"Yes, yes, yes."

Lu Yun and Wang Zuxian were talking in detail.

The female stars around them would look over here intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, they actually wanted to come over and have a chat with Lu Yun!

Maybe it would give them some opportunities.

However, because they were a little timid, they were still hesitating when Wang Zuxian got there first.

So, in their hearts, they were more or less jealous of Wang Zuxian.

But Wang Zuxian ignored them.

The first to strike is the strongest.

The last to strike will suffer.

Lu Yun talked to Wang Zuxian and understood what she meant.

It turned out that two years ago, Wang Zuxian, who was still a student, was spotted by someone from an advertising company and filmed a group of commercials.

This experience made Wang Zuxian fall in love with acting.

So, in the past two years, she entered an actor school to study.

She graduated recently.

See Qiankun Film Company It's so popular.

I just want to join in.

Lu Yun didn't say yes, nor did he say no.

It depends on whether Wang Zuxian can behave.

Wang Zuxian also understood.

Why would others help you for no reason?

She looked at Lu Yun, so handsome, he was willing to pay for it.

After the cocktail party, Wang Zuxian and Lu Yun entered a five-star hotel.

The huge water bed was very comfortable to sleep on.

Wang Zuxian didn't expect that she had just entered the society not long ago.

She gave her first time.

However, looking at such a handsome Brother Yun.

She felt very happy.

If she didn't do it, she would do it.

She also became more wild...

With the popularity of the Happy Ghost IP, it will definitely make more money if she continues to shoot.

And Lu Yun has already written the script for the third part,"Happy Ghost".

This is about a female ghost Xu Jiaojiao in the underworld. She has A very strong relationship.

Godfather Yama arranged for her to reincarnate into a good family.

But during the reincarnation process, Kang Sengui accidentally made her miss the time.

Then she hated Kang Sengui and planned to play a trick on him whenever she had the chance. In the past, the happy ghost played tricks on others.

Now it is the female ghost who plays tricks on Kang Sengui.

Even if Kang Sengui has superpowers, he cannot defeat the female ghost.

Fortunately, he called out his previous life.

The battle between the two ghosts is very interesting.

The power of the previous life is higher.

The victory was already certain.

But Xu Jiaojiao pretended to surrender, and then used scissors to sneak attack and cut off the braid of the previous life.

As a result, the power of the previous life was greatly lost. Xu Jiaojiao won the battle.

Kang Sengui's love and career were all gone.

Later, the previous life gave Kang Sengui an idea.

Xu Jiaojiao had never been in love in her previous life.

So let Kang Sengui pretend to pursue her.

To impress her.

As a result, Kang Sengui To outsiders, it seems like a psychopath who is talking to the air.

It is hilarious.

In the end, the two of them reconciled.

The process of Xu Jiaojiao rushing to reincarnate. Kang Sengui was desperate.

He had no restraint as a teacher at all.

He drove his car wildly on the street.

The police were chasing him.

He made a lot of jokes along the way.

In the end, he had no way to go.

Who knew that in the previous life, he had connected his braids, which made his magic power even greater.

He let their car drive on the vertical wall.

It was amazing.

In the end, Xu Jiaojiao was reincarnated smoothly.

This script is different from the previous happy ghosts playing tricks on students.

Most of the films are about female ghosts playing tricks on Kang Sengui.

Playing tricks on social brothers.

Jumping out of the campus.

There are more laughs.

There are also elements that attract box office such as car chase scenes on the street. It is a completely successful commercial film.

And the female ghost in the film is just right to be played by Wang Zuxian.

After all, Lu Yun, who has experienced his previous life, knows that

Wang Zuxian is very suitable to play a female ghost.

The female ghost she plays gives people a poetic and ethereal atmosphere.

People always think that maybe female ghosts should be like this.

Wang Zuxian is not averse to playing a ghost.

On the contrary, she thinks that the female ghost in this film is different from any previous ghost film.

