Mong Kok.

Dozens of vans sped down the road with full throttle, rampage.

More than two dozen locomotives followed.

In front of the nightclub.

More than twenty younger brothers fell in pools of blood and wailed.

Chen Yaozu walked in with a gloomy face, and the inside was even more smashed.

One by one, the little brothers were lying on the ground covered in blood.

“Yao: Brother Yao..”

A little brother with a bloody face struggled to stand up.

“Brother Monkey: He was hacked to death by someone ..”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Chen Yaozu’s eyes, and he held his shaky little brother and said in a deep voice: “Who did it!” ”

“Yes: It’s the prince of Hongtai and the cross-bake of Heliansheng..”

“Our five farms in Mong Kok were all swept away, and Brother Monkey received a message and brought us over to help..”

“Met their ambush ..”

Chen Yaozu took a deep breath and helped his younger brother to sit down.

“What about the ambulance!”

“Already on the way!” Ali said in a deep voice.

Ah Hu ran in from outside: “Brother Yao, the strip is here!” ”

“The police station is doing business, let me get out of the way!”

“Don’t get out of the way, bring it all back for tea!”

Outside the nightclub, the little brother in a suit of more than three hundred looked at the strip in front of him expressionlessly, and had no idea of giving way.

Dozens of people outside were immediately blinded when they saw this.

They are not moving now, nor are they not moving.

But in front of the reporters around who have already received the news, if they really do nothing, they will definitely not be able to run a headline tomorrow.

“Rush in!” The leading strip gritted his teeth, pulled out his pistol and said.

At this moment, the black-pressed human wall separated.

Chen Yaozu walked over expressionlessly.

Tiao Zi quickly stopped his subordinates, and looked at Chen Yaozu who slowly walked over with a somewhat solemn face.

“Closed today, closed for business!”

The strip said in a deep voice: “We have received a report, there is a community fight!” ”

Chen Yaozu said expressionlessly: “Nothing happened here, you can go back!” ”

Tiao Zi said coldly: “Blood Hand Yao, don’t think I don’t know you!” ”

“Whether something happens or not is not up to you, you are also one of the main suspects, get out of the way immediately, otherwise I will handcuff you now!”

Chen Yaozu Yangtian took a deep breath, the cold light in his eyes became heavier and heavier, and said word by word: “I’m in a very bad mood now, don’t mess with me!” ”

Tiao Zi smiled angrily: “I’ll go back to the police station in a while, and when you are calm, bring it back!” ”

Chen Yaozu nodded, raised his hand and directly pumped it over.

Shouted loudly: “Zhuo Nima, let you get out, can’t understand people?” ”

Everyone was confused by Chen Yaozu’s sudden outburst, followed by a tingling of the scalp.

When people are beaten on the street, they are still beaten, and most importantly, there are so many journalists next to them.

What’s that: Blew up

The subordinates behind the strip reacted immediately, and they were about to raise their guns with a frightened look.

But Ali reacted faster than them, rushed directly over, and subdued everyone on the spot in minutes.

The reporters next to them were all experienced and knew that it was time for them to run.

But their movements were fast, and Chen Yaozu’s movements were faster.

Behind these reporters, I don’t know when there were already hundreds of horse boys with dragons and tigers, just watching them quietly.

Chen Yaozu said expressionlessly: “Give me all the camera and rubber ring!” ”

“Ask which newspaper they are from, and their home addresses!”

“If I see a little news in the newspaper tomorrow, I will visit them one by one!”

Then he bent down and grabbed the sheriff by the neck and pulled him up.

“Don’t you want to go in? Go, I’ll take you in! ”

Saying that, he dragged the strip whose face was swollen into a pig’s head and dragged it into the smashed nightclub.

Throwing the strip on the ground, Chen Yaozu squatted down, raised his hand and slapped the other party’s face: “Look, don’t you want to come in and see?” ”

“Show me!!”

After entering the nightclub, Ali and the others no longer concealed it, and directly drew shotguns and desert eagles from their bodies.

Faced with dozens of swarthy muzzles, all the strips fell silent.

Silently hold your head and squat.

“See clearly?”

“Are all the dead and injured my people, arrest me?”

