"Ah Xiang, Ah Xiang!"

At noon, when Zhou Chaoxian came back from outside, he brought Cui Miaoxiang a silk one-piece pajamas.

""Honey, what's wrong?"

Cui Miaoxiang came over from the bedroom and asked

"Look, I'm giving you a piece of clothing. Do you think it fits you?"

Zhou Chaoxian handed over the pajamas and said.

Cui Miaoxiang took the clothes and changed them in front of the mirror.

It fit her well.

But there were two small buns on her breasts, which made her feel a little shy.

"Honey, isn't this dress a bit too revealing?".

"What is open or not? You can wear it for me to see, but you don't have to wear it for others to see. It doesn't matter."

"Come, let me have some steamed buns."

Zhou Chaoxian waved his hand.

""Ah! No!" Cui Miaoxiang ran away with a smile.

Zhou Chaoxian chased after her.

Cui Miaoxiang fled to the bedroom.

She stumbled and fell to the ground.

Zhou Chaoxian rushed over and forcefully broke into her world.

In less than a minute,

Zhou Chaoxian was shaking with excitement.

"Ah, ah!"

Then, Zhou Chaoxian became quiet like a little baby.

"Boss, Master Song is here."

Outside the bedroom, Luo Sanpao's voice shouted

""Okay, I'll be right there."

Zhou Chaoxian stood up, put on a suit in front of the mirror, and put some gel on his hair.

He came to the living room.

"Old Song, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Zhou Chaoxian asked

""Um, well, I did some calculations yesterday and I feel like there's a number that's not right. I want to check with you."

Song Miaotian tried to hide his panic.

After all, he was doing things according to Lu Yun's instructions today.

"Did Minister Hou say anything? Don't worry, I'll give you 60 million."

"Ah Xiang, check the account and make a copy for Master Song to see."

Zhou Chaoxian ordered.

All the transactions between him and Minister Hou were handled by Master Song.

So, he naturally couldn't neglect it.

Cui Miaoxiang had already put on her clothes. She was no longer as unruly as she was in the boudoir.

Instead, she was dressed properly, a women's suit on the upper body and a knee-length skirt on the lower body, both white. She looked quite dignified.

She nodded like a good wife and said,"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Zhou Chaoxian's home was heavily guarded, so he was not worried that Master Song would do something bad:

"Come, have tea"

""Okay, okay."

Song Miaotian also took the teacup.

He drank it as if he was worried.

Zhou Chaoxian thought he had miscalculated the account and was a little worried.

So, he didn't care much.

The Zhou Mansion is very big.

Cui Miaoxiang was walking in the long corridor.

What she didn't know was that when she passed the porch, a spider had already landed on her shoulder and followed Cui Miaoxiang all the way.

Not long after, Cui Miaoxiang came to the room at the end of the corridor.

This was Cui Miaoxiang's important office.

She locked all her important information in it.

The room was locked with a combination lock. Cui Miaoxiang entered the password and went in.

There was a desk in the office, a copier in the corner, and a filing cabinet next to it.

There was a huge safe next to the cabinet.

Cui Miaoxiang came over, entered the password and opened the safe.

There was no cash in it.

It was all stacks of documents.

She opened a new folder.

Check the account.

There is nothing wrong with the number.

However, we still have to show it to Master Song, lest the other party say that there is a problem on our side.

Cui Miaoxiang took the document and printed a copy on the copier, then left the office.

The spider jumped down after Cui Miaoxiang entered the office.

Then it climbed to the ceiling.

Carefully watched Cui Miaoxiang enter the password.

Now that Cui Miaoxiang has gone out with the information.

The spider turned into a human form and jumped down.

Natasha fell from the ceiling.

Spread her legs and crawled on the ground.

Then she stood up.

She came to the safe and entered the password.

She put all the documents into the travel bag.

Then she opened the door and walked outside.

After coming down the stairs from the second floor.

There were some bodyguards in the lobby on the first floor.

They thought this woman was unfamiliar.

So a bodyguard came over and asked,"Who are you?" 「?"

"I am the new maid hired by the lady, and the lady asked me to take out some garbage."

Natasha replied

"When did you go up there? Why didn't I see you?" the bodyguard captain asked.

""I went up in the morning. You didn't see it because you were absent."

Natasha replied.

The bodyguard captain was skeptical.

He said to his younger brother:"Go check the surveillance."


The little brother was about to run to the monitoring room.

Natasha suddenly took out an M9 pistol and shot the captain of the bodyguards.

The little brother had not reacted yet and was shot dead by Natasha.

Zhou Chaoxian is the leader of the Songlin Gang.