In previous films, the female ghosts were either full of resentment and loved to kill. Or they fell in love with scholars.

But this one is completely different. Instead, they are naughty and cute, playing tricks on each other.

In fact, they are kind-hearted and cute ghosts.

She likes playing this role very much.

Yun Ge can write such a script.

It shows that Yun Ge must be a very interesting person.

After the director of this film, Du Qifeng, got the script. He was also attracted by this wonderful script.

After all, the happy ghosts in the first two parts were very successful.

He thought that the third part would be the same and continue that style.

However, when the movie is shot to the third part, it often suffers from box office fatigue due to aesthetic fatigue.

However, Yun Ge took a different approach.

The scenes in the campus of this part are greatly reduced.

The scenes of the hospital, the female ghost, and the hey society are increased.

The female ghost teases Kang Sengui, and the female ghost fights with Zhu Xiucai.

The female ghost punishes the hey society.

The hey society invites a magician.

Kang Sengui and the female ghost teamed up to fight against the society.

There were a lot of jokes in these mutual fights.

In the end, they drove wildly on the street, which was very thrilling.

Especially after they had nowhere to go, the car suddenly drove onto the building and drove leisurely on the wall.

It makes people feel comfortable.

The whole story is very exciting.

There are jokes, warmth, fighting, racing and other commercial elements.

It will definitely be a big hit in both box office and word of mouth.

0 ···Request flowers· ·

Du Qifeng was very surprised.

Brother Yun's talent as a screenwriter is really one layer after another, with no end at all.

In the villa, in the bedroom.

Selina crawled out of the bed.

It was really fun to rock for two hours just now.

At this time, she had to drink a glass of water to replenish her energy.

Lu Yun began to put on his clothes.

Because there is a mission tonight.

Not long after, Tian Yangsheng and others drove two cars to the downstairs of the villa.

Lu Yun and Selina put on their clothes and got in the car.

The car drove outside and disappeared into the night.

Deep in the mountains, Lao Huzai's warehouse.

A new beehive was made on a big tree on the mountain outside.

This is exactly the beehive made by Lu Yun's wasps.

Lao Huzai is a military partner.

And Lu Yun wants to engage in military partners.

Therefore, he has been sending animals here to monitor.

............. 0

The beehive hanging upside down on the branch is like a surveillance camera.

It keeps monitoring the warehouse.

Just today during the day.

Lu Yun found that Lao Hu Zai had bought another truckload of goods and put them in the warehouse.

They haven't been sold yet!

So, Lu Yun planned to take this batch of goods for himself.

By the way, he wanted to help Tian Yangsheng's seven brothers and sisters get revenge.

Lao Hu Zai's office.

He was on the phone

"Tiger boy, the goods have arrived!"

"Here we are, here we are, thank you, brother"

"Are the goods complete? Nothing is missing!"

"No, no, I just ordered it, everything is the same as on the list, nothing is missing"

"OK, you sell it well, and come back to me if you don't have enough."

""Okay, okay."

Tiger boy hung up the phone.

He was very happy. He felt comfortable when he had something in his hand. Tiger boy walked out with a red Wan in his mouth.

In the warehouse, some thugs were gambling.

They were having a great time.

Some were smoking.

"Hey, all of you, watch out. Don't be careless, understand?"

"What are you betting on? Take the things away from me!"

Tiger Boy ordered loudly.

""Okay, okay, boss."

The few of them did not dare to neglect and immediately began to pack up.

At this time, the younger brother at the warehouse door heard the sound of a car braking outside and asked:

"Boss, has the buyer arrived today?"

"Buyer? No one?"

Lao Huzi was very confused.

He didn't ask any buyers to come pick up the goods today?

Why was there a brake sound at the warehouse door?

"Go and have a look"

""Okay, Boss."

Several younger brothers came to the gate and just opened it.

They saw Tian Yangsheng holding a spray gun and pointing it at them.

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