Chapter 445

Think about it, to be able to instruct Sanqing to become a saint.

Is the person who instructs Nuwa to make people and sanctify ordinary people?

of course not.

They don’t know why, they seemed to be blindfolded.

I completely ignored the blind man, and couldn’t see the light on Qin Hao.

All felt that Qin Hao should be opportunistic.

There is no strength in itself.

In addition, after the human race appeared later.

I found that the human race really has no value to pay attention to.

So I didn’t want to understand Human Race.

Let them do things directly, the best thing.

But I have to say that some people are really thick-skinned.

Immediately began to make relations, flattered and flattered.

Di Jiang sat in the back stunned, looking at the scene in front of him.

Obviously he heard the whole process.

But why did things develop in this direction?

Di Jiang stared at the figure in front with a more admiring look.

Their income is simply invincible!

Who else? Who else has such a great mouth.

There are only two or three sentences left, which has changed the situation at this time.

Qin Hao immediately raised his hand and pressed it down.

The scene was quiet again.

“Don’t worry, everyone, I know everyone is very close, but this matter is not anxious, in order to maintain fairness, I think we can play a game, and finally decide the order of purchase.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he picked up the teacup again and took a sip of tea.

Watching the scene fiercely began the discussion.

Qin Hao was as calm and relaxed as he was watching a play.

The corner of his mouth lifted up with an enthusiastic smile.

The more the discussion became more intense, the voice grew louder and louder.

All races here are also blushing.

Qin Hao had a headache because of the noise.

Just stop it again.

“By the way, there is one more thing.”

Qin Hao didn’t speak too loudly.

But I don’t know why, everyone can hear it clearly.

At the same moment, everyone stopped.

“Some of you here are also benefactors or friends of our Human Race and Witch Race. If I were like this, it would seem unfair to throw out your kindness, right?”

The other races did not want to agree.

But looking at Qin Hao’s face, he had made up his mind.

Other races also know that they can’t stop it by themselves.

It’s better to buy one.

There may be unexpected surprises.

So everyone nodded in agreement.

“Moreover, we are very friendly and generous to our friends. Don’t just stare at those weapons. Don’t you usually eat and drink Lazarus? Everyone should learn to enjoy. Like me, my study room has a large wall, which is full of books. .”

When Qin Hao said this, he looked at the other people with a dumb expression.

Qin Hao smiled before continuing.

“There are many types of books in my study, and then I found a sentence in a book.”

Qin Hao felt that he was a little bit ridiculous, so he took a sip this time before continuing on.

“Knowledge changes fate, and life must be enjoyed.”

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he didn’t open his mouth and waited for others to ask himself.

Donghuang Taiyi seemed to have thought of something.

Turning his eyes, he asked tentatively.

“Holy Lord, the wine I just drank, is there any storage?”

Qin Hao nodded naturally.

“Of course, of course it will sell, how much does the Demon Emperor want?”

“Naturally, the more the better, we can ask for a little bit and increase it later, okay?”

A more gentle expression appeared on Qin Hao’s face.

The smile was very bright.

“Okay, no problem. Although there was a war among the Witches in the team, we didn’t reconcile afterwards. In that case, let’s turn the fighting into a jade silk and become allies.”

Donghuang Taiyi ordered it naturally.

Qin Hao was very satisfied with Donghuang Taiyi’s attitude.

I understood what I meant in an instant.

But it also fits seamlessly.

Qin Hao looked at Donghuang Taiyi in this way, so naturally he would not treat him badly.

“Since we want to organize things made by people who support us so much and like us, our weapons, don’t worry, they must be provided to the allies of the monster race first.”

Qin Hao’s fluttering sentence blew up the audience, everyone.

Anyone who has heard this sentence is buzzing in their heads.

Everyone stared blankly at Donghuang Taiyi, who was sitting on the side proudly.

What’s happening here?

Obviously everyone heard the same words.

How did your Donghuang Taiyi understand so much?

Actually buy these other things directly.

The right to purchase weapons is used.

Is this a bit too fantasy?

Donghuang Taiyi doesn’t care what other people think.

It is always oneself who has the advantage.

And when Donghuang Taiyi first entered this yard.

There is a vague feeling like this.

Qin Hao entertained them very deliberately.

And it’s a bit too good.

Many wines they haven’t seen.

Delicacy they have never seen before.

So this yard is not the main house.

It just made a place casually like this.

It went beyond Donghuang Taiyi’s expectation.

Found a lot of fun.

So for the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, he was also very interested in these things.

Coupled with Qin Hao’s all sorts of hints just now.

If you don’t know anymore.

Donghuang Taiyi didn’t need to continue mixing.

Other people also reacted one after another through the situation just now.

On the surface, this is a matter of real weapons.

But how exactly are these limited weapons distributed in this matter?

Not yet, Qin Hao said something.

Other people who gradually reacted also asked about tea, drinks, and even stools.

It was all for this way to get close to Qin Hao and seek welfare.

Qin Hao raised his hand again.

There was a squinted, satisfied smile on his face.

“That’s too much to save face. I don’t know what to say. In this way, let’s buy these foods a little bit, and we can talk about everything. Everyone says the quantity you want, and I will let Dijiang do it for you. That’s it.”

After Qin Hao said this, he clapped his hands.

Several people came in one after another from the outside.

Stand one in front of each table.

Look down and ask them carefully about the items they need, and explain the price of each item.

What other items can be exchanged for each other.

These people all said clearly.

Everyone still keeps the pen and notebook in their hands for recording.

In this way, many people bought some daily necessities in a daze.

Of course some people buy more, and some buy less.

No matter if you buy more or less, you will be praised and praised.

This makes everyone in this room triumphant.

Qin Hao also watched the lively scene with satisfaction.

He squinted his eyes and imagined that this huge amount of money and various cultivation resources.

Gushing towards himself.

Qin Hao felt beautiful after thinking about it.

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