Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 210 The new version of the ship’s prank kiss

October 28, Qingshi.

As the school bell rang, a group of teenagers rushed out of the school and headed to the Wanjia Supermarket branch in groups.

After arriving at the place, a dozen teenagers rushed into the employee home library on the fourth floor and started writing homework. But as they were writing, someone asked strangely, "Where is Hiroko? Why is there no one there?"

After the others took a few glances, they suddenly screamed, "Where else can we go? I must have gone to sing and dance again. How can our dance king be idle?"

Another person shouted, "Dancing? Didn't he go to the movies? Jurassic Park is so good, I will watch it again after finishing today's homework!"

The boy who was the first to speak glanced around and said, "Let's finish our homework quickly. I'm still waiting to watch the video tape after I finish. I finally got the opportunity to study at home in the evening, so I can't waste it."

A group of teenagers nodded and started working hard on their homework books.

It is the trend of the times for middle school students to study by themselves in the morning and evening. They are not academic masters like Gao Xiaoge in Beijing. If they don’t study by themselves, they can just chat with the teacher casually.

This was after Wanjia opened in Qingshi. Several parents who were lucky enough to work in Wanjia talked directly with the teachers... and then they came up with the opportunity to study and do homework at Wanjia during the evening self-study.

Everyone still cherishes it.

Wanjia is not only warm in winter and cool in summer, but the environment for doing homework is more comfortable here, and there is electricity all day long. Even Qingshi is a big city, but occasionally some primary and secondary schools require students to bring their own candles to study in the morning and evening, which is not uncommon. .

After all, this is only 1987.

As for the Dance King Hiroko they are talking about, that is the little friend who sneaked in.

While the teenagers were struggling to occupy a corner of the library, 13-year-old Huang Bo ran in grabbing a poster and said, "Wow, there's a new movie coming soon. I can't wait to see it."

"Is this starring Stephen Chow? Last year's movie (The Greatest Movie) made me laugh to death, and (A Chinese Ghost Story 3) (Eight Star Announcement), all the movies this guy starred in were so funny, they made me laugh to death."

Under his words, a group of teenagers were in a trance. They were no longer in a hurry to write their homework, but came over excitedly, "Zhou Xingxing from Variety Star Lord? Indeed, that guy is super funny. What is the new movie? Shaolin Football."

"Wow, so many stars!"

The Variety Star has not been shown on the big screen in the mainland, but the video tapes... What kind of video tapes are not in the video hall in the Wanjia Staff Home area?

After finishing homework every day, or teenagers on vacation, one of the favorite areas is the video room. After all, all projects in the Staff House are free of charge.

Several teenagers gathered around the poster to watch. On it was a poster of the star star, Wu Mengda, Chen Baixiang, Wu Yaohan, Huang Baiming and other senior brothers wearing monk-style jerseys, with a bald Li Lizhen as the heroine.

The poster reveals Shaolin Football, which will be released across the board on November 10th.

After watching it, a certain friend was speechless, "Today is only the 28th, and it will be released more than ten days later. Hiroko, aren't you just teasing us?"

Another friend ruffled Huang Bo's hair and said, "Fuck, I'm addicted. I won't be able to watch it for more than ten days. Brothers, beat him!"

Huang Bo was anxious, hiding and shouting, "Don't fight, or when I become a big star one day, I won't help you get autographs..."

A group of teenagers were having fun when an adult arrived.

The scene was quiet and restrained.

It was not until they were scolded that the teenagers began to quietly do their homework again. Two hours later, after completing their homework and self-study, the crowd went to buy tickets and watch Jurassic Park again.

Even though it was not the first time for them to watch it, after watching Jurassic again, the teenagers still looked dreamy and dreamy after watching it. They seemed to be yearning for the kind of world in the movie and were once again shocked by the big special effects movie. unable to say anything.

When the crowd dispersed, everyone was going back to their homes on bicycles.

Huang Bocai suddenly said, "When I grow up one day, I will definitely go to Jurassic Park to play. I heard that the park on Hong Kong Island is super fun."