“Did you eat?”

“Chen Yaozu, if you dare to move us, you will also have to die!” Tiao Zi gritted his teeth and said, he didn’t expect that Chen Yaozu would dare to do it on the street.

It is said that Hong Xing’s Liangkun is a neuropathy, so Chen Yaozu is a madman. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chen Yaozu sneered: “You really reminded me.” ”

“Ali, take the camera, the more the better!”

Just now, the equipment of many reporters was captured, and it was very complete, and in less than a minute, Ah Li ran over with a dozen younger brothers and a dozen cameras.

“What do you want to do?” A bad premonition rose in the sliver’s heart.

“Compared to the title of Blood Hand Yao Quick Dao Yao, I prefer to be called a master of photography!” Chen Yaozu had a smile on his face.

Saying that, he took out a thick wad of Hong Kong dollars from his pocket and patted his hand on the sliver.

Ah Li and others next to him pressed the shutter in real time.

After filming, Chen Yaozu took the money back and handed it to Ali: “Just like me, take a picture of all Asir!” ”

“Then the old rule, go upstairs and take a few more pictures of the restricted points.”

Ah Li understood in an instant, after all, he had already done it once last time.

“But what if they don’t cooperate?”

After all, this time is different from the last time, there is no handle.

Chen Yaozu scolded angrily: “If you still come out to mix, won’t you be drugged?” Buy me a few boxes of firewood and come back! ”

Tiaozi’s face changed drastically, and then said coldly: “Chen Yaozu, do you think I will commit it in this way?” You’re mistaken about me! ”

“You have the ability to kill me, I especially respect you as a man!”

Chen Yaozu raised his eyebrows when he heard this: “Kill you? It’s too easy to kill you! ”

“But I don’t want you to die that simple!”

“Ah Hu!” Chen Yaozu opened his mouth and shouted.

Ah Hu walked over, opened the leather bag in his hand, and threw it directly at the foot of the sliver.

A stack of Hong Kong dollars tumbled out.

Chen Yaozu lit a cigarette and said faintly: “‘There are 500,000 here, with a little cooperation, after taking the photo, everyone has a share!'” ”

“If you are bent on death, I have no problem, but what about your men? You don’t ask their opinion? Do they want to die? ”

“Even if you are all tough guys, you would rather die than yield!”

“There are so many people here, any one of them can apologize for me and die for me!”

“I do!!”


As soon as Chen Yaozu’s voice fell, everyone said in unison, while pulling the bolt.

The surging murderous aura shocked, and all the strips’ faces turned white in an instant.

One by one, they looked at their leaders in horror, afraid that he would make some unwise decision.

Where are these people still dwarf mules, they are clearly a group of living bandits.

The leader of the strip looked at this scene, and his face changed.

Look at the terrified and pleading gazes of his men.

The heart is full of humiliation.

He knew that he had completely lost, Chen Yaozu was right, all of them were his people here, even if they all died here, Chen Yaozu could find some people to apologize for him at will. (Nord good)

Chen Yaozu looked at the other party’s expression, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Walked over and patted the other party’s swollen face: “The one who knows the time is Junjie!” ”

“Ah Hu, take them upstairs to run errands!”

After saying that, he walked out, and after solving the matter of the sliver, now it’s time for revenge.

Ambulances arrived as scheduled.

Watching the wailing little brothers being carried on a stretcher, and one by one covered with a white cloth, Chen Yaozu’s face was expressionless, and the killing intent in his heart was monstrous.

These little brothers are not those anti-bone boys with black hair, it doesn’t matter if they die, they are truly tested.

There is also the skinny monkey, who has followed his little brother since the beginning.

“Brother Yao, Brother Kun heard that something happened on your side, let me gather my brother to help with it!”

Silly Qiang got out of a van, but was stopped by Chen Yaozu’s younger brothers, and Silly Qiang shouted.

As he spoke, he pointed to the van convoy behind him.

“Huh..” A sneer rose on Chen Yaozu’s face.

Liang Kun, I haven’t looked for him yet, but he sent it to the door himself.

Mong Kok is the base camp of Liang Kun, the strips are coming, Liang Kun received the news so late?

Are you fooling the ghost?.

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