As the saying goes, don't do it in vain.

This morning was too hurried, and after cutting people quickly, they slipped away directly, and there was no time to take money.

And now, as the boss's eye, he actually ran directly to Causeway Bay to negotiate with Chen Haonan and them,

this is really an opportunity not to come again!

More than twenty people in Hula smashed the contents as soon as they entered the store, and no one stopped them at all.

Because most of the dwarf mules and blue lanterns have already been cut into the courtyard by Wei Chen and others.

And the remaining more than a hundred people, it is estimated that eye poop also brought to Causeway Bay, as the capital of the showdown!

"Brothers, don't be in a hurry, act separately."

Wei Chen took a cigarette and shouted: "A group of people went to smash the store for me, and then the remaining group of people, let me go to the account room to grab money, and everyone divided it equally afterwards!" Hearing

this, the fat pig's fat face instantly radiated.

Without saying a word, he directly took seven or eight people to hotels, dance halls and other places in batches to load money.

In fact, to put it bluntly, come out to fight and fight to death, want to be famous and want to be in the position, the ultimate goal is money after all!

Which one doesn't want to achieve fame, reach the pinnacle of life, and then retire to become a winner in life?

Without exception, whether it is a dwarf mule or a quack, it is the same....

Time passed slowly, and five minutes later, several shops with eye, after Wei Chen and people smashed back and forth, were already completely devastated and a mess!

"Brother Chen, what else do we need to do now, or do we just drive away?"

Ah Si took a cigarette and looked at the dance hall in front of him, where the walls were pierced through several holes, and asked in a low voice.

Wei Chen touched a cigarette and lit it, and smiled: "It's not urgent, now there is no one to help for five minutes, it already shows that this guy in the eyes, I didn't think that we would come to kill a horse gun!"

"So, we still have some time."

Saying that, he pointed to the trunk of the van, "I was ready this morning, everything is ready only owes the east wind, now... That's when the wind comes! Hearing

this, Ah Si was stunned for a moment, and then he took a few people to open the trunk of several vans....

After seeing what was inside, all of them gasped, and said in their hearts that they really didn't let people live....

Because, the trunk is full, full of large cans of white gasoline!


Wan Chai District, Causeway Bay.

"Big Brother B, I'm calling you Big Brother B today to give you face, don't be ignorant!"

"I give you face, you should also give me back, and you are protecting your own people now, what do you mean!?"

On the second floor box of the night ballroom, the big horse sat on the sofa.

He yelled at the big B brother who had just come in, as if he was not in his eyes at all.

Big Brother B slowly closed the door, his face gloomy: "Eye, you came today to give me face, I also know such a thing, but..." Halfway

through the words, he slowly sat on the sofa facing eye, and said sarcastically, "But can you use your brain to think about it, if Ho Nan wants to move you,

what is his motive?" Why move you? Is it for the horses? Money? Or face?

Big Brother B's words came out, his eyes were suddenly speechless, he opened his mouth, what because he didn't say it.

At first, he heard his little brother say that it was Chen Haonan who smashed his shop, but in the end, he was too angry to find out at all....

A moment later, Eye Shi still shouted, "Then after that gang of people smashed my shop, why would they report the names of your subordinates, and if they don't know each other, why would they know Chen Haonan's name!?" Hearing

this, Big Brother B was also speechless.

Damn, such a simple sound of east and west, the tiger does not know when it leaves the mountain, but you are still the boss in Saigon!

As early as half an hour ago, Chen Haonan had already told him about the matter in Saigon.

Big Brother B also unconditionally believes in Chen Haonan, after all, he has brought it for so many years like his own son.

What personality and temper, how could he, the boss, not know?

However, Big Brother B did not panic at all, even if the eye brought more than a hundred and two hundred little brothers, but it was so many people who survived.

And in Wan Chai in Causeway Bay, he is a big B, but he is the real head snake!

Big Brother B took a deep breath, or patiently explained, "Eye, have you ever thought that this is someone else deliberately throwing the pot on Haonan, wanting you to come to Haonan's trouble, so as to move the tiger away from the mountain, and want to completely occupy your field territory..."

But a little brother suddenly rushed outside the door, and it made his scalp numb!

Because, this little brother was left in Saigon, and he is now covered in blood and has a broken hand!

"Boss, I made so many calls tonight, why didn't you answer it?"

The younger brother was almost crying in frustration, "Our field in Saigon was smashed, or the group of people this morning, now even the money has been taken out by them...!" "

What!?" The eye immediately exploded, shouting, "Hurry up, immediately tell the little brother below to go back to Saigon first, I will arrive later!" The

little brother next to him also knew about the emergency, nodded, and immediately rushed down.

The eye before thought that Big B brother was behind the ghost, so he had already called all the little brothers to Causeway Bay....

Big Brother B, who was smoking a cigarette next to him, looked at the thunderous eye, forcefully held back his laughter, and tried not to let himself laugh out loud.

The heart said, this is really a second arm!

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