A group of friends nodded and agreed.

Teenage years are a really exciting time, full of fantasy.


It’s a new day and the sun is shining in Tsim Sha Tsui.

As soon as Zhao Donghuai sat in the office, Zhang Min came over excitedly, "Boss, Jurassic Park has been released in mainland China for a month, and the total box office is 46 million!"

Director Zhao laughed, "Just wait for two days. Now the box office is basically over 2 million a day. In two days it will exceed 50 million. There will be a large celebration banquet. Then I will appear in person."

Zhang Min was slightly surprised, "Are you hosting it yourself? That's big news."

With the development of Zhao Films, major movies that have taken the world by storm have often held celebration banquets. However, in the past, Zhao Donghuai personally hosted only a handful of them.

Generally, if a film is directed by him, the deputy director will be in charge. If it is a film produced by a subsidiary, the bosses of the subsidiary will be in charge.

After all, this is no longer the era when he just finished directing New World and was just booming in the film industry.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "The mainland box office has exceeded 50 million. This has a different meaning. Detailed statistical data can be obtained, and the box office can be recorded in the company's account. In addition, Jurassic Park will not be without profits in the next one or two months."

The earliest Jurassic Park, located in areas such as Jingshangyang, Shancheng, and the provincial capitals of Jinmen, Jiabianliang, and Qingshi, was a big box office hit in the first month. Audiences in many places watched it more than once.

Not to mention watching it twice or three times, there are quite a few who read it four or five times.

But as Wanjia branches open into ordinary prefecture-level cities? That's a brand new box office power. The revenue of a big movie is more than the sum of the provinces, stars, horses, and Thais combined. What this releases to the outside world is a new bomb-level appeal.

While we are waiting for blockbusters such as "Shaolin Football", "Ip Man 2", and "Tang Bo Hu Dian Qiu Xiang" to start one by one, the mainland's box office giant has risen ahead of schedule. As long as you are in the film and television industry, you will inevitably pay attention to it.

At least before the emergence of epoch-making technological products such as VCD and DVD, and before piracy was so rampant and volume-prone, no film and television practitioner could ignore it.

His appearance at the celebration banquet was a manifestation of releasing such good news to the outside world.

October 31, Double Ninth Festival.

During Zhao Donghuai's short selling of the Nikkei Index, various principals and profits began to be settled one after another, and he withdrew from Tokyo.

A certain city in Black Mexico.

When Ichiro Kagawa, who was in his fifties, woke up, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He remembered that before he fell into coma, he was trying to have a deep communication with a 19-year-old blond man?

But what about taking a bath and falling into a coma? What I saw at the last moment was the ferocious sneer of the Ocean Horse. Was he being plotted? ?

Ever since his younger brother was killed by a Hong Kong bad boy named Che Shenbiao, the entire Kagawa family has been holding back their anger and wanting to make something big happen. However, before the big thing happened, in the previous week, almost every important member of the family had I frequently received cordial greetings from the big brother and key members of Hong Kong Haowan.

Ichiro Kagawa was greeted twice. Once when he just left the building, he was splashed with rice fields, and once he was hit by a car bomb...

Kagawa Ichiro decisively ran away to Los Angeles in North America.

Wasn't it someone who hunted for beauty in Luo City before?

When he sat up to check the situation, there was nothing wrong with his body. Kagawa Ichiro breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly wanted to get out of this messy and dirty small room when the door opened.

While Xiangchuan was alert, two white people walked in. The leader, the brown-haired middle-aged man, smiled and said, "Xiangchuan-san, how about noon."

Kagawa's face darkened, "Who are you? I am the vice president of Toshiba Corporation. Do you understand the meaning and subsequent impact of touching me??"

The brown-haired middle-aged man smiled and took out his ID, "I am the CIA. Now I suspect that Kagawa-san and Heishige are connected with a drug lord group. You are entering the country this time to help the other party transport fans, right? Kagawa-san, if you don't give I'll give you an explanation to prove my innocence..."

