Chapter 89 Kong Xuan’s doubts, Kunpeng goes to war!!

Sun Wukong intuited something was wrong, he thought for a long time before he thought of something wrong, “Master, if you say so,”

“That master-like great god cultivation was sealed, and he hung up after acting a play.”

“Can they be willing?!”

Think about it!

As the master said, the real Da Luo above the flood wilderness is to transcend the river of time and control the three thousand avenues, then, who is willing to play a role will hang up!

What to do with the rest of the time?

Is it embarrassing?

Su Li smiled and glanced at Sun Wukong: “You monkey, why did you become stupid?” ”

“If you change me, I’d be willing!”


Sun Wukong felt bad when he boarded, why are you willing?

If you change to yourself, you must be a saint, you must not be restricted from cultivation, and you can decide the life and death of all living beings in a word, isn’t it majestic?

Su Li said lightly: “I know what you think, of course the saints are awe-inspiring!” ”

“But the problem is that the actions of the saints are also self-limiting!”

“They are like clay puppets that only have a very small amount of time to fight each other with the saints!”

“But Quasi-Saint, Da Luo is different!”

“Like me, the Dharma body is immeasurable, and if I want to come to the real Da Luo in the flood wilderness, the same is true of the quasi-saint.”

“Then, if they hang up, then naturally they can change their identity and change their vest to participate in another big robbery!”

“Are you afraid that you won’t have a chance to play?”

It’s okay!

Sun Wukong’s eyes suddenly widened!

Su Li asked him: “So, let you choose, which one are you willing to choose?” ”

Sun Wukong replied without hesitation: “Quasi-saint, Da Luo!” ”

Is this still an option?

He was naturally active and did not want to be a clay puppet.

That being the case, Sun Wukong is certainly willing to choose a quasi-saint and Da Luo who have appeared a lot!

It’s also interesting to be able to switch between different characters.

Sun Wukong suddenly praised: “All saints really have a big heart!” ”

Deny yourself as a man!

The saint’s path is much higher than that of the quasi-saint Da Luo.

They have very little time to play, and in this case…

If they want to end, they are much more restricted.

I can only watch a group of quasi-saints, Da Luo is participating in the performance.

Sun Wukong suddenly came to his senses: “No wonder the saints want to restrict the Dao of Da Luo and the quasi-saints, it turns out…”

He wanted to say that the saints were just jealous after all!

However, this is the flood world, and if you slander the saints, don’t say it!

Su Li smiled and said, “When I preached Da Luo, I used to transcend time and space and stand on the Mother River of Time. ”

Sun Wukong showed an envious look, and the master’s Dao behavior was something he did not dare to imagine.

This realm, he is deeply envious.

“What amazes me is that I once traced back to the source of the Mother River of Time and the end of the Mother River of Time.”

“Above that detachment, there is only one Da Luo.”

“You said… What is the reason for this? ”

Sun Wukong’s first reaction was impossible!

Absolutely impossible things.

The master is not the first Da Luo, let alone the last, it is impossible not to see others.

Sun Wukong’s thoughts were suddenly distorted by Su Li, and his monkey face was full of shock, “Master, do you mean that the saints have entered the river of time and ended the game?” ”

Su Li smiled and said, “Besides this, what else can you think of?” ”

Sun Wukong sweated in fright: “The water of the flood is so deep!” ”

How did he know that his own master, Su Li, was the first person in that “Da Luo” realm?

Without Su Li’s permission, who could transcend the river of time?

Su Li didn’t speak, the latecomer wanted to preach Da Luo, that was a dream!

But it’s a pity that Sun Wukong’s thinking was completely crooked by Su Li.

Su Li pointed to the Time Law Array: “Kong Xuan is going to advance!” ”

He shook his head and sighed, “The saints have restricted the Flood Desolation World too much. ”

“Kong Xuan’s qualifications are the same as yours…”

“Cultivate slowly!”

Sun Wukong nodded solemnly: “Master rest assured, I will definitely urge Kong Xuandaoyou to concentrate on cultivation.” ”

Su Li showed a satisfied smile!

With a finger of his hand, the time magic array was directly unraveled, and Kong Xuancha completed the advancement at this moment.

The law of body safety has become regularized, and the law of the five elements is repeated and endless.

The supreme momentum shrouded Luofu Cave.

Kong Xuan’s face was full of disbelief, he actually achieved mixed yuan!