There are a large number of bodyguards in the villa.

Now they heard the gunshots and immediately surrounded them.

Natasha knew that two fists could not beat a hundred hands.

She quickly fled in the direction of fewer people.

This was the escape route she had determined before.

She ran quickly and killed several bodyguards who wanted to intercept her on the way.

She came to the side of the walled courtyard and climbed over.

There was a motorcycle that had been prepared outside.

Natasha got on the car and drove away.

When Zhou Chaoxian heard the gunshots, he was very surprised at first. He quickly went into the bedroom and took out the gun.

Then he heard the gunshots getting farther and farther away from him.

He came to the railing and looked down.

More than a hundred bodyguards with guns surrounded in one direction.

However, the intruder still escaped.

"What the hell, what do you more than a hundred people do for a living?"

"We can't even catch one person."

Zhou Chaoxian cursed

"Sorry, Boss Zhou."

The bodyguard immediately admitted his mistake.

"What did she do when she came in?"

Zhou Chaoxian asked

""She came down from the second floor with a big bag on her back. Did she come to steal something?" the bodyguard replied.

Came down from the second floor?

Zhou Chaoxian was shocked.

He came to the office and opened the safe.

Sure enough, all the documents were gone.

It was over.

These documents recorded the transaction data between him and every upper level.

In the future, if the upper level wanted to cross the river and burn the bridge, he could have bargaining chips to negotiate.

Now it's all gone.

This office has always been very tight.

Why did someone sneak in suddenly?

Zhou Chaoxian looked at Song Miaotian fiercely.

"Lao Song, did you do this?"

"They forced me to do it, it has nothing to do with me."

Song Miaotian was frightened by Zhou Chaoxian's eyes and his legs went weak, and he waved his hands hurriedly!

"Who are they?"

Zhou Chaoxian asked with a frown.

"It's Lu Yun, it's Lu Yun!"

Song Miaotian was so scared that he blurted out everything.

"Lu Yun! It's you!"


Zhou Chaoxian shot several bullets into Song Miaotian's body in succession.

After he was sure that Song Miaotian was completely dead, he calmed down a little.

He thought again that it was Lu Yun.

The last time he sent assassins to kill him, they didn't succeed. It was so damn abominable!

What methods did his people use?

They got into his villa without anyone noticing?

You know, his villa is extremely heavily guarded.

More than a hundred people, all with guns.

Twenty-four hours, all-round patrol.

But he never thought, They were able to sneak in. It was too unbelievable.

How could Zhou Chaoxian have thought of it.

It was a spider sitting on the back of a crow and flying to the rooftop of his villa.

Then it hung a spider silk on the guardrail and came down.

When it reached the second floor, it climbed onto the ceiling.

It secretly observed his conversation with Song Miaotian.

At the right time, it jumped onto Cui Miaoxiang's shoulder and entered the secret office.

Zhou Chaoxian only knew that he had been doing business in Wandao for half his life. He also became the leader of Songlin Gang, one of the four major gangs.

Unexpectedly, it is also very dangerous now.

"` 々Ah Xiang, pack all the money in a box at home"

"Find 48 vehicles, including buses, trucks, and cars, to form a seemingly unrelated fleet"

"Load the money and weapons in the basement into the car"

"Wait for my order and be ready to leave the island at any time."

Zhou Chao knew it first.

No matter who got the information, if it was exposed, the government of Wandao would not ignore it.

He must prepare for it in advance (OK, Zhao).

However, before the full-scale war, he still wanted to make a final effort.

"Sanpao, come with me."

""Okay, Boss."

Lu Yun got the information and made several copies.

They were sent to the police station, the supervisory agency, and the media.

The police station.

Fang Guohui and his team have been trying to track Zhou Chaoxian's case.

Last night, a man named Song Miaodi came to report that he was detained for a long time by his brother Song Miaotian.

Moreover, his brother was suspected of sending things to his superiors through the temple on behalf of Zhou Chaoxian.

This is an important clue.

Fang Guohui immediately took people to Shanyuan Villa.

However, Song Miaotian was no longer found.

Now, Fang Guohui has issued a wanted order for Song Miaotian.

And he is still interrogating Song Miaodi to find more useful clues.

"Ah Hui, someone just sent an anonymous package, come and take a look."

An officer outside called out.

Fang Guohui came over to check immediately.

He was shocked.

This was the evidence he had been looking for!

Zhou Chaoxian's private document.

He knew the value of this document.

It can be said that if he took this document and sued Zhou Chaoxian, it was basically certain that Zhou Chaoxian was finished.

He quickly applied for an arrest warrant.

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