"Then it will be difficult for you to leave safely here in Brother Heixi."

Kagawa Ichiro's face turned even darker, and his body was shaking for a while. He was shivering so much. Damn it, God helped the black Mexican drug lord transport powder. How much money can he make just by transporting powder? He is one of the dignified vice-presidents of Toshiba Corporation. What kind of fans do he need to make money? ?

How much alcohol do you have to drink before you think drug lords make more money than Toshiba does from running the White Road business?

When Kagawa was trembling all over and feeling cold in his heart, another white man walked over and said with a chuckle, "I am Paul, Kagawa-san. Aren't you my partner in transporting fans from Black West to Los Angeles?"

"Although there was no evidence before, we can create evidence..."

Kagawa Ichiro stared at the guy who called himself Paul with his mouth open. This is so outrageous!

Paul smiled wildly, "When the Commander arrests us and puts us in jail together, I will take care of you."

Xiangchuan collapsed, "Stop, what do you want?"

He was hiding from the lawless Hong Kong Haowan brothers and the backbone group in Tokyo, so he ran to California to avoid the limelight. In just a few days, he was about to be arrested by the CIA together with the Mexican drug lord Black?

Wait for the evidence to be produced and handle the case!

That would be the end of the ball.

The brown-haired middle-aged man looked at his watch and said, "Paul, prepare the evidence first, and then we can talk about things after you've done it. Kagawa-san can't calm down now."

After that he left.

After half a day, he returned to the dirty and messy little room and said, "Kagawa-san, have you calmed down?"

Kagawa Ichiro smiled bitterly and nodded.

The brown-haired middle-aged man smoked a cigarette and said, "Just calm down. In fact, Zhao Sheng has told you more than once that some things are accidents. It's better not to do the little tricks that the Kagawa family plans to do."

"You can't avoid the gangster gangsters in Tokyo, and it's the same in A-mei..."

Xiangchuan was confused and collapsed, "You, a great commander, actually helped someone named Zhao??"

You are a great white man, and you are still a big shot in the CIA. The commander in charge of black Mexican affairs is not too far away from the position of director of a country, right? What the hell...

The brown-haired middle-aged man flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said, "Only you and I know about this matter now. Do you understand? If I can't get better, then neither will you, Mr. Xiangchuan. Don't forget the evidence of your luck."

Kagawa Ichiro, "..."

What a great guy!

The smile of the brown-haired middle-aged man remained unchanged, "I am still kind. If it were someone else, maybe when you woke up in front of Xiangchuan, your liver and kidneys were already missing. Even if you can escape Brother Heishi, you will still be a missing person."

Ichiro Kagawa really wanted to cry to death. The man named Zhao could obviously destroy his humanity, but he chose such a friendly and approachable way of communication. It was so respectable.


As November approaches, the global promotion of (Shaolin Football) is becoming more and more intense, but Zhao Donghuai has held a celebration party for (Jurassic Park) after the mainland box office exceeded 50 million.

So I took Chen Hong and Li Jiaxin to Pengcheng.

The main reason is that after the stock market crash, the opportunity to make huge profits was over, and the factories that the two wanted to open in the mainland were able to be built. Ahong's (Oriental) luxury lipstick and cosmetics factory was headquartered in Gan Province, where her parents helped The procedures for running are complete.

This is the branch factory in Pengcheng.

Ah Xin's (Five Thousand Years) series of luxury women's bags and men's wallets factory plans to open its main factory in Pengcheng.

The site selection and construction of the factory, as well as the large-scale recruitment of workers, etc., are all done by professional managers. There are too many strong beer, Jianlibao, black tea and green tea in this area, including the Hantianxia branch.

Just follow the previous process and find a good address to set up a factory.

It sounds simple, but in fact, there is still a lot to do. It is the first time for the two women to get involved in this kind of business affairs. Zhao Donghuai has nothing to do for the time being, so he will take them to familiarize themselves with the process.