Kong Xuan came back to his senses and immediately knelt on the ground, “The master is on top, Kong Xuan thanks the master for completing it!” ”

Su Li admonished, “The road is endless, and the water above the flood is very deep!” ”

“Be careful, don’t rush on the road!”


Kong Xuan’s eyes widened suddenly.

The owner’s requirements are so high!

This is the realm of mixed elements!

Isn’t this satisfied?

Kong Xuanxuan immediately felt a great joy in his heart, is the owner’s requirements high?


That’s great!

That shows that there is still the possibility of further improvement of his Taoist practice!

Kong Xuan said loudly, “Follow the master’s decree!” ”

Su Li waved his hand: “Wukong, you tell Kong Xuan the truth about the flood famine.” ”

“Lest Kong Xuan be arrogant!”

Since Zhao Gongming sent Kong Xuan to be his pet, Su Li had already concluded that Kong Xuan was not the same cultivator as himself!

There is no doubt about it.

If it was that Da Luo, who transcended the river of time, the saint could give it to himself as a pet?

Obviously not!

Therefore, Su Li was so crisp when he made a move.

Now, Kong Xuan’s Dao practice has been improved, and the rest is left to Sun Wukong.

He didn’t want to explain to Kong Xuan again how good the Flood Barren Saint was!

Su left Shi Shiran to the side to collect today’s cumulative reward.

Sun Wukong solemnly said to Kong Xuan: “Daoist, I will tell you the truth of the flood waste, you must be prepared in your heart!” ”


The truth about the flood?

Kong Xuan was really curious.

What is the truth of the flood?

At that moment, Sun Wukong explained the theory from Su Li, the true and false Da Luo, to Kong well!

Kong Xuan listened stupidly!

That’s right?

The real Da Luo turned out to be transcendent of time, immortal consciousness, immortal true spirit, and controlling the heavens and realms?

The Tao is always the body…

Da Luo is such a realm, what about quasi-saints?

What about saints?

The more Kong Xuan listened, the more he didn’t have a good idea, which was completely different from the cultivation law he mastered!

Kong Xuan asked tentatively, “Daoyou, is this true?” ”

Sun Wukong nodded solemnly: “That’s nature, the master is such a realm!” ”


Kong Xuanxuan believed!

As soon as Sun Wukong moved out of Su and left, he believed it!

There’s no way not to believe it!

The master’s ability to eliminate the cause and effect of sins for himself at will is even more immeasurable merit!

In addition, he also laid out a time law array for him to cultivate, and most importantly, raising his hand could allow him to preach the mixed element…

This kind of Taoism, if you want to say that you do not transcend the river of time and control everything, who believes it!

When Sun Wukong talked about the script of the saints and the commotion of the saints, Kong Xuan had a wonderful feeling, “Could it be that the master is mistaken?” ”

“The attitude of the Tongtian Saint towards the master is obviously different!”

“If it is really what the master said is just an ordinary Da Luo. Saints don’t need that! ”

“Something must be wrong!”

He looked up at Sun Wukong, and it was obvious that this Sun Wukong Daoist would not believe it.

Besides, he Kong Xuan has just come to the master’s side, and he doesn’t understand the master’s temperament at all, so it’s better not to question it!

Kong Xuan buried this doubt in his heart, anyway, he now has the time to solve this doubt.

Because, he once remembered that the Junti Sage said that in the flood waste, the Heavenly Dao did not allow the existence of uncontrolled mixed elements.

Since this is the rule set by the saints, then Wukong Daoist friends and themselves should also be subject to this heavenly rule.

Heavenly Dao should have lowered the Heavenly Punishment at this time.

However, unfortunately, the Heavenly Dao still did not move at all.

Kong Xuan felt more and more that it was because the Heavenly Dao was for his master’s sake, so he didn’t lower the Heavenly Punishment?!

Zhao Gongming got the news from Su Li that the Chaos Demon God was coming, and he was still sitting there, directly transformed into Changhong, and quickly returned to Jinao Island in the East China Sea!

He did not dare to delay in the slightest.

When Zhao Gongming rushed back, the third battle between the two forces had not yet begun!

Seeing Zhao Gongming, Tong Tian hurriedly asked, “Senior Su is satisfied!” ”


Zhao Gongming said with a slight envy, “The senior is very satisfied, not only did he eliminate the cause and effect of sin for Kong Xuan, but also raised his Dao practice to the realm of mixed yuan!” ”


Tong Tian was amazed!

