Buzhoushan, Nuwa Dojo.

Nuwa, who was sitting quietly on the grass, stood up, and a shallow smile appeared on her cold face, and in an instant, as Nuwa smiled, the heavens and the earth seemed to be discolored, and the flowers seemed to be dim.

The beauty of Nuwa seems to be difficult to compare with even heaven and earth, and it is difficult to compete with it.

“The January moon has not fallen!”

Nuwa was surprised by Nan Nan, thinking of something, Nuwa looked up into the void, her eyes seemed to be able to cross the infinite space to the place she wanted to see.

“According to your personality, you should be here…”


The figure flashed, and Nuwa disappeared from the place.


“Wait! Who is this Li Fan? ”

Soon, everyone’s attention was focused on the first place on the list.

Just now, I was attracted by the Chaos Demon God and the Chaoyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and I didn’t pay much attention, and all the powerhouses couldn’t sit still.

LI Fan???

Who is this, and why have they not heard of the existence of this person in the flood?

And, first place?

Strength unknown?

Combat power unknown?

Identity unknown?

At least the Dao-level list couldn’t even determine this Li Fan’s strength?

Then this person’s strength is still there!


Inside the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun pinched his fingers, half ringing, as if sensing something, Hongjun’s face turned pale, a large amount of blood spewed out from his mouth, and his breath became weak.

“Just deducting will be seriously injured? What the hell is this person. ”

Hong Jun was horrified.

Who is Li Fan!

Who the hell is this person!

The deduction can’t be deduced, but he was seriously injured without seeing anything at the beginning, so if he forcibly deduced it, he would have to fall to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal plus the Saint Fruit Position?

It’s outrageous!

“In charge of the flood famine… Am I really in charge of the flood famine? ”

Hongjun is a little skeptical of life.

He calculated so much, planned for all this for so long, and finally found that this flood water was much deeper than he thought. What an old yin comparison with these people.

Honghuang, he really took charge?

Who can stand it!

“Wait, Li Fan… Li Fan… Every? Back to basics? ”

Suddenly, Hongjun’s mind flashed, his body was suddenly shocked, and his face became extremely frightened.

Did you say….


Swallowing his saliva, Hongjun said with a trembling voice: “Heavenly Dao, who is this Li Fan.” ”


The Huanghuang Tianwei swept over, and a supreme and supreme light wheel appeared beside Hongjun, and wisps of mysterious qi machine emerged from the Heavenly Dao light wheel.


Don’t say!


A thick admonition tone emerged from the Heavenly Dao Light Wheel, if Hongjun hadn’t sensed the wrong one, the Heavenly Dao would even be very jealous and… Fear?

“Is it really the incarnation of the Dao…”

Hong Junnan said to himself.

Avenue incarnation!

Avenue incarnation !!!

There is only one explanation, and this can only be explained.

If you count it by the incarnation of the avenue, then everything can be said, these two lists must be made by this person, because it is a avenue, so it is not easy to do these things.

So the question is, why did the avenue project the avatar into the flood waste, and did it hide any deep meaning?

“How did I have the idea of controlling the flood famine before?”

Hongjun’s face was loveless.

Hey, is he worthy of being in charge of Hong Huang so terrifying, he is not worthy!

Sorry, I didn’t know it was so high-profile.


“Did you say…”

“Is it…”

“This, this, this…”

“It can’t be true.”

“If that’s the case…”


Hongjun’s smart people naturally can’t be Hongjun alone, and soon many people thought of the same problem as Hongjun, and suddenly, countless people’s faces changed drastically, and panic appeared in their eyes, and they subconsciously swallowed saliva and didn’t even dare to think about it.

For a while, the first place on the mixed yuan list seemed to have become a forbidden ji, and did not dare to be mentioned by anyone.

Great horror!

You must know that the previous Heavenly Book can explore all the future trajectories, and the terrifying power of the list itself can be clearly sensed by anyone, and the terrifying thing about the list can be seen from the fact that the Heavenly Dao does not interfere with the list.

After all, this has already predicted the future to disrupt the order of the flood and waste, if it can, then the Heavenly Dao will not care? It doesn’t matter if it just can’t be managed.

Then the problem is, such a great list cannot record Li Fan, which means that any fool can imagine.


In the valley.

Listening to the system prompts that kept appearing in his mind, the corners of Li Fan’s mouth curved.

It’s done!

In vain, he spent a lot of Origin Power to deduce the powerhouse of the Flood Barren Mixed Yuan Realm.

This wave, this wave is blood earning!

As for why he let himself appear, this can also be regarded as a bad taste for Li Fan, or in order to get more Origin Power?

After all, a mysterious identity will definitely cause an uproar, and it can be regarded as preparing for Li Fan’s future birth, which is completely the best of both worlds.

From now on, Li Fan will arrange a mysterious image step by step, and when he walks out of the valley, the entire flood will definitely tremble for him!

What, why did Li Fan expose himself?

As long as he doesn’t go out of the valley, who can find him, and who can do with him, not to mention that he will stay in the valley forever? One day, Li Fan will still be born.

“This is just the beginning.”

Seeing the horror of the flood wilderness beings, Li Fannan said to himself.

Think the Mixed Yuan List will end when it appears?


How could his plan be so simple!

What he wants is the whole flood madness!


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As long as the iron is powerful, the author bacteria are crazy to explode, this permanent effect, or the same as yesterday, but where flowers can rise by a thousand, evaluation votes can rise by five hundred, and tips can rise two author bacteria will explode more ten chapters!

If the flowers rise by three thousand, the evaluation votes rise by one thousand, and the tips increase by five, it will explode for twenty more chapters!

The author bacteria only wants everyone’s free data wow, like the need for money tips so far there is only one book, pitiful to the extreme, the author of the writing bacteria doubts life….

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