Chapter 156 The power of the god list is open!

The sound of the great avenue resounded throughout the world.

Countless prehistoric creatures are all looking forward to it.

Many cultivators have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Even during this period of time, I would not hesitate to stay awake day and night, and continue cultivation day and night.

The purpose is to be able to win a place for himself when this strength list appears.

This time, to some extent, the gods list is far more important than the previous two gods list.

Those on the list can be directly enshrined by the ancient gods list.

Although everyone didn’t know much about the ordained deity, they were still full of curiosity and wait-and-see.

“You are talking about the ancient world, can it really appear?”

“I think this is really hard to say! From the ancient gods list, it is not difficult to see that this gods list hangs the Fengshen list ten thousand times! The Fengshen list is a scum in front of the ancient gods list!”

“Since the Conferred God List is not as good as the Ancient God List, what do you mean is that the existence behind the Ancient God List slaps Hongjun ten thousand times?!”

“Hey! I didn’t say that, you said it!”

“As we all know, the Conferred God List was created by Heavenly Dao Hongjun, and the Ancient God List was created by another mysterious and unknown expert. If you say that, it makes sense!”

“In other words, the ancient world slams the prehistoric world ten thousand times?! Hehe, I can’t help but want to see, what kind of world is the ancient world?!”

For a time.

Countless prehistoric creatures began to talk.

The discussion about the ancient world caused a wave of enthusiasm in the prehistoric world for a time.

Tianlong Mountain.

Wearing a colorful dress, Nuwa stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the direction of the golden list in the distance.

A pair of beautiful eyes is full of curiosity and anticipation.

Nuwa’s expectations for the ancient gods list are the same as the mood of the cultivator.

However, Tianlongshan Zhou Yuan, wearing a casual robe and carrying a watering can, was in the backyard of Tianlongshan, starting to water the Spiritual Roots.

Whistling leisurely in his mouth, just like a farmer.

As for the ancient gods list, the ancient world, Zhou Yuan didn’t care at all.

Nuwa saw the golden list running through the world, and turned around to call Zhou Yuan to watch together, the world is so magnificent.

Naihe turned around and saw Zhou Yuan still looking like a leisurely farmer.

Nuwa couldn’t help but sighed faintly.

Immediately, the figure flickered and appeared in front of Zhou Yuan, “Husband, can you stop messing around with your broken flowers? Come with me, the ancient gods list is about to begin!”

Zhou Yuan laughed, “Go ahead, I haven’t finished pouring it yet.”

Nuwa’s eyebrows were erected, and he grabbed the watering bottle from the opponent’s hand.

“Don’t you want to know what kind of world is that ancient world?!”

Nuwa didn’t wait for Zhou Yuan to reply, but directly dragged the opponent to the top of the mountain.

Excitedly pointing to the golden giant list that day and earth.

“Look! The coercion of this sacred list is really powerful. As soon as it appeared, my heart couldn’t help but tremble! Even me, Sage, is so in awe of this sacred list. It’s good for you, but you don’t pay attention to it at all!”

“Are you not afraid of God’s list condemning you?!”

Zhou Yuan laughed, “Don’t be afraid!”

To be honest, Zhou Yuan really didn’t have much interest in this ancient gods list!

Because just now, at the moment when God List appeared, Zhou Yuan’s mind had another familiar system voice.

The voice said: Congratulations to the host! The ancient gods list is about to open. All the rewards of this time, as before, the rewards will be converted into 50% and belong to the host!

May I ask, does this still use excitement?

Doesn’t this mean that you have won the war without fighting? !

At this moment, even who is on the list has not yet been determined.

And he is equivalent to having won half of the rewards of the strength list.

Nuwa curled his mouth and joked, “You are not afraid, I am still afraid!”

With a wave of a wonderful hand, two exquisite rocking chairs flashed instantly behind the two of them.

Nuwa dragged Zhou Yuan, and the two sat on the rocking chairs.

Zhou Yuan couldn’t help showing a bitter smile.

I thought, it’s over, this ancient god list has just opened, and I have to sit under this god list for a day.

Just when Zhou Yuan and Nuwa were laughing like this.

But don’t know,

In the void, a pair of eyes hidden in the darkness were staring at them closely.

Those eyes are the Hongjun Dao ancestor with Heavenly Dao’s back.

The moment the ancient gods’ list appeared, Hongjun couldn’t sit still.

I want to see Zhou Yuan’s reaction at the moment.

While in the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun guessed that Zhou Yuan must have begun to calculate the god list.

And all kinds of means, all kinds of calculations.

However, when he personally visited the void and hid the Heavenly Dao breath, after observing it in secret for a while, Zhou Yuan’s reaction turned out to be so disdainful.

At this moment, thousands of prehistoric cultivators, thousands of predominantly powerful races, all were energetic, and looked at the golden god list seriously.

Only Zhou Yuan, carrying a huge water bottle and rolling his trousers, was walking in the garden behind his mountain.

Watering flowers and plants.

Hongjun’s eyes were wide open.

A face of disbelief.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it, it was true.

When he went to Tianlong Mountain to talk with Zhou Yuan before, Zhou Yuan was still there and vowed that he would participate in the battle of the ancient world.

How to compete? !

Fight like this? Carrying a pot for watering?

“No! This cunning fellow must have deliberately created an illusion! He wants to deceive the Dao Ancestor so that Heavenly Dao can relax his guard!”

A treacherous smile appeared at the corner of Hongjun’s mouth.

Quietly hiding in the void.

Western teaching.

The two of Zhunti were quoted, their eyes fixed on the ancient gods list.

“Dage, you said that the ancient world will really fail?!”

“What benefit can we get from it?”

Zhunti looked at the god list and couldn’t help asking questions.

Then he drew his gaze seriously, “Don’t worry! Since it is the strength list, can there be no two of you and me? After entering the god list, everything will be known by then!”

I’m sure that, as Sage, I am sure to be on the list of gods.

A total of one hundred places, the predecessor of strength, can still not be ranked in Sage? Isn’t this a joke!

Regarding this, the Sages have no suspense.

As for other creatures, it’s hard to say.

Kunlun Mountain.

Yuanshi Tianzun came to the top of Kunlun Mountain early in the morning and looked at the gods in the distance.

In Yuxu Palace, I couldn’t sit still a long time ago.

Regarding this power ranking, Yuanshi Tianzun not only has confidence in himself, but also full of confidence in explaining and teaching his disciples.

If you want to explain the teachings of your own, Naixuanmen is the most disciple of Gen Zheng Miaohong.

The strength is also the strongest.

Needless to say, the twelve golden immortals.

All of them are strong.

Hanging and beating other mysterious men 10,000 times.

“Master, you said this time the strength list, we explain and teach the disciples, how many people can be on the list?”

Antarctic Xianweng stood respectfully behind Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi touched his chin and laughed.

“At least half.”

After all, Yuan Shi and Antarctica Xianweng laughed loudly.

The hearty laughter echoed throughout Kunlun Mountain.

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