Walking among the pre-selected factory land that has not yet been built, Zhao Donghuai explained with a smile, "When the factory is established and makes a big profit, you can come and take a look occasionally and get familiar with it."

"The most important things for this kind of factory are finance, personnel, and quality inspection. The rest is just sitting around waiting to make a fortune..."

"Relatively speaking, you, Sister Hong, have it easy. She helped the folks in Gan Province earn one to two hundred million dollars in foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market. There are so many professionals in my hometown who want to return the favor to her. They didn't have the chance before, but now the opportunity has come. Well, there were too many people who took the initiative to help her get it done properly."

"Axin, just follow Ahong and learn from now on."

Li Jiaxin smiled and nodded, and also went to flatter Chen Hong. After all, once this was done, it would be a huge river of cash. When she was engaged in luxury women's bags, she was chasing Hermès, Louis Vuitton, etc., and those big brands were Make more money, you know everything.

Chen Hong also smiled brightly, "Then when I produce (Prank Kiss), I will have to advertise more heavily for Oriental's lipstick and makeup products... I feel like I can't wait to film an idol drama. The better the filming, the better. This brand can be made more eye-catching."

It has been almost 20 days since she got the script. The team of gunmen she recruited has almost adapted the story. Once the adaptation is completed, it will be published and made into a TV series like "My Love from the Star".

There are some kissing scenes in Prank Kiss, and a high-quality female star should be chosen to portray them.

With you (star) in front of you, Wang Zuxian became a top-notch star thanks to a TV series. Naturally, the appeal of the Naughty Kiss project team will not be bad.

At this stage, ATV's major idol dramas are of high quality and have gained a reputation across East and Southeast Asia.

Thinking of this, Chen Hong smiled and said, "Boss, I feel that the main female characters in (Prank Kiss) have good personalities. Even the heroine's love rival, the second and third female characters are all very good."

"If this performance is completed, we can almost support three female stars at once. Of course, the female lead will be the most popular!"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Then you have someone to choose?"

Chen Hong nodded, "The first female lead is Weng Hong? I have a pretty good relationship with her. Apart from Gong Li, among the many actresses who joined the film and television industry in 1984, she has the best relationship with me, right? The second female lead is Zhu Yin? I heard that Jiaxin and Yinyin have a good relationship."

"The third female, Chen Farong?"

Weng Hong made her debut by participating in ATV (Selected Modern Diao Chan) in 1984. She entered the circle as a citizen, as did Chen Farong, Ye Yuqing, etc. After these players finished, they basically signed up for the ATV training class.

They have been classmates with F4, Zhou Haimei, etc. for a year and a half. During that period, although Chen Hong and Gong Li accepted the learning model of one-on-one tutoring and guidance by professionals, they would also go to training classes every now and then to take courses.

After all, class mode and one-on-one play are a different experience.

It is said that Guan Jiahui discovered Li Zhi, a little girl who was a follower and a long-term medicine maker, and Li Zhi often took classes in the training class.

It has been three years, but F4 and Zhou Haimei are still the strongest among those who have succeeded. Those who have not succeeded are still playing small roles in various crews.

Chen Hong can play well with Weng Hong. It can only be said that we both grew up in the mainland and have many common topics. Weng Hong was born in Hong Kong, but her parents are teachers at Tsinghua University and she lived and grew up in the capital.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "Okay, you can decide your project yourself. I remember Weng Hong played the female villain in A Chinese Ghost Story 3, and her acting skills were okay..."

In A Chinese Story 3, A-Hong also replaced Li Zhi in the original version as the female ghost who deceives scholars on board ships. I can only say that her performance was no worse than Li Zhi's version.

At this stage, she is Xiaohong, who can make the audience recognize her as a celebrity when they find her on the street. It is impossible to call her by a specific name.

As long as the actress doesn't mind doing kissing scenes on the small screen, it won't be difficult for her to become a hit with her current acting skills.

Now 19-year-old Weng Hong, if you ask her to play the role of a student, it will be a true performance. On the contrary, Zhu Yin, who is only 16 years old, is a bit too young to play a female college student who likes the male protagonist in college.

