybe one of them is own opportunity,

After all, this ancient gods list is produced by the system, and the production of the system must not be directed towards oneself.

Zhou Yuan is completely relieved at this point.

After all, this ancient gods list was created by himself.

Today’s prehistoric times, conferring the gods and measuring the calamity, will it continue? That’s Hongjun’s business.

It has nothing to do with yourself.

After the ancient world came out, those edicted gods, from a certain perspective, just replaced the handwriting of the gods.

Zhou Yuan’s eyes were looking into the distance, the place where the gods retreat, and the light flowed in his eyes.

However, Zhou Yuan knew that the more movement this ancient gods list made, the more it would arouse Hongjun’s resentment.

I believe it won’t be long before Heavenly Dao will be full of noise.

After all, Heavenly Dao will never sit back and watch.

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