Fish Island.

This is a deserted island.

However, there are abundant fish around the island.

Therefore, the neighboring provinces of Fuzhou and Taiwan.

During the fishing season, many fishing boats come here every day to fish.

Now it is not even daybreak! There are many fishing boats busy nearby.

On the sea, a warship from the Sakura Country is sailing

"Oh, life on the sea is so boring!"

""It's too monotonous to face the sky or the sea every day. It would be great if there were some pretty girls to play with us." said a sailor.

""Kameta-kun, stop daydreaming and play your cards quickly."

Suddenly, a man in an officer's uniform said seriously.

"Yes, yes, Major, I'll play my cards right away."

They were playing a kind of Sakura Country card game.

There were various patterns on the cards.

There were more than 30 crew members on their warship.

Most of them were doing nothing.

Some were sleeping on the bed, some were smoking, and some were playing cards.

Only a few people were arranged to observe outside.

""No, no! Major, we've spotted the enemy."

A patrolman trotted in and said,

"Well, isn't it just a Dragon Kingdom warship? Can't we just go around it? They can't catch up."

This place is close to the Dragon Kingdom's waters, and the major doesn't want to confront the Dragon Kingdom warship head-on.

"No, we encountered some Dragon Country fishing boats fishing near the coast of Yuer Island!" the patrolman reported.

"Baga Yalu! A bunch of unruly people! Everyone stand up! Go stop them!"

The major immediately stood up and said in high spirits


The Sakura soldiers were very happy.

It would be very difficult for them to fight against the Dragon warships.

However, if they were facing fishing boats, they would be very happy.

These fishermen had no weapons and could only be bullied by themselves.

Maybe they could even get some fish to eat.

The Sakura warships immediately headed towards Fish Island.

Soon, they arrived nearby.

"All fishermen, listen up! This is our country's waters. Please leave here immediately. Fishing is prohibited!"

"I say again, please leave here immediately, no fishing!"

"Otherwise, we might use force to suppress it!" said the major on the Sakura warship.

"What the hell are you talking about? This is clearly our country's waters, you are so shameless!"

"Damn it, Sakura devils, get out of here! You are embarrassing yourself by coming here!"

"Sakura devils, get out of our waters!"


The fishermen on each fishing boat started cursing at the people from the Sakura Country!

"Baga Yalu! Point the gun barrel over there¨々 !"

The major was furious.

If he was asked to order the artillery to fire, he would definitely not dare to do so.

However, if the gun barrels were pointed at these fishermen, it would definitely scare them.

After all, no one knew whether the devils from the Sakura Country would really fire.

If they did, people would definitely die.

Therefore, the cursing from the Dragon Country fishermen became less vocal.

However, there were still some sporadic curses.

The major from the Sakura Country shouted again:"Listen all fishermen! Hurry up!……"

The major was halfway through his speech when he suddenly felt the ship shake violently.

He almost fell down.

He quickly held onto the railing and said,"Bagayalu! What are you doing? Who the hell is firing? Why is the ship shaking suddenly?""

"I don't know! Major, we are all here. No one is messing around?"

The sailors looked at each other.

They almost fell down just now and had no idea what happened.

"Baka! If I knew you……"

As the Major was speaking, he suddenly felt someone holding him up and flying into the sky.

Upon closer inspection, he saw that it was a huge tentacle that grabbed him:

""Ah! Help!"

The major shouted, and was caught in the sea.

He saw a huge monster lurking under the ship.

It had a big eye, staring at him.

Soon, it opened its mouth with layers of huge teeth and swallowed him.

The major was terrified. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

On the deck.

The sailors saw the major being caught in the sea by huge tentacles, and they were all scared.

Some people ran around aimlessly.

Some people fled back to their beds in the dormitory.

He thought he was having a nightmare.

As long as he woke up, the nightmare would be over.

Only a small number of them were a little more sober.

Their legs were weak and trembling as they came to the cabin.

Drive the warship back.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they drove, it was useless. The huge Lowe sea monster was lurking at the bottom of the ship, and many large suction cups firmly sucked the bottom of the ship, and they couldn't get rid of it at all.