However, in the setting, Zhu Yin, the second female lead, is the daughter of a wealthy family, and she is the main sales force in promoting high-end brand lipsticks and luxury women's bags.

These little things can be easily done during the tour and factory construction.

However, Zhao Donghuai still didn't expect that on the 3rd, when Chen Hong took out the main creative lineup list with great enthusiasm, he was given a little surprise.

Weng Hong, Zhu Yin, and Chen Farong were chosen as the female leads, which was normal. The candidate for the male lead was Liu Yijun, who is 17 years old this year and was admitted to the Asian Opera Class of 1987 in June.

Zhang Cheng in Beginning? The big liar Lao Wang in Fox Hunt? Ning Guohou in Langya List?

If I remember correctly, this late-blooming actor in the original track also joined Nortel in 1987...but returned to Chang'an after graduation? ?

The 17-year-old Ajun can only say that he has good looks and figure. At 1.8 meters, he is no worse than the original actor.

Considered an important supporting role for the third male lead, the role of the heroine’s father is actually Li Youbin? The one who is "my idiot"? ?

Li Youbin is 29 years old this year. He plays the role of Weng Hong's father, a first-class chef who runs a restaurant in Hong Kong Island. It is not difficult to play the role of Weng Hong's father. Although the "memory" Li Yunlong is posted as the third male lead in an idol drama, the style of the painting feels a bit fragmented. .

But Director Zhao still affirmed the creative team, it was just a "little scare".

With the development of the times, the big crews of Three Kingdoms and Red Mansions are making crazy money, and actors from the mainland have also begun to flock to Hong Kong Island to look for opportunities. He had never thought before that he had been a North drifter for ten years in the 1980s and 1990s. "Jun Hou gave birth to Lao Li", in this era, he took his wife to Hong Kong to work as a drifter.

Lao Li is currently a newcomer to the film industry who has starred in two mainland movies. He has acted in dramas for many years. His wife also works in a drama theater. She is currently working in major movie studios in the mainland and does not have many projects.

He is also a family member... No, his eldest sister is a top-notch drama actor in the country. She has been in the industry for many years. If this old Li hadn't been too old, he would already be 29. You asked him to star in (Mischief Kiss) as the male lead, and his image is also not good. Will be worse than Liu Yijun.

If you think about it this way, mainland actors such as Wu Gang and Wang Jinsong are basically in their prime at this stage.

Wu Gang, Secretary Dakang, is currently a 25-year-old art student, one of the role models with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Who wasn't a handsome guy and a hottie when they were young? It's just that the talented actors in this era lacked opportunities in their original trajectory, and their years were wasted.

This time Chen Hong’s (prank kiss) was really...

Hong Kong's four kings, such as F4, have often appeared in idol dramas to make their debut. Now, the new generation of future handsome uncles from the mainland have begun to appear.

Even the younger brother of the male protagonist is also a child actor in the 86th episode of Asia Drama. The 11-year-old Lu Yi came to play the role.

Zhao Donghuai was still lamenting the lineup of this version (Prank Kiss). When the tone was decided, Chen Hong also gathered the relevant creative team. Mei Xiaoqing and Chen Musheng formed the team, and then copied the script to the starring actors, and then went back to prepare. .

Yes, at this stage, the novel adapted from the script has not yet been written and has not been printed and published, but after all, it is the script that came out first.

Don’t rush to start shooting, just let everyone go back and get a feel for it first!

There are still many newcomers who need to improve their acting skills. Even if Lu Yi is a child star trainee in the 1986 class, after studying for a year and a half, his acting skills are just like that.

Just returned to the dormitory.

Lu Yi couldn't wait to hug Liu Yijun's arm, "Brother Jun, you have to treat me. Treat me to McDonald's. I want a big meal."

Zhang Jiayi, who was in the same dormitory, was shocked and said, "Ajun, you really got the leading role? This is too..."