Raise Kong Xuan’s Dao to mixed elements at will?

What a big deal!

Kong Xuan really got a big chance.

However, he also had to thank them for intercepting the teaching!

Immediately, Tong Tian became more and more happy, “Good! ”

“The higher Kong Xuan’s Daoist practice improves, the more beneficial it is to intercept my teaching!”

Kong Xuan is favored, and he will definitely remember the good teaching.

Similarly, the Sect Intercept also showed his face in Senior Su.

Next time I go to Su Li’s place all day long, I may be able to find some good things!

Those things may be extremely ordinary to Su Li, but they are the supreme treasure for the Sect Interceptor!

Zhao Gongming said again: “Master, the disciple has received news from the senior, it is very urgent!” ”


Tong Tian was unimpressed: “What news is more important in the flood famine than repeating the reenactment of the gods?” ”

Zhao Gongming sighed, “Seniors said that the Chaos Demon God is about to invade the Flood Barren World!” ”


Chaos Demon God?!

Tong Tian was stunned, and immediately reacted: “The time that the senior said has arrived?” ”

He laughed bitterly, “It’s been too long, Senior Su really reminded us!” ”

Zhao Gongming thought about it carefully, and suddenly woke up.

It is said that five hundred years ago, Su Li once reminded Tongtian, Zhao Gongming, and Sanxiao about the Chaos Demon God.

With your mighty memory, the events of hundreds of years ago are naturally clear and will not be forgotten!

But unfortunately, as far as Zhao Gongming and others are concerned, Su Li did not tell them this kind of thing hundreds of years ago, but billions of years ago!

In the five hundred years of the Flood Barren World, all the great powers of the Sect have stayed in the Time Law Array for four or five billion years!

What a long time!

Some details have already been forgotten!

It is inevitable that Zhao Gongming will not remember it for a while!

It turned out that Su Li’s predecessor had said such a thing.

Tong Tian smiled bitterly: “I still remember, the seniors seem to have said that the saints are to repeat the re-enactment of the gods is more exciting.” ”

“So, I didn’t say it!”

Zhao Gongming was silent for a long time, and said cautiously: “Master, the thoughts of seniors. I always feel that I am not on the same level as us! ”

“His Dao practice is too high, but Senior Su feels that his Dao practice is too low…”

“Nothing will happen then, will it?”

Tongtian understood what Zhao Gongming meant, he was worried that if Senior Su woke up one day that the entire Flood Barren World was not what he imagined, would he blame them!

Tong Tian shook his head: “How profound is the Dao practice of the senior, how can he care about these little things?” ”

“Besides, aren’t we respectful to our seniors?”

Zhao Gongming let out a long sigh of relief.

If only the master had a countermeasure!

He really didn’t dare to imagine whether Senior Su would punish them when he knew the truth.

Zhao Gongming asked again: “Master, did Dao Ancestor know this news?” ”

Tong Tian thought for a moment before saying, “I remember that I once talked to Master Venerable about this issue. ”

“Master said that he knew it in his heart.”

“It seems that this Chaos Demon God’s invasion of the Flood Desolation World was presided over by an old friend of his!”


An old friend of Daozu?

The oldest batch of Chaos Demon Gods?

Zhao Gongming only felt that his scalp was numb: “Master, shall we notify the three religions and four saints?” ”

“After all, that’s the Chaos Demon God!”

Tong Tian snorted coldly: “There is no need to tell them.” ”

“When the Chaos Demon God comes, I will naturally have a response!”

“They are Honghui saints, they know how to choose!”

“If I really don’t know what to do when facing the Chaos Demon God…”

“Is that still worthy of being a Saint of the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao?”

Zhao Gongming stopped talking!

Tong Tian was a Heavenly Dao Saint, and he could naturally evaluate the saints in the flood and wilderness at will.

However, Zhao Gongming can’t, even if he is a guardian of the Truncated Sect, a peak quasi-saint, a saint disciple, and a Heavenly Dao saint is not something he can evaluate at will!

Zhao Gongming silently saluted Tongtian, and then returned to the main formation.

However, he told Yunxiao the news that the Chaos Demon God was about to invade the Flood Desolation World, and Yunxiao was the second-generation head of the Sect, so he was naturally qualified to know this kind of information!

Yunxiao nodded silently.

With a wave of her hand, the quasi-saints of the Intercept Sect knew the news.

Tong Tian watched from the sidelines, and did not stop it loudly.

On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the attitude of Zhao Gongming and Yunxiao.

Of course, repeating the enactment of the gods is an immeasurable catastrophe in the flood famine, but the battle with the alliance army of the three religions and four saints is, in the final analysis, just an internal contradiction in the flood famine!

When foreign enemies invade, no matter what, we must be consistent with the outside world!

If he really wanted to destroy the other party through foreign enemies, this was not something he could do with the Heavenly Interception Sect.

Tong Tian secretly rejoiced: “I, the second-generation sect leader, is entrusted to the right person!” ”

This is the belief of the Truncated Sect, even if it is to defeat the enemy, it is dignified, upright, and convincing from the front!

On the other hand, the three religions and the four holy spirits were solemn.

They have been discussing for a long time and have not yet made a decision!

You know, the pressure of the three religions and the four saints is quite great.

They didn’t expect that the Styx ancestor who fought in the first battle would be destroyed by Yunxiao!

As a result, even the true spirit did not run out, and he became the first person on the list of consecrated gods!

This dealt a very big blow to the morale of the three religions and four saints alliance army.

Kong Xuan, who played in the second battle, was actually shocked by Zhao Gongming with the Innate Baoding Haizhu.

Kong Xuan did not make the list, but he was given by Zhao Gongming to Su Li’s predecessor as a pet!

The combined forces of the Three Religions and Four Saints suffered heavy losses!

Whether it is the Styx River or Kong Xuan, they are all recognized as the top five existences among the quasi-saints of the Flood Wilderness!

But the result?

One missed the list, one missed and was captured.

Two battles in a row ended in a major defeat for the coalition forces.

It’s unbelievable!

The four saints unanimously decided that this one, they couldn’t afford to lose!

If they really lose again, even with their Four Saints Array, the Three Sects Alliance Army will have no fighting spirit!

Then this God Tribulation, don’t think about it!

Jun Ti was slightly anxious: “Fellow Daoists, have you chosen a good candidate?” ”

Tai Shang shook his head slowly with a paralyzed face.

Yuan Shi’s face was as pale as the bottom of a pot, silent.

He looked sad and bowed his head without speaking.

Jun Ti became more and more anxious, “I have to choose someone as soon as possible.” ”

“Otherwise, this God Tribulation, there is no need to fight!”

“I’ll wait, just admit defeat!”

Not only did Jun Ti feel anxious, but the three saints also felt troublesome, this person was not a good choice!

It’s not that they don’t have quasi-saints who went to war, they do!

Whether it is Xuandu, Yunzhongzi, Antarctic Immortal, Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng, they can all fight!

The key to the problem is that there are many candidates on their side, and there are more people on the other side!

Ninety-nine quasi-saints, even if Yunxiao and Zhao Gongming are excluded, there are still ninety-seven!

The intercept side can completely send disciples against its own candidates.

Being targeted is 100%!

In this case, where would they dare to send disciples casually?

Styx Dao Ancestor’s 480 million Blood God Sons, powerful, right?

It was completely targeted by Yunxiao!

Kong Xuan’s five-color divine light is not brushed by anything, powerful, right?

was perfectly restrained by Zhao Gongming.

The remaining quasi-saints, who dares to say that there will be no one to target them?

Just think about it!

It’s hard to choose!

The four saints were tangled, and suddenly a quasi-saint came out: “Saints, the Kunpeng Daoist requests to fight!” ”


The four saints look together!

Of course, they had considered Kunpeng, who was also the oldest quasi-saint in the flood wilderness, and also the top five quasi-saint in terms of strength!

However, the Styx fell in front, and they were really afraid!

Kunpeng smiled and said, “After all, the poor road has experienced the Lich Tribulation, and the power of the Sect Intercept wants to let me fall… It’s still a little bit hot! ”

He has said it all, what else can the saints say?

Zhun Ti arched his hand and seriously instructed: “Daoist, I wish the banner a victory!” ”

Kunpeng nodded.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from his Yuanshen Zhun Ti, “Daoist, don’t be stubborn, if something goes wrong, save your life first!” ”

Kunpeng’s heart warmed, no matter how Jun Ti forced him in, but he was absolutely willing to fight for the Western Sect!

“Western teaching Kunpeng, ask for the tricks of intercepting Taoist friends!”

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