Moreover, it was long enough, It reached out to grab people to eat.

One by one, one by one.

Soon, all the Sakura sailors on the surface of the ship were in the belly of the Lowe sea monster.

The tentacles of the Lowe sea monster broke through the round window in the wall of the ship and reached into the cabin to fish people out.

Although some were fished out and eaten.

However, some Sakura sailors hid in the dark.

They used the guns in their hands to shoot at the tentacles of the Lowe sea monster.

The Lowe sea monster felt pain.

It was also angry.

It grabbed the warship and swam downstream.

The huge pulling force directly sank the warship.

Countless water flows poured into the cabin.

Finally, the whole ship was filled with water.

Some crew members escaped from the window in despair.

They wanted to escape far away.

But they found that there was a huge eye staring at him.

Then, a tentacle stretched out and grabbed his leg.

It pulled him into its mouth and ate him.

Soon, no one survived in the entire warship.

All were caught and eaten by the Lowe sea monster.

And the warship sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Oh my god! Am I seeing things? I just saw a giant monster pulling the Sakura Country warship into the sea!"

"You read it right, I saw it too! The monster ate all the people inside!"

"The people of Sakura Country got their comeuppance, they deserved it!"

"Do you think that after the monster eats them, it will come back to eat us?"

"Brother, you scare me when you say that!"

"To be on the safe side, let’s hide on the island!"


The fishermen stopped their boats and headed for Yuer Island.

They waited for a long time, but did not see the Lowei sea monster attacking them.

The Lowei sea monster continued to swim towards the direction of the Sakura Country.

"Ding, your Rottweiler increases its satiety by 1 point, and you gain 0.1 points of each attribute."

"` 々Ding, your Rottweiler increases its satiety by 1 point, and you gain 0.1 points of each attribute."

"Ding, your Rottweiler increases its satiety by 1 point, and you gain 0.1 points of each attribute."


A series of information popped up on the panel.

Lu Yun opened it and took a look.

This Rottweiler was quite efficient.

It ate the people on a small warship directly.

And they were people from Sakura Country, so everyone had a high degree of satiety.

In the blink of an eye, it added a point to each attribute for Lu Yun.

However, since the attribute points were obtained by the pet eating people, the upper limit of each attribute was only one point per day.

However, this also made Lu Yun very satisfied.

After all, every day, plus the attribute points added by the pet, you can reach two points.

One hundred days is two hundred points, which is very exaggerated and awesome.

In the past two days, Lu Yun, Chen Guilin and Feiji have been dealing with Qiu Xiaochi in Tiaobei.

And Jimmy, as well as the people from the VCD factory, have opened Wanying VCD flagship stores in Gaoxiong, Tiaozhong, Tiaonan and other cities.

Now the store has been renovated.

It has officially opened.

The residents of Wandao were also very confused at first.

Changing the movie market and innovating the technology of video disc players.

Wanying Company has uniquely launched 12-centimeter VCD discs.

Replaces the previous 30mm large plate, which is heavy, easy to break, and inconvenient to carry.


The advertisement was so attractive.

The residents of Wandao came in one after another to see what it was.

The people from Wanying VCD Company patiently explained to them that it was something more advanced than laser discs. It was faster, more convenient, and more compact, but it could do more than laser discs.

They explained and demonstrated at the same time.

The residents of Wandao felt that it was really like this, and they paid for it.

The original laser disc player was expensive.

Therefore, the selling price was generally around 10,000 yuan.

The VCD player is smaller and has a lower cost.

Therefore, it is very profitable to sell it for around 5,000 yuan. As a result, a large number of middle-class people who could not afford laser disc players before are now following the trend and buying VCD players.

In this way, when chatting with relatives and friends, they also have topics and capital.

Wanying VCD players suddenly became popular in most parts of Wandao.

Every day, there are crowds of people.

They are crowded with people who are listening to the introduction, paying, and queuing to pay.

These stores can sell 5,000 units every day.

At 5,000 yuan per unit, that would be 25 million yuan in profit.

Lu Yun was making a killing.

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