They were all admitted to the Asian Opera in the same year, and everyone only studied for five months. How could he, a fellow from Chang'an, get the male lead role?

Liu Yijun was so excited that he couldn't be more excited, "A treat, I'm treating you today, and no one in our dormitory group of four can be left out. If you want to eat, just ask. I won't take this month's salary."

Unlike the girls' dormitory, which usually has two rooms and one living room for two people, the boys' dormitory has two rooms and one living room for four people, with one room and one large bunk bed.

Lu Yi entered Asia Drama as a child actor last year, and his parents lived here with him for a year. This summer, they divided the dormitory and let a few older brothers take care of him.

This dormitory is composed of four people: Liu Yijun, Zhang Jiayi, Lu Yi and Hu Jun.

In the original track, except Lu Yi, the other three were admitted to Nortel or China Theater this year. At this stage, applying for Asia Theater is definitely the top priority. If you fail to pass, you can try Nortel China Theater.

Next year, Yaxi will change its enrollment to the college entrance examination system, just like high schools around the world. So so far, Yaxi has paid each candidate who passed the exam a monthly salary of HK$2,000.

These are still rules inherited from the training class era.

Studying here, the monthly salary is 2,000 Hong Kong dollars, 24,000 Hong Kong dollars a year? What kind of attraction does this have to many mainland candidates? Even the many colleges and universities in the Mainland currently do not charge tuition fees, and even provide salary subsidies for college students.

But with a monthly salary of HK$2,000 and a savings of two thousand yuan a year, this is not a level of attraction for high-quality students.

If you can be a part-timer, you will basically earn more.

Following Ajun's bold words, Hu Jun walked over with an envious look on his face, "Fuck, that's a big drama that competes with Meteor Garden and Blue Life and Death, a big idol drama. I don't think you are much more handsome than me?"

"Is this a golden pie falling from the sky? How much is your monthly salary..."

At this point, Brother Hu looked at Zhang Jiayi, "Xiao Zhang, how about we give him a good beating?"

The 19-year-old Hu is the oldest in this dormitory. They have lived and studied together for five months. His status as the eldest brother was originally very stable. Why did he let Xiao Liu overtake him in a corner?

Zhang Jiayi's eyes lit up, "This is possible. We can try it early before he becomes famous. He is still a young kid on the street."

Liu Yijun hurriedly said, "No, the original novel may not be published until the end of November, and the crew will not start filming before then. I still hope you can help me with more suggestions. If this performance is not good, I will not be able to lead it in the future." You two run the crew together."

"Xiaolu, you are my biological brother in the script...you can't betray me."

In the month or so before the start of the group, he really needed to ask for more advice and make up more lessons. Fortunately, Asia Opera has a good tradition. With big roles in preparation, he can always ask the teachers to work overtime.

Just like when Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz starred in Home Alone, they often had one-on-one tutoring sessions with teachers, and even had multiple one-on-one tutoring sessions to improve their acting skills.

This is also the main reason for releasing the script now.

At this point, Zhang Jiayi stopped joking, "Yeah, don't wait to start the group. You, the male lead, are beaten and suppressed by the female lead, the second female lead, and the third female lead. That is too embarrassing for us fellow Shaanxi Province fellows." face."

"Let's burn the midnight oil and study hard at night for the college entrance examination."


No matter how the TV series and publication of "Prank Kiss" are arranged, at this stage in November, the most important thing in terms of film and television is that the two movies "Shaolin Soccer" and "The Twilight Saga" will be released one after another.

Football premieres on the 10th, which is scheduled after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Twilight Zone is preparing to start on the 15th, and will first hit the North American market. Although in Asia, there should be no shortage of white people, banana people, and colonial groups to pursue it. This is a Mary Sue masterpiece.

But the (Twilight) series can only achieve box office miracles in Europe and the United States.

The 10th arrives as scheduled, when Shaolin Football is released in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Xing Zai, the king of comedy, has already shown his style and unique charm.

Almost countless people were laughed to their stomachs that day, eating popcorn and drinking Jianlibao or Tianfu Coke. From time to time, the laughter-inducing drinks of (Shaolin Football) were sprinkled all over the front row of the audience, and the popcorn buckets were smashed into the front row. Audience head, this is a common thing.

When its laugh-inducing power swept Hong Kong and Mainland China, Gai Ge became a big hit!

Brother Gai is a big villain, but he can't hold back his rich temperament, arrogance, domineering, evil spirit and arrogance, which is really enough.

In reality, even though Microsoft has been affected by the stock market crash, its market value has also dropped, but it is still a large company with a market value of four to five billion US dollars. Gai holds 20% of the shares and is the chairman!

This status puts him directly on par with Hong Kong's top tycoons, and even beyond the scope of Hong Kong. Currently, Brother Gai's net worth is indeed stronger than that of Li Zhaoji and Guo Bingxiang. The kind of business tycoon who comes to control Hong Kong The overlord of the island football industry?

It's very convincing in reality.

Even in North America, it was announced for more than ten days, and with the addition of gimmicks such as kung fu and big special effects movies, it also became popular. After all, Lin Zhengying, Liu Dehua, etc. can become popular by relying on new-style actions and special editing.

Shaolin Football's kung fu and special effects are not very lethal.

On the 10th, Hong Kong's Haowan grossed over 10 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office. In the Mainland, each theater had six theaters, three theaters for Shaolin Football, and three theaters for Jurassic Park. Although it was not as big as Jurassic Park at the end of September. scale, but at this stage, the total number of screening halls is larger.

Wanjia Branch has opened more branches and penetrated into more prefecture-level cities.

Overall, (Jurassic Park) still received more than 1.2 million box office on this day, and Shaolin Football more than 1.3 million.

It was the first night show in North America, and it also took in more than 2 million U.S. dollars at the box office.

The night time slot only shows 3 shows in a row, and 1,200 big screens can generate more than 2 million US dollars. It is definitely a blockbuster that can hit the box office of 60 to 70 million US dollars!

The island country’s box office was 150 million yen on the first day.

The facts are almost the same. Throughout the day on Sunday the 11th, the box office in North America was over 4 million dollars. The continuous total box office in Hong Kong exceeded 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and the box office in the mainland was over 1.3 million yuan.

The island country’s daily box office is close to 200 million yen, which is definitely a lot less than a blockbuster movie like Jurassic Park, directly less than 100 million yen in daily revenue. However, at this stage, the island country’s film market has begun to recover from the stock market crash. Still pretty wild.

This comedy blockbuster can be regarded as helping to break the ice of the global stock market crash. The laughter it brought helped many people to relieve their infinite depression.

This is definitely a record that Xing Zai could not achieve even in his original trajectory by relying on gambling saints and gambling heroes to become popular. Because with the addition of big markets like the mainland and North America, he directly has Ah Fa and Wan Ziliang. , Tan Yonglin and others are left behind, and they are catching up with the spirit of Liu Dehua, Lin Zhengying and others.

Some people began to call him Master Xing in private.

Li Lichi, a director, became famous because the guest appearance of the gentle scumbag Four Eyes was so brilliant!

I don’t know how many people laughed so hard at the wretched football captain on the big screen that they made their stomachs hurt.

When Xing Zai and the others appeared on an ATV program and continued to promote the movie, the program team arranged for him and Chen Baixiang to wear monk robes and sing a complete song (Shaolin Kung Fu is good). Even a program like this can increase the ratings. Soared to 80% plus.

It's like cheating.

Chen Baixiang was speechless. He had also debuted as a singer before. He and Principal Tan have been old friends for many years and good friends, but (good at Shaolin Kung Fu) can also become one of his masterpieces? It's so nonsensical.

The new week came on the 12th, and Xing Zai and Chen Baixiang went to South Korea and the island country to promote the album. Tam Yonglin supported A Le and took the initiative to hold a concert to promote the album. However, when Brother Le and Brother Xing sang together (Shaolin Kung Fu) (good), it still makes countless fans crazy.

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