Due to the end of the Flood Desolation Tribulation, the calamity and anger that permeated between heaven and earth gradually began to dissipate, and the creatures or strong people who were originally hidden from the world gradually walked out of their respective dojos.

Figures such as Sanqing, Twelve Ancestral Wu, Dijun, and Taiyi soon made a name for themselves in the flood wilderness, and the appearance of a venerable creature seemed to signal that a new era had begun.

Compared with the time of the Long Han Tribulation, the entire flood wilderness seemed to be much quieter, those who were reincarnated or reborn in the past had all retired, and the strongest cultivation of those active in the flood wilderness was only the Daluo Golden Wonderland.

Of course, no matter how it changed, the supreme heavenly book that radiated a brilliant golden light across the Buzhou Mountain like a great sun and was like the Dao of Heaven was still standing in the void.

The Flood Wilderness powerhouses who originally did not understand the situation also had a little understanding of Long Han Liangqian after seeing the Book of Heaven, especially they were more vigilant against Hongjun, even if Hongjun had already preached that the Flood Wilderness powerhouses still talked about Hongjun in private.

Invariably, all the strong people have already added a label to Hongjun, old Yin Bi!

In this way, before you know it, nearly a hundred years have passed.

Although it was peaceful, the faint flood had a sense of imminent storm, whether it was Luo Xiao and others hidden in various worlds or rookies such as Sanqing were keenly aware of the coming storm.


Buzhou Mountain, where the Book of Heaven is located.


Suddenly, infinite golden light erupted from the heavenly book, and what was shocking was that every ray of golden light seemed to be transformed by the avenue, as if it contained the mystery of the avenue, and in an instant, many visions immediately swept through the entire flood world.

Purple Xiao Palace, Dragon Realm, Phoenix Realm, Qilin Realm, Demon Realm… For a time, a pair of eyes all turned to the Book of Heaven.

“This is…”

“Is the book of heaven different?”

“Did something happen?”

In an instant, the expressions of Hongjun, Luo Jun and other powerhouses became solemn, and the projection of giants such as Hongjun and Luo Jun had faintly appeared in the void outside Buzhou Mountain.

“Book of Heaven!?”

“What is the situation.”

Not only Hongjun and the others, but Sanqing and the others soon set their sights on Buzhou Mountain.

For a moment, the attention of all the powerhouses in the entire Flood Wilderness had all focused on the Book of Heaven!

“The Book of Heaven seems to… Updated? ”

Soon, everyone discovered the clue, and at the end of the words in the book of heaven, a cloud of chaotic qi appeared, and a large number of innate words appeared again between the surging of chaotic qi!

“The Lich… Beginning? ”

Seeing the name of the new page, many strong people were stunned.



What does that mean?

What is a witch?

What is a demon?

Now the twelve ancestors have not yet established the Wu clan, they themselves have just been born, and they haven’t even had a clan yet, and the same is true on the demon side, so no one knows about the beginning of the Lich.

“New calamity…”

Luo Xiao and the others, who had cultivated to the half-step Mixed Yuan Realm, jumped their eyelids, and with their realm, they could already glimpse a corner of the future, especially when the calamity had not yet opened the Heavenly Machine, they could see more.

Others don’t know what a Lich is, can they not know.

Tianshu, this is another spoiler in advance to tell all the Lich robberies!?

“Heavenly Dao, what to do now.”

Inside the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun’s eyes almost turned black, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

Damn a chicken, he just discussed and finalized the situation of the next calamity with Heavenly Dao, and the details were not perfected before the Heavenly Book announced the answer first?

Who can withstand this Nima!



A wisp of qi flashed from the Zixiao Palace, and Heavenly Dao was silent.

With various thoughts and different moods, the Flood Barren powerhouses intently looked at the new texts that were constantly appearing.

“Hongjun preached that three thousand years ago, the Chaos Demon God Yang Mei returned from Chaos?”

“Hongjun and Yang Mei fought and failed miserably?”

“The treasures were all taken away by Yang Mei?”

“He also said that first there was Hongjun, and then there was a day when I was a thousand years earlier than Hongjun?”



“There is such a powerful Chaos Demon God hidden in the chaos?”

After a while, after reading the previous information, the Hong Wilderness powerhouses were stunned, and a burst of inhalation suddenly sounded, and the three Qings and others were all stunned.

In their eyes, Hongjun is already a symbol of invincibility, but now there is a more powerful existence about to appear?

And still beat Hongjun!?


PS: Less than twenty-four hours on the first day, the author has updated a full twelve chapters!

The sincerity of the author bacteria has been given to everyone, please, poor poor children vote for a little flowers, evaluation votes and tips, up to now there are few data in all aspects, to be honest, the author bacteria is really a little confused and don’t know if to write down, and no one supports who can withstand this…. Everyone can see this, the data is really not the author of the.

If you think that this book can still read the past, kneel for flowers, kneel for evaluation votes, kneel for tips, kneel for all support!!!

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As long as the irons support the power, don’t say twelve more, even if the twenty more authors will burst out to write it out for everyone, kneeling for all support!!!

Everyone’s free support is cast a wow, support more author bacteria explosion more, and then go on like this, don’t say explosive more, author bacteria really don’t know whether to write down, the data is ridiculously